Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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A Sitting President, Riling the Nation During a Crisis

Even by President Donald Trump’s standards, it was a rampage: He attacked a government whistleblower who was telling Congress that the coronavirus pandemic had been mismanaged. He criticized the governor of Pennsylvania, who has resisted reopening businesses. He railed against former President Barack Obama, linking him to a conspiracy theory and demanding he answer questions before the Senate about the federal investigation of Michael Flynn.

And Trump lashed out at Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger. In an interview with a supportive columnist, Trump smeared Biden as a doddering candidate who “doesn’t know he’s alive.” The caustic attack coincided with a barrage of digital ads from Trump’s campaign mocking Biden for verbal miscues and implying that he is in mental decline.

That was all on Thursday.

Far from a one-day onslaught, it was a climactic moment in a weeklong lurch by Trump back to the darkest tactics that defined his rise to political power. Even those who have grown used to Trump’s conduct in office may have found themselves newly alarmed by the grim spectacle of a sitting president deliberately stoking the country’s divisions and pursuing personal vendettas in the midst of a crisis that has Americans fearing for their lives and livelihoods.

Since well before he became president, Trump’s appetite for conflict has defined him as a public figure. But in recent days he has practiced that approach with new intensity, signaling both the depths of his election-year distress and his determination to blast open a path to a second term, even at the cost of further riling a country in deep anguish.

His electoral path has narrowed rapidly since the onset of the pandemic as the growth-and-prosperity theme of his campaign disintegrated. In private, Trump has been plainly aggrieved at the loss of his central argument for reelection. “They wiped out my economy!” he has said to aides, according to people briefed on the remarks.

Story continues

The Dems have been attacking President Trump since he announced he was running for President - glad he’s attacking back :}
The Dems have been attacking President Trump since he announced he was running for President - glad he’s attacking back :}

wrong again there oh great god of toilet mouths

at first he was a novelty and he got so much free press the other candidates were complaining...he would call in on CNN and Fox and a couple others in the middle of a show to give his point on something...…..but when it got down to him as the nominee...the press did what the press does.....and now he didn't like it....especially repeating his own words back to him....then came the fake news....and the trumptards followed shortly after
well is the Jim Jones of the white house actually trying to ******* more with his bleach like cure...next would be kool aid


is this all a diversion from a number of things he would not want out.....our first terrorist attack since 911...happened in the shooting with people trump had invited here....they have now discovered that the shooter in Fla air base had talked to terrorist just before the shooting

our first terrorists attack..on his watch!
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Morbidly Obese?...……..she forgot little hands also

Pelosi Concerned 'Morbidly Obese' Trump Taking Unproven ...
May 19, 2020 · Pelosi’s concern is grounded in the president’s medical records. During his checkup last year, Trump measured 6 feet, 3 inches and weighed 243 pounds, which would qualify him as obese, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Pelosi: Trump is 'morbidly obese' and could be a problem ...
Pelosi described Trump, who is 73 years old, as "morbidly obese." Standing at 6-feet three-inches tall, Trump weighed in at 243 pounds in 2019. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Nancy Pelosi: Donald Trump 'morbidly obese,' shouldn't ...
6 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to President Trump as "morbidly obese" during an appearance Monday night on CNN and said he shouldn't be …
and so influential with new friends....

Trump calls Mitt Romney a 'loser' after senator criticizes ...
May 18, 2020 · The president posted one word — “Loser” — on Twitter with a montage of video clips reviewing Mr. Romney’s loss to President Barack Obama in 2012, and Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016.

Trump Lashes Out At Romney, Collins After They Criticize ...
10 hours ago · President Trump called Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) a "loser" in a tweet on Monday that included a video of his 2012 loss to Barack Obama, and also …

President Donald Trump calls Mitt Romney a loser — again ...
6 hours ago · SALT LAKE CITY — President Donald Trump had one word for Sen. Mitt Romney on Monday: loser. Actually, Trump tweeted “LOSER!” along with a video of Romney losing the 2012 presidential election and him winning the 2016 election, the …

Trump calls Romney a ‘LOSER’ following sharp criticism for firing inspectors general

Following sharp criticism by Sen. Mitt Romney over firing inspectors general
, President Trump on Monday attacked the Utah Republican as a “LOSER” and shared a video montage of contrasting news coverage of their respective presidential election nights.

Romney apparently drew Trump’s ire for speaking out in the wake of Trump’s Friday night firing of the State Department’s inspector general, who had played a minor role in the president’s impeachment proceedings and was said to have begun investigating alleged misconduct by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Trump’s firing of Steve A. Linick was his fourth dismissal of an internal government watchdog during the coronavirus pandemic. It drew swift condemnations from Democrats as well as Romney, the only GOP senator to vote for Trump’s conviction in his impeachment trial.

and we thought the 90 thousand deaths from coronavirus were bad enough on trumps legacy....******* no wonder it doesn't bother him


An (incomplete) list of deaths that suspiciously benefited Donald Trump or were direct deaths caused by his rhetoric, policies, positions, actions or inaction in time of need.

General explanation: Donald Trump's body count: He's not just a narcissist and a liar. He's a killer: Donald Trump's criminal misbehavior has real consequences for real people. Too often, that includes death

Victims of killers who cite/support Trump will be included. Why?

100,000+ People (Predicted)

Why: Incompetence. Just sheer, unbridled incompetence and total disregard for human life.

