Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Russia Sells Off US Debt

The Russian government, previously considered a significant holder of U.S. debt, has been steadily — and sharply — paring down the vast majority of its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities.
Russian holdings of Treasury securities declined 84 percent between March and May, falling to $14.9 billion from $96.1 billion in just two months, according to a U.S. Treasury Department report released July 18.
Financial bloggers have pounced on the news as being potentially ominous, but a few analysts suspect the transactions are more closely related to Russia’s sanctions-hit economy, and portfolio allocation.

Oil Price Collapse Pushing Russia’s Economy To The Edge

The price of oil is falling faster than Russia can adjust its budget.
In June 2014, the global price of oil was over $110 per barrel. But due to a glut in supplies from elevated production from North America, Russia, as well as OPEC countries, oil prices have collapsed.
For Russia’s benchmark crude, Urals URL-E, the price fell to around $27 on Friday. Yet Moscow’s budget for fiscal 2016 was predicated on oil costing twice as much – $50 per barrel – itself a painfully low price.

On Saturday, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov went on television to say this exceptionally low price for Urals oil meant a further reduction in revenues for his country’s budget, leading to an expected deficit of $38.6 billion for Russia in the coming fiscal year.
“Therefore there is a difference of two times [in revenues], and I want to say that for budget income this difference equates to over 3 trillion rubles [$38.6 billion],” Siluanov said during the televised interview. Russia depends on sales of oil and gas for about half its annual budget revenues.
The collapse in oil prices has also hurt the ruble, which has lost more than half its value compared with the U.S. dollar since the summer of 2014. But Siluanov said he didn’t expect significant further devaluation of the Russian currency simply because the price of oil can’t fall much further than it already has. “Our main export commodity [oil], as we have already discussed, fell in price by four times,” Siluanov said. “One can hardly expect prices to fall four times further compared to today’s level.”
The pressure on the budget is driving Moscow to expand its austerity program that will see reductions in spending for virtually all government activity outside the military and social services. But even that effort has its limits, Siluanov said on January 13th in an interview in Moscow with Bloomberg Television.
Better relations with Russia is probably in our best interest if we can get there. Economically Russia isn't a threat.
So let me get this straight ... the Russians (government employees of Russia) are meddling in our election system and you think we should get "warm & cozy " with these thugs? Their specific efforts have been to screw up democratic elections and government operations all around the world. I say "fuck 'em!" Its because of them that we have Trump ... yeah, yeah, go ahead and say "prove it". I won't start that discussion again with a Trump drone. The lies are coming out daily on the Trump administration now ... its only a matter of time before 1-2-3 people side with Cohen, Trump gets his tax returns subpoenaed, and his laundered & untaxed money accounts found.
VPutin does NOT want to be our friend. He wants to destroy the USA. Personally, we need to put the pressure on Russia (if their economy is that weak) and finish them off, economically, before he re-establishes communism and strengthens his dictatorship on the country, and before Trump finishes off the USA. Maybe the Russian & American people will grow some balls and get rid of them. Keep in mind that VPutin likes Trump because Trump knows NOTHING about politics & government, and has the mentality of a 5th grader.

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The hole in the Trump economy
Rick Newman 15 hours ago
President Trump crowed about the latest GDP numbers, which showed the economy growing at a robust 4.1% pace in the second quarter. That’s more than double the pace of President Obama’s last year in office, an accomplishment any president would be happy to take credit for.

But economists are debating how much of that growth is real, and how much is illusory. And the answer could spell trouble for Trump right around the time he’s running for reelection in 2020.

Economist Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group argues that temporary factors accounted for a considerable portion of the latest GDP numbers, and that without those effects, the economy would have grown just 2.5%, not 4.1%. Three temporary factors pumped up the latest numbers, Baumohl says: the Trump tax cuts, a surge in government spending, and a rush to ship some exports out of the country before new tariffs went into effect.

The higher-than-usual export number in the second quarter means exports will be lower than usual in the third, which will cut into GDP growth. What’s less clear is whether the tax-cut and spending stimulus will be sustainable, or peter out. It’s possible that the stimulus contribution to GDP growth in 2018 and part of 2019 will be reversed by late 2019 and 2020, creating a drag on the economy. Some economists think a recession could even be in store by 2020.

