Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

President Donald Trump falsely claimed he's pulled off "an economic turnaround of historic proportions."
Speaking at the White House Friday after the government reported that the economy grew at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter, Trump declared that the gains were sustainable and would only accelerate. Few economists outside the administration agree with this claim.
His remarks followed events Thursday in Iowa and Illinois, where Trump falsely repeated a claim that the U.S. economy is the best "we've ever had" and incorrectly asserted that Canada's trade market is "totally closed."
A look at the claims:
TRUMP: "We've accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions." — remarks Friday at the White House.
THE FACTS: Trump didn't inherit a fixer-upper economy.
The U.S. economy just entered its 10th year of growth, a recovery that began under President Barack Obama, who inherited the Great Recession. The data show that the falling unemployment rate and gains in home values reflect the duration of the recovery, rather than any major changes made since 2017 by the Trump administration.
While Trump praised the 4.1 percent annual growth rate in the second quarter, it exceeded that level four times during the Obama presidency. But quarterly figures are volatile and strength in one quarter can be reversed in the next. While Obama never achieved the 3 percent annual growth that Trump hopes to see, he came close. The economy grew 2.9 percent in 2015.
The economy faces two significant structural drags that could keep growth closer to 2 percent than 3 percent: an aging population, which means fewer people are working and more are retired, and weak productivity growth, which means that those who are working aren't increasing their output as quickly as in the past.
Both of those factors are largely beyond Trump's control.

TRUMP: "One of the biggest wins in the report, and it is, indeed a big one, is that the trade deficit — very dear to my heart because we've been ripped off by the world — has dropped."
THE FACTS: Trump is correct that a lower trade deficit helped growth in the April-June quarter, but it's not necessarily for a positive reason.
The president has been floating plans to slap import taxes on hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign goods, which has led to the risk of retaliatory tariffs by foreign companies on U.S. goods.
This threat of an escalating trade war has led many companies to increase their levels of trade before any tariffs hit, causing the temporary boost in exports being celebrated by Trump.
Richard Moody, chief economist at Regions Financial, said the result is that the gains from trade in the second quarter will not be repeated.

TRUMP: "We're having the best economy we've ever had in the history of our country." — remarks in Granite City, Illinois.
THE FACTS: Even allowing for Trump's tendency to exaggerate, this overstates things.
The unemployment rate is near a 40-year low and growth is solid, but by many measures the current economy trails other periods in U.S. history. Average hourly pay, before adjusting for inflation, is rising at about a 2.5 percent annual rate, below the 4 percent level reached in the late 1990s when the unemployment rate was as low as it is now.
Pay was growing even faster in the late 1960s, when the jobless rate remained below 4 percent for nearly four years. And economic growth topped 4 percent for three full years from 1998 through 2000, an annual rate it hasn't touched since.

TRUMP: "The Canadians, you have a totally closed market ... they have a 375 percent tax on dairy products, other than that it's wonderful to deal. And we have a very big deficit with Canada, a trade deficit." — remarks in Peosta, Iowa.
THE FACTS: No, it's not totally closed. Because of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada's market is almost totally open to the United States. Each country has a few products that are still largely protected, such as dairy in Canada and sugar in the United States.
Trump also repeated his claim that the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada, but that is true only in goods. When services are included, such as insurance, tourism, and engineering, the U.S. had a $2.8 billion surplus with Canada last year.


Interesting article!
Insofar as exaggerations are concerned what could one ever expect from this character but
"alternative facts!" He deminishes the reputation of the U.S. every time he opens his mouth!
of course not....for you?

For me? It wouldn't matter a lot either way. Capital is fungible, and I'm in a position to change strategy about income, and consequently, how income is taxed.

For the average person? Yes, there are other issues infinitely more important that impacts their real wealth adjusted for inflation, purchasing power, standard of living, etc. The issue you outline above is not one of them. At this point, it is in their favor.

