Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I get it. Integrity and hypocrisy.
Like say for instance, a man gets off on interracial sex with black men, signs up on an interracial site, participates in discussions, but in a heated debate uses a racist term directed at a black man to show some kind of superiority. That would be hypocrisy I assume.
And, if that individual claims there was nothing wrong with it after being given much evidence to the history and context of that word, and chose not to explain meaning for days after site moderators deleted it- that would be an excellent example of someone having zero integrity.
This is just hypothetical of course. No one would be such an asshole in real life.

I don't know how many people heard of or knew Daniel Webster. He was considered one of the most brilliant and eloquent statesmen of the 19th century. He was an American political idol.

But you see, Daniel Webster had political aspirations to become the President of the United States. So he sought the nomination of his party to become the president. And in order to gain the nomination, he changed his views on slavery. Where he had previously opposed slavery, he began to support it.

As a result, Webster was never elected president of the United States and his political star was shattered. Twenty-three years after Emerson had written his original words, he sadly penned these words concerning Daniel Webster.

Why did all manly gifts in Webster fail?

He wrote on Nature's grandest brow, “For Sale.”

For so many people today – even Christians – their integrity is for sale. They’ll make good decisions when there’s little on the line. But when it comes down to it, they’ll get ahead however they can.

Don’t put your integrity up for sale. Stick to your biblical convictions because the reward you’ll receive from God is much greater than anything this world will offer!

WRONG - I LUV ya - funnier by far than all the late night comics - gonna be here all week???
I've actually been impressed with Subhub's tenacity, myself. What really is interesting, he provides his sources and you rightards rarely ever do, or they're some off the wall publishers like '71republican' or 'firstnewsers'. Let's face it, guys, Trump's bad for everyone but the super rich. Thing is, with his lack of planning on any issue he's faced with, he's likely to ******* some of us sooner than later. He always goes straight to his "con jobs" attitude of lying and exaggerations, saying he's doing something when he's really not doing anything. He and his administration STILL haven't presented any national plan to handle the virus ... nothing!
I'm telling you conservatives, get rid of this wart on your party's face, go back to mainstream conservatism, and get rid of the radical teabaggers. Your party will recover a whole lot sooner if you do.
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You just need to stop telling others they are wrong. Most of everything you post is wrong, immoral, unfair and far from the America the founding fathers of this country intended. You need to back off with your insulting comments because you don't have all the answers, far from it. Just because you think you are so intelligent and you lead out for the liberal left on this site by continuing a constant stream of false, rude and self serving rhetoric. That makes you correct and everyone on the conservative side are incorrect idiots. Every time you accuse us of posting Right Wing Facts or Opinions that you don't agree with I say thank God. You, Yes You need to go back and research what this country stands for, it is not Abortion, government controlled welfare programs, large Government and extreme taxation. We are suppose to be individuals, free Americans, not a large assemblage of people being controlled by a Government. Donald Trump is far from perfect, he does not qualify as a politically correct President. You Democrats have a serious issue, your party has chosen the vice president of what half the American people are convinced was a failed administration, Joe Biden as your only hope. I admit that I am not perfect and I continue to learn more truth every day.
The Holier than thou attitude of the left is ridiculous and disgusting.

ok I will dismantle this crazy rant....because with you that is all they are...crazy rants

telling others they are wrong....just call them like I see them....I can spot a whacko right off....

you are wrong....can you point out one post out of all my posts where I have been wrong...most are just news stories off the net....the rest I used my search engine to back up anything I have said....impossible to be wrong....you on the other hand post some right wing bullshit that has been handed down from one crazy right winger to another....and the lie gets bigger with every person who hears.....and sometimes it looks like you were the last to hear it because it is so crazy

I know exactly what this country stands for....and several of the founding fathers have mentioned ...beware of birds using feathers for their own nest.....or about letting moneyed people control the gov.....and....keep church and state separate....but that wouldn't apply to you..... since you seem to seem to worship the devil

insulting comments?...I am not insulting anyone...just describing what I see...if I see a fool I try to warn others we have a retard on the loose.......if I agreed with what you said we would both be wrong!

