Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You wish you were as intelligent, you continue to prove your not. You are one of these people that can dish it out but can't take it when others give it back to you. This is the government you worship my SubHub !

This is from the early 2000s and years later we see these same people elected Donald Trump. So please man, do not come talking liberty and freedom to me. The president has been so successful at division and sowing hate toward each other, you are completely blinded to his attempted power grab. You did not squeak a peep when he gave the middle finger to our traditional institutions that there for our protection like the Department of Justice, the Inspector General's office across the agencies, the oversight function of Congress, etc. You too trained to fight with liberals against whatever we say like wear a facemask, or mail in balloting is the safest way to ensure election participation this Fall. Or when the media says, it was wrong for Trump to... you automatically discredit them. Never once have you stopped to examine if this President is fucking your liberty in the ass while pointing at us liberals.
This is from the early 2000s and years later we see these same people elected Donald Trump. So please man, do not come talking liberty and freedom to me. The president has been so successful at division and sowing hate toward each other, you are completely blinded to his attempted power grab.
You're still at it? Trump has done more for black people in three years than Obama did in 8. In fact, Obama made race relations the worst since the 1960's. Trump hasn't given the finger to justice. He was lawfully elected. The truth is just coming out finally about just how corrupt Obama and his administration were. If you haven't caught that on the news, you're clearly watching the wrong news.
You should be embarrassed to be a liberal today... but you aren't. And that tells us everything we need to know about your character.
Trump has done more for black people in three years than Obama did in 8. In fact, Obama made race relations the worst since the 1960's.
Fine, pull out your sources that say that. Let's see where you're getting your information. If fact, just list the campaign promises that he has fulfilled thus far as our President ... go for it!
He was lawfully elected.
Bullshit ... people are sitting in prison right now for helping the Orange Orangutan cheat ... I know of two in NC alone. The hearings were a sham; any common American disregard a subpoena to appear in court they would be arrested. And practically ALL of the intelligence agencies now admit that Russia interfered with the election.
The truth is just coming out finally about just how corrupt Obama and his administration were. If you haven't caught that on the news, you're clearly watching the wrong news.
Again, show us the sources you have that indicate what you say. You can't, and you know why. This is the Orange Orangutan's attempt at redirecting the focus off of him and his continual fuckups ... like this virus. He hasn't been right ONCE on the virus and hasn't even attempted to put a plan in place to address the virus other than treating it like a common cold or something.
You wish you were as intelligent, you continue to prove your not. You are one of these people that can dish it out but can't take it when others give it back to you. This is the government you worship my SubHub !

well you just prove AGAIN my original statement...….you are filled with rants and right wing bullshit! and know nothing about what you are talking about

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans.

Trump's Presidency Already Making Republicans Love Big ...
Trump’s Presidency Is Already Making Republicans Love Big Government More. With Trump in the White House and the GOP in control of Congress, many conservatives are convincing themselves big ..

The Republican "Small Government" Fraud | HuffPost
Oct 28, 2012 · Today, its presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, assails his Democratic competitor for military weakness and champions a $2 trillion increase in U.S. military spending over the next decade. Moreover, the Republican Party is an avid proponent of the most violent, abusive, and intrusive kind of government action — war.

The Grand Old Spending Party: How Republicans Became Big ...
May 03, 2005 · Unfortunately, senior House Republicans are fighting the changes. The GOP establishment in Washington today has become a defender of big government.

Once Again, the Republicans Are the Biggest Spenders of All
Having won the presidency, the House, and the Senate, the GOP’s first major legislative accomplishment is to… increase spending. This “accomplishment” is both sad and predictable.

Seven Falsehoods the Republican Party Has Been Spreading ...
Jul 25, 2019 · The Republican Party is More Responsible Regarding the Budget. The graph below seems to say it all; the Republican Party is the big-spending party

now I know you will not open any of these and read.....you prefer to remain a republican fool and go off into more of your rants....but you might try educating yourself and you would not look near as foolish as blkdlaur
I hope this is his choice...…..a good choice I think....and Harris another good choice to be Atty Gen

Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo vetting to be running ...
May 21, 2020 · Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, has been asked by Joe Biden to undergo a formal vetting to be considered as his vice presidential running …

Joe Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo VP vetting process ...
12 hours ago · Sen. Amy Klobuchar could be Joe Biden's surprise veep pick -- the Democratic presidential nominee has asked her to undergo rigorous vetting before potentially joining his …
Definitely not safer on his watch...…...2 terrorists attacks in his 4 years....and still counting.....a definite FAILURE as a leader....just something else he can add to his long list of accomplishments

Naval Air Station Pensacola shooting - Wikipedia
On the morning of December 6, 2019, a terrorist attack occurred at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Pensacola, Florida. The assailant killed three people and injured eight others. The shooter was killed by Escambia County sheriff deputies after they arrived at the scene. He was identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, an aviation student from Saudi Arabia.
The FBI investigated the case as a presumed terrorism incident, while searching for the motive behind t…

FBI say Texas Corpus Christi shooting 'terrorism-related ...
9 hours ago · FBI officials have deemed a shooting at a naval air station in Texas that injured one security guard as “terrorism-related.” The shooting occurred on Thursday at Naval Air Station Corpus ...
and still not working for the country......and still not my president....

