Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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What I mean is considering the website we are on, it is no surprise that you are allbiased. Iwould say your hate for trump is warped and biased

Come on. They are tolerant of a your dissenting view. I mean, every time I listen to their platform, they always talk about tolerance, so what I am asking you to do, is blindly believe what they say, and completely discount what they post.

It's not hard, just willingly suspend your disbelief. Repeat after me. "They are right. Because they say they are right. Ignore their posts and any links showing where they are wrong. They are right. You are wrong"
What I mean is considering the website we are on, it is no surprise that you are allbiased. Iwould say your hate for trump is warped and biased

considering the thread you are on...I would say you have not kept up with the conversation and know very little of what's going on around you...hell he isn't even liked in your country....how many turned out to protest his visit?....you might want to get out and around a little
besides if you are here looking for BBC......you sure won't find it on this thread...nothing here but a few trump lovers and haters...we already know where you stand....with no details to support your claim!

your lucky day the resident asshole just jumped to your defense!...and definitely no BBC.....matter of fact if he has a dick..it's borrowed or rented
and I'm guessing the last time it got hard he used that opportunity to wash it while the wrinkles were all out
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see you love it!
after all who else would talk to you...I'm sure insults is the only conversation you have

besides I'm sure HH and 2bi will be along soon to kiss your...ring?
HH has never had a thought of his own so he welcomes someone to talk to...and 2bi hates the left so much he is willing to swallow any ******* you dish out...and then there is alan..into politics but yet didn't vote in last election because rush limbuagh didn't support trump
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There is usually nothing to respond to. This said, you did post, maybe by accident, something that is worth discussing, and another time I agree with you. Regarding tariffs and the EU. I don't agree with the conclusion they jumped to. Too early, and we are, less steel and aluminum, back to here we started.

Since you seem to be informed, or at least posted something worthy of discussion, would you mind answering the questions about your thoughts I posted earlier regarding this topic? Or should I assume your thoughts are limited to posting news stories?
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to America, please keep cuckolding and this ******* and real life politics separate....
What I mean is considering the website we are on, it is no surprise that you are allbiased. Iwould say your hate for trump is warped and biased

Didn't you read the thread title...Here let me help 'Off-Topic Discussion Meaning Everything non sexual . If you don't like it then don't come to the thread. Also telling other people they are warped becuae you don't like whats here is really a childish asinine comment and attitude. Don't like it then say nothing and stay away...Its that simple.
There is usually nothing to respond to. This said, you did post, maybe by accident, something that is worth discussing, and another time I agree with you. Regarding tariffs and the EU. I don't agree with the conclusion they jumped to. Too early, and we are, less steel and aluminum, back to here we started.

Since you seem to be informed, or at least posted something worthy of discussion, would you mind answering the questions about your thoughts I posted earlier regarding this topic? Or should I assume your thoughts are limited to posting news stories?

like I told you before.....I read MOST of the front page on yahoo and a lot of what my Bing search engine has...although a lot of that is celeb news...I post what I think will effect us one way or the other...as for your question...????

I read that both france and germany do not like the proposed agreement...but it looks like another rash trump statement if you read the article...where there was a lot of talk...and the ONLY agreement was to hold of on some tariffs.....nothing really concrete on anything...except trump won't tariff german cars...and the EU needs soybeans.....nothing in writing the way I read it...just trump trying to appease the farmers with big talk...kind of like his N.Korea deal

so far the only ones that think he has made any great deals is trump himself

as for the steel and alum.....I agree would like to see it back and us get back to little more self reliance BUT I'm afraid I have to agree with Rubio on that....the cost to get back into it would far exceed it's usefulness...shame and again I blame the right for that....but we have turned into a "shopkeeper" nation instead of a producer nation....and if it ever came to being important (a war) we would be in serious trouble producing ships and planes

that goes back to Reagans one world....and allowed all these corps to go overseas...where the labor was cheap they could fatten their wallet and even get tax breaks doing it...that hurt the middle class and the country...I do think small biz is what makes the economy go...but the big corps is what made America strong and independent..and they sold out for the dollar....and that is not even going into the good paying manuf jobs they sent overseas

I think the tariffs should go on any American company manuf overseas!
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Capital rushes away from Chinese currency?

