Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It’s called observation. You see what’s going on - you assess it and make a conclusion. 99% of news sources spout DNC talking points this can be observed easily - if you’re NOT a demented Dem you realize this and don’t lap it up and post it all over the internet like people in here and take these sources as fact because - THEY ARE NOT. You’d LIKE them to be fact - you THINK they are facts - but in truth it’s 99% Dem horseshite. Hell you TDS afflicted numbnuts still think our President “colluded” with Russia - why - cause your “news” sources told you for almost 3 years that he did. Some people see reality - you of the TDS bent eat what YOUR media feeds you - meself I can’t stomach HORSESHITE.
I agree blkdlaur not because your on the right, but because you realize the media of today, instead of reporting the news, are simply pushing the political agenda of the left. The only thing Sub is observing is his personal agenda, which just happens to be the agenda of the extremely wealthy that owns the media and wants him to observe.
Sure did.
Maybe I should have said it, but the sentiment is the same for 90% of black voters. Trump is not the answer. His presidency has open the doors to too many white supremacist and neo nazi groups and white nationalism. Those groups LOVE Trump. Those groups HATE us. Some kind of way, Trump has empowered them to be more vocal, active, and visible. 90% of Black voters see that as a problem.
Listen to the whole show. Joe is just fine. Just fine.
Sure did.
Maybe I should have said it, but the sentiment is the same for 90% of black voters. Trump is not the answer. His presidency has open the doors to too many white supremacist and neo nazi groups and white nationalism. Those groups LOVE Trump. Those groups HATE us. Some kind of way, Trump has empowered them to be more vocal, active, and visible. 90% of Black voters see that as a problem.
Listen to the whole show. Joe is just fine. Just fine.
And, I bet with what Joe Biden said, you will now have so many Blacks saying that he's a Racist now as if Trump NEVER was! When you have Trump calling grown Black Men SOB's (who are in the NFL) or telling Black Congresswomen to go back where you came from, that sounds Racist to me! The Blacks that love and WORSHIP Trump should do their RESEARCH on him! That's what I did when I was younger because I also thought Trump was a cool individual UNTIL I did my research on him! And, then you will have some Blacks that say that Democrats have NOT done anything for Black people, and my question to them would be: Well, what have Republicans done for Blacks? Republicans, as a Party, have always had a DIFFICULT time getting the Black vote! I do not RECALL Republicans EVER getting over 75% of the Black vote! Furthermore, as I keep saying to Black men and women, "PLEASE don't wait for the President to dictate your economy, YOU DICTATE your own economy YOURSELF!" Very simple to do if you know the "double R" concept!
And, I bet with what Joe Biden said, you will now have so many Blacks saying that he's a Racist now as if Trump NEVER was! When you have Trump calling grown Black Men SOB's (who are in the NFL) or telling Black Congresswomen to go back where you came from, that sounds Racist to me! The Blacks that love and WORSHIP Trump should do their RESEARCH on him! That's what I did when I was younger because I also thought Trump was a cool individual UNTIL I did my research on him! And, then you will have some Blacks that say that Democrats have NOT done anything for Black people, and my question to them would be: Well, what have Republicans done for Blacks? Republicans, as a Party, have always had a DIFFICULT time getting the Black vote! I do not RECALL Republicans EVER getting over 75% of the Black vote! Furthermore, as I keep saying to Black men and women, "PLEASE don't wait for the President to dictate your economy, YOU DICTATE your own economy YOURSELF!" Very simple to do if you know the "double R" concept!
Blacks were voting strongly Republican until the FDR in 1932. By the time the 1948 Democratic National Convention took place, and the Democrats voted for a Civil Rights Platform- and many Southern Dems protested their asses off, it was over. However it wasn't until 1964, LBJ's election, that blacks voted overwhelmingly Democratic. Nixon's Southern Strategy in 1968 helped pushed the rest out of the party. Watergate, Reagan's conservatism (and more playing verbal footsie with white southerners), solidified the switch.
Blacks were voting strongly Republican until the FDR in 1932. By the time the 1948 Democratic National Convention took place, and the Democrats voted for a Civil Rights Platform- and many Southern Dems protested their asses off, it was over. However it wasn't until 1964, LBJ's election, that blacks voted overwhelmingly Democratic. Nixon's Southern Strategy in 1968 helped pushed the rest out of the party. Watergate, Reagan's conservatism (and more playing verbal footsie with white southerners), solidified the switch.
Ah, yes, that is true! You went further back than I was going though you are 100% correct! Glad though that things have changed!
I agree blkdlaur not because your on the right, but because you realize the media of today, instead of reporting the news, are simply pushing the political agenda of the left. The only thing Sub is observing is his personal agenda, which just happens to be the agenda of the extremely wealthy that owns the media and wants him to observe.

would that be a new version of Dumb and Dumber?....O post the news....you guys search for something that fits in with your weird thinking
Looks like she has no credibility and he can't win....

