Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And the list of things Fox has reported on the corruption of the previous administration have been spot on. It takes a while to uncover the illegal and nefarious activities of an entire government.

Wrong. The facts don't back you up mr 'I'm so wise. But then again you post NOTHING to back anything you say up... You never do.....

Enjoy your life in a third world, first world country.

;) Oh I do... Better health care than you :). Better pensions than you :cool:. Better education than you:mstickle:. Better culture :rolleyes:. Better transportation :angel:. Better social and economics lifestyle:happy:... The fact you're trying hard to insult yet failing so badly is funny. Its making you look impotent and angry.


So, how does the Dutch system work?

Their system is fairly simple, everyone is required to purchase insurance from highly-regulated private providers. They describe it as “private health insurance with social conditions”. Insurers are tightly regulated for quality, provision of basic services, and to prevent discrimination, as they are required to accept everyone in their coverage area at a flat rate, no matter what their health status. To prevent loss of profitability from chronically-ill patients, they have a risk equalization system so that rather than losing profits from recruiting sicker patients, insurance companies are compensated for providing service to those patients who need it most. And if a citizen wants to change companies, or buy additional insurance they are free to. It’s a system that encourages competition, but is regulated to prevent the companies from selecting only healthy patients, or otherwise abusing the system to prevent health care provision to sick people. The incentives are designed to provide excellent care to as many people as possible, cheaply and efficiently no matter what their health status, rather than the perverse US system in which the incentives are to deny care and only sign on the healthy. The government even runs a website allowing patients to comparison shop among the different insurance companies and hospitals based upon their ratings for quality, outcomes and performance indicators.

A survey of health satisfaction comparing the US and several other countries, including the Netherlands, showed that the Netherlands led the pack in most measures of patient satisfaction and provision of care.

:dance:Oopppps thats your third world country busted eh Mr angry! Seems you live in the third world country


What have Denmark, Australia, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada got in common? The answer is that they are the only countries on earth with better pension systems than Britain, according to an authoritative world report.

The report – the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index, compiled by Mercer, the actuary, and the Australian Centre for Financial Studies – compares 18 pension schemes, accounting for more than half the global population, using more than 40 separate indicators.
Denmark was the first country to receive an A grade for its pension scheme in the report’s four-year history. Britain was rated C+, as was Chile. America, Germany and France were among those in the average C category, while China, India, Korea and Japan brought up the rear with D ratings.
The Danish system was the first in the world to be classified as A grade by Mercer last year, knocking the Netherlands from the top position in the rankings. It was awarded an overall index value of 82.9.

:threesome:LOL Oopppps Kills your childish rant about a third world country ...Seems you live in the third world country

Education... Take a good hard look as you're not very smart after all LOL

Education standards per countries standing in the world
  • Finland
  • South Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • UK
  • Netherlands 7th:mstickle:
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • Denmark
  • Australia
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • USA 17th <===========:D
Again Shuts your error ridden baby rant up even more....Using facts!


The Netherlands leads where the US has to stumble in respect to culture some few hundred years more than the US has existed....So again your third world country attempt shows only your ignorance and anger.

Your GDP is 1/23rd of the US. You are the flea on a buffalo's back.

:dance:. Yet we have a better education system, better businesses, better pensions better transportation better rights, easier lifestyles less violence. Better stability and you are still not even smart enough to make a valid point. Also all this means is America is a third world country using your basis of judgement.......

:p Dutch GDP per capita 2017 48,265$ US 59,501$2017... So your point is mute.... Nice try though.

And you should be grateful. Without us, you'd be speaking German. You wouldn't have computers, telephones, electricity, cars, planes, and every other luxury you enjoy.

Where to start on that pile of nonsense. First of all You Americans were part of a coalition. Nothing more nothing less.

The 5 Most Widely Believed WWII Facts (That Are Bullshit)

America Won the War Single-Handedly

Claimed By:
Hollywood, WWII-shooters, Cold War politics and chauvinists.
Sixty years of World War II movies, and a decade of WWII video games, have made one thing clear: If it wasn't for America, you'd all be speaking German right now, baby! U-S-A! U-S-A!

How America fights a two-front war.​
Why it's Bullshit:
Because it's like thinking that while many X-Men contributed in their own special way, defeating Magneto really came down to Iceman.

Cool party!​
There are two radically different histories of WW II, the one that was actually fought, and the one where the US kicked everyone's assess. Guess which one Cold War-era classrooms were allowed to teach? Here's a hint: It's the same one Hollywood chose to film.