already covered what I post...with all I have posted should be easy for you to find one that is wrong....if you are so sure....show me the post.....again....you are to far out there to back up anything you say....which is normal for you

your problem is...another trumptard...a new one got on in support of your false god....and gave you some courage that there are other crazy people out there supporting your point of view.....check the polls lately ...your false god is below 40%...….but even that is a lot of people...so chances are there are other trumptards to get on and say something......if it hadn't been for the newcomer you probably wouldn't have the courage to say something now

right now we are controlled by an issue......death.....and your man is responsible for a lot of it....that is just one thing of many....then there is the collusion...the corruption...the lies and so much more....he has made a mockery of an office most held in high esteem!

rude self serving ...show me a statement …..you seem to be full of your self today...….problem is it appears you may have been sniffing bleach.….your mind is toast

and then after all this we are supposed to be individuals....your next line is you democrats...……...lot of words I could say after that....and you wouldn't like any of them....you ended your statement with the very proof of how twisted you are !....

I may not be a proctologist...….but I know an asshole when I see one...……..just saying..
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You need to go back and research what this country stands for, it is not government controlled welfare programs, large Government and extreme taxation.
What else you got, Hottobe? Performances of the last few presidents prove otherwise .... and I didn't even mention the National Debt and Deficits, which also grow under Republicans. Why don't YOU Show US where WE are WRONG!
Ever since the Republican party adopted "Trickle Down" tax cutting, the debt & spending deficits go up & up. What they refuse to admit is that when you cut taxes ... that's REVENUE to the country. In order to avoid increasing debt, it requires an equal amount of cuts to SPENDING ... and if they make any adjustments to spending, they usually take it from the very citizens that usually make the least amount of money, thus we have now created a great division between the Haves & Have NOTS.
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What else you got, Hottobe? Performances of the last few presidents prove otherwise .... and I didn't even mention the National Debt and Deficits, which also grow under Republicans. Why don't YOU Show US where WE are WRONG!
Ever since the Republican party adopted "Trickle Down" tax cutting, the debt & spending deficits go up & up. What they refuse to admit is that when you cut taxes ... that's REVENUE to the country. In order to avoid increasing debt, it requires an equal amount of cuts to SPENDING ... and if they make any adjustments to spending, they usually take it from the very citizens that usually make the least amount of money, thus we have now created a great division between the Haves & Have NOTS.
I will click the like button on a reasonable debate, Thanks Mac
ok I will dismantle this crazy rant....because with you that is all they are...crazy rants

telling others they are wrong....just call them like I see them....I can spot a whacko right off....

you are wrong....can you point out one post out of all my posts where I have been wrong...most are just news stories off the net....the rest I used my search engine to back up anything I have said....impossible to be wrong....you on the other hand post some right wing bullshit that has been handed down from one crazy right winger to another....and the lie gets bigger with every person who hears.....and sometimes it looks like you were the last to hear it because it is so crazy

I know exactly what this country stands for....and several of the founding fathers have mentioned ...beware of birds using feathers for their own nest.....or about letting moneyed people control the gov.....and....keep church and state separate....but that wouldn't apply to you..... since you seem to seem to worship the devil

insulting comments?...I am not insulting anyone...just describing what I see...if I see a fool I try to warn others we have a retard on the loose.......if I agreed with what you said we would both be wrong!

already covered what I post...with all I have posted should be easy for you to find one that is wrong....if you are so sure....show me the post.....again....you are to far out there to back up anything you say....which is normal for you

your problem is...another trumptard...a new one got on in support of your false god....and gave you some courage that there are other crazy people out there supporting your point of view.....check the polls lately ...your false god is below 40%...….but even that is a lot of people...so chances are there are other trumptards to get on and say something......if it hadn't been for the newcomer you probably wouldn't have the courage to say something now

right now we are controlled by an issue......death.....and your man is responsible for a lot of it....that is just one thing of many....then there is the collusion...the corruption...the lies and so much more....he has made a mockery of an office most held in high esteem!

rude self serving ...show me a statement …..you seem to be full of your self today...….problem is it appears you may have been sniffing bleach.….your mind is toast

and then after all this we are supposed to be individuals....your next line is you democrats...……...lot of words I could say after that....and you wouldn't like any of them....you ended your statement with the very proof of how twisted you are !....