It would be a stretch to call the new tax policy reform. But it has far greater reform than any recent tax bill, and some easy write offs have been taken away from people, such as myself, who have an above average income.
It would be a stretch to call the new tax policy reform.
Just like the Trump health care plan ... as a matter of fact. There was no more intention by Trump or the Republicans to come up with a better, less expensive health plan for the nation than there was for a middleclass tax cut ... all hocus pocus BS. When you take in account all the things the Trump administration has taken away from the poor and lower middleclass (the very ones who needed an income increase the most), their spendable income went backwards. Yeah, they may have put $1,000 or so more in their pockets, but then turn around to replace what they lost in health care costs, TARP SNAP, etc etc .... as I said, "Trickle Down" turns YELLOW by the time it gets to the ones who the Republicans boost is going to benefit from it. Its worked that way for 35 years.
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Trickle Down Economics.
The following are excerpts from a report by "The non-partisan Congressional Research Service (in the Library of Congress) issued in a report in 2012."

The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (Pub.L. 97–34), also known as the ERTA

The Act's Republican sponsors, Representative Jack Kemp of New York and Senator William V. Roth Jr., of Delaware, had hoped for more significant tax cuts, but settled on this bill after a great debate in Congress. It passed Congress on August 4, 1981, and was signed into law on August 13, 1981, by President Ronald Reagan at Rancho del Cielo, his California ranch.

In the year after enactment of ERTA, the deficit ballooned, which in turn, drove interest rates from around 12% to over 20%, which, in turn, drove the economy into the second dip of the 1978-82 "double dip recession". The Dow Jones average, which had been over 1000 before enactment of ERTA, fell to 770 by September 1982. Much of the 1981 ERTA was backed out in September 1982 by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), sometimes called the largest tax increase of the post-war period.
Reagan came into office with a national debt of around $900 billion, high unemployment rates and public distrust in government. The ERTA was designed to give tax breaks to all citizens in hopes of jumpstarting the economy and creating more wealth in the country. By the summer of 1982, the double dip recession, return of high interest rates, and ballooning deficits had convinced Congress that the Act had failed to create the results that the Reagan administration hoped.

Largely at the initiative of Senate Finance Committee chairman Robert Dole, most of the personal tax cuts were backed out in September 1982 by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA). When Reagan left office, the national debt had tripled, to around $2.6 trillion. Sociologist Monica Prasad contends that these kinds of tax cuts became popular among Republican candidates because the cuts were well received by voters and could help candidates get elected. Prasad argues that such major tax cuts are the biggest cause for the current U.S. national deficit. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 remains the largest tax cut in American history.[17] (up until that time)
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Putin Portrait Placed In Colorado Capitol Where Donald Trump's Should Be
Andy McDonald,HuffPost


The group Colorado Citizens for Culture is responsible for collecting donations so that presidential portraits may be commissioned to adorn the halls of the capitol in Denver.
President Donald Trump is the next to have his displayed, but so far the group has raised ... no money at all for a $10,000 portrait of No. 45, according to NBC affiliate 9NEWS in Denver. (In such a booming economy, Mr. President?)
Colorado Citizens for Culture leader Jay Sellers said that enough money was raised within four months to commission portraits of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

An unknown culprit did add a 45th portrait to the gallery, though. Democratic state Sen. Steve Fenberg tweeted this photo after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s picture joined the group.
WHy does blk2W put poroshenko as a name when P.utin is typed

Would appear the noose is starting to close on the Orange menace.

Would appear the noose is starting to close on the Orange menace.

looks like it...and not soon enough to please me!
can't wait to see some of these trump lovers ******* on their turd!

it used to be the pres was someone you revered...but the right changed that with Obama and some of the ******* they pulled....and now with chump just plain lowering the standards for everything in this country....we will suffer for a long time in so many areas

Ahhh twilight zone Pirro. Lies so big Faux news has extra storage facilities built to house them. Some of my fav from this maniac women....

'“The head of this band of savages, Abu al-Baghdadi, was released by the Obama administration and started ISIS one year later in 2010.”

