Are there white bulls and Black cucks?

Honestly, you won't get a straight answer that will satisfy your curiosity, you will just have to accept whatever with a grain of salt. If you browse the forums and posts you will see that many are either delusional or in denial. I don't care what team people play for because I don't find myself in any of those scenarios such as gang bangs, trains, or where the hubby cleans me or even participates. You will see some try to justify or put some form of spin to either convince everyone else or more importantly, themselves that they are still straight or heterosexual. They will say the bull made them do it, or that the fact they let the cuck suck them does not count. My stand is this, regardless of what part you play whether voluntarily or by "f0rce", the moment you interact with a male sexually, you have been drafted to the other team. No matter what data source you reference, it will not be accurate because as I said, many won't be honest or transparent because they can't even be honest with themselves. The term "down low" in the lifestyle exists as a way for those who are not ready to come clean about their preferences can continue to play with discretion. There are a lot of marriages or relationships that are a camouflage, some with an agreement with their partners so they put on a good show. Ego is a big factor as to why many who call themselves bulls won't admit to their bisexual desires.
Damn...well said.
I'm not a bull, we don't have a bull. We do enjoy mfm fun with a guy we know semi regularly.
He's younger, has a bigger dick and it's very obvious my wife likes sex with him.
No one is "******" to do anything. Nothing weird happens. No bi anything has ever happened or mentioned. Him and I have bumped each other while changing positions, it's all good.
I like watching them, he likes watching us and she likes us watching. Yes seeing them together is VERY EXCITING, I have no problem getting and staying hard. We each do her twice when he's with us, sometimes more.
Yes I've gone down on her after she's been fucked, he has too. We do it because she loves it.
Yes I do her after he finishes, it's a big turn on for all of us.
There's nothing cuckold about our fun, just three adults enjoying sexy fun.
It shouldn't be taboo (especially nowadays) but there has always been some taboo with interracial sex in the USA and probably the world.
Neither should poverty and youth homelessness and yet here we are. I'm not sure how you can say it shouldn't be taboo when race is baked into the very founding of the US. Any and everything that's non-white is or was taboo at some point.

My point is that why would there still be taboo issues based on race/ethnicity when it comes to being a bull or cuck.
Because you're ignoring history.
Neither should poverty and youth homelessness and yet here we are. I'm not sure how you can say it shouldn't be taboo when race is baked into the very founding of the US. Any and everything that's non-white is or was taboo at some point.

Because you're ignoring history
Poverty and homelessness is not a good example to use when trying to compare taboo sex wtf. I'm not ignoring the history of race, in fact I mentioned it was part of it in the past but its 2024. Most people don't care enough for it to be taboo which is my point. A lot of people may not personally like to see it but it's not taboo unless you live in a very closed off society. ******* IS taboo not interracial sex.