I may not be a proctologist...….but I know an asshole when I see one...……..just saying..
You don't deserve a response other than Crazy Rant, Wrong, I don't rant. Your the one that says we are always wrong. Wacko, you are living in a Mary Poppins fantasy world that is far from the America the forefathers had set up for us.

You were and still are wrong about Russia, Russia, Russia. Adam Schiff and the liberal media lied everyday. Hey Sub the Mueller report came out, Donald Trump is still President. I refuse to list every failed setup the Democrats have attempted to remove Trump from office, He was Impeached for nothing illegal, Now he is being blamed for the results of the coronavirus pandemic. You leftist remind me of brothers and sisters doing every thing in their power to catch a sibling doing something so they can tattletale to get them in trouble.
The new person's post had nothing to do with my thoughts. I am not a follower, if someone says something I agree with or respect the way they post an argument I will click the like button. NOT you because your posts has no substance, it is all chafe that will be blown away. It is not the rich controlling our Government, Our Government , by growing larger takes away our freedoms, we are suppose to control our government NOT the government control us.
You don't deserve a response other than Crazy Rant, Wrong, I don't rant. Your the one that says we are always wrong. Wacko, you are living in a Mary Poppins fantasy world that is far from the America the forefathers had set up for us.

You were and still are wrong about Russia, Russia, Russia. Adam Schiff and the liberal media lied everyday. Hey Sub the Mueller report came out, Donald Trump is still President. I refuse to list every failed setup the Democrats have attempted to remove Trump from office, He was Impeached for nothing illegal, Now he is being blamed for the results of the coronavirus pandemic. You leftist remind me of brothers and sisters doing every thing in their power to catch a sibling doing something so they can tattletale to get them in trouble.
The new person's post had nothing to do with my thoughts. I am not a follower, if someone says something I agree with or respect the way they post an argument I will click the like button. NOT you because your posts has no substance, it is all chafe that will be blown away. It is not the rich controlling our Government, Our Government , by growing larger takes away our freedoms, we are suppose to control our government NOT the government control us.

well...where do I start on this crazy rant....because that is what it is....just one of many I guess

If I didn't deserve a response then why did you?

yes you do rant...and if you look at some of this post ...well you wont see it but others will....you rant crazy ******* that only some right wing whacko would say.....and that is not even going into everyone of your biased posts....and they all are....everyone...…..has you democrats....and then you want to talk America....talk about phoney!

I'm afraid you are the one in the fantasy world
....I believe in the basic principles our forefathers set up....and the basic teachings of the bible....I am all about helping the little man...protecting the worker.....everyone deserves healthcare....I am not a racist....and support minorities....and education.....….and think everyone deserves a fair shake......something you and your party want no part of and show it all the time...I have posted several articles PROVING that fact

you have not read a thing on Russia...and know NOTHING...only what trump wants you to know...open you eyes and learn something....but you won't...you like being told what to think.....otherwise you would not say some of what you say......trump guilty as ******* on a lot of the Russian *******.....you just can not charge a sitting president.....don't suppose he would sell his soul to keep in office rather that risk jail?

failed setups the democrats have used to get trump?....you really are nuts...how about all the obstruction the right has used to cover for him...but then with your twisted mind and inability to think for yourself you buy what you are sold!