176 People

January 8th, 2020
Why: Due to heightened tensions over unnecessary assassination of Iranian General, sabotage of Iran Nuclear Deal, a low-altitude plane was shot down.

Qasem Soleimani

January 3rd, 2020
Why: Bragged about killing general despite not having Pentagon approval, claimed "imminent threat" without evidence, likely had assassinated to appease GOP Senators and to distract from impeachment.

Thomas Bowers

November 2019
Why: FBI witness against Trump who signed off on Deutsche Bank loans to Trump "suicides"

Syrian Kurds

October 7th, 2019

Ongoing, 9+
Why: Ordered troops out of Syria, betrayed Kurdish allies by allowing Turkey to attack.

Jeffrey Epstein

August 10th, 2019
Why: Extensive ties to Trump, direct access via AG Barr. Barr oversaw and chose location for Epstein's incarceration.

Jimmy Aldaoud

August 8th, 2019
Why: Deportation policy, "side effect of the travel ban." Born in Greece, but deported to Iraq, a country he's never been in, died due to lack of access to insulin.

22 People

August 3rd, 2019
El Paso Shootings
Why: Shooter cited support for Trump, his rhetoric of "invasion."

51 People

March 15th, 2019
Christchurch Mosque
Why: Shooter support(ed) U.S. president Donald Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose"

Jamal Khashoggi

October 2, 2018
Why: Critical of Saudi government in which Trump aimed to do $8 Billion in armed sales with. Trump denied his own Intelligence Reports that indicated the Crown Prince ordered the killing, citing that the relationship between him and Saudi Arabia was more important.

3,057 People

September 16, 2017 –
October 2, 2017
Hurricane Maria
Why: Neglected to send prompt aid to people of Puerto Rico, misrepresented/stonewalled funding for aid, misrepresented/tried to suppress actual death toll.

Heather Heyer

August 12th, 2017
Charlottesville, VA
Unite the Right Rally
Why: Killer supported Donald Trump because of what he perceived were Trump's racial views, Trump remarked "You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides"

Stephen F. Hyde
Mark Grossinger Etess
Jonathan Brenanav

October 10th, 1989
Helicopter Crash
Forked River, NJ
Why: Trump was under investigation for money laundering, deeply in debt and soon to go bankrupt. 3 of his Casino execs were all potential witnesses. Blamed casino failures on Exec's deaths due to helicopter crash.

Judge Makes Trump Family Pyramid Scheme Lawsuit Public
May 19, 2020 · This week, Schofield ruled against the Trump family’s request for a hold on the lawsuit while they appeal her earlier decision allowing the suit to proceed publicly. The company that the Trumps promoted for years on-end was called ACN Opportunity, LLC, which peddled a multi-level marketing scheme that the Trumps repeatedly enthusiastically endorsed.

Class action pyramid scheme lawsuit against Trump family ...
18 hours ago · ACN, the plaintiffs said, was a ‘get-rich-quick scheme’ that relied on Trump and his family (conning) each of these victims into giving up hundreds or thousands of dollars,’ in violation of …

Judge Refuses to Stay Pyramid Scheme Lawsuit Against Trump ...
1 day ago · The complicated and anonymous class action lawsuit, filed by a Jane Doe and others, resulted in motions to stay the proceedings and interlocutory appeals by the Trumps, the Trump Corporation, and a third party called ACN Opportunity, LLC. ACN was ordered to produce documents relevant to the claims.

Trump Family Fails to Keep Fraud Lawsuit Private | Law & Crime
The class action plaintiffs originally filed suit in October 2018, alleging the Trump family members and their family-owned business promoted and endorsed a multi-level marketing, or pyramid, scheme known as ACN Opportunity, LLC.
killer at work....

well you heard it here first

this country still has a major virus problem and no where near out of the woods yet

and we are now preparing a ship of ventilators and etc to be sent to Russia

got to take care of the home country

U.S. gearing up to send medical aid to Russia as COVID-19 ...

May 18, 2020 · The U.S. is reportedly working on sending medical equipment, ventilators and testing supplies to Moscow in an effort to help combat the virus. Last month, the …
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AOC is a tax cheat?..well well, if Biden gets in that might qualify her to be head of the IRS. Afterall, Obozo tried to appoint Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary....a man who had cheated on his taxes, failing to pay $34k in taxes over several years. Of course when caught it was just a "careless mistake".
If the money can't go to big biz the gop seems to think it is not needed

fuck the little guy is the way of the GOP

Republican senators put brakes on additional coronavirus aid
May 19, 2020 · McConnell is under pressure from the Democratic-controlled House, which passed a new, wide-ranging coronavirus bill on Friday. Its $3 trillion …

Republicans put brakes on new coronavirus aid bill in U.S ...
Republicans put brakes on new coronavirus aid bill in U.S. Congress ... Some of McConnell's fellow Republicans are clamoring for new emergency measures to respond to a pandemic that has killed ...
AOC is a tax cheat?..well well, if Biden gets in that might qualify her to be head of the IRS. Afterall, Obozo tried to appoint Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary....a man who had cheated on his taxes, failing to pay $34k in taxes over several years. Of course when caught it was just a "careless mistake".

you worry about tax issues when the right has several guilty of insider trading...and a killer loose in the white house

strange priorities...but then with you being a trumpie …..
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