The strong GDP number “immediately raises two questions,” writes Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank. “(1) Is this a one-time fluke or a sustainable trend? and (2) How much of the more rapid growth can be traced to changes in economic policy?”

While it’s too early to judge the full effect of the Trump tax cuts, which went into effect at the start of this year, Holtz-Eakin thinks the tax cuts and Trump’s deregulatory agenda are helping create sustainable growth. “The economy is strengthening,” he says. “Better economic policy is reinforcing this trend.”

Some things are clearly going right. Consumer spending is solid, and businesses are starting to spend more, perhaps on account of the tax cuts they’ve enjoyed this year. Here’s the trend for business spending, going back to 2000:

But business spending grew by more in 2011, 2012 and 2014, then fell back again. And businesses themselves may be wondering how solid economic growth really is. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, argues that the tax cuts and spending hikes will account for about one-fourth of GDP growth this year and next. That bump will diminish and then disappear by 2020, he says. Recession could develop if Trump’s protectionist trade policies become too severe, or markets begin to react negatively to nearly $1 trillion in annual borrowing the Trump administration is now piling atop the $21 trillion national debt.

The debt’s the thing, says Baumohl. He points out that in the late 1990s, GDP growth and unemployment were near the same strong levels as they are now. But back then, the roaring economy was generating a tsunami of tax revenue that left the government with a budget surplus for four years in a row, from 1998 through 2001. That’s what’s supposed to happen when the economy is truly healthy.

Now, the federal deficit is getting bigger, not smaller. That suggests the boom is partly just borrowed money that will have to be paid back, like a credit-card splurge. “While the Trump administration may crow endlessly about how swell the economy performed last quarter, that 4.1% GDP print will quickly become a wistful memory,” Baumohl says. He predicts the economy will grow by just 2% in 2019. Even Obama did better.

as it should they preach one thing and yet accept another.....willing to put a pervert in office to get at roe vs wade!

Evangelicals’ embrace of Donald Trump may cost them the future

Last week, Michael Cohen released what has been said to be the first of many tapes he has of private conversations with his former client, Donald Trump. Despite the furious spinning from Trump apologists on cable news, the tape clearly shows that Trump, who has denied knowledge of paying off mistresses in the past, clearly remembers a previous discussion about this and volunteers, "So, what do we got to pay for this? One-fifty?" The casual tone is remarkable, suggesting that such payoffs are routine in Trump's world. For decades, these leaders have been trying to impose a strict sexual morality on the rest of America — one that forbids premarital sex and homosexuality — through not just moral scolding but government action, including things such as abstinence-until-marriage programs in high school and restrictions on contraception and abortion meant to punish women for defying a moral code to which most Americans don't subscribed. ...
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President Trump crowed about the latest GDP numbers, which showed the economy growing at a robust 4.1% pace in the second quarter.
Well, I recall Obama had a GDP of 5.1 and a few in the 4.0 numbers ... plus, Trump inherited an economy on the rise, while Obama inherited an economy crashing towards a second Great Depression. So far I see no great accomplishments coming from the Trump administration. If it weren't for executive orders he would have accomplished exactly ZERO.
I fully expect the Republicans to hand the Democrats another economy in distress AGAIN, then block any efforts to fix it AGAIN ... their MO is pretty predictable.
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Well, I recall Obama had a GDP of 5.1 and a few in the 4.0 numbers ... plus, Trump inherited an economy on the rise, while Obama inherited an economy crashing towards a second Great Depression. So far I see no great accomplishments coming from the Trump administration. If it weren't for executive orders he would have accomplished exactly ZERO.
I fully expect the Republicans to hand the Democrats another economy in distress AGAIN, then block any efforts to fix it AGAIN ... their MO is pretty predictable.

It is a proven fact....they CAN NOT govern the country.....they just give tax breaks to the wealthy and feed the military! that's it!
Well, I recall Obama had a GDP of 5.1 and a few in the 4.0 numbers ... plus, Trump inherited an economy on the rise, while Obama inherited an economy crashing towards a second Great Depression. So far I see no great accomplishments coming from the Trump administration. If it weren't for executive orders he would have accomplished exactly ZERO.
I fully expect the Republicans to hand the Democrats another economy in distress AGAIN, then block any efforts to fix it AGAIN ... their MO is pretty predictable.
Truer words have never been spoken .... or written!
It is a proven fact....they CAN NOT govern the country.....they just give tax breaks to the wealthy and feed the military! that's it!