No one is blaming him for the pandemic……..but he is certainly responsible for not having us prepared...he made cuts that hurt..gave supplies away.....also had he handled this when he was first told our death rate would be half what it is now...even now his lies and his ego is still killing people......he should be doing all he can to get supplies and give to the states....what just happens to be his job.....but instead he can't handle the issue so just ignores it and leaves it up to each state....killer trump!

odd right after the new person posted...you stuck your nose in....more proof you don't have a brain of your own

your government comment just shows again you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.....first money is controlling our government...….and it is your party that always increases the size of government....have posted several articles on that...but you don't read.....you only rely on what other whackos tell you to believe…….

no I will stick with my original statement that you lack the ability to think on your own...just a sheep....you know nothing of politics. I could dismantle most of what you said and prove it..but have posted it several times and you didn't read then so doubt you would/could read it now.....and...you worship a man that has no redeeming qualities......he is a racist...anti religious...a liar and a thief and so much more.....says a lot about your character when that is what you support
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You can have the last Rant as you put it but you have your last part incorrect, I don't Worship Bill Clinton or Barack Obama So It is you that worshiped men that had no redeeming qualities......anti religious... liars and a thief's and so much more.....says a lot about your character when that is what you support.🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🔇🔇🔇
I urge every conservative against more spending to read this article, including you HotToBe.
First, it's not debt (yet). We are talking about deficit spending. Instead of me being wordy, and insulting, I'm going to copy and paste two very important Q&A points:
Does this mean the U.S. government can spend an unlimited amount of money?
No. There is only so much the government can borrow without raising interest rates and crowding out private investment. That would hurt economic growth. But with interest rates at historic lows (inflation-adjusted, or real, interest rates are actually negative), there is a lot of room to increase borrowing without having to worry too much right now about impairing private investment. This is especially true now when investment demand is likely to be very low in the face of the uncertain economic outlook associated with the pandemic. Even if interest rates rise in response to the huge increase in borrowing by governments around the world (though this is by no means certain), rates are likely to remain quite low by historic standards.

There may, however, be political constraints on how much the government can increase its debt and how much government debt the Fed can buy. The Fed drew criticism for its bond-buying during the Great Recession, though it hasn’t during the coronavirus crisis (yet).

At some point, if central banks create too much money, they will produce an increase in inflation–too many dollars chasing too few goods–or they will have to raise interest rates to slow the economy to restrain inflation. We are not yet at that point, though.

OK, this sounds a little too good to be true: The Fed can simply keep printing money, buying government bonds, and the government can spend as much as it wants and protect the economy from damage done by the virus?
No. For all its power, the Federal Reserve cannot do much to compensate for damage done to the economy’s production and consumption of goods and services during the epidemic–the restaurant meals that aren’t being provided, the trips that aren’t being taken, the cars that aren’t being built. Some hit to output (GDP) is inevitable if we are to safeguard public health.

Beyond taking action to minimize the severity of the epidemic by boosting testing and hospital capacity, the government can provide financial help to people during the crisis so that they can pay basic expenses like food, rent, and utilities. This helps not only ensure that people don’t go hungry or become homeless, it also means that they come out of this crisis with money in their bank accounts and their credit ratings unimpaired. In other words, once it is safe to start shopping and traveling again, consumers will have the means to do so. If they don’t, temporary problems associated with lower demand during the crisis will translate into lower demand well even after the virus ebbs.

Another role for government is to keep businesses on life support for a few months so they don’t go bankrupt and we can more easily re-start the economy when the virus recedes; in other words, to limit the long-run damage to the economy’s productive capacity. A few bankruptcies would be manageable; mass bankruptcies would not be. Sure, new businesses will sprout, but it takes time to hire workers and find suppliers and creditors to get a new business running.
What does that have to do with paying California's unfunded government pensions turn and twist every topic union is scumm
The difference between Federal Government and State Government budgets is state budgets HAVE to be balanced. So they cannot do the borrowing to create deficits to hold their obligations. Illinois and several other states are having the same issue. People work, they agree to a pension, company or state should pay it. Problem is, it's easier to get elected talking about cutting taxes, than promoting good responsible government.
An entertainer will capture some of your votes over the economist with advanced account degrees every time. Even in liberal California. Well, of course California. They held a special election to get rid of a good public servant for Arnold, and Reagan beat Pat Brown, after Nixon and some other republican loser failed to do it. Anyway, my point, you get the government you deserve.
You can have the last Rant as you put it but you have your last part incorrect, I don't Worship Bill Clinton or Barack Obama So It is you that worshiped men that had no redeeming qualities......anti religious... liars and a thief's and so much more.....says a lot about your character when that is what you support.🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🔇🔇🔇

and again...more of your rants...….no where in any of the above conversation was Bill Clinton or barrack Obama ever discussed...maybe in your mind.....but not in my nor your post.....

