Are bulls and cucks really bi and gay men?

No they aren't the
You can call it what you want...
Bi , Tri or Gay. its the same "*******" <pun intended>
sexual contact between men.
No they aren't the same.

Bi = wants sex with both sex

Gay = only wants to have sex with there same sex

Why is it that when woman have sex with men and woman this is bi and it is a good thing? Yet when a man has sex with men and woman is bad and gay? Let's be consistent here. Let's not be biphobic or homophonic here. You don't want to have sex with a guy, cool. Yet don't put down people who do.
No they aren't the

No they aren't the same.

Bi = wants sex with both sex

Gay = only wants to have sex with there same sex

Why is it that when woman have sex with men and woman this is bi and it is a good thing? Yet when a man has sex with men and woman is bad and gay? Let's be consistent here. Let's not be biphobic or homophonic here. You don't want to have sex with a guy, cool. Yet don't put down people who do.
You have not seen me put anyone down. Sexual contact between men is homosexual contact. QED. I get your attempted distinction. Same ******* in my view; man penetrating man.
You have not seen me put anyone down. Sexual contact between men is homosexual contact. QED. I get your attempted distinction. Same ******* in my view; man penetrating man.
If you call me gay because I have sex with men and woman, then you are putting me down. I would say you are classic homophob and Biphob. I would recommend you look into the Kinsey scale. He found very few fall on 0 or 6. Most people fall between 1 and 5. I'm a 2, this means I'm far from Gay even though I do have sex with men. Stop being a bigget!

If you call me gay because I have sex with men and woman, then you are putting me down. I would say you are classic homophob and Biphob. I would recommend you look into the Kinsey scale. He found very few fall on 0 or 6. Most people fall between 1 and 5. I'm a 2, this means I'm far from Gay even though I do have sex with men. Stop being a bigget!

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Somebody gave you a scale and tells you who you are. I do not need a scale to define myself as heterosexual, I know I am because I have not attraction to men and have no inclination to share my sexuality with men and that is valid and good and true. good day :)
Seems this lifestyle is full of closet cases on both sides. It is one of the reasons that a lot of people in the real world thinks a Black man who exclusively dates and sex white women are trying to hide their bisexuality or gayness. I’m starting to believe that there is truth to this theory.

It’s quite obvious that cucks are at the very least bi-curious or purely gay in an arrangement with their female partner.

Lastly, guys who love being part of gangbangs screams bi or closet gay to me.

Depending from the angle you see it. I would agree cucks are latent gay. Completely hetero Black bulls would normally reject the participation of other men in the same room flat out. Gangbangers who put their cock where another male has been seconds ago.... not so sure. My ex wife's bull would never do me, no matter how many times she would ask him for it. He rather instructed her to peg me. Only after months she had been feminising me and I looked passable, he would do it. But then, I technically was emasculated since both had finally done me real good. I was not "gay" anymore. He kept his integrity: never touched or looked at my clitty.
In discussing being gay or bi or whatever, you may likewise ask what is the wife that pegs her husband? That'll help you sort out the question of the bull's integrity. The bull asserts his maleness and the cuck finally surrenders it. If he goes all sissy, he won't be gay anymore.
@Goliathc i love your perspective and value the experiences you have. I think the presence and even the idea of a Real man in the bedroom can bring forth so many feelings of submissive lesser masculinity in cuckold males, and this has strong potential to escalate further over time. Like even the potential date my girlfriend has set up, makes me feel so submissive and actually wanting to wear a cage, panties, and shave all my body hair. Why!? It is hard to explain, but i now associate more with her than I do with him. For me, a cuckold is closer to the woman than he is the Real man. Closer by way of sub feelings, sexual arousals, and that he posesses No sexual organs involved in the huge pleasure both She and the Bull experience. It is fascinating! And natural 😊
... For me, a cuckold is closer to the woman than he is the Real man. Closer by way of sub feelings, sexual arousals, and that he posesses No sexual organs involved in the huge pleasure both She and the Bull experience. It is fascinating! And natural 😊
That's too another take. I couldn't put it better. (y)
alpha men have been taken beta men every since man was put on this earth bi gay straight are all just labels use to get people to conform to how society wants us to act i just look at it as it is sex and if it feels good who really cares what it is called plus if a guy is dressed as a woman and wants to take a man's cock in him at that point he really is not a guy any more
Cucks yes are gay !! Bulls are not gay even if they do penetrate a submissive white boi or cuck as they are asserting their dominance over them, it’s not a sexual attraction for them but it def is a sexual attraction for the cuck

I think some times dominance can be displayed in homoerotic situations perhaps if you allow the cuck to lick your cum out of a female or from her tits or something like that. However, going balls deep in a "submissive white boi or cuck" is just gay sex.

If you tried it once due to the situation then sure I think everyone should be entitled to experiment but if you do it more than once to exert dominance--you are at the very least bi and possibly struggling with your homosexuality.
You have not seen me put anyone down. Sexual contact between men is homosexual contact. QED. I get your attempted distinction. Same ******* in my view; man penetrating man.
you're absolutely right. not sure why there's any confusion. men want nothing to do with another man sexually unless they're gay. it's cut and dry