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Blacks were voting strongly Republican until the FDR in 1932. By the time the 1948 Democratic National Convention took place, and the Democrats voted for a Civil Rights Platform- and many Southern Dems protested their asses off, it was over. However it wasn't until 1964, LBJ's election, that blacks voted overwhelmingly Democratic. Nixon's Southern Strategy in 1968 helped pushed the rest out of the party. Watergate, Reagan's conservatism (and more playing verbal footsie with white southerners), solidified the switch.

And that's the year that LBJ came up with the plan to keep blacks in poverty so they rely on the government and vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
With all the other racist things he said, you can bet he said what Snopes is saying is unproven. The 90% of black people who vote Democrat have been unable to cast off the self-imposed oppression they vote for decade after decade.

And that's the year that LBJ came up with the plan to keep blacks in poverty so they rely on the government and vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
With all the other racist things he said, you can bet he said what Snopes is saying is unproven. The 90% of black people who vote Democrat have been unable to cast off the self-imposed oppression they vote for decade after decade.

Rumor that the right likes to push.....along with a lot of other fucking lies
And that's the year that LBJ came up with the plan to keep blacks in poverty so they rely on the government and vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
With all the other racist things he said, you can bet he said what Snopes is saying is unproven. The 90% of black people who vote Democrat have been unable to cast off the self-imposed oppression they vote for decade after decade.
You're back? You're the liar that got busted trying to claim you had some knowledge of Chicago because of a suburb, you claimed was central to the city, right? Ha ha!

Let's talk about LBJ's Great Society:
Most of the Great Society’s achievements came during the 89th Congress, which lasted from January 1965 to January 1967, and is considered by many to be the most productive legislative session in American history. Johnson prodded Congress to churn out nearly 200 new laws launching civil rights protections; Medicare and Medicaid; food stamps; urban renewal; the first broad federal investment in elementary and high school education; Head Start and college aid; an end to what was essentially a whites-only immigration policy; landmark consumer safety and environmental regulations; funding that gave voice to community action groups; and an all-out War on Poverty.
These achievements uplifted three groups in measurable numbers and that were racial minorities, women and very rural whites.

No president has left in place so sweeping a list of positive domestic accomplishments. Fifty years after the fact, it is all but impossible to imagine the United States without Medicare, voting rights, integrated hotels and restaurants, federal aid to primary and secondary schools, or federally guaranteed college loans—all measures that continue to enjoy wide support, despite Republican efforts to dismantle them.

The Great Society also took a sizable bite out of poverty. The government normally measures poverty on the basis of pretax cash income, but when economists factor in noncash assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and housing subsidies (all products of the Great Society) and tax adjustments like the earned income tax credit (a product of the Nixon administration), the poverty rate fell by 26 percent between 1960 and 2010, with two-thirds of the decline occurring before 1980.

You got proof of anything you regurgitated? Or are you just throwing up *******?
And that's the year that LBJ came up with the plan to keep blacks in poverty so they rely on the government and vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
With all the other racist things he said, you can bet he said what Snopes is saying is unproven. The 90% of black people who vote Democrat have been unable to cast off the self-imposed oppression they vote for decade after decade.

You want it to be true so bad.
YOUR proof is an article that says it's unproven, yet you link to it anyway? I think that level of stupidity is a first here.
I think you should stay in a submissive's place, and not speak up unless spoken to. You'll fail less.
You want it to be true so bad.
YOUR proof is an article that says it's unproven, yet you link to it anyway? I think that level of stupidity is a first here.
I think you should stay in a submissive's place, and not speak up unless spoken to. You'll fail less.
Did you see all the references LBJ made to the N word on there? There are recordings of him saying it. But of course you won't do the research, because you don't want it to be true that your entire life being a Democrat has been giving your destiny to leftist politicians who don't care about your life, only your vote.
I wouldn't want to accept that either if I were as blind as you.
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