It's a dangerous game, more dangerous than Russia.

Certainly you have some thoughts on this outside of the front page of Yahoo?
Capital rushes away from Chinese currency?

It's a dangerous game, more dangerous than Russia.

Certainly you have some thoughts on this outside of the front page of Yahoo?

thought I just gave it...…..they are improving world economy? at the expense of American standing in the world...they claim taxes...but actually it 's wages and profits at the expense of this country and it's workers

just look at the auto industry...ford moving a bunch overseas....although ford being the only one that didn't need a bailout before because they had so much in Europe....but anyway...the german car loved everywhere...great auto etc...and yet the german auto worker makes far more than his American counterpart AND has far more benefits...how does that work.....American greed!...same goes for a lot of other manuf comp..it's all greed...the downfall of this contry
Business tax payments plunge, while workers pay more

Workers are shouldering a rising share of federal revenue, while tax payments by businesses are plunging toward record lows.
Treasury Department data for the first half of 2018 show individual income tax receipts rose 8.1%, to $915 billion. Corporate income tax receipts fell 32.4%, to $100 billion. The sharp decline in corporate tax revenue is largely a result of the tax cuts President Trump signed into law at the end of 2017, which cut the top corporate rate from 35% to 21%.


The drop in corporate tax payments isn’t surprising, since that’s exactly what the Trump tax cuts were designed to do: leave more after-tax income in corporate coffers to spur more investment. Workers got tax cuts too, but they were relatively modest. About two thirds of households got a tax cut averaging about $2,200, according to the Tax Policy Center. Taxes will rise for 6% of households, by an average of $2,800. The rest should see no change.

Corporate tax receipts have steadily declined as a portion of all federal revenue, from 17% in 1970 to 9% last year. So far in 2018, corporate tax receipts represent just 5.6% of federal revenue, which is the smallest portion ever on an annualized basis. (Statistical note: The government’s fiscal year starts in October, so FY 2018 tax revenue will include three months without the Trump tax cuts and nine months with them. The 5.6% figure above is just for the first six months of calendar year 2018, when the Trump tax cuts were fully in effect.)
Here’s how the makeup of federal tax revenue has changed over time. Not shown are social-welfare taxes, excise taxes and other sources of revenue:


It’s not surprising that tax payments from individual workers would rise this year, even with a tax cut in effect. Inflation, wage growth and other factors normally push tax payments from workers higher when the economy is growing.
Last summer, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast that, without any tax cuts, individual tax receipts would rise 9.5% in 2018. The smaller rise of 8.1% could reflect the impact of the Trump tax cuts. And most workers didn’t see lower tax withholdings in their paychecks until March, at the earliest, which means the full effect of the tax cuts aren’t showing up yet in government revenue numbers.
The CBO expected corporate tax revenue to rise 4.5% this year, without any tax cuts. The huge drop in corporate tax revenue, following the tax cuts, highlights why the tax law has become a political problem for Trump and his fellow Republicans. The tax law is unpopular, with 43% of Americans disapproving and just 36% approving, in the Real Clear Politics average of polls. Americans in general feel the tax cuts too heavily favor businesses and the wealthy — and the federal revenue numbers bear that out. The unpopularity of the tax cuts could lead voters away from Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections, and perhaps tip one or both houses of Congress to Democrats.
The Trump tax cuts are also ballooning Washington’s annual deficits, along with the national debt. The CBO expects the gap between revenue and spending to soar by 21% this year, to $804 billion. The deficit will exceed $1 trillion by 2020 and grow for the foreseeable future.
Trump and a few sympathetic economists say the tax cuts will stimulate so much growth that federal tax revenue will eventually be higher than it would be without any tax cuts. Most budget experts disagree. “The federal government will certainly collect less revenue than it would have without the tax cut,” says economist Kyle Pomerlau of the nonprofit Tax Foundation. “Eventually, the government does need to pay its bills. We’re not on a sustainable path.”
Now surely this isn't surprising to the righties in here ... they swear by "trickle down" .... yeah, creates jobs (over seas) and gives them more money to spend, right? By them I mean corporations & the 1-2%ers ... the rest of us get what we usually get with "voodoo economics" a good butthole screwing. And as usual, the national debt continues to skyrocket because of the other Republican fallacy ... "tax cuts don't pay for themselves".
It’s not surprising that tax payments from individual workers would rise this year, even with a tax cut in effect. Inflation, wage growth and other factors normally push tax payments from workers higher when the economy is growing.

