
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on Summer Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease.
Jenna you proved nothing about your point other than you have issues with anyone disagreeing with you or having their own point of view.. Enjoy the ignore baby!
Delusion Delu GIF by TINDER
Right. I’m trying to figure out what was meant by this statement
I’m trying to figure out how “she” joined the site on Aug 14 and already managed to get stood up 5x by Aug 18? Maybe in NYC or LA…but in Rome, GA? 🧐

Also love “stood up for BBC”…not stood up by a Black man, Bull, human being, etc. This Karen talks about her alleged play dates like they’re DoorDash orders that never came. 😂🤣
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Two things. WE don't meet people on this website or any other really. We meet them organically. An encounter, a *******, a phone number, a referral, etc. Then, we travel out of town - Atlanta most often - because it is close enough to drive, but far enough for discretion. We invite a small group on Friday Night. There is a little food and some *******. Sprots on the TV to keep everyone interested and occupied otherwise. If one or two don't show, we still have four or five. We socialize, and everyone gets loosened up. Everyone understands, there is no fucking that is going to happen. But, if there is a good group and everyone is getting along, I will get down to panties and start sucking everyone off. This gives me a chance to see their cocks, and how they react to me and to sex in general. Then, the next morning we will invite o nr or two to come back on Saturday afternoon or evening -sperately. Makes for a good trip. No complete disappoitment for anybody.
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on
I suspect that you are the reason why people don't show up. If the sentiments you expressed are any indication of what is really going on with you, it's no surprise that Black men don't want to meet with you.
Clean up your mess.

Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease
I’m trying to figure out how “she” joined the site on Aug 14 and already managed to get stood up 5x by Aug 18? Maybe in NYC or LA…but in Rome, GA? 🧐

Also love “stood up for BBC”…not stood up by a Black man, Bull, human being, etc. This Karen talks about her alleged play dates like they’re DoorDash orders that never came. 😂🤣
"She" sounds like a he to me, and I am willing to lay odds that that is the case.
It probably has a LOT to do with your entire profile screaming desperate white boy that posted a picture of a heavy filtered prohibited chemical head female kneeling on a bed. And nothing but begging constantly with no verification or proof constantly otherwise… If you are just a gay cruiser with a fetish just say so
'Cause we can spot that s h i t! No heart for the tricktrap!
So we were stood up 5 times for BBC. I gotta say this ... if you are here just to mess with white people's heads then that is really pathetic. You may have a BIG DICK but whoopee-******* really if you're word is crap then YOU are crap.
Keep creating bad vibes for yourself all you want but know this: ya never gonna be what we are. Never. And fucking your word up is how it stays that way. You and your BBC ain't the prize Boo. I AM. Ask somebody and maybe you'll learn something they don't teach on Summer Hill. Some manners. Pa-lease.
I reckon half the people on this site aren’t who they say they are.