World War II wasn't just a clever name. It was a global conflict that included epic acts of heroism by non-Americans like the storming of Madagascar, the Battle of Westerplatte, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the epically badass Kokoda Track, the pilots of the Polish Underground State, the details of El Alamein or the HMS Bulldog. Of course, Americans never hear about any of those unless, as in the case of the classic submarine film U 571, the characters are just straight up switched to Americans. To quote George S. Patton: "Americans love a winner," which you know because you saw Patton, the film that portrayed Field Marshal Bernard "Rommel-killer" Montgomery like a buffoon simply because he was British.

Cheerio, guv'na!​
However, there is one Zangief-sized elephant in the room that America loved to leave out of conversation until the end of the Cold War: the Soviet Union. The "Great Patriotic War" as they called it was the single largest military operation in history, and home to perhaps the biggest turning-point of the war: the Battle of Stalingrad. Understand, the Russia versus Germany part of the war wasn't just a little more important than the part the USA was involved in. It was "four times the scale" of the whole Western front, larger than all other phases of the war put together. The Soviet military suffered eight million soldiers dead, more than 20 freaking times the number of U.S. casualties.

Suck it up, Damon.​
Sounds pretty ******* for a John Wayne movie? Try figuring in another 13.7 million dead civilians.
It's tragic how many ******* in the West never heard these stories growing up. One platoon leader in the Red Army named Yakov Pavlov personally rigged a Stalingrad apartment building with enough landmines, rifles and mortars to hold off half the Nazi army. The building was under fire day and night and even had some civilians in the basement, but the fortress never fell. Pavlov himself picked off one dozen tanks from the beast.

LOL And that kills that little BS comment of yours!

You wouldn't have computers, telephones, electricity, cars,

Elecricity: it was not just one person who discovered electricity. While the concept of electricity was known for thousands of years, when it came time to develop it commercially and scientifically, there were several great minds working on the problem at the same time. And the Netherlands didnt get it from the US but from the UK...Ooppppsss another error in your rant!

Telephones... Again... Sorry to burst your irrational rant but we got the telephone from the UK...NOT the US! as Bell invented it.... And patented it before Gray lol

Cars.. Ohh dear The Netherlands were using the car well before the US.. around 1886/8 were the first to appear..And they were German by Karl Benz ! LOL. You're not doing well at this are you..NOTHING you have posted has any baring in truth or is even the slightest bit factual!

[QUOTEplanes, and every other luxury you enjoy.][/QUOTE]

LOLOL. You simply haven't a single clue as to the BS your spouting. Everything you write is so easily proven wrong. Its like taking candy from a baby...
Last edited by a moderator:
Wrong. The facts don't back you up mr 'I'm so wise. But then again you post NOTHING to back anything you say up... You never do.....

;) Oh I do... Better health care than you :). Better pensions than you :cool:. Better education than you:mstickle:. Better culture :rolleyes:. Better transportation :angel:. Better social and economics lifestyle:happy:... The fact you're trying hard to insult yet failing so badly is funny. Its making you look impotent and angry.


So, how does the Dutch system work?

Their system is fairly simple, everyone is required to purchase insurance from highly-regulated private providers. They describe it as “private health insurance with social conditions”. Insurers are tightly regulated for quality, provision of basic services, and to prevent discrimination, as they are required to accept everyone in their coverage area at a flat rate, no matter what their health status. To prevent loss of profitability from chronically-ill patients, they have a risk equalization system so that rather than losing profits from recruiting sicker patients, insurance companies are compensated for providing service to those patients who need it most. And if a citizen wants to change companies, or buy additional insurance they are free to. It’s a system that encourages competition, but is regulated to prevent the companies from selecting only healthy patients, or otherwise abusing the system to prevent health care provision to sick people. The incentives are designed to provide excellent care to as many people as possible, cheaply and efficiently no matter what their health status, rather than the perverse US system in which the incentives are to deny care and only sign on the healthy. The government even runs a website allowing patients to comparison shop among the different insurance companies and hospitals based upon their ratings for quality, outcomes and performance indicators.

A survey of health satisfaction comparing the US and several other countries, including the Netherlands, showed that the Netherlands led the pack in most measures of patient satisfaction and provision of care.

:dance:Oopppps thats your third world country busted eh Mr angry! Seems you live in the third world country


What have Denmark, Australia, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada got in common? The answer is that they are the only countries on earth with better pension systems than Britain, according to an authoritative world report.