This is not surprising at all. Trickle down, which generally, but not exactly is the current policy, almost always sees an increase in worker's wages.

From an economic standpoint, there are a lot of things to be concerned about Vis-à-vis the tax cut, but the above cited article, per the article, is not really one of them.
This is not surprising at all. Trickle down, which generally, but not exactly is the current policy, almost always sees an increase in worker's wages.

From an economic standpoint, there are a lot of things to be concerned about Vis-à-vis the tax cut, but the above cited article, per the article, is not really one of them.

of course not....for you?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

President Donald Trump falsely claimed he's pulled off "an economic turnaround of historic proportions."
Speaking at the White House Friday after the government reported that the economy grew at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter, Trump declared that the gains were sustainable and would only accelerate. Few economists outside the administration agree with this claim.
His remarks followed events Thursday in Iowa and Illinois, where Trump falsely repeated a claim that the U.S. economy is the best "we've ever had" and incorrectly asserted that Canada's trade market is "totally closed."
A look at the claims:
TRUMP: "We've accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions." — remarks Friday at the White House.
THE FACTS: Trump didn't inherit a fixer-upper economy.
The U.S. economy just entered its 10th year of growth, a recovery that began under President Barack Obama, who inherited the Great Recession. The data show that the falling unemployment rate and gains in home values reflect the duration of the recovery, rather than any major changes made since 2017 by the Trump administration.
While Trump praised the 4.1 percent annual growth rate in the second quarter, it exceeded that level four times during the Obama presidency. But quarterly figures are volatile and strength in one quarter can be reversed in the next. While Obama never achieved the 3 percent annual growth that Trump hopes to see, he came close. The economy grew 2.9 percent in 2015.
The economy faces two significant structural drags that could keep growth closer to 2 percent than 3 percent: an aging population, which means fewer people are working and more are retired, and weak productivity growth, which means that those who are working aren't increasing their output as quickly as in the past.
Both of those factors are largely beyond Trump's control.

TRUMP: "One of the biggest wins in the report, and it is, indeed a big one, is that the trade deficit — very dear to my heart because we've been ripped off by the world — has dropped."
THE FACTS: Trump is correct that a lower trade deficit helped growth in the April-June quarter, but it's not necessarily for a positive reason.
The president has been floating plans to slap import taxes on hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign goods, which has led to the risk of retaliatory tariffs by foreign companies on U.S. goods.
This threat of an escalating trade war has led many companies to increase their levels of trade before any tariffs hit, causing the temporary boost in exports being celebrated by Trump.
Richard Moody, chief economist at Regions Financial, said the result is that the gains from trade in the second quarter will not be repeated.

TRUMP: "We're having the best economy we've ever had in the history of our country." — remarks in Granite City, Illinois.
THE FACTS: Even allowing for Trump's tendency to exaggerate, this overstates things.
The unemployment rate is near a 40-year low and growth is solid, but by many measures the current economy trails other periods in U.S. history. Average hourly pay, before adjusting for inflation, is rising at about a 2.5 percent annual rate, below the 4 percent level reached in the late 1990s when the unemployment rate was as low as it is now.
Pay was growing even faster in the late 1960s, when the jobless rate remained below 4 percent for nearly four years. And economic growth topped 4 percent for three full years from 1998 through 2000, an annual rate it hasn't touched since.

TRUMP: "The Canadians, you have a totally closed market ... they have a 375 percent tax on dairy products, other than that it's wonderful to deal. And we have a very big deficit with Canada, a trade deficit." — remarks in Peosta, Iowa.
THE FACTS: No, it's not totally closed. Because of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada's market is almost totally open to the United States. Each country has a few products that are still largely protected, such as dairy in Canada and sugar in the United States.
Trump also repeated his claim that the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada, but that is true only in goods. When services are included, such as insurance, tourism, and engineering, the U.S. had a $2.8 billion surplus with Canada last year.

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