Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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let me take a wild guess here and say you are a fucks news fan?
hell Arizona as a state is not very credible!...starting with your Gov!
I would put yahoo news and finance far above what you must deem as credible...after all most of it is just interviews with credible sources
yahoo is just my home page and covers all news source and the cartoon net work (Fox)...everything they print can be checked if you have the knowledge to do so

have one of the neighbor ******* show you how to cut and paste the subject into a search engine if need be
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You people (DaphneD and subhub174014) are deluded. There is no helping you.
The majority of people are smart enough to know Yahoo, CNN, MSNBC, et.al. aren't fooling the voters with their obvious bias. And this is coming from someone who used to watch CNN and read Yahoo virtually every day for over a decade. I wised up. When will you?

oh *******...I'm sorry I just didn't know you were so wise and we should be listening to your BULLSHIT!
I'm sure now you are a devoted Fucks news listener...….that's why you are so wise
you are the poster baby for stupidity!

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sorry Chicago tribune probably can't be trusted either but......

Will Republicans put country before party?
Chicago Tribune

After the latest of President Donald Trump’s numerous disasters involving his public image, as well as the continuing lies, misquotes, and name calling, etc., we again have many of the GOP stepping up and rightfully finding fault with this man's actions. When will the so-called leaders of the GOP really step up to the plate and once and for all condemn this individual for all his poor decisions, lies, mistakes and missteps, and finally take action to disavow themselves, while beginning the process of finding and developing an alternative to Trump for the 2020 election? Considering the lack of drive by the Democrats to foster any type of reasonable candidate to lead the country in 2020, the GOP could make a positive impression on voters and citizens. Republicans could prove they truly are looking out for the long-term future of this country and its reputation throughout the world as the leader of freedom and economic improvement, as opposed to only salvaging their own special interests and positions within the party. ...
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Our mass delusion of American prosperity and national well-being is killing U.S.

The disconnect between the corporate news media’s reporting about the “great American economy” and the actual circumstances of the American people grows by the day. It should tell you all you need to know about our surreal tipping point when an orange obese POTUS, who loves McDonald's, proclaims our economy is the “envy of the world” because our Gross Domestic Product grew by 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018. For the powers that be it is very important that the narrative remain that America is in the midst of a recovery that’s delivering for the majority of Americans. “Because it was that particular tax cut that gave the boost to GDP growth, that boost is accompanied by a sharp worsening of income and wealth inequality,”Richard Wolff, an economics professor at New School University, said in an email. ...
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The Federal deficit: Mulvaney says the congressional budget office was right after all

This is definitely a man-bites-dog federal budget story. Since becoming Trump’s Office of Management and Budget director, Mick Mulvaney has viciously attacked the Congressional Budget Office as a highly partisan and substantively inept organization. He has repeatedly questioned its economic assumptions, its budget analyses and the politics of its analysts. And that makes it more than a little newsworthy that OMB, the federal agency Mulvaney himself directs and in his mind is a paragon of bipartisanship and objectivity, released a report last Friday that not only shows that CBO’s numbers were substantively good, it also shows that the organization Mulvaney had attacked for being too partisan was
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You people (DaphneD and subhub174014) are deluded. There is no helping you.
The majority of people are smart enough to know Yahoo, CNN, MSNBC, et.al. aren't fooling the voters with their obvious bias. And this is coming from someone who used to watch CNN and read Yahoo virtually every day for over a decade. I wised up. When will you?

You wised up. Really. Few facts Mr wised-up.

Your continual assertion that you are smarter than everyone is funny as the facts don't back you up. Your obvious biased is clearly one of a self perceived attitude of self importance. You haven't' wised up about anything. Just dumbed down your capacity to see further than your own made up asinine comments whilst stating how wise you are..

now to the facts.

1. The majority of people USE CNN Yahoo MSNBC e.c.t as their daily start to the day. The statistics back that up.. Yet they don't back your claim up! Funny that. because most of the different voter base for each party use the different news outlets to form their opinion. And that opinion is BASED ON the news they are given. So again the facts don't back your made up statement. Its that simple.

