Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think I already expressed my position with you, dumbnuts, in post #374. You are the one that said Obama had met in private and unaccompanied with MrPUTIN and, you said you could prove it ... and here's what I said after reading upteen of your bullshit posts running your fat lips ...
"Well, so far you've proven NOTHING ... you're wanting me to prove YOUR POINT.
Rocky III quote 'Rocky vs Clubber Lane' ... "Go For It!" I'll waste no more time on your BS lies. Personally, I think you're full of *******, nongolfer"

I found that Obama met with MrPUTIN 3 times in 2016, and twice in 2015 ... none of which resulted in Obama meeting with him privately and unaccompanied as Trump did with the presidents in Singapore ad Helsinki. So, my last statement stands ... prove me wrong or shut the fuck up!
It appears others are starting to see you for what you really are as well ... another lying BSer Drone for your President Trump.
So I'll tell you what I always tell H-H .......View attachment 1997627........View attachment 1997629

MacNfries, I couldn't have had said it better! ✅
CNN = Alternate Universe - The willing suspension of disbelief is required to watch it.
like fox is so accurate?

Lou Dobbs is a perfect example of how they just push what the station wants..for money!
he used to be on CNN wrote a couple of books if I remember right on the corruption of big biz and how it effects the worker...now on Fox...everything is about how people are picking on the pres....I don't think any of them have any real morales...just push what they are paid to push!

although he always had a serious hate for Latinos!
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... and why NOT, you do it ALL the time. You never initiate a topic, just find fragmented sentences of others to express your "brilliance"!
mac you are just not giving credit where credit is due...…..the guy just never has a thought of his own....face it....he will always just be a "second rate contributor"...it's not all his fault...some people are just born to be a second..never a first

you just have to think of him and nongolfer ...like Abbott and Costello....although nongolfer's opinion of himself is a lot higher than most here would give him credit for....
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.....As I said, nongolfer, pull your head out of your ass and read/watch the news. Hell, at this point, watch Fox News ... some of them are starting to back away from the President now. Since when is it ok for a sitting president to meet with our #1 adversary, in private to discuss terms of having a normal relationship OR admittance back into the "8"? When is it admissible to turn over members of our government to a foreign adversary for questioning and interrogation? At this particular point, you ask for proof ... there's no need to pull up some article, etc ... you just need to WATCH the news, ANY NEWS that is unless you have made your own decision regarding the news. Trump's been pretty blatant as to his interests ... no assumptions there ... just his own words. None of us HERE are going to waste our time with someone acting so ignorant when so much proof is readily accessable and available openly.
.....A dictatorship speaks in terms of ACTIONS not words. Is it really necessary that Trump openly say he wishes to be a dictator, for you to believe that is what his intentions are? Look at who his current admirations are for ... figure it out for yourself.

No, no, Fake News MacNFries, above is what you actually said.

This part was what I originally inquired about:

"Since when is it ok for a sitting president to meet with our #1 adversary, in private to discuss terms of having a normal relationship"

Which as you know, isn't aging for you very well. Because now even you beloved CNN is stating it's o.k. for at least the last htree Presidents to have do so, specifically with P U T I N.

You made an attempt to post one link. Quora. Citing someone with a high school edcuation. Whose answer I went through, and debunked with links.

Those magical marvelous linky dinkies!

Those magical marvelous credible linky dinkies!
Once again, ‘fake news’ decried by Trump turns out to be true

I wanted to make sure, unlike most politicians, that what I said was correct. … When I make a statement, I like to be correct. I want the facts. … Before I make a statement, I need the facts.”
President Trump, Aug. 15, 2017
At the Fact Checker, we have vetted many statements by President Trump — and maintain a running list of every false and misleading claim he has made since he took the oath of office. The president’s factual errors on trade and tax policy are relatively easy to fact-check, as the data undercutting his claims can be easily obtained.

it just must be a trait in the republican party.....lie...lie...lie
Got him now. Notwithstanding the Constitution, it is a matter of time before this sitting US POTUS gets indicted.

