Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Again, a family of 5 living paycheck to paycheck all staying home, no school, no work, no money for rent or mortgage, what do you suggest ? I am serious.
Remember the great ORANGE one created this situation when he went 3 months before giving the virus ANY attention, then said it'd all blow over. So, as you raise hell regarding Democrats not wanting to open government functions back prematurely, remember what is being done NOW is a result of what WASN'T done due to an incompetent President & Republican government to begin with. What's resulted NOW is the necessities of HARD CHOICES.
This virus is easy to pass from one to the other ... that's why they call it a CONTAGION and now an EPIDEMIC.
The US now has over 1/3 of all the cornonavirus cases in the WORLD, now. Doctors & scientists were warning the President as early as Fall of last year this was coming. He was too busy campaigning and playing golf.
So we open UP the government and hundreds of thousands (individuals & families) start dying. Trump doesn't give a flying fuck. Congress needs to decide the ORANGE ONE is too incompetent to go forward with decision making and let the VP step in, OR things will get worse. He's an idiot, he's sick in his head, delusional, and needs to be replaced.
There's lots of options to relieve pressure on families unable to make mortgage, rent, or car payments ... food & medical services can be provided now. As much as I feel sad for those this is hurting the worse, many of them have already said GET RID OF THE VIRUS FIRST. The lives of my family are way, way more important than a fucking house or car my friend ... way more!
Trump is using this virus as a distraction, hoping it'll save his ass in November; it won't.


What's really scary is that WE as a country will probably go through this again and again with the Nat'l Debt and more viruses.
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Again, a family of 5 living paycheck to paycheck all staying home, no school, no work, no money for rent or mortgage, what do you suggest ? I am serious.

some of them are flat fucked and a bad situation...feds could not even get everyone a checke…….they got money to boeing and few others.....but some NEVER did trickle down...most states have programs you can get on for help...but then again depends on the politics.....in the end...those are the people ****** to work..get the virus...pass it on ...and eventually die....look at the grandmother just yesterday from the meat plant...could not afford to quit...went to work sick and worked along side others that were sick...don't know about the others...but she died!
Mmmm must be something trump does not want the public to know...…….gave p.utin a bj maybe?

Supreme Court Blocks Release of Full Mueller Report for ...
May 20, 2020 · Supreme Court Blocks Release of Full Mueller Report for Now The court put the case on a fast track, calling for the Justice Department to file a petition seeking review by June 1. Robert S. Mueller...

Supreme Court stalls House access to entire Mueller report ...
2 hours ago · The Supreme Court on Wednesday put a temporary halt on lower court rulings that would have granted a House committee access to grand jury secrets in the final report

Supreme Court blocks House from Mueller material, a win ...
2 hours ago · Mueller did not find evidence to support Trump-Russia collusion, but highlighted multiple instances of possible obstruction in his final report. The Trump administration earlier in …
Subhub....Really...please....Give it a rest...your one sided hate and obsession is super tiresome and just pushes people in the opposite direction. No one is as bad on the side you are against or as good on the side you blindly support as you claim.

can you point out one of my posts that is not factual?....or is the problem they irritate a trumpie?

trumpies always hate....when you show the facts about how bad he is....I suppose for people like you his theft his corruption...his inability to handle the job...all things that just need over looked....didn't like him before...and now with the body count rising like him even less....but for people like you that is all tolerable

besides if you take the time to notice....everything I post is news headlines…….something you trump people just can not stand.....his own words used against him

now really...please....quit trying to act like you are so concerned....when all you are really doing is trying to cover your hero worship...it is always a trumptard that doesn't like to hear the bad news about him....yet there is no good news>

please cancel my subscription to your issues
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not good...…..more jobs permanently gone....think the economy might be worse off than people know

Victoria's Secret to close about 250 stores in the U.S ...
10 hours ago · Victoria’s Secret plans to permanently close approximately 250 stores in the U.S. and Canada in 2020, its parent company L Brands announced Wednesday. L Brands also plans to permanently close 50 …

Victoria's Secret to permanently close 250 stores in the ...
10 hours ago · Victoria's Secret's parent company, L Brands, announced Wednesday that it would permanently close 250 stores in the US and Canada in 2020. The news came just weeks after L Brands confirmed that a ...
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why doesn't he try paying the people who have yet to receive anything.....but wants to get it stopped before they do...guess that means he doesn't want to cut big biz money

McConnell vows end to enhanced unemployment benefits

Mitch McConnell promised House Republicans Wednesday that the beefed up unemployment benefits enacted earlier this spring "will not be in the next bill."

The Senate majority leader told the House GOP minority in an afternoon phone call that he is comfortable waiting to see how the nearly $3 trillion in coronavirus spending previously approved plays out before moving forward on the next relief legislation. And he told them that the ultimate end-product won't look anything like House Democrats' $3 trillion package passed last week, according to a person briefed on the call.