and again more of your right wing biased rants....you worship a killer......and the 2 you mentioned above just happened to be the 2 most popular presidents in the last several years...…….wonder why that is?...…..

they worked for and improved the country
.....whereas your man is working for himself and killing Americans through stupidity

That’s a nice story and all, but in what chapter do you shut the f*ck up?

we need to end all this loving chit chat...….I'm sure you have an endless supply.....but I do not have near enough crayons to explain things to you
You were and still are wrong about Russia, Russia, Russia. Adam Schiff and the liberal media lied everyday. Hey Sub the Mueller report came out,
1. It all begins and will end there, Russia. Trumps came into office with dozens of Russian connections. He is not Russian yet, his family, his lawyers, business associates, campaign staff, dancing girls, bank loans--- All had Russian connections. If Obama came into office with those kind of connections to any country with more than five muslims, your side would have put a Fatwa out on his ass.
2. What exactly has Adam Schiff lied about. You don't even have to do the every day part. You name a week and year that Trump has been in office, I'll post and document some of the 18,000 plus lies he's told.
3. The 'liberal' media. Here we go. Where is this meeting because I think there are still being too soft with the President. You must be real special to believe that hundreds of journalist from worldwide print, to small town blogs, to major television newscasters, to washed up celebrities to blogger from the mothers basement all get together and decide, The Trump drama of the week. Come on! Trump puts it out there, then as usual runs from it and starts fights over his own bullshit.
4. Your actions here tell me that A) You really haven't read the report or a summary, OR B) You're making a poor attempt at gaslighting.

Little advice, when defending Trump attacking the opposition, never use terms like liar, pervert, stupid, or incompetence. Trump gives us way too much material to bludgeon you with. Let me know when you get those Schiff lies ready to post.
Subhub....Really...please....Give it a rest...your one sided hate and obsession is super tiresome and just pushes people in the opposite direction. No one is as bad on the side you are against or as good on the side you blindly support as you claim.
Before I address this, I have to say wow, gorgeous ass on the Ms. Don't hold my politics against me. Former Cities resident here.

However, if anyone changes position because they hate the other people that hold that position or support that candidate:
Why are "good" people still voting Republican and supporting Trump with all of the white supremacist support he gets?
All I can do is laugh Ed - Adam Schiff said for over 2 years he had evidence of “collusion” we’re still waiting to see it. All the transcripts finally released - he had NUTTIN !!!!
Guy lies like a rug as does most of the media and all of your party.
I urge every conservative against more spending to read this article, including you HotToBe.
First, it's not debt (yet). We are talking about deficit spending. Instead of me being wordy, and insulting, I'm going to copy and paste two very important Q&A points:
Does this mean the U.S. government can spend an unlimited amount of money?
No. There is only so much the government can borrow without raising interest rates and crowding out private investment. That would hurt economic growth. But with interest rates at historic lows (inflation-adjusted, or real, interest rates are actually negative), there is a lot of room to increase borrowing without having to worry too much right now about impairing private investment. This is especially true now when investment demand is likely to be very low in the face of the uncertain economic outlook associated with the pandemic. Even if interest rates rise in response to the huge increase in borrowing by governments around the world (though this is by no means certain), rates are likely to remain quite low by historic standards.

There may, however, be political constraints on how much the government can increase its debt and how much government debt the Fed can buy. The Fed drew criticism for its bond-buying during the Great Recession, though it hasn’t during the coronavirus crisis (yet).

