Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Meanwhile, in other news SoS Pompeo testified in frnt of the Senate today. He laid out some facts, and some differences between this administration's toughness on Russia, as compared to some previous administrations's toughness on Russia.

Certainly this will be accurately reported on CNN later this evening.

CNN = Alternate Universe - The willing suspension of disbelief is required to watch it.

But only for tose of us that watch the source, and later see it misreported.
No you're not. You just make ******* up and call it doing the same as was done by HC supporters. In fact not s single original thought or action has been anything other than an ill thought out pile of obstruction, lies and fantasy from you supporting trump! You claim its the Dems who did this when history and facts don't really back your stand point up.


After Trey (I will keep making congressional hearings until I get my way)Toady used over 60 million dollars of US tax money to find exactly 'NOTHING' on HC so exactly where is this 'mounting evidence you speak of. Because ALL THE INVESTIGATIONS by REPUBLICANS CLEARED HC. So you can see why you're being told to prove it or shut up.

Some of the problems in getting evidence on Trump and his house of criminals are these.

1. Trump used his family and friends for contacts with the Russians and always on foreign soil away from US eyes.
2. Trump and his cowards in the Senate are doing everything to deny a fair investigation by obstructing requests made by the DOJ and the Mueller investigation.
3. Trump and people like you are the mainstream of falsehoods being posted into the public domain. The altered facts, twisted logic and double standards means the Mueller investigation is going to take long than expected. Yet it is slowly getting closer to Trumps inner circle which will result in more than a couple of that family going to jail.

You really tried hard at that piece of dis-information didn't you, but unfortunately for you, the evidence is mounting against trump. The only white noise is from all you trump supporters who claim everything is fake news. Or do you believe that trumps family members such as the idiot JT who released his e-mails only for them to prove he knew about the Russian interference is white noise too...

Don't answer that as we all know you will claim that's not what it meant. Even when 99% of the legal experts say otherwise...Because on here you all are posting nothing but white noise... . The new Republican motto

Celaverimus, Mentiri, infitias eo​

Lets address your 3 items above.

1. What are u suggesting in statement 1. That Trump and Put in worked together to steal the election? Again i ask where is the proof ....there isnt any...just because you want it to be true doesnt mean it is. You are the one that needs to prove it not me.

2. Doing everything to obstruct the investigation....hmm. have you seen who is on this investigative team....many folks who were supporters of Hillary. Not exactly a non biased investigation. Also when u have FBI agents telling Mueller that Trump is an idiot and a douche bag....sort of undermines the DOJ's credibility as a non biased investigative branch of the government. If i was Trump i would feel like its a fishing expedition against me as well.

3. Ummm thats complete BS....the mainstream media is doing everything in their power to run false story after false story and push this Russian collusion agenda as hard as they can....same with the democrats in Washington. The Mueller investigation has been going on for what.....a year or close to it and he has nothing.
Yes. Read it, and understood it. That should be obvious given all my other insightful posts about the pitfalls of the China situation. Also why I prefaced it as before today's today's announcement.

If you have anything meaningful to add, I'll engage you, otherwise thanks, and good day.
Wipe the sand out of your vagina. Damn, I was just asking. The funny thing is you look funny with that unusually long arm you have that you use to pat yourself on the back. "Insightful posts." Good stuff.
Its so funny how unhinged you people on the left are with Trump. You just cant stand he is President...lol.

I hated Obama and so did a lot of people on the right but the right didnt go unhinged....it shows the kind of people you guys really are.
Weren't unhinged. Now that is funny right there.
Meanwhile, in other news SoS Pompeo testified in frnt of the Senate today. He laid out some facts, and some differences between this administration's toughness on Russia, as compared to some previous administrations's toughness on Russia.

Certainly this will be accurately reported on CNN later this evening.

CNN = Alternate Universe - The willing suspension of disbelief is required to watch it.