While McConnell conceded more aid may be necessary in the coming weeks, he also repeated his insistence that liability reform be included in the next round of legislation to minimize lawsuits. And he said that the $600 weekly boost in unemployment benefits won't continue — a vow he hadn't previously made.

The remarks amount to a hardening of McConnell's current position and a dismissal of House Democrats' priorities before talks even begin. But as McConnell praised House Republicans for holding firm against Speaker Nancy Pelosi's legislation and mocked her proxy voting plan, Senate Democrats were getting opposite instructions during a midday telephone conference call.

Economist Mark Zandi told Senate Democratic committee leaders that Congress needs to extend the beefed up unemployment insurance and move "quickly" to send more aid to states and cities. Zandi said those governments are "teetering on the financial edge," according to a person on the call, and predicted many more jobs could be lost without quicker action.

McConnell seemed unmoved a few hours later and said Congress needed to proceed deliberately on the next package.

my neighbor......doesn't really need the money...….but has yet to see anything from the gov
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OMG what will he do

Livid Trump Says He’s Done With Fox News: ‘Looking For A New Outlet!’

President Donald Trump says he’s had it with Fox News after host Neil Cavuto criticized him for taking the ******* hydroxychloroquine to prevent becoming infected with the coronavirus.

The anti-malaria ******* has not been approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, but it has become a favorite talking-point in conservative media.

Trump on Monday claimed he has been taking it after at least two people in the White House were diagnosed with the coronavirus infection.

But Cavuto warned viewers not to emulate the president.

might I recommend CNN...I'm sure there are some there that would gladly tell him what he could do
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Can I watch? New to lifestyle looking for a start. I want to start off by watching a BBC and a wife while hubby watches. Then if I meet the criteria for a bull, we can go from there? Sound fun?
I like to meet up in public first so we can talk. Or we can talk privately. You can see my profile details for more. Let me know if you are interested! Thank you for your time.
Can I watch? New to lifestyle looking for a start. I want to start off by watching a BBC and a wife while hubby watches. Then if I meet the criteria for a bull, we can go from there? Sound fun?
I like to meet up in public first so we can talk. Or we can talk privately. You can see my profile details for more. Let me know if you are interested! Thank you for your time.

you might be on the wrong thread...….the only fucking going on here is...mind fucking of the general population
can you point out one of my posts that is not factual?....or is the problem they irritate a trumpie?

trumpies always hate....when you show the facts about how bad he is....I suppose for people like you his theft his corruption...his inability to handle the job...all things that just need over looked....didn't like him before...and now with the body count rising like him even less....but for people like you that is all tolerable

besides if you take the time to notice....everything I post is news headlines…….something you trump people just can not stand.....his own words used against him

now really...please....quit trying to act like you are so concerned....when all you are really doing is trying to cover your hero worship...it is always a trumptard that doesn't like to hear the bad news about him....yet there is no good news>

please cancel my subscription to your issues

WRONG - I LUV ya - funnier by far than all the late night comics - gonna be here all week???
you might have in your own mind...but that was never part of any conversation today....again more of your diversions....you might want to swing the conversation that way to get away from you being anti American in your desire for cheap labor
Sub, your opinion of what is American and what it is not is just a bit confused. Let me assist you with a few facts. Now remember that I didn't write anything I will share.

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Sub, your opinion of what is American and what it is not is just a bit confused. Let me assist you with a few facts. Now remember that I didn't write anything I will share.

your facts....and what few articles you post are far from the real world

I have given you facts and articles showing you that you are wrong on every post....you just won't educate yourself.....this site is just a small little corner of the world
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your facts....and what few articles you post are far from the real world

I have given you facts and articles showing you that you are wrong on every post....you just won't educate yourself.....this site is just a small little corner of the world
You just need to stop telling others they are wrong. Most of everything you post is wrong, immoral, unfair and far from the America the founding fathers of this country intended. You need to back off with your insulting comments because you don't have all the answers, far from it. Just because you think you are so intelligent and you lead out for the liberal left on this site by continuing a constant stream of false, rude and self serving rhetoric. That makes you correct and everyone on the conservative side are incorrect idiots. Every time you accuse us of posting Right Wing Facts or Opinions that you don't agree with I say thank God. You, Yes You need to go back and research what this country stands for, it is not Abortion, government controlled welfare programs, large Government and extreme taxation. We are suppose to be individuals, free Americans, not a large assemblage of people being controlled by a Government. Donald Trump is far from perfect, he does not qualify as a politically correct President. You Democrats have a serious issue, your party has chosen the vice president of what half the American people are convinced was a failed administration, Joe Biden as your only hope. I admit that I am not perfect and I continue to learn more truth every day.
The Holier than thou attitude of the left is ridiculous and disgusting.
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