Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Wait. You are using a site that YOU claim is unreliable. Therefore you linking to that site is unreliable

you can't talk to them...they are all republican brain dead!
been mind fucked for years...and trying to spread their ******* to anyone that will listen...they could care less what is right and wrong

hell go back and look at what all HH and 2bi have been putting out for years.....just sucking the republican dick that's all
and now they have a new clown to add to the circus...and with them having nothig to do but play mind games on here....don't be their sucker
they are trump fanatics and nothing you can say or do will change them
LOL< yeah I totally get why the left is so confused and easily manipulated.
I really have to question your reading comprehension. You stated,"So the news media does not have to substantiate anything they spew out?" You are trying to hold a poster to a standard the media should be held to. Or was that not your intent?
Wait. You are using a site that YOU claim is unreliable. Therefore you linking to that site is unreliable. See, you don't get it both ways. Either it is unreliable or it is reliable. Which is it?

You don't take orders? Sure you don't.

How do you prove it? Really? Run that CTRL F search you claim to have, take a screen shot of your negative result and post it. Not difficult.

Your scoreboard for life is a paycheck? That speaks volumes to your character.

But let me guess. You are in the fortune cookie business or maybe bumper stickers because "Right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect," is quite the chestnut.

The entire transcript of the book has been posted. What exactly are you still babbling about?

Right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect,"


Can I make it any more clear where I stand?
The entire transcript of the book has been posted. What exactly are you still babbling about?

Right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect,"


Can I make it any more clear where I stand?

Do you mean a link has been posted to the entire transcript?
Issues -v arguments about quotes that exist, or don't exist

Policy -v hatred of one person blinding them to everything else, including reality

When one is unable to debate either issues, or policy, one must turn to arguments about quotes that exist, or don't exist, or hatred of one person blinding them to everything else, including reality.

Now what will be interesting is watching some on here twist like a pretzel trying to argue the quote is really in Trump's book.

As if whether the quote is in the book, or not, and it isn't in the book, matters.
That search has the button for "Search Metadata" checked not "Search Text" and it looks like "often enough they will believe" is in the related text box. So I am not sure of the relevance to the conversation of what you are showing me.
Investors are generally not interested n fake news. So there is this regarding our "friends", in the EU:


I will wait to learn more as SA is not a very good source. Just as CNN and FOX are not good sources.

The difference between me and most everyone else on here. I will find consensus with real sources. The left on this board? They will wait until they are told what to think by CNN or MSNBC.

The results? They will be measured on a scorecard, and reflected in places like payroll checks. Guess what? The bigger number . score, almost always wins.
Issues -v arguments about quotes that exist, or don't exist

Policy -v hatred of one person blinding them to everything else, including reality

When one is unable to debate either issues, or policy, one must turn to arguments about quotes that exist, or don't exist, or hatred of one person blinding them to everything else, including reality.

Now what will be interesting is watching some on here twist like a pretzel trying to argue the quote is really in Trump's book.

As if whether the quote is in the book, or not, and it isn't in the book, matters.
I see you are confused. I never stated nor do I care whether that quote was in the book. I was just holding you to a standard you hold others to.
Ah, there it is. It does appear that you are correct. Well done. Was that so hard? I mean besides not being able to work out that simple solution on your own.


Example of someone bored at work. Stealing his employer's time posting on a message board. Whose priorities are apparently something to do with some made up quote.

If I did what 90% of other people do, I'd likely get the results that 90% of other people get.

What percentage do we all think Zwing is in?
Investors are generally not interested n fake news. So there is this regarding our "friends", in the EU:


I will wait to learn more as SA is not a very good source. Just as CNN and FOX are not good sources.

The difference between me and most everyone else on here. I will find consensus with real sources. The left on this board? They will wait until they are told what to think by CNN or MSNBC.

The results? They will be measured on a scorecard, and reflected in places like payroll checks. Guess what? The bigger number . score, almost always wins.
So very sad. I really pity you.
Just like MacNLies, I knew you wouldn't be able to put on your big boy pants and admit you were wrong.

The full text of his book is online right here:


If what you claimed were true, a simple control F search would let you show us the proof. Conversely anyone who cares to be enlightened can do the same search and see you claim was pure horseshit.

well dipshit...I posted where he said it and that suits me just fine...as for suiting you....


Example of someone bored at work. Stealing his employer's time posting on a message board. Whose priorities are apparently something to do with some made up quote.

If I did what 90% of other people do, I'd likely get the results that 90% of other people get.

What percentage do we all think Zwing is in?

Take a guess.
I really have to question your reading comprehension. You stated,"So the news media does not have to substantiate anything they spew out?" You are trying to hold a poster to a standard the media should be held to. Or was that not your intent?

Yes, anyone making a claim like that should be able to prove it, media or individual. Anyone believing said claim simply because so-and-so said it to be true is even worse. By your logic, the media can spew out what ever lies they want and anyone that does not believe it must prove otherwise. Most media will back up their sources. That is what we asked of the person making the claim, no difference. Being media or not is not a hall pass. On top of that, many here DID show it was not true, but that was not enough.

Nongolfer stated that snopes isn't reliable because it is "left leaning" therefor if there was any ounce of evidence that Trump put that in his book the rumor would have been labeled TRUE and not FALSE. In other words, he used a left leaning source to prove a left claim - a lie.

All you need is a screen shot? really?
Here is one of me flying

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