Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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CLEARLY - it shows - ya might say CRYSTAL

You are simply trying an argument based on faulty semantics 🤨
ahhhhhh, so let's get this straight. It's OK for you ReTardlicans to argue on faulty semantics when you DAMN WELL know you're wrong, but its NOT ok for Democrats to do that? Why the DOUBLE STANDARD blkdlaur?

I may have implied, but I did NOT specifically say I was going to knock ANYONE'S teeth out. That is the ASSUMPTION you ReTARDlicans chose to take as to its implication. Now, say I'm wrong about that after you go READ what I actually posted, dufus.
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I say it was pretty damn well implied - bout as perfectly implied as it could be - twas pretty damn easy to take your meaning from it.

Try this book before posting your derogatory assumptions ... you guys do it all the time. But you have an issue when someone else does it, HUH?
Republicans do it for their very "survival" and you don't seem to have problems with them doing it. Trump does it, in fact it's the ONLY WAY he can talk .... then let's his lawyers skew his sentences.
You are simply getting a dose of your own medicine.
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Read ANY poll - and then - tell me how great everyfuckinthing is going for the left 😁
Don't need to read polls right now, I told you that already. Voting is over 6 months away. Lots of things are going to change between now and then, and public opinion will most definitely be ONE of them. Lots of sitting Republicans seem to be heading for prisons right now. Have 3 right here in NC, 2 on the Senate side, one in the House.
Let's talk in sayyyyyy late August. See what the political climate is then.
But, bringing this up EVERY day is only going to embarrass you more if the public's attitudes & viewpoints suddenly shift.
Just shows there is no rule of law anymore.....it is all political...........kind of like...KIND OF.......some of the whackos on here that get their facts from the weather channel..........appears supreme court is now for sale

Lawless: Clarence Thomas and his wife's texts expose Supreme Court's missing ethics rules​

Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas sits with his wife and conservative activist Virginia Thomas while he waits to speak at the Heritage Foundation on October 21, 2021 in Washington, DC. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Time and time again, the nation's highest court has come under fire for failing to manage potentially unethical behavior by its justices.

In the past, the Supreme Court of the United States has cast aside pleas to adopt an ethics code for the justices.

Now, the actions of Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, Virginia – who pushed the White House to overturn the 2020 presidential election – have once again thrown light onto this long-standing conflict: How accountable should the justices be?

No justice

In general, ethical behavior by judges in our federal system is governed by the Code of Conduct for United States Judges, which was adopted in 1973. The code applies to federal judges and magistrate judges serving in the courts of appeals, district courts, bankruptcy judges, the Court of International Trade and the Court of Federal Claims.

Judges cannot "allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment." Such influence of conduct or judgment constitutes a conflict of interest.

it really was just a peaceful attempt to over throw the government​

can you say jail time?....tnc cant seem to

FBI says Proud Boy tried to derail Jan. 6 investigating by menacing agent​

WASHINGTON — A Florida man has been arrested for allegedly pepper spraying officers at the Capitol on Jan. 6, and who law enforcement officials say then allegedly made a menacing call to the FBI special agent investigating his role in the riot.

Barry Bennett Ramey, who officials say was affiliated with the Proud Boys, was arrested in Florida on Thursday, according to court records. He is facing charges of assault on federal law enforcement officers with a deadly or dangerous weapon; obstructing law enforcement; entering or remaining on restricted grounds with intent to impede; knowingly engaging in an act of physical violence while using or carrying and deadly or dangerous weapon; and an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds.

A GOP win is a loss for everyone — including Republicans​

Although analysts disagree on the magnitude of the coming Republican midterms rout, few believe that Democrats will retain their House majority. Despite a few losses during redistricting, Republicans need to net only five more seats to win the Speaker’s gavel.

The Senate landscape is a bit more uncertain for the GOP. Whereas Democrats are defending four incumbents in competitive seats, Republicans have two vulnerable incumbents and three open seats in states that could go either way. Former President Trump’s controversial endorsements in some of these primaries may be dividing, more than uniting, Republicans, which could prove problematic come the November elections. Still, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is spending widely to maximize the chances of Senate Republicans netting the one more seat they need to make him the chamber’s majority leader.

But even if the Republicans win majority control in both chambers of Congress in November, what exactly will they have won?

Without question, Republicans will win the three most cherished legislative powers: control over the legislative agenda; committee chairmanships; and investigatory discretion. But they may get more than they bargain for, and Trump’s power may grow in Washington, even in absentia.

This means that shortly after the new Congress is sworn into session, House Republicans are likely to shut down the Jan. 6 commission and launch an investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial activities. Part of the purpose is to downplay the insurrectionist (and possibly criminal) activities of fellow Republicans, while attempting to normalize the allegations of nepotistic corruption by Trump with a “whataboutism” strategy for President Biden’s family. Despite what House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says, some Republicans are champing at the bit to impeach Biden to discredit him in advance of 2024.