At some point, if central banks create too much money, they will produce an increase in inflation–too many dollars chasing too few goods–or they will have to raise interest rates to slow the economy to restrain inflation. We are not yet at that point, though.

OK, this sounds a little too good to be true: The Fed can simply keep printing money, buying government bonds, and the government can spend as much as it wants and protect the economy from damage done by the virus?
No. For all its power, the Federal Reserve cannot do much to compensate for damage done to the economy’s production and consumption of goods and services during the epidemic–the restaurant meals that aren’t being provided, the trips that aren’t being taken, the cars that aren’t being built. Some hit to output (GDP) is inevitable if we are to safeguard public health.

Beyond taking action to minimize the severity of the epidemic by boosting testing and hospital capacity, the government can provide financial help to people during the crisis so that they can pay basic expenses like food, rent, and utilities. This helps not only ensure that people don’t go hungry or become homeless, it also means that they come out of this crisis with money in their bank accounts and their credit ratings unimpaired. In other words, once it is safe to start shopping and traveling again, consumers will have the means to do so. If they don’t, temporary problems associated with lower demand during the crisis will translate into lower demand well even after the virus ebbs.

Another role for government is to keep businesses on life support for a few months so they don’t go bankrupt and we can more easily re-start the economy when the virus recedes; in other words, to limit the long-run damage to the economy’s productive capacity. A few bankruptcies would be manageable; mass bankruptcies would not be. Sure, new businesses will sprout, but it takes time to hire workers and find suppliers and creditors to get a new business running.

he will not take the time to read it....there is nothing praising trump in it...………….

but anyway what bothers me about all this....the way out of a recession is to print money...lowering the value of the dollar....making the poor that much more poor and the rich that much more rich....and they are printing money now....devaluing what money we have to pay for what they are giving away

Why printing more money could have stopped the Great ...
Jul 08, 2014 · Monetary policy is all about striking the right balance between these two extremes. Two little money leads to idle resources — a recession. Too much money leads to rising prices

How Does Printing Currency Devalue the Dollar? | Pocketsense
How Does Printing Currency Devalue the Dollar?. By printing extra notes, a government increases the total amount of money in circulation. If that is not followed by an increase in production, there is more money to spend on the same amount of goods and services as before. Everything costs more, thus our money is worth ...

Why Trillion-Dollar Coronavirus Bailouts Will Shackle The ...
Inflation: If taxes are not immediately raised to cover the emergency spending, the Federal Reserve will need to print new dollars—create money out of thin air—to finance these new programs.

Trump told Gary Cohn to 'print money' to lower debt ... - CNBC
Sep 11, 2018 · Once in office, Trump considered a policy of just printing money, an idea that was quickly slapped down by his chief economic advisor, according to journalist Bob Woodward's new book.

Trump wanted to print money to repay the national debt ...
Sep 12, 2018 · Trump: “Just run the presses—print money.” Cohn: “You don’t get to do it that way. We have huge deficits and they matter. The government doesn’t keep a balance sheet like that.”

The Fed’s Message: The Money-Printing Presses Are Fired Up ...
Mar 23, 2020 · In effect, the Treasury is putting money at risk with the Fed pumping in the bulk of the money. Initially, those sums total up to $300 billion, which could reach higher if Congress gives Treasury
and again...more of your rants...….no where in any of the above conversation was Bill Clinton or barrack Obama ever discussed...maybe in your mind.....but not in my nor your post.....

and again more of your right wing biased rants....you worship a killer......and the 2 you mentioned above just happened to be the 2 most popular presidents in the last several years...…….wonder why that is?...…..

they worked for and improved the country
.....whereas your man is working for himself and killing Americans through stupidity

That’s a nice story and all, but in what chapter do you shut the f*ck up?

we need to end all this loving chit chat...….I'm sure you have an endless supply.....but I do not have near enough crayons to explain things to you
You wish you were as intelligent, you continue to prove your not. You are one of these people that can dish it out but can't take it when others give it back to you. This is the government you worship my SubHub !

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