Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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My instinct about these things is pretty good. As partially documented on here given I predicted this exact scenario a couple of days ago.

As my Dad always told me, listen to those that know, rather than those that just talk.
CNN's headline (on website) on a day we have some fairly significant and breaking economic news?

"Trump just said something truly terrifying"

And it is an opinion piece.

It's like they are in an alternate reality. The Bizarro World.
he has been working on that since he has been in office

before he was pres he used to call into cnn a lot...but since being pres and they are showing him for the lying rat he is....now everything is fox
After talks at the White House, Trump announced that the E.U. delegation agreed to increase imports of soybeans and liquefied natural gas. Both sides agreed to work toward the goal of "zero" tariffs and subsidies on non-auto industrial goods and to resolve "retaliatory tariffs."

We will see. But the stated policy and end goal is no tariffs. Pretty hard to believe given all the fake news headlines that state the opposite. Even though Trump has said this out loud. In public. In front of tv cameras and microphones. Which appparently isn't true, even though it happened.

Not being reported accurately does not equal true.
Broken down into its simplest form, one facet of this is that this is a supply chain issue. And the remaining major question is if China blinks. Intellectual property rights also needs worked on there, driven largely by retailers, and their ability to control JIT. There is a national security issue in all of tis as well.

The reporting, some of it anyway, has been about China calling debt. This is the same reporting that happened pre BREXIT, which we now know was not very truthful. I maintain that currency will rush out of China, as much as China can actually call US Debt, which is largely not callable. Stop buying maybe.

That's the rub. They can stop buying, but can they prevent a rush away from their currency at that point. I don't think so, and I take SB's position on this as a likely outcome.

This is really a more dangerous and high stakes game than anything Russia could ever do, or has done.
The after hours and overnight markets should have the expected and natural reaction to this, the carry trade and currencies being most interesting to me. These would be somewhat of a filter, or truth tester of what is real, and what gets reported (which sometimes is accurate, and many times misleading).

I'm trading in a dark pool right now, watching the Action Jackson!
OMG! Trump Tweeted Again! We Will BE IN Either A Nuclear or Trade War Soon!

The United States and the European Union have a $1 TRILLION bilateral trade relationship – the largest economic relationship in the world. We want to further strengthen this trade relationship to the benefit of all American and European citizens...
This is false dichotomy logical fallacy, but requires logic to comprehend that.
Actually it isn't. See, when you only find a source credible when it supports your position but find it unreliable when it doesn't, well, you know...

So it either is or isn't. Kind of like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. But nice effort going to the a website to dig it up.

But if it is as you claim, what is the third option?
Yes. Read it, and understood it. That should be obvious given all my other insightful posts about the pitfalls of the China situation. Also why I prefaced it as before today's today's announcement.

If you have anything meaningful to add, I'll engage you, otherwise thanks, and good day.
that's true....you rarely have a thought of your own!

but it takes a little more to jail a pres.....after all.....these trumptards are kind of "slow" to begin with

Its so funny how unhinged you people on the left are with Trump. You just cant stand he is President...lol.

I hated Obama and so did a lot of people on the right but the right didnt go unhinged....it shows the kind of people you guys really are.
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