And on top of the tax breaks the GOP gave the top 1-2%, the White House is now trying to bypass the norms of Congress passing budget changes, via whatever concocted means they can dream up, to reduces taxes on Capital Gains! Read about it here:

Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.

Jane Hardy, the chief executive of a company that makes lawn-care equipment, says she had to lay off 75 employees this summer because of President Trump’s trade war. As she fights to keep her southern Indiana business going, Hardy is one of several manufacturers warning the White House that, unless they see relief from the tariffs soon, job losses will mount and factory closures are likely.
Trump has repeatedly said he would protect American farmers in the trade war, last week setting aside $12 billion to help them, but he is facing pressure to extend aid to other industries if the tariffs remain in place or get extended to more products.

Extending those bailouts would be an expensive proposition. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday estimated the total price tag could hit $39 billion if Trump compensated the losses across all industries. It would take $7.6 billion to help car and automobile parts manufacturers alone, the Chamber said, calling it a “slippery slope” for Trump to determine who gets help and who doesn’t. The Chamber has been a vocal critic of the tariffs.

And on top of the tax breaks the GOP gave the top 1-2%, the White House is now trying to bypass the norms of Congress passing budget changes, via whatever concocted means they can dream up, to reduces taxes on Capital Gains! Read about it here:

read that this morning...but don't think even the right will let him get that done......and with the law suits on him for profiteering on his office...surely someone will get it stopped

this guy is as crooked as they come and I think more and more people are seeing it
had to know this was coming...he is looking at more time in jail than he has to live
besides they are already saying this will get more coverage than the OJ trial
I will bet that before anything happens in a trial there will be more to come

Manafort and Mueller agree to ditch appeal of civil case hours before criminal trial

President Donald Trump's ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort reached an agreement Monday evening with special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to dismiss an appeal of a civil case Manafort had filed against the Justice Department. The court document announcing that all parties agreed to dismiss that appeal came just hours before the start of Manafort's criminal trial in Virginia — the first trial borne from charges brought by the special counsel. Manafort had brought a civil suit in January against the Justice Department, naming Mueller and Rosenstein as specific defendants. He argued that Rosenstein had exceeded his authority through the appointment of the special ...
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read that this morning...but don't think even the right will let him get that done......and with the law suits on him for profiteering on his office...surely someone will get it stopped

this guy is as crooked as they come and I think more and more people are seeing it
I totally agree IF the GOP controlled congress will only get off their asses and take proactive action!
In the meantime here's another story on the same subject.
If you believe Fox News (and yes, it's spelled FOX) lies 58% of the time, you are more deluded than I thought. There really is no helping you.
Good luck in your fantasy world.

ROFLMAO@just how simple minded you are.

Here's the rub ohh unwise one. NOTHING you have said is backed up with any factual information. NOTHING.

You are hiding behind you ignorance and uneducated stance either because you know you're inept and have been called out having no answers, or you really are that foolish and inept.

So you are either that simple minded or you are a foolish minded troll. Either way your comments are asinine inept, and full of emptiness and are easily dismissed using fact. You should try it...Oh wait you can't as your all wised up!


By Aaron Sharockman on Thursday, October 6th, 2011 at 01:42 p.m.

(Last updated: July 2018)

PolitiFact is a nonpartisan fact-checking website to sort out the truth in American politics. PolitiFact was created by the Tampa Bay Times, a Florida newspaper, in 2007. In 2018, PolitiFact was acquired by the Poynter Institute, a nonprofit school for journalists.
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While PolitiFact relies on administrative support from the Poynter Institute, it is otherwise financially self-sustaining. PolitiFact receives support from online advertising, as well as revenue generated through content partnerships and from grants.

In 2017, PolitiFact launched a membership campaign called the Truth Squad to allow individual donations.
Accepting financial support does not mean PolitiFact endorses the products, services or opinions of its donors. Donors have no say in the ratings PolitiFact issues. PolitiFact does not give donors the right to review or edit content.

