Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It is my honest intention to present truth after I form an opinion on any issue. Facts are argued here constantly. I have stated many times that I also have always been independent in my voting. Over the years I had come to the conclusion that the differences between the Democrats and Republicans had become a delusion because they all belonged to one club, them against us the normal people, 1% of Americas are millionaires, in Congress 66% are millionaires. We the people had lost control of our government, I don't know how we lost it, I don't know when we lost it, in fact I don't even know if we ever had any control. I waited until the last moment to vote for Donald J. Trump, I was not going to vote. In 2008 Barack Obama promised hope of change. I touch flack from everyone I knew because I was counting on Obama and I voted for him. As far as attacking, during the primaries with Obama versus Hillary, that was disgusting all media favored Clinton over Obama. I voted for him for change, he failed. It has been the Democrats that have been on constant attack mode against Trump as soon as he announced his intention to run. I didn't have to get anything from the bias media, all I had to do was watch live for myself the House of Representatives constant attempt to destroy the Trump Presidency. I will never vote Democrat again.
How about you actually listen to what they are saying?
Of course you won't support anyone who opposes Trump. He has been successful at convincing you that he looks out for you, hell, he is you.
This guy who born into generational wealth, personally a millionaire by the time he was 8 (daddy was a tax cheat and created 'jobs' for his ******* from the time they were 2), inherited a multibillion dollar empire, and went on to bankruptcy five times, stiffs the little guy when he hires them for work, hires illegals to save money, manufactures most of his products overseas, can borrow multi-billions from foreign banks when American banks reject him, cheated on every wife only to be praised for it, uses his office to profit his business, never had to eat from a dropped fork, and was raised in New York City sent to private schools. That's the guy you identify with. Well, 37% of you.
Now we see the root of the problem....you don't understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy. Much like when you once made a post where you both misspelled oxymoron, and showed you didn't understand what it meant. You certainly are good comedic entertainment!
it's not my understanding of anything that is in question...…..it it you trying to push some other topic to cover your error in trying to defend the first one....something you and a couple others on here seem to specialize in.....deception and diversion

you just put your foot in your mouth and I held it there
The Dems fall all over themselves looking for anyway to attack - haven’t you noticed in here when they have no good way to defend something they will lower themselves to attack you on an obvious typo or misspelling :|
If they had no means to attack - they would fall mute.

Dems...…..are you referring to the party trying to save the country...also known as Democrats?
with what they are going through trying to stop republican corruption they deserve to be called by their title...Democrats
and you should give a mild bow when referring to them ….or just plain kneel
Your perceptions are skewed to “your” truth - your news outlets for 3 years told you President Trump “colluded” with Russia - you still believe it - I rest me case.
You need to read more real news sources, blkdlaur. Even the Senate Intelligence Committee agrees with the FBI, CIA, and host of other US security agencies that Russia meddled in our 2016 election, and you say Trump knew nothing about it ... lol And I recall all you Trumptards even denying that Russia had even hellped Trump at all.

And its happening again. Here in NC we are attempting to implement new mail-in voting processes, and the Democrats of our Republican General Assembly have given the Republicans several things to do to shore up the security of the voting system here ... Republicans have refused to make ANY changes other than continue pushing the "voter ID" law. When asked about election fraud, in which two Republicans were caught tampering with absentee ballots and pulling Democrat votes out of paper balloting, they refuse to address it. And this after two Republicans went to prison for election fraud in 2016 ... strange, huh? Not FAKE NEWS ... just FACTS. If this is ok for you NOW, just understand that someday it will come around to bite you. It always does ... KARMA is real.
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he is a fucking liar and Still trying to ******* people

they have already stated you have about a 26% higher death rate on this ******* for one thing....but SFB will not admit he doesn't know ******* from apple butter...he is not taking it...just wants others to...trying to ******* more

Trump says he's taking malaria ******* to protect against virus

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria ******* to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

A Sitting President, Riling the Nation During a Crisis

Even by President Donald Trump’s standards, it was a rampage: He attacked a government whistleblower who was telling Congress that the coronavirus pandemic had been mismanaged. He criticized the governor of Pennsylvania, who has resisted reopening businesses. He railed against former President Barack Obama, linking him to a conspiracy theory and demanding he answer questions before the Senate about the federal investigation of Michael Flynn.

And Trump lashed out at Joe Biden, his Democratic challenger. In an interview with a supportive columnist, Trump smeared Biden as a doddering candidate who “doesn’t know he’s alive.” The caustic attack coincided with a barrage of digital ads from Trump’s campaign mocking Biden for verbal miscues and implying that he is in mental decline.