The tax cut will be reversed. Michele Obama will be appointed POTUS soon.

Order will be restored.
I was reading an article in a magazine the other day which addressed various personality disorders. The one item that caught my attention was a definition of "A Person with a Narcissistic Personality!"
Naturally it immediately bought someone to mind, so much so I thought I'd share that article, and my amusement!
P.S. Three guesses who the person I thought about was!
The first two guesses needn't count!

A person with a narcissistic personality tends to exhibit the following thoughts and/or behaviours:
* a magnified sense of self-importance
* constantly seeking attention and commendation
* lack of valuing the feelings or opinions of others
* feelings of superiority
* a feeling that they should only associate with high status people, or whoever they

feel shares the same league as themselves
* demanding perfection from others
* the opinion that others should comply with their (his) expectations
* extreme sensitivity to criticism
* a strong sense of entitlement
* putting others down to lift themselves up
* exaggerating their accomplishments and talents
* a need for special treatment
* envy towards others and a belief that others are envious of them
* obsessive thoughts about power, success, intelligence, physical attractiveness,
and romantic relationships
* excessive competitiveness
* a deep rooted inferiority complex
* excessive expressions of ego
* little, if any, regards for truth or facts so long as it ingratiates them and/or their perspective
* demands loyalty but commits none

People diagnosed with this disorder also lack emotional stability.
They often manifest a short-temper and likely suffer from depression.


Great link. I'm wondering if you could explain this in the context of people who hurl insults. Or maybe even people, like yourself, who up vote posts that contain insults?

Or who make passive / aggressive posts?

Or who post opinion, and are convinced in teir mental state that becuase it is their opinion, it represents fact?

You seem pretty self aware and objective.

Did you ever make a citation for the OP, where you cleared indicated somwething was writtten and you quoted it exactly?

I mean this goes to credibility. Within the first sentence of your OP, we have a direct quote, which strangely enough, cannot be located.

On this message board you will be held up to be a hero bravely fighting the evil Donald J Trump and his evil supporters.

Enjoy your message board victory. Meanwhile, back in reality, where most on here will need to report to at a certain time, dictated by others...
I was reading an article in a magazine the other day which addressed various personality disorders. The one item that caught my attention was a definition of "A Person with a Narcissistic Personality!"
Naturally it immediately bought someone to mind, so much so I thought I'd share that article, and my amusement!
P.S. Three guesses who the person I thought about was!
The first two guesses needn't count!

A person with a narcissistic personality tends to exhibit the following thoughts and/or behaviours:
* a magnified sense of self-importance
* constantly seeking attention and commendation
* lack of valuing the feelings or opinions of others
* feelings of superiority
* a feeling that they should only associate with high status people, or whoever they

feel shares the same league as themselves
* demanding perfection from others
* the opinion that others should comply with their (his) expectations
* extreme sensitivity to criticism
* a strong sense of entitlement
* putting others down to lift themselves up
* exaggerating their accomplishments and talents
* a need for special treatment
* envy towards others and a belief that others are envious of them
* obsessive thoughts about power, success, intelligence, physical attractiveness,
and romantic relationships
* excessive competitiveness
* a deep rooted inferiority complex
* excessive expressions of ego
* little, if any, regards for truth or facts so long as it ingratiates them and/or their perspective
* demands loyalty but commits none

People diagnosed with this disorder also lack emotional stability.
They often manifest a short-temper and likely suffer from depression.


let me make three guess

although HH and 2bi have to fit in there somewhere....and Alanm is doing way to many mental gymnastics to even try to fit in there
... and why NOT, you do it ALL the time. You never initiate a topic, just find fragmented sentences of others to express your "brilliance"!
If you would take off your rose colored Obummer glasses for a sec, you would see this started with me commenting on Zwing's entire post. All Zwing said was

Either a source is reliable or it isn't.
This is false dichotomy logical fallacy, but requires logic to comprehend that.