But only for tose of us that watch the source, and later see it misreported.
Do tell...
Mmmmmm trump just banned a cnn reporter for asking about the cohan tape

kind of like a dictatorship...wouldn't you think.....been that way all along....something he doesn't like..it's fake news...kind of like a few on here
Watching CNN tonight. Wolf Blitzer went on about Trumps one on one meeting with P U T I N.

It went unchecked.

Two segments later, CNN report indicate last three Presients have had extensive one on one meetings with P U T I N.

CNN, not an unbiased source. But certainly a source pointed to n many on here, and one that certainly favors their word view.

I'll just wait for Fake News MacNFires to keep digging his hole, and once my entertainment is complete, I'll drop the bomb.

Keep searching on Google Fake news MacNFries. I'm guessing since you can't find anything to confirm your false statements in the last several days, one ins't going to magically appear.
Actually it isn't. See, when you only find a source credible when it supports your position but find it unreliable when it doesn't, well, you know...

So it either is or isn't. Kind of like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. But nice effort going to the a website to dig it up.

But if it is as you claim, what is the third option?
It most certainly is a false dichotomy. A source's reliability is an infinite spectrum. It may be 100% inaccurate. It may be 100% reliable, or anywhere in between. A source may be mostly accurate in some areas, but allow bias to cloud their reporting in others.
It most certainly is a false dichotomy. A source's reliability is an infinite spectrum. It may be 100% inaccurate. It may be 100% reliable, or anywhere in between. A source may be mostly accurate in some areas, but allow bias to cloud their reporting in others.

The response to this is going to cause some pretzel twisting action. I'm guessing you don't get a response, But if you do, I can't wait to see the logic. Somehitng along the ines of you're worng. Why? Becuase I say so.

And tehn we'll get links posted to logic from schlorars on logic.

And then we'll get a response saying you're wrong. Why? Because.

But this quote coming from the left is the best.

"See, when you only find a source credible when it supports your position but find it unreliable when it doesn't, well, you know..."

Especially given as it relates to this thread the sources cited, if you even get a source cited. Unless of course memes and gifs are credible sources now.

I encourage a continuation of this for two reasons. 1) It is entertaining and 2) if this is the focus, and the extent of the midterm strategy, one night this November is going to be especially entertaining.

I've waited my entire life for this type of President. Troll, and when trolled, stop paying attention. And while not paying attention, real policy is getting implemented. And all they have to do is ignore the troll. But I hope they don't. Two reasons. same as above.

But, but bit, it's not Presidential. OK, it's not. Because being Presidential has worked so very well. Let me ask me tax cut how it feels about that.
Watching CNN tonight. Wolf Blitzer went on about Trumps one on one meeting with P U T I N.

It went unchecked.

Two segments later, CNN report indicate last three Presients have had extensive one on one meetings with P U T I N.

CNN, not an unbiased source. But certainly a source pointed to n many on here, and one that certainly favors their word view.

I'll just wait for Fake News MacNFires to keep digging his hole, and once my entertainment is complete, I'll drop the bomb.

Keep searching on Google Fake news MacNFries. I'm guessing since you can't find anything to confirm your false statements in the last several days, one ins't going to magically appear.
Wait, didn't you say something earlier about name calling? What was it again?
It most certainly is a false dichotomy. A source's reliability is an infinite spectrum. It may be 100% inaccurate. It may be 100% reliable, or anywhere in between. A source may be mostly accurate in some areas, but allow bias to cloud their reporting in others.
Oh, and who is the arbiter of what is reliable?

But let's look at the definition. "The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well." There is no spectrum. You are either reliable or you are not.

Tragic that you suggest otherwise.
The response to this is going to cause some pretzel twisting action. I'm guessing you don't get a response, But if you do, I can't wait to see the logic. Somehitng along the ines of you're worng. Why? Becuase I say so.

And tehn we'll get links posted to logic from schlorars on logic.

And then we'll get a response saying you're wrong. Why? Because.