When in fact the agreement to release Baghdadi was signed by President Bush in 2008 as part of the Status of Forces Agreement. In accordance with that agreement, Baghdadi was turned over to Iraqi authorities in 2009 and was further imprisoned in Iraq. Then the Iraqi government — not Obama — released Baghdadi from prison in 2010.

“Now, Mr. President, you may see yourself as a war hero. The truth? There has been a 60 percent increase in radical Islamist terrorism since you’ve been in office.”

The only report found doesn't even mention terrorists. it mentions a 60 percent increase in terrorist attacks that had to do with North Africa, and the increase wasn’t overall for the years 2009-2014 ,Also the biggest increases took place between 2001 and 2009 under a different president.

“You release terrorists, you cut deals with Iran, you dance around with your political correctness while they sharpen their knives.”

'To the far-left, Obama was considered to be a bloodthirsty, drone-addicted war criminal who indiscriminately launches Hellfire missiles at children. On the far-right, he was a flitting dilettante who pals around with terrorists instead of killing them by the bushel. The truth is that in spite of Pirro’s boardwalk caricature of Obama, no president has killed more terrorists than this one — more than 2,000 as of by 2013, and that’s just the ones killed in drone strikes — eight times as many as the previous administration. Again, if this is weakness, I have no idea what her standard for strength against terrorists could possibly be, because since the beginning of the global war on terror, Obama is the clear leader in killing the evildoers. '
‘Russian’ soldiers stand guard at Trump’s Walk of Fame star
New York Post
Two ‘Russian’ guards have been standing careful watch over President Trump’s shattered star along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The satirical Soviets were first spotted Wednesday, after the star was shattered by Austin Clay, who turned himself in and is facing felony vandalism charges. “2 guys dressed as russian soldiers in 90F heat to ‘protect’ Trump’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame star from vandalism. That’s next level trollism!” Twitter user @Asgard_Hydra tweeted Saturday. “Well played, California,” @thepaperword chimed in. Funnyman Jimmy Kimmel aired footage of the stone-faced duo on his Thursday show. “That’s what comrades do for other comrades,” he quipped. Trump has been dogged by Special Counsel ...
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I see where Trump is worried the Dems might get control and is planning on campaigning for the republicans up to 7 days a week if necessary....seems to me if he does that it would just be HELPING the dems!

HELPING the dems! ....
What about the rest of the Good Ole U.S. of A.
Plus the rest of us mere mortals in this poor Ole world!
Maybe now I can see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel!
Just 99 Days and counting!
Overall sense of shadiness is hitting Trump in the polls

and more good news

Rep. Heck: We’ve moved from collusion to possible conspiracy

Melania Trump smiles while reporter yells questions about 'lying' Donald Trump Jr.



I guess Trump is more willing to buy from Russia...than our ally Canada!...but then that is just an excuse to lift sanctions on his pal

As trade wars rage on, Trump administration considers to lift sanctions on Russian aluminum company

The Trump administration is open to lifting sanctions on Russia's Rusal, an aluminum company founded by billionaire Oleg Deripaska, a member of Vladimir Putin's circle. In an interview with CNN, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin acknowledged that sanctions placed on Deripaska had crippled Rusal, which was not his intention. "The objective was to impact the oligarchs, not to impact the hardworking people of Rusal as a result of the sanctions," Mnuchin said. The U.S. had enforced sanctions on Deripaska in response to Russia's meddling in the 2016 election. The Treasury Department said Deripaska has been "investigated for money laundering, and has been accused of threatening the lives of business ...
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'If you're using Yahoo as a "credible" source, you've lost all credibility with most educated people.'

Not true at all. But seeing as its ONLY your opinion and NOT a fact, people will see your attempt at what it is.

Due to Yahoo actually linking the original source in their articles. One click and you go to that source. One can find the main international and national source from where an article comes.

Unlike Faux lie news which never does.

Also every intelligent person will be able to research that source. Unless you are saying your incapable.
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