See, there's a couple linky dinkies to prove what I say is true.

Interesting how I have a higher like to post ratio than you if my posts are so bad. You could open your eyes and learn from that.....or just go back and play with your dinky winky.
On another unrelated, but extremely important topic.

Does anyone have anything meaningful to add regarding trade policy, tariffs, trade barriers, retaliation and the end game?
If you would take off your rose colored Obummer glasses for a sec, you would see this started with me commenting on Zwing's entire post. All Zwing said was

See, there's a couple linky dinkies to prove what I say is true.

Interesting how I have a higher like to post ratio than you if my posts are so bad. You could open your eyes and learn from that.....or just go back and play with your dinky winky.

and how many of your "likes" are all from the same 2 people?...probably says something don't you think?
Yesterday's CNN web-site Headline for a short time period. Trump gets concessions.

Today's web-site headline. Again, an opinion piece, something along the lines of why did Trump cave on tariffs and Russia.,

It is almost as if Pompeo's testimony never hapend yesterday, and Trump caved to our EU "friends"

Bizzaro World.

But everyone on here seems to think the news media is crediblle. Let's examine this with the rest of America:

Yesterday's CNN web-site Headline for a short time period. Trump gets concessions.

Today's web-site headline. Again, an opinion piece, something along the lines of why did Trump cave on tariffs and Russia.,

It is almost as if Pompeo's testimony never hapend yesterday, and Trump caved to our EU "friends"

Bizzaro World.

But everyone on here seems to think the news media is crediblle. Let's examine this with the rest of America:


go ahead.....take all day......you seem to be the only one to care!
the rest of us take the news for what it is.....news!
well not only did the UN write us up on our treatment of the poor...
I see now we lead all of the cyclized countries in birth rate women deaths

women going in for baby birth...getting bad treatment and dying or maimed for life...due to poor health care

I suppose there are those on the right that thinks that is another feather in trumps cap!...population control!
On another unrelated, but extremely important topic.

Does anyone have anything meaningful to add regarding trade policy, tariffs, trade barriers, retaliation and the end game?

The most upsetting thing I have seen about the Tariffs is the fact that some of the companies I contract are taking advantage of the public and using the "tariff" as a means to increase their prices, even if not warranted. Some even add an increase on their web page store items as "Tariff Tax". Left wing based companies seem to do this simply to inflame their customer base and get them pissed at Trump while increasing their profits. The conservative based companies simply see it as a opportunity to be greedy as well and don't care.
The most upsetting thing I have seen about the Tariffs is the fact that some of the companies I contract are taking advantage of the public and using the "tariff" as a means to increase their prices, even if not warranted. Some even add an increase on their web page store items as "Tariff Tax". Left wing based companies seem to do this simply to inflame their customer base and get them pissed at Trump while increasing their profits. The conservative based companies simply see it as a opportunity to be greedy as well and don't care.

I suspect what I have predicted, which is no real and / or permanent tariffs. The market excess will correct itself. I'm not anti large business, but as a small business owner, they aren't my favorite group of people. The pass through provisions helped me to not be so upset and the unfair playing field with respect to taxes that once existed.

Oddly enough, liberals, Democrats, and self identified conservatives and "principled" Republicans never addresses any of this. IN a lot of ways, while both liberals and fake conservatives are bad for this country, they are the same. One lied to helpless poeple to perpetuate votes, the other lied to a more educated group, and then never did anything.

One needs go back to Reagan to see fake conservatives. It is so similar to what we are witnessing today. It really took a decade after Reagan for hte far left, and the dishonest right to understand what he had done. The difference is Trump won't compromise as much. The spending is the big exception, and he had to give in, in order to rebuild the military. The rebuilding being a necessary part of the peace through strength agenda.
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