2. Over 50% of the news posted on CNN MSNBC, Yahoo e.t.c have been found to be truthful and accurate against Faux news... Again blowing a hole in your 'I'm wised up.'

The PolitiFact scorecard

Statements made on NBC

Against those of Faux news

Statements made on FOX

Statements made on CNN

True13 (16%) (13)

So Faux news etc are now at 58% of their broadcasting as being lie filled while at NBC is around 47/8%, CNN does better than the other two at a measly 22% of their broadcasts being biased or lie filled. So those proven facts once again blow a complete hole in your self appointed holier than thou attitude about biased.

3. Unlike you Mr wised up. I use over 270 sources of information. All to do with hubbies work. These include Yahoo, CNN Faux news, etc. And many you won't even get close to seeing Why. because while I don't claim to be 'wise I can research and use that research to point out FACTUAL and ACCURATE information. Something you seem to be lacking...I wonder why Mr wise?

4. NOTHING you have said is backed up by fact. Just your obtuse claims of your right. Sorry but life doesn't work like that Mr 'I'm wised up'.
You joined a thread , insulted people, claimed you were the only so called wise one and yet back none of your rather asinine and egotistic ramblings up with any facts.

You see, I wised up years ago. And as such use verifiable fact and research those I need more information about. You on the other hand blow hot air around whilse claiming to be some guru of wisdom. Yet fail so badly it renders you down to a comical figure on which no topic can be taken seriously. So no You're not wised up. And the evidence is clear for all to see on here....
let me take a wild guess here and say you are a fucks news fan?
hell Arizona as a state is not very credible!...starting with your Gov!
I would put yahoo news and finance far above what you must deem as credible...after all most of it is just interviews with credible sources
yahoo is just my home page and covers all news source and the cartoon net work (Fox)...everything they print can be checked if you have the knowledge to do so

have one of the neighbor ******* show you how to cut and paste the subject into a search engine if need be

Faux news. The news media that lies over 58% of the time in their broadcasts... Figures he would be!
Here's an interesting article I just happened upon while browsing the net. (mom jones.com).
I should also point out that this subject has been written and spoken about extensively in numerous news media since the actual incident happened. It really does clarify as to what comes first in this man's life, money or family! Hope I don't spoil your reading, family took second seat! Enjoy!
Donald Trump likes to get his way, and he’s not above cutting off a sick *******’s health coverage to make it happen.
The story begins after the death of Trump’s *******, Fred Sr., in 1999. As David Cay Johnston explains in his book The Making of Donald Trump, Fred Sr. had written a will after the death of his oldest *******, Fred Jr., known as Freddy, in 1981. The will left the majority of Fred Sr.’s wealth to Donald and his surviving siblings. Freddy’s family was largely cut out.

When Fred Sr. died, Freddy’s children sued, claiming that the will “had been ‘procured by fraud and undue influence’ by Donald and the other surviving siblings,” according to Johnston.
Johnston writes that medical insurance had consistently been provided to the family through Fred Sr.’s company. This coverage was crucial for Freddy’s grandson (Donald’s grandnephew), who suffered from seizures and later developed cerebral palsy. So crucial, in fact, that a letter sent from a Trump lawyer to the insurer after the patriarch’s death in 1999 said that “all costs” for the sick baby’s care should be covered, regardless of caps on the plan or medical necessity, according to Johnston. That didn’t last long.

A week after the lawsuit was filed in court, Freddy’s ******* (Donald’s nephew) received a letter informing him that the health insurance would be discontinued, meaning his ill ******* would be left without coverage. Donald openly admitted to the New York Daily News that he and his siblings took this action out of revenge.
“Why should we give him medical coverage?” Trump said, adding, “They sued my *******, essentially. I’m not thrilled when someone sues my *******.”

Trump explained that his late brother’s family didn’t receive much in the will because their ******* wasn’t fond of Freddy’s ex-wife, the New York Times reported.