That was all on Thursday.

Far from a one-day onslaught, it was a climactic moment in a weeklong lurch by Trump back to the darkest tactics that defined his rise to political power. Even those who have grown used to Trump’s conduct in office may have found themselves newly alarmed by the grim spectacle of a sitting president deliberately stoking the country’s divisions and pursuing personal vendettas in the midst of a crisis that has Americans fearing for their lives and livelihoods.

Since well before he became president, Trump’s appetite for conflict has defined him as a public figure. But in recent days he has practiced that approach with new intensity, signaling both the depths of his election-year distress and his determination to blast open a path to a second term, even at the cost of further riling a country in deep anguish.

His electoral path has narrowed rapidly since the onset of the pandemic as the growth-and-prosperity theme of his campaign disintegrated. In private, Trump has been plainly aggrieved at the loss of his central argument for reelection. “They wiped out my economy!” he has said to aides, according to people briefed on the remarks.

Story continues

Pelosi: Trump coronavirus missteps 'caused unnecessary death and economic disaster'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released to the public a letter to her Democratic colleagues Tuesday in which she charged President Trump with missteps in handling the coronavirus pandemic that “caused unnecessary death and economic disaster” in the United States.

Pelosi’s letter contained a bullet-pointed list of what she said was “the truth of what has put us in this position.” It included the following items:

  • The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.
  • The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and
  • The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster.
  • The truth is that we did not have proper testing available in March despite Trump repeatedly claiming that we did; and even now, we do not have adequate tests, masks, PPE, and necessary equipment, which creates unnecessary death and suffering.
  • The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and endangering lives.
  • The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.
  • caused unnecessary death and economic disaster.
Fox News Host Warns Viewers After Trump Says He’s Taking Hydroxychloroquine: ‘This. Will. *******. You.’

Moments after President Donald Trump shockingly declared that he has been taking the controversial anti-malarial ******* hydroxychloroquine as preventive treatment for the coronavirus, Fox News host Neil Cavuto warned viewers that the ******* could literally ******* them.

“All right, that was stunning,” Cavuto gasped after Trump’s remarks concluded. “The President of the United States just acknowledged that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, a ******* that is really meant to treat malaria and lupus. The president insisted that it has enormous benefits for patients either trying to prevent or already have COVID-19.”

The veteran Fox News anchor went on to note that while the president in the past has said “what have you got to lose” regarding taking the *******, several recent studies showed that vulnerable people do “have one thing to lose—their lives.”

Cavuto highlighted the results from clinical trials and extensive studies that revealed no noticeable efficacy in treating COVID-19, including a recent government-funded Veterans Affairs study that found more deaths associated with coronavirus patients who took the ******* as a treatment.

FDA: This ******* Could ******* You. Trump: I’m Taking It!

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he has been taking the unproven anti-malarial ******* hydroxychloroquine as a preventative treatment for the coronavirus.

Recent studies have shown that the ******* has little to no effectiveness in treating the coronavirus, and the FDA has issued a warning regarding its potentially deadly side-effects.

Speaking to reporters on Monday afternoon, the president took aim at ousted vaccine chief Dr. Rick Bright, who recently came forward with a whistleblower complaint about the Trump administration’s push of the controversial *******.

“A lot of doctors take it. I take it,” the president insisted at the White House on Monday afternoon, prompting shocked responses from the press corps. “I hope to not be able to take it soon, because you know, I hope they come up with some vaccine. I think people should be allowed to.”

Medical Journal Urges American Voters to Not Re-Elect Trump, Slams Him for Coronavirus Response

A prestigious medical journal has spoken out against President Donald Trump and is urging American voters not to re-elect him in the fall.

The Lancet medical journal recently published a scathing, unsigned editorial pleading with U.S. voters to choose a president that will "understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics," and slammed Trump for his "inconsistent and incoherent" response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"The Administration is obsessed with magic bullets—vaccines, new medicines, or a hope that the virus will simply disappear," the journal states. "But only a steadfast reliance on basic public health principles, like test, trace, and isolate, will see the emergency brought to an end, and this requires an effective national public health agency."

killer at work.....and still a dicktator wannabe....mmmm who would this apply to?

DOJ Wants to Suspend Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

Click here to read the full article.
The Trump Department of Justice has asked Congress to craft legislation allowing chief judges to indefinitely hold people without trial and suspend other constitutionally-protected rights during coronavirus and other emergencies, according to a report by Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan.
While the asks from the Department of Justice will likely not come to fruition with a Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, they demonstrate how much this White House has a frightening disregard for rights enumerated in the Constitution.

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