As part of PolitiFact’s mission to remain transparent and independent, PolitiFact will disclose on this page any individual donation in excess of $1,000. PolitiFact does not accept donations from anonymous sources, political parties, elected officials or candidates seeking public office, or any other source with a conflict of interest as determined by PolitiFact’s executive director.

So you see oh unwise one. The FAUX LIE NETWORK 58% is an actual fact. (The W.H. even uses stats from politifacts when it suits them...) Something YOU cannot provide.

Your continual attempts at name calling with empty baseless whiny comments are funny. Because all you are doing is proving that you have NOTHING. Oh except according to your ego how wised up you are LOL. Yeah as if.

So looking forward to your vast intellectual use of factual and correlative facts figures and material in your reply as always.

Oh wait, this isn't fantasy Island!

Trump Administration Mulls a Unilateral Tax Cut for the Wealthy
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering bypassing Congress to grant a $100 billion tax cut mainly to the wealthy, a legally tenuous maneuver that would cut capital gains taxation and fulfill a long-held ambition of many investors and conservatives.

Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said in an interview on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit meeting in Argentina this month that his department was studying whether it could use its regulatory powers to allow Americans to account for inflation in determining capital gains tax liabilities. The Treasury Department could change the definition of “cost” for calculating capital gains, allowing taxpayers to adjust the initial value of an asset, such as a home or a share of stock, for inflation when it sells.
looks like "Mr. Art of the Deal" just fucked himself on two things he is trying to put pressure on ...Iran and N.Korea...now that he has pissed off China...they are buying huge amounts of oil from Iran...and definitely not helping put pressure on N.Korea anymore....and now this.....

Trade War Update: U.S. Goes For China's Jugular

If you want to know the end-game in this China trade war it is probably this: redirect supply chains to favor American manufacturers; pressure the Communist Party to open its mega domestic market to Americans with no strings (already happening pre-tariffs); and challenge Chinese dominance in Asia, a dominance many in Washington feel was ill-gotten, partly on the backs of intellectual property theft. China is an export-driven economy. It owes its wealth to that. The Trump Administration is going after China's jugular. And China is feeling it. Dissent in China was never easy. Since 2014, I have lost nearly all of my mainland China investment banking sources as Xi Jinping cracked down on them talking ...
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China tempts Britain with free trade, says door to U.S. talks open

* China offers Britain post-Brexit free trade talks amid US tensions

* China reiterates door to dialogue with U.S. always open

* China has been looking for allies amid U.S. trade war (Adds comments from Chinese State Councillor)

BEIJING, July 30 (Reuters) - China offered Britain talks on a post-Brexit free trade deal on Monday, reaching out to London as Beijing remains mired in an increasingly bitter trade war with Washington, even as a senior Chinese diplomat reiterated its door remained open for dialogue.

China has been looking for allies in its fight with the United States, initiated by the Trump administration, which says China's high-tech industries have stolen intellectual property from American firms and demanded Beijing act to buy more U.S. products to reduce a $350 billion trade surplus.

Britain has pushed a strong message to Chinese companies that it is fully open for business as it prepares to leave the European Union next year, and China is one of the countries with which Britain would like to sign a post-Brexit free trade deal.

Speaking to reporters in Beijing after meeting British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, the Chinese government's top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi, said both countries agreed to step up trade with and investment in each other.

Hunt said Wang had made an offer "to open discussions about a possible free trade deal done between Britain and China post Brexit".

"That's something that we welcome and we said that we will explore," Hunt said, without elaborating.
And one more little footnote:

Now that the right is trying to say it is ok for trump to have talked to Russia before the election and "got a little" help
first we allowed big biz to start donating however much they wanted to a campaign....taking the little man out of the picture
now they want to open it up to other countries?
depends on what candidate promises what to whatever country now I guess and that country just gives the candidate tons of money and puts more "bots" out selling their candidate?
where does it end?
vote ….none of the above?
well mr foot in mouth you might want to rethink that statement because apparently you have no idea what you are talking about

matter of fact let someone from another country educate your dumb ass!
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