Judge grants sanctions against DOJ over citizenship question
May 21, 2020 · A federal judge on Thursday, May 21, 2020, agreed to impose financial sanctions against the Trump administration for failing to produce hundreds of documents

Judge sanctions DOJ over not producing documents on Census ...
7 hours ago · A federal judge in New York on Thursday sanctioned the Department of Justice for failing to produce more than 900 documents related to a …
Fine, pull out your sources that say that. Let's see where you're getting your information. If fact, just list the campaign promises that he has fulfilled thus far as our President ... go for it!

Bullshit ... people are sitting in prison right now for helping the Orange Orangutan cheat ... I know of two in NC alone. The hearings were a sham; any common American disregard a subpoena to appear in court they would be arrested. And practically ALL of the intelligence agencies now admit that Russia interfered with the election.

Again, show us the sources you have that indicate what you say. You can't, and you know why. This is the Orange Orangutan's attempt at redirecting the focus off of him and his continual fuckups ... like this virus. He hasn't been right ONCE on the virus and hasn't even attempted to put a plan in place to address the virus other than treating it like a common cold or something.

It’s called observation. You see what’s going on - you assess it and make a conclusion. 99% of news sources spout DNC talking points this can be observed easily - if you’re NOT a demented Dem you realize this and don’t lap it up and post it all over the internet like people in here and take these sources as fact because - THEY ARE NOT. You’d LIKE them to be fact - you THINK they are facts - but in truth it’s 99% Dem horseshite. Hell you TDS afflicted numbnuts still think our President “colluded” with Russia - why - cause your “news” sources told you for almost 3 years that he did. Some people see reality - you of the TDS bent eat what YOUR media feeds you - meself I can’t stomach HORSESHITE.
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I hope this is his choice...…..a good choice I think....and Harris another good choice to be Atty Gen

Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo vetting to be running ...
May 21, 2020 · Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, has been asked by Joe Biden to undergo a formal vetting to be considered as his vice presidential running …

Joe Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo VP vetting process ...
12 hours ago · Sen. Amy Klobuchar could be Joe Biden's surprise veep pick -- the Democratic presidential nominee has asked her to undergo rigorous vetting before potentially joining his …

Hopefully he makes a good choice cause if he wins his VP will be President. Poor ole Uncle Joe just isn’t up to it - that you crazy Dems can’t see that speaks volumes.
It’s called observation. You see what’s going on - you assess it and make a conclusion. 99% of news sources spout DNC talking points this can be observed easily - if you’re NOT a demented Dem you realize this and don’t lap it up and post it all over the internet like people in here and take these sources as fact because - THEY ARE NOT. You’d LIKE them to be fact - you THINK they are facts - but in truth it’s 99% Dem horseshite. Hell you TDS afflicted numbnuts still think our President “colluded” with Russia - why - cause your “news” sources told you for almost 3 years that he did. Some people see reality - you of the TDS bent eat what YOUR media feeds you - meself I can’t stomach HORSESHITE.

you are just full of to much hate to see anything......it's how you become when you worship the devil
The difference between Federal Government and State Government budgets is state budgets HAVE to be balanced. So they cannot do the borrowing to create deficits to hold their obligations. Illinois and several other states are having the same issue. People work, they agree to a pension, company or state should pay it. Problem is, it's easier to get elected talking about cutting taxes, than promoting good responsible government.
An entertainer will capture some of your votes over the economist with advanced account degrees every time. Even in liberal California. Well, of course California. They held a special election to get rid of a good public servant for Arnold, and Reagan beat Pat Brown, after Nixon and some other republican loser failed to do it. Anyway, my point, you get the government you deserve.
I respect what you shared in both of your last two posts. Very informative and actually opens the door the real discussion. I don't come on here to degrade other people and criticize them just to lift myself up. I don't know if you saw me post this or not. As I stated super long, for me it was well worth the effort to read. I have no evidence that anyone actually read it, I did and it brought up a lot of questions. Re-posting!

Washington Examiner - Wikipedia

The Washington Examiner is an American conservative news website and weekly magazine based in Washington, D.C. It is owned by MediaDC, a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group, which is owned by Philip Anschutz.
From 2005 to mid-2013, the Examiner published a daily tabloid-sized newspaper, distributed throughout the Washington, D.C., metro area. The newspaper focused on local news and political commentary. Th…

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Washington Examiner is owned by Clarity Media Group, which is in turn owned by Philip Anschutz,
who is an American billionaire entrepreneur who describes himself as a “conservative Christian.”

Russian bots never take a day off?....surprised you haven't switched to the virus...….they are estimating 60% of the virus bullshit on social media is from your group of Russian bots
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