Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Not phoney....a real video of Biden F'ing up basic numbers about the pandemic. You wanted to divert attention from it with your claim about the "practices of the right" and immediately showed your hypocrisy by doing exactly what you accused the right of. Not hard to understand....just turn on 2 or 3 neurons....even you can get it.

back to hypocrisy again...….one last statement...….see me post ANY vids......let alone phoney vids altered to make the opposition look bad......we all know there are certainly an endless supply of those for your man

you seem to be able to read and understand...…..you just have a problem staying focused....no cure for that so it would appear you are just fucked.……..the solution would be to limit your conversations to see spot run
Not phoney....a real video of Biden F'ing up basic numbers about the pandemic. You wanted to divert attention from it with your claim about the "practices of the right" and immediately showed your hypocrisy by doing exactly what you accused the right of. Not hard to understand....just turn on 2 or 3 neurons....even you can get it.

remember my original comment...of course you don't

and so typical of the republican dinosaur...…...

they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy......part of that anything to win thinking only a republican has

and you want to shift the conversation to ??????????……..trying to make an issue of something completely different...that would be like me bringing up Trump charged with ******* 13 year old.....completely true but off topic

understand yet...…. of course not you are a trumptard ...….
back to hypocrisy again.
Never left the topic....I've pointed out your hypocrisy in every post since you demonstrated your hypocrisy this morning.
remember my original comment...of course you don't

and so typical of the republican dinosaur...…...

they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy
Of course I remember it...I've had to quote it back to you multiple times today....since you keep trying to deflect from your hypocrisy. Once again....just 9 minutes after posting "they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy" you immediately showed your hypocrisy by doing exactly what you accused the right of. Not hard to understand....just turn on 2 or 3 neurons....even you can get it.
Never left the topic....I've pointed out your hypocrisy in every post since you demonstrated your hypocrisy this morning.

Of course I remember it...I've had to quote it back to you multiple times today....since you keep trying to deflect from your hypocrisy. Once again....just 9 minutes after posting "they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy" you immediately showed your hypocrisy by doing exactly what you accused the right of. Not hard to understand....just turn on 2 or 3 neurons....even you can get it.

only you could keep twisting this to suite some right wing purpose.....that is what I said......but after I posted NOTHING about destroying someone else.....I posted several articles backing up that statement......nothing else...and you try to twist things into whatever you want them to be

what a odd little world you must live in you can alter things in your head to be whatever you want...….they may have meds for that ….you might want to look into something...……..your attention span is that of a 5 year old
but then 5 year olds do play a lot in a fantasy world.....so similar I guess.....you just need to put on your big boy pants today
there is no hypocrisy...…...you people post trash articles from the national enquirer or fox news or articles that twist things to suite your purpose.....I post articles you can find on any home page.....if your man makes a fool of himself in front of the world....so be it...what I post is not an altered vid lying about something...…….your man just has the uncanny ability to make a fool of himself and the US everytime he opens his mouth

most of you don't seem to mind that....think it is great he is doing it his way.....his way is making China a world leader....any time there has been a problem in the world the US has set the standard....not anymore...….we have a leader killing our own people through ignorance and ego...…..he has just washed his hands of all of it and turned his head to re-election...…...US lives mean nothing to this guy....and it would seem most of you

as far as I am concerned I would hope some of you trumptards are blessed with seeing what others are dealing with
but after I posted NOTHING about destroying someone else
You posted a whole list of links trying to destroy Trump....9 minutes after claiming the right: "they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy"

As Blkdaur so eloquently put it, you're even hypocritical about your hypocrisy....most impressive!
just wanting to repair as much of what the right has fucked up as possible

100 Days, 100 Ways the Trump Administration Is Harming ...
Apr 25, 2017 · See also: Interactive: The 100 Ways Trump’s Policy Harms Progress for Women and Families On January 21, 2017, millions of women took to the streets in cities across America to demonstrate their ...

New Report Details How Trump Tax Scam 'Delivered Big ...
Dec 17, 2019 · It was dubbed the "GOP Tax Scam," and apparently for good reason.A joint report published Tuesday by the Economic Policy Institute and the Center for Popular Democracy details how Republicans' 2017 tax legislation "delivered big benefits to the rich and corporations but nearly none for working families" in the almost two years since President Donald Trump signed the bill into law.

Despite Trump's promises, Rust Belt still losing jobs
Jan 24, 2019 · Business, Economics and Jobs. Rust Belt jobs are still going overseas. The impact could be felt for generations. The World. January 24, 2019 · 4:15 PM EST

'He pulled the wool over our eyes': workers blame Trump ...
Jul 10, 2019 · But since Trump took office in January 2017, nearly 200,000 jobs have been moved overseas, based on Trade Adjustment Assistance certified petitions. That includes firms doing business with the US government. According to research by Good Jobs Nation,...

Trump officials reverse course on selling public lands ...
The Trump administration is taking any plans to sell federal land from the reduced boundaries of Utah's Grand Staircase Escalante off the table. Interior Department deputy Secretary David Bernhardt officially reversed course in a memo sent Friday to Brian Steed, the Bureau of Land Management's...