The report – the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index, compiled by Mercer, the actuary, and the Australian Centre for Financial Studies – compares 18 pension schemes, accounting for more than half the global population, using more than 40 separate indicators.
Denmark was the first country to receive an A grade for its pension scheme in the report’s four-year history. Britain was rated C+, as was Chile. America, Germany and France were among those in the average C category, while China, India, Korea and Japan brought up the rear with D ratings.
The Danish system was the first in the world to be classified as A grade by Mercer last year, knocking the Netherlands from the top position in the rankings. It was awarded an overall index value of 82.9.

:threesome:LOL Oopppps Kills your childish rant about a third world country ...Seems you live in the third world country

Education... Take a good hard look as you're not very smart after all LOL

Education standards per countries standing in the world
  • Finland
  • South Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • UK
  • Netherlands 7th:mstickle:
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • Denmark
  • Australia
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • USA 17th <===========:D
Again Shuts your error ridden baby rant up even more....Using facts!


The Netherlands leads where the US has to stumble in respect to culture some few hundred years more than the US has existed....So again your third world country attempt shows only your ignorance and anger.

:dance:. Yet we have a better education system, better businesses, better pensions better transportation better rights, easier lifestyles less violence. Better stability and you are still not even smart enough to make a valid point. Also all this means is America is a third world country using your basis of judgement.......

:p Dutch GDP per capita 2017 48,265$ US 59,501$2017... So your point is mute.... Nice try though.

Where to start on that pile of nonsense. First of all You Americans were part of a coalition. Nothing more nothing less.

The 5 Most Widely Believed WWII Facts (That Are Bullshit)

America Won the War Single-Handedly

Claimed By:
Hollywood, WWII-shooters, Cold War politics and chauvinists.
Sixty years of World War II movies, and a decade of WWII video games, have made one thing clear: If it wasn't for America, you'd all be speaking German right now, baby! U-S-A! U-S-A!

How America fights a two-front war.​
Why it's Bullshit:
Because it's like thinking that while many X-Men contributed in their own special way, defeating Magneto really came down to Iceman.

Cool party!​
There are two radically different histories of WW II, the one that was actually fought, and the one where the US kicked everyone's assess. Guess which one Cold War-era classrooms were allowed to teach? Here's a hint: It's the same one Hollywood chose to film.

World War II wasn't just a clever name. It was a global conflict that included epic acts of heroism by non-Americans like the storming of Madagascar, the Battle of Westerplatte, the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the epically badass Kokoda Track, the pilots of the Polish Underground State, the details of El Alamein or the HMS Bulldog. Of course, Americans never hear about any of those unless, as in the case of the classic submarine film U 571, the characters are just straight up switched to Americans. To quote George S. Patton: "Americans love a winner," which you know because you saw Patton, the film that portrayed Field Marshal Bernard "Rommel-killer" Montgomery like a buffoon simply because he was British.

Cheerio, guv'na!​
However, there is one Zangief-sized elephant in the room that America loved to leave out of conversation until the end of the Cold War: the Soviet Union. The "Great Patriotic War" as they called it was the single largest military operation in history, and home to perhaps the biggest turning-point of the war: the Battle of Stalingrad. Understand, the Russia versus Germany part of the war wasn't just a little more important than the part the USA was involved in. It was "four times the scale" of the whole Western front, larger than all other phases of the war put together. The Soviet military suffered eight million soldiers dead, more than 20 freaking times the number of U.S. casualties.

Suck it up, Damon.​
Sounds pretty ******* for a John Wayne movie? Try figuring in another 13.7 million dead civilians.
It's tragic how many ******* in the West never heard these stories growing up. One platoon leader in the Red Army named Yakov Pavlov personally rigged a Stalingrad apartment building with enough landmines, rifles and mortars to hold off half the Nazi army. The building was under fire day and night and even had some civilians in the basement, but the fortress never fell. Pavlov himself picked off one dozen tanks from the beast.

LOL And that kills that little BS comment of yours!

Elecricity: it was not just one person who discovered electricity. While the concept of electricity was known for thousands of years, when it came time to develop it commercially and scientifically, there were several great minds working on the problem at the same time. And the Netherlands didnt get it from the US but from the UK...Ooppppsss another error in your rant!

Telephones... Again... Sorry to burst your irrational rant but we got the telephone from the UK...NOT the US! as Bell invented it.... And patented it before Gray lol

Cars.. Ohh dear The Netherlands were using the car well before the US.. around 1886/8 were the first to appear..And they were German by Karl Benz ! LOL. You're not doing well at this are you..NOTHING you have posted has any baring in truth or is even the slightest bit factual!

[QUOTEplanes, and every other luxury you enjoy.]

