Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And if anyone is prepared to believe that "he" is putting up anything more than a smoke screen, I got a couple of foreign armies from Mars to sell you! "He" is so lacking the courage, backbone and intestinal fortitude to berate his friends in Moscow regarding their interventions in U.S. elections, he sent his underlings to meet with the Fake News and hopes the electorate will buy! His underlying concern is of course for not taking part in any such announcement is that he doesn't want to risk Mr. Poroshenko's wrath. "He" wants to be in the position to say, "Sorry, Vald! It wasn't me! It was them! They met with the Fake Press without my permission! I promise I'll fire every damn one of them someday!" What an excuse for a ....!
Never mind I'm too disgusted to say more.

O noticed he was no where in sight during that whole press conference...bet he wanted nothing to do with it and didn't buy any of it...all just the republicans putting up a smoke screen!
Oops. Daphne’s lame narrative is busted again.

you might want to look into that there SFB!
yes fox is very popular...among republicans who lack the ability to think for them selves
They are banned in Canada because of some law where news can't lie! but you can get them on cable for those that can't handle the facts
the UK and Australia did the same...here money talks!....you can buy stupidity!...Fox does it everyday to millions of viewers like you
you might want to learn how to use your search engine...but with you being a fox fan I can understand your ignorance

Is Fox News banned in Canada?

"The (false news) provision has kept Fox News and right wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom," wrote Kennedy. "As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high-quality news coverage including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ in 1987."

Two Fox News broadcasts in the UK have been found in breach of Ofcom rules over impartiality.
A January edition of the Hannity programme discussed US President Donald Trump's ban restricting travel from seven majority-Muslim countries.
Ofcom said the US-made show was largely pro-Trump and did not sufficiently reflect alternative viewpoints.
Tucker Carlson Tonight was also found in breach for a broadcast in May following the Manchester terror attack.
Regarding Hannity, Ofcom said they had taken into account "that Fox News is a US news channel, directed at US audiences, which is available in the UK. The people who watch it in the UK are aware that it is a US channel and their expectations are different.

"It is not a main source of news in the UK. However, we were also mindful that, in our view, this particular programme dealt with major matters relating to current public policy that, as well as being of international significance, were of particular relevance and significance to UK viewers."
Ofcom said the Tucker Carlson Tonight episode accused various public bodies and individuals in the UK , including Prime Minister Theresa May, of "doing nothing to counter terrorism; stop radicalisation; protect citizens from terrorism; or protect 'thousands of ******* girls' from ******* and abuse".
'Official lie'
Hours after White House warns of new election meddling, Trump again points to 'Russian hoax'

Jonathan Allen and Lauren Egan

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — It's still a "hoax" to President Donald Trump.
Just hours after the nation's top intelligence officials warned about Moscow's efforts to disrupt a second consecutive American election, Trump said at a campaign rally here Thursday night that his diplomatic efforts with President Vladimir Putin "are being hindered by the Russian hoax."
The two events created a split screen effect: America's intelligence experts warning voters that Russia is trying to undermine democracy and Trump telling them it's all political chicanery.
Several of Trump's top lieutenants — National Security Adviser John Bolton, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency chief Paul Nakasone — took to the White House briefing room to detail the threat.
the right is not going to surrender their hold on this country easily

Arrested, jailed, charged with a felony — for voting.
San Francisco Chronicle


GRAHAM, N.C. - Keith Sellars and his daughters were driving home from dinner at a Mexican restaurant last December when he was pulled over for running a red light. The officer ran a background check and came back with bad news for Sellars. There was a warrant out for his arrest. As his girls cried in the back seat, Sellars was handcuffed and taken to jail. His crime: Illegal voting. "I didn't know," said Sellars, who spent the night in jail before his family paid his $2,500 bond. "I thought I was practicing my right." Sellars, 44, is one of a dozen people in Alamance County in North Carolina who have been charged with voting illegally in the 2016 presidential election. ...
Read more
O noticed he was no where in sight during that whole press conference...bet he wanted nothing to do with it and didn't buy any of it...all just the republicans putting up a smoke screen!
We're on the same wave length AND you're 100% correct!
His acts in another era would've bought treason charges by now!
This whole scenario is simply painful to watch!
Can you just imagine what the reaction of the likes of Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and their ilk would be if this was a Democratic President acting like this! They're complicit through their silence! So-o-o despicable!
the right is not going to surrender their hold on this country easily

Arrested, jailed, charged with a felony — for voting.
San Francisco Chronicle


GRAHAM, N.C. - Keith Sellars and his daughters were driving home from dinner at a Mexican restaurant last December when he was pulled over for running a red light. The officer ran a background check and came back with bad news for Sellars. There was a warrant out for his arrest. As his girls cried in the back seat, Sellars was handcuffed and taken to jail. His crime: Illegal voting. "I didn't know," said Sellars, who spent the night in jail before his family paid his $2,500 bond. "I thought I was practicing my right." Sellars, 44, is one of a dozen people in Alamance County in North Carolina who have been charged with voting illegally in the 2016 presidential election. ...
Read more
And this is called DEMOCRACY!
Hours after White House warns of new election meddling, Trump again points to 'Russian hoax'

Jonathan Allen and Lauren Egan

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — It's still a "hoax" to President Donald Trump.
Just hours after the nation's top intelligence officials warned about Moscow's efforts to disrupt a second consecutive American election, Trump said at a campaign rally here Thursday night that his diplomatic efforts with President Vladimir Poroshenko "are being hindered by the Russian hoax."
The two events created a split screen effect: America's intelligence experts warning voters that Russia is trying to undermine democracy and Trump telling them it's all political chicanery.
Several of Trump's top lieutenants — National Security Adviser John Bolton, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency chief Paul Nakasone — took to the White House briefing room to detail the threat.