The Trump administration opens millions of new acres to ...
Interior has offered nearly 16.8 million acres of federal land for oil and gas leasing since Trump took office, according to the Center for Biological Diversity — a swath of land larger than the ...

15 ways the Trump administration has ... - Environment
    1. U.S. pulls out of Paris Climate Agreement. This is perhaps the decision that set the tone for the …
    2. Trump EPA poised to scrap clean power plan. The Clean Power Plan was one of the Obama's …
    3. EPA loosens regulations on toxic air pollution. This regulation revolved around a complicated rule …
    4. Rescinding methane-flaring rules. Under the Affordable Clean Energy rule issued in August 2018,
You posted a whole list of links trying to destroy Trump....9 minutes after claiming the right: "they have nothing good nor factual to promote their candidate...….so TRY to destroy the other guy"

As Blkdaur so eloquently put it, you're even hypocritical about your hypocrisy....most impressive!

another factual post there.....try reading it instead of your altered version of trump times....nothing hypocritical about the facts and the truth......except if it is not what you want to hear......to you and yours it is called fake news...….to the rest of the world it is called current events
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The Dems fall all over themselves looking for anyway to attack - haven’t you noticed in here when they have no good way to defend something they will lower themselves to attack you on an obvious typo or misspelling :|
If they had no means to attack - they would fall mute.

there you go again....not a thought of your own in your head....twist what has already been said about you to suite your own purpose
just like with trump....what he hates most is his own words used against him....he ...and you....seem to forget we are no longer in the stone age and have recordings of what is said

most of us even know how to use a search engine
Reasoning with a Dem - is unreasonable behavior :|

It has become painfully obvious that their brain is wired completely differently and their perception of life skewed to their mindset.

The test of this - is - that they can NOT even see their own hypocrisy - which is crystal clear to those not so afflicted.
If they had no means to attack - they would fall mute.
Then, what is YOUR EXCUSE?
Being faced with the TRUTH seems to be sensitive to some of you Trumptards, so what WE see is someone who ATTACKS the truth with charges of "fake news", even when its been documented with video and recordings.
Sorry, if sometimes we get excited and use "name calling" ... we just can't believe anyone could be so stupid, or, at this level of denial of the truth.
sign-Video.jpg ... "Its been recorded; how can you argue THAT?"
another factual post there.....try reading it instead of your altered version of trump times....nothing hypocritical about the facts and the truth......except if it is not what you want to hear......to you and yours it is called fake news...….to the rest of the world it is called current events
Now we see the root of the problem....you don't understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy. Much like when you once made a post where you both misspelled oxymoron, and showed you didn't understand what it meant. You certainly are good comedic entertainment!
Then, what is YOUR EXCUSE?
Being faced with the TRUTH seems to be sensitive to some of you Trumptards, so what WE see is someone who ATTACKS the truth with charges of "fake news", even when its been documented with video and recordings.
Sorry, if sometimes we get excited and use "name calling" ... we just can't believe anyone could be so stupid, or, at this level of denial of the truth.
View attachment 3361021 ... "Its been recorded; how can you argue THAT?"

Your perceptions are skewed to “your” truth - your news outlets for 3 years told you President Trump “colluded” with Russia - you still believe it - I rest me case.
The Dems fall all over themselves looking for anyway to attack - haven’t you noticed in here when they have no good way to defend something they will lower themselves to attack you on an obvious typo or misspelling :|
If they had no means to attack - they would fall mute.

It is my honest intention to present truth after I form an opinion on any issue. Facts are argued here constantly. I have stated many times that I also have always been independent in my voting. Over the years I had come to the conclusion that the differences between the Democrats and Republicans had become a delusion because they all belonged to one club, them against us the normal people, 1% of Americas are millionaires, in Congress 66% are millionaires. We the people had lost control of our government, I don't know how we lost it, I don't know when we lost it, in fact I don't even know if we ever had any control. I waited until the last moment to vote for Donald J. Trump, I was not going to vote. In 2008 Barack Obama promised hope of change. I touch flack from everyone I knew because I was counting on Obama and I voted for him. As far as attacking, during the primaries with Obama versus Hillary, that was disgusting all media favored Clinton over Obama. I voted for him for change, he failed. It has been the Democrats that have been on constant attack mode against Trump as soon as he announced his intention to run. I didn't have to get anything from the bias media, all I had to do was watch live for myself the House of Representatives constant attempt to destroy the Trump Presidency. I will never vote Democrat again.
It has always been that way, on both sides, the republicans don't need to harm Biden, they are just showing voters who he is, a very ill older man.
if that was the case (going with your assessment) then how do you explain Trump? Dozens of mental health experts have gone on the record as him being a nutty fruitcake. Some links for you.
REMEMBER: Everything you say about Biden in a negative frame, Trump has him beat by 10x. If you limit your information, you will be surprised. The mental health, lies, ignorance on a subject, sexual perversion, fidelity are all areas that Trump lead. So, please do make this a campaign issue, the commercials are ready:
Mental health experts:
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