But this quote coming from the left is the best.

"See, when you only find a source credible when it supports your position but find it unreliable when it doesn't, well, you know..."

Especially given as it relates to this thread the sources cited, if you even get a source cited. Unless of course memes and gifs are credible sources now.

I encourage a continuation of this for two reasons. 1) It is entertaining and 2) if this is the focus, and the extent of the midterm strategy, one night this November is going to be especially entertaining.

I've waited my entire life for this type of President. Troll, and when trolled, stop paying attention. And while not paying attention, real policy is getting implemented. And all they have to do is ignore the troll. But I hope they don't. Two reasons. same as above.

But, but bit, it's not Presidential. OK, it's not. Because being Presidential has worked so very well. Let me ask me tax cut how it feels about that.
Guessed wrong junior...
The response to this is going to cause some pretzel twisting action. I'm guessing you don't get a response, But if you do, I can't wait to see the logic. Somehitng along the ines of you're worng. Why? Becuase I say so.

And tehn we'll get links posted to logic from schlorars on logic.

And then we'll get a response saying you're wrong. Why? Because.

But this quote coming from the left is the best.

"See, when you only find a source credible when it supports your position but find it unreliable when it doesn't, well, you know..."

Especially given as it relates to this thread the sources cited, if you even get a source cited. Unless of course memes and gifs are credible sources now.

I encourage a continuation of this for two reasons. 1) It is entertaining and 2) if this is the focus, and the extent of the midterm strategy, one night this November is going to be especially entertaining.

I've waited my entire life for this type of President. Troll, and when trolled, stop paying attention. And while not paying attention, real policy is getting implemented. And all they have to do is ignore the troll. But I hope they don't. Two reasons. same as above.

But, but bit, it's not Presidential. OK, it's not. Because being Presidential has worked so very well. Let me ask me tax cut how it feels about that.
You are so sad. You say a source is unreliable. Then quote it and say it is reliable. Because that particular quote supports your world view. But if it doesn't... UNRELIABLE!

The saddest thing is you don't even get how pathetic that is.
But hey, go get that logic scholar quote to proving there is degrees of credibility.
Oh, and who is the arbiter of what is reliable?
This is deflecting from the issue of whether reliability is a dichotomy as you claimed.

But let's look at the definition. "The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well." There is no spectrum. You are either reliable or you are not.

Yes but lets look at the entire definition, not cherry pick a portion as you did. Oxford lists what you said and also " The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can be depended on to be accurate."

Notice that clearly indicates reliability is a matter of degree. It isn't a black and white dichotomy. Oxford even lists an example sentence speaking of various levels of reliability:

"‘These predictions have various levels of confidence or reliability"


Or you could attempt to learn some critical thinking skills from college:


From that link: "Some sources are more reliable than others but they may still involve a great deal of bias. Generally, the broadsheet newspapers are more reliable than the tabloids but they too will spin information to meet their own agendas. "
I think I already expressed my position with you, dumbnuts, in post #374. You are the one that said Obama had met in private and unaccompanied with MrPUTIN and, you said you could prove it ... and here's what I said after reading upteen of your bullshit posts running your fat lips ...
"Well, so far you've proven NOTHING ... you're wanting me to prove YOUR POINT.
Rocky III quote 'Rocky vs Clubber Lane' ... "Go For It!" I'll waste no more time on your BS lies. Personally, I think you're full of *******, nongolfer"

I found that Obama met with MrPUTIN 3 times in 2016, and twice in 2015 ... none of which resulted in Obama meeting with him privately and unaccompanied as Trump did with the presidents in Singapore ad Helsinki. So, my last statement stands ... prove me wrong or shut the fuck up!
It appears others are starting to see you for what you really are as well ... another lying BSer Drone for your President Trump.
So I'll tell you what I always tell H-H ....... pic_GiveAFuck.jpg ........ gif_Yellowball-finger.gif
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