Trump told the newspaper that the family members later settled the lawsuit “very amicably.” What became of the care for his sick grandnephew? We’ll never know. The settlement agreement, according to Johnston, is sealed.
Conservatives start suggesting that colluding with Russia isn't so bad

How do you know when the seriousness of the Russia scandal has intensified? When Donald Trump’s allies discover it’s time to move the goal posts again. Take, for example, National Review’s Andrew McCarthy arguing on Fox News last week that there’s nothing necessarily wrong with the president’s political operation possibly having turned to a foreign adversary to help win an American election. “Look, I don’t think that it’s bad if campaigns are turning to foreign governments for dirt. It’s not collusion, it’s not something that’s impeachable, it’s icky. But that’s what this is.” A day later, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway wrote, “I don’t have a problem [with] getting dirt on election opponents ...
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for the right...smearing/trashing/lying about an opponent to win is just the new norm
after all they have been doing it since Dukakis...they trashed Kerry's military record and after the election apologized for spreading lies...for them it's normal...and they wonder why people get so turned off with the elections....although a lot of those dumbshits listen to the ******* put out...used to be the right doing it...now it's the right with the help of Russia...after all they don't want a dem in there...it's to easy to buy a republican...not that the dems aren't for sale either...but big news when a dem is corrupt.....just a normal day for a conservative to be corrupt
Strange. Russia dumping American debt. Seems to coincide with strong sanctions against their aluminum maker. Heck, even CNN reported this. I wonder what is happening?
I hope so. Better relations with Russia is probably in our best interest if we can get there. Economically Russia isn't a threat. China is however. And I think we can play poker long enough to get into a somewhat better position there. Energy and natural resources in Russia's strength. It's about all they have. I wonder why it took so long for the USA to figure this out, and start to attack in a manner that might actually have a favorable outcome?

I don't know that today's news was widely noticed, but we started getting our EU "friends" in line today. Although some of this has been in the works, but certain economic things seem to have been sped up recently. Since about January 20th, 2017.

Lots of strange coincidences around this same timeline...
Better relations with Russia is probably in our best interest

there is no such thing!...they are trying to control this country...Obama had it right..destroy their economy!

BTW funny you should say that after I just posted that article above how conservatives are trying to sell the country on Russia/trump

Economically Russia isn't a threat. China is however
the working man having less money to spend and people like Wal Mart after the buck gave china lots of money...and they are a threat...but your buddy trump seems to be putting the hurt on EVERYONEs economy right now

And I think we can play poker long enough to get into a somewhat better position there

they seem to be in a better position to hold out....especially since the gov controls the economy...but things aren't real pechy there right now either....trump may get some of that debt down...….but we are losing a lot of trading partners in the meantime and will take a while to get that back...that phoney statement he made about the EU and doing great things there was all smoke and mirrors for the farmers!

Energy and natural resources in Russia's strength
the only thing that hurt them there and is in part to them selling our debt is oil prices being down...that's hurting them more than any sanctions...but with Europe going to start buying gas there because it is so much cheaper than US....going to help them some

but we started getting our EU "friends" in line today
like I said from what I read it is still all smoke and mirrors for the trump supporters

but certain economic things seem to have been sped up recently
his trade sanctions are putting everyone in a hurt.....especially us!....and as our economy goes so goes the world...and he is putting us in a bind and the world along with us
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China keeps buying Iranian oil, and the trade war adds a reason to defy US sanctions

  • China, the world’s top crude-oil buyer, imported around 718,000 barrels a day on average from Iran between January and May of this year.
  • China's imports are equivalent to more than one-quarter of Iran’s oil exports.
  • China has increased Iranian oil purchases by near-10 percent recently and is not expected to stop buying when U.S. sanctions go into place in November.
Since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal in May, Iran has been pleading with other nations to keep its oil-dependent economy alive. The need for economic ties to the rest of the world increased when the Trump administration announced planned sanctions on Iranian oil exports starting in November. For Iran one nation matters more than any other to its oil economy, and it is also Trump's largest global trade rival: China.
European companies have been winding down their purchases of Iranian oil, and the threat of sanctions on Iranian business has pushed out banks, many of which had paid severe fines for sanction violations in the past. But China, already the biggest buyer of Iranian oil, is not expected to heed U.S. demands. In fact, the Iranian oil sanctions could give China leverage in stalled trade negotiations with the United States.
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