Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You just got through, yesterday, following me to one of my other posts in another thread to make a sarcastic comment about a post I made on another post written 6 months ago ... 6 months ago, H-H, you sorry fat ass SOB.
You're a fucking LIAR!!! The only post I've made in any other thread in several days was post #184 in the "What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?". In that one post I was replying to your post #183 which you had made just 10 hours prior.

My comment there was referring to the FACT you in post #174 on Monday had gone back in the thread and dredged up a post from Sept 21 by jweezy25 to comment on....just so you could start yet another off topic Trump diatribe.

Your post#174
Which was replying to a post from Sept
Which you had already replied to just days after the jweezy's post

Meanwhile Here is my only post outside of this thread in days...notice the dates and times???

As YOU might say....
"LIAR, LIAR, Pants On Fire send the OMEBABITCHBOI to jail."

I bet you'd love some jail time....maybe your desperate search for some guy to pop your cherry would end with cell mate bubba!
Thanks for proving me right! Happy Friday, little fella!
Well, its time to Update the GQP (Grand QAnon Party) of knuckleheads. And we all agree that "Just Say Nay" RepTards are mounting an impressive "Quantity not Quality" push for the White House in 2040! Enjoy. :devilish:

The New GQP - RepTard Circle-jerk of Presidential Candidates

Village Idiots in the Running:
* buttdload, dodo23, TardisConfused, moron and dumbass, and floppin’ faggot get a shot!

Grumbling Governors:
* DeSantis – “We’ll just annihilate Mickey, gays, teachers, and all black voting districts".
* Rubio - seemingly was an upstart candidate to loser in 1.5 years.
* Youngkin – still supporting the “big lie”, and its already catching up with him.
* Haley – country, duty and honor first … nah … RepTards first.

Shitting-Their-Pants Senators:
* Cruz – just an empty 10-gallon hat, but a sombrero works for him.
* Graham – just trying to save his job and wimp ass from everyone.
* McConnell - duh, black people vote just like Americans.
* Johnson – dumbest RepTard politician and Wisconsin people have him the crosshairs.
* Scott – may not be terrible … and planning to run with Trump in 2040 (after prison).
* Hawley – named dumbest Senator of all time, Trump amplifier, Pusstin supporter.
* Mehmet Cengiz “Oz”- RepTards really digging into the bottom of the “quack” bucket.
* Palin - she has good relationship with Russia and can see Moscow from her back porch.
* Romney – not perfect, already lost once, but likely the best of the lil boys.

Congressional Curmudgeons:
* Cawthorn – "duh, orgies, an addictive white substance and crossdressing parties ..." another flying flake.
* McCarthy – all-time lying flip flop puppet always servicing Trump desires.
* Greene - complete QAnon basket-case getting ass beat in courtroom.
* Bobert – dumb as stone “duh, Micky badddd too …”
* Jordon – JorDumb just an ignorant fickle, hide-n-seek artist and TrumpTard oral servant.
* Gaetz – another dope, but does have college ******* on the ole resume.
* Pompeo – duh, US should not be multicultural, a colossal village idiot.
* Cotton – I’m just "Trumb" and I despise expertise, book-learning and fact-knowing people.

Just Dumb Neanderthal Candidates:
* Trump, D - enough said.
* Trump, DJ - dumber and slimier than Daddo.
* Trump, E - way dumber that DJ.
* Trump, I - probably the smartest of the TrumpTurds, but can’t help any cause.
* Pence - back to a know nothing, see nothing, do nothing, fly-eaten drizzling doormat.
* Gingrich - and a package of figs for every Tard in the land.

Limping Longshots:
* Lindell – idiot posterTard, but pillow fights on all key government issues.
* Ghost of Limbaugh - pretty sure we can prop up his rotting corpse for a laugh.
* Schwarzenegger - Zues back to the rescue, have to change the rules though.
* Carlson - Tucker Suckers rejoice … for exactly one minute.
* Pusstin – probably need to be leading the GQP from a dark hiding place tho.

Wow, when you look at these gems you just want to stand up and say "Aye" ... oh, hell, say "Aye Aye"! Dopes. :devilish:
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