LOLOL. You simply haven't a single clue as to the BS your spouting. Everything you write is so easily proven wrong. Its like taking candy from a baby...[/QUOTE]

funny most like to think of us as the great United States...almighty and the best at everything...when actually we have lower standards in most things than a third world country
I posted an article on the political thread where the United nations wrote us up for our treatment of the poor....we just got another bad write up about the number of women dying or maimed during baby birth...on and on...but most just ignore the facts cause it doesn't effect them...and the poor...they are so used to having nothing they just take it for granted...hell even with health care the quality is not good and people die...and how many die because they don't have health care
Bailouts for All the Industries Trump Screwed Would Cost Taxpayers $39 Billion
The Hive

When the Trump administration announced last week that it would be delivering a $12 billion bailout to U.S. farmers screwed by Donald Trump’s various trade wars, President “Tariffs are the greatest” presumably expected an outpouring of gratitude for his show of generosity. Instead, the collective response was, essentially, You can take this bailout and shove it up your orange ass. Rather than flood the White House with thank-you notes, many farm groups panned the aid package as a signal that Trump is unlikely to call off his trade war with China in the near future, meaning that further damage to their livelihoods is on the horizon—particularly if Trump makes good on his threat to slap everything imported from China with tariffs. ...
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now we know why the right is ok with the Russian thing...it effects their kickback money they get from lobbyists and we all know that number almost doubled under trump

Mueller transfers foreign agent inquiries to New York prosecutors: report
The Hill

Special counsel Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud choice of Mueller to lead Russia probe MORE has referred several foreign agent inquiries to federal prosecutors in New York in recent months, sources familiar with the matter told CNN on Tuesday. Based on Mueller's referrals, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York is investigating whether several high-level American lobbyists violated national laws by failing to register their work as foreign agents on behalf of groups associated with Ukraine, CNN reported. Matters referred by Mueller involve Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta, former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.) and former Obama White House counsel ...
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It's like trying to argue with a 3 year old. She just doesn't get how irrelevant she, her opinion and her country are.
I think you are confused as to who is irrelevant here....just what in the way of facts have you provided?
shooting off your mouth and making rash statement sure doesn't qualify you as someone to listen to!
Mmmmmm everyone know we have an election problem...and Russia is already got even more sophisticated in their hacking...and yet the right doesn't want to fix it.....???

GOP Rejects Adding More Money To Beef Up Election Security
Igor Bobic,HuffPost
WASHINGTON ― Republicans on Wednesday rejected a bid to direct another $250 million to election security ahead of the November midterms, maintaining that funds Congress previously allocated for the effort have not yet been spent.
In March, lawmakers approved $380 million to help safeguard state voting systems from cyberattacks in the wake of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. Democrats proposed an amendment that would have appropriated an additional $250 million to bolster election systems, replace outdated equipment and undertake other protective efforts. Last month, a bipartisan group of attorneys general from 21 states urged Congress to commit more funding to the effort ahead of the midterms.
“It is time that we heed the clear warning of the intelligence community and take action,” Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the author of the amendment, said in a statement. “It is our obligation to take these attacks on our states seriously, and to step in with the necessary resources to defend our elections.”
Leahy’s amendment failed to garner the necessary 60 votes for passage on Wednesday, however, because of nearly unanimous Republican opposition.
Are white people ready to bail on democracy? These researchers say the danger is real

Donald Trump's combination of racism and authoritarianism, made repeatedly clear through his words and deeds, has not been disqualifying for his voters and most Republicans. In an increasingly diverse and cosmopolitan America, this combination is like a dagger pointed at the heart of the country’s democracy. Whether our republic can survive changing racial demographics and white racial paranoia, and how much Donald Trump’s racist and authoritarian movement is really a deviation from America’s historic norms, is very much in question. It seems clear that white identity politics has helped the Republican Party maintain control over its voters and that a large number of white Americans value the privilege conferred on them by skin color more than they value democracy. ...
Read more
Mmmmm midterms must be coming up and the chump is caving to the pressure......all of a sudden HE wants to warn us about Russian meddling in the upcoming election?
And if anyone is prepared to believe that "he" is putting up anything more than a smoke screen, I got a couple of foreign armies from Mars to sell you! "He" is so lacking the courage, backbone and intestinal fortitude to berate his friends in Moscow regarding their interventions in U.S. elections, he sent his underlings to meet with the Fake News and hopes the electorate will buy! His underlying concern is of course for not taking part in any such announcement is that he doesn't want to risk Mr. Putin's wrath. "He" wants to be in the position to say, "Sorry, Vald! It wasn't me! It was them! They met with the Fake Press without my permission! I promise I'll fire every damn one of them someday!" What an excuse for a ....!
Never mind I'm too disgusted to say more.
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