Did someone expect anything "other than" from this wannabe!?
We're on the same wave length AND you're 100% correct!
His acts in another era would've bought treason charges by now!
This whole scenario is simply painful to watch!
Can you just imagine what the reaction of the likes of Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and their ilk would be if this was a Democratic President acting like this! They're complicit through their silence! So-o-o despicable!

just a few short years ago he would be on trial for treason.....but for the right....money talks!
the right is not going to surrender their hold on this country easily

Arrested, jailed, charged with a felony — for voting.
San Francisco Chronicle


GRAHAM, N.C. - Keith Sellars and his daughters were driving home from dinner at a Mexican restaurant last December when he was pulled over for running a red light. The officer ran a background check and came back with bad news for Sellars. There was a warrant out for his arrest. As his girls cried in the back seat, Sellars was handcuffed and taken to jail. His crime: Illegal voting. "I didn't know," said Sellars, who spent the night in jail before his family paid his $2,500 bond. "I thought I was practicing my right." Sellars, 44, is one of a dozen people in Alamance County in North Carolina who have been charged with voting illegally in the 2016 presidential election. ...
Read more

Arrested, Jailed, Charged with a Felony - for ILLEGAL voting.

There, corrected that for you - lets keep it in context shall we, otherwise it's just fake news. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Just another good example of the media twisting the truth to gain sympathy or start outrage over a mole hill - and you leftist eat it up like candy.
Arrested, Jailed, Charged with a Felony - for ILLEGAL voting.

There, corrected that for you - lets keep it in context shall we, otherwise it's just fake news. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Just another good example of the media twisting the truth to gain sympathy or start outrage over a mole hill - and you leftist eat it up like candy.
How do you vote illegally!? You mean he wasn't on the electoral roll? Don't you have systems in place at your voting stations ffs?
How do you vote illegally!? You mean he wasn't on the electoral roll? Don't you have systems in place at your voting stations ffs?

oh hell the republicans try to kick everyone off the voting ballots they can to hold onto power....want all kinds of documents proving you are who you say or you can't vote....even if you have voted your whole life
Arrested, Jailed, Charged with a Felony - for ILLEGAL voting.

There, corrected that for you - lets keep it in context shall we, otherwise it's just fake news. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Just another good example of the media twisting the truth to gain sympathy or start outrage over a mole hill - and you leftist eat it up like candy.

who is twisting what? that was a cut and paste from the paper...yours is??????
blocking voters has been going on for how long now?
pretty common for the right to block and stop all they can.....you don't suppose his arrest will send some kind of message to more voters....keeping them away from the polls...which IS the intent isn't it?
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AP FACT CHECK: Trump says US Steel opening mills. Not so.
Hope Yen, Associated Press,Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is crediting his tariffs with persuading U.S. Steel to open a half dozen new plants. That's not so.
TRUMP at a Pennsylvania rally Thursday night: "U.S. Steel is opening up seven plants." On Tuesday, he told supporters in Florida: "U.S. Steel just announced that they're building six new steel mills."
THE FACTS: The Pittsburgh-based company has made no such announcement. U.S. Steel spokeswoman Meghan Cox declined to comment on Trump's claim but said any "operational changes" such as the opening of new mills would be "publicly announced" and "made available on our website" if it occurred.
How do you vote illegally!? You mean he wasn't on the electoral roll? Don't you have systems in place at your voting stations ffs?

Obviously you didn't read the article.

And no, we don't have a system in place because the Democrats won't allow voter ID, - they WANT the illegal vote, thats the only way they can win
who is twisting what? that was a cut and paste from the paper...yours is??????
blocking voters has been going on for how long now?
pretty common for the right to block and stop all they can.....you don't suppose his arrest will send some kind of message to more voters....keeping them away from the polls...which IS the intent isn't it?
The media twisted it, I simply corrected it.

And you didn't read the article either - it's not about "blocking votes. What he did was illegal, already on the books, been that way for years.
Obviously you didn't read the article.

And no, we don't have a system in place because the Democrats won't allow voter ID, - they WANT the illegal vote, thats the only way they can win
Why isn't an adult citizen allowed to vote in the USA?
Why isn't an adult citizen allowed to vote in the USA?

the right doesn't want them to...…..they might vote democrat....and the republicans don't want that.....vote them out of power...god forbid that should happen....they make it very hard for them to vote....ID's..birth certificate etc...…..restrict voting stations so they are not to many in the working class areas......cut the hours so some can not vote because of long lines...they play all kinds of games...I won't even go into gerrymandering

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