This issue sheds light on McCarthy’s other problem. He believes winning will make him Speaker, but with the possibility of more far-right members joining his conference, his elevation to the position is likely to garner some challenges — including perhaps, one from Mar-a-Lago. And even assuming McCarthy wins the gavel, a Republican majority with fewer institutionalists is likely to make controlling the agenda in the House difficult. Plenty of pests may spoil this party’s unity picnic.

While a future Majority Leader McConnell will not likely be able to advance much policy in a closely divided Senate, the Republicans would be in position to obstruct, and possibly defeat, several of Biden’s nominees to the federal courts. Still, herding McConnell’s conference around a single political agenda when Sen. Rick Scott of Florida has released his own proposals already and a few Trump-boosting senators (Ted Cruz of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Josh Hawley of Missouri and Tim Scott of South Carolina) may launch presidential runs, could prove exasperating at best.

And let’s face it, neither McCarthy nor McConnell is currently well-regarded. According to a recent survey by The Economist-YouGov, they have higher net negative approval ratings (McCarthy is at -15 percent and McConnell is at -31 percent) than Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who is at -12 percent, and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is at -8 percent. Do they believe that more high-profile obstructionism will make voters like their party more next year?

Further, if culture war issues are all that are on the Republicans’ policy agenda, will the public persist in blaming Biden and the Democrats’ first-year spending spree for high inflation and a faltering economy, or will they be reminded of why they wanted Trump out of the White House?

Republicans winning congressional majorities on the backs of conspiracy-believing populists who are committed to overturning the last election and working with like-minded state officials to rig future elections is not a positive outcome for the country — even if you prefer conservative policies over liberal ones. Because, as Juleanna Glover and Kalee Kreider explained earlier this year, “What’s really on the ballot isn’t one party or another; it’s democracy itself.”

But even aside from this high-minded appeal, the bizarre truth of the 2022 midterm elections is that the Republican Party may be better served by losing. Losing, which might be defined as giving up a couple more Senate seats to the Democrats and netting fewer than 20 House seats, likely would undercut Trump’s boss-like power in the party and allow the GOP to position itself more favorably as the “out-party” in 2024.

It should be recalled that the “shellacking” the Republicans gave the Democrats in 2010 didn’t help them secure the White House in 2012. McCarthy and McConnell may want to be careful what they wish for this November.
Try this book before posting your derogatory assumptions ... you guys do it all the time. But you have an issue when someone else does it, HUH?
Republicans do it for their very "survival" and you don't seem to have problems with them doing it. Trump does it, in fact it's the ONLY WAY he can talk .... then let's his lawyers skew his sentences.
You are simply getting a dose of your own medicine.
View attachment 5008456

Who IS it that said “ it depends on what the meaning of IS is” - hmmmmmmm lemme see now 😆
Don't need to read polls right now, I told you that already. Voting is over 6 months away. Lots of things are going to change between now and then, and public opinion will most definitely be ONE of them. Lots of sitting Republicans seem to be heading for prisons right now. Have 3 right here in NC, 2 on the Senate side, one in the House.
Let's talk in sayyyyyy late August. See what the political climate is then.
But, bringing this up EVERY day is only going to embarrass you more if the public's attitudes & viewpoints suddenly shift.

Taint NOOOOOOOO way ole Debacle Joe and his merry bunch o commies is turning this around in time to miss the iceberg that’s gonna sink your progressive ship.
HEY Dems - guess what - Elon Musk has put his money where his mouth is - he’s raised 21 billion in cash and financing that puts him over the top in his bid to buy Twitter !!!!!!

Whatever are ya gonna do when free speech
is re-established ???????!!

Kinda miss President Trump’s tweets - don’t you 😉
I may have implied, but I did NOT specifically say I was going to knock ANYONE'S teeth out. That is the ASSUMPTION you ReTARDlicans chose to take as to its implication. Now, say I'm wrong about that after you go READ what I actually posted, dufus.
Bullshit! The implication was obvious. You're damn lucky you didn't get banned for it. I hear the resident ******* on the thread just got banned today after a threat of violence against another member.

You're a LIAR. You really should try politics given how easily the lies flow out of you.
O contraire - of late I’m generally RIGHT - going more right every day ;}

I follow trends in politics. So I know wtf which way the country is going.

I can tell ya this with certitude - the country has dramatically turned against the left.

O and Americans have turned against Disney too as of right now 122 and falling :}
No you aren't. Sometimes you might have a good point, but your diarrhea of the mouth always buries it in your bullshit. As the only regular participant to give a ******* about the daily if not hourly Disney stock price, your efforts to provoke are embarrassingly feeble.
Bullshit! The implication was obvious. You're damn lucky you didn't get banned for it. I hear the resident ******* on the thread just got banned today after a threat of violence against another member.

You're a LIAR. You really should try politics given how easily the lies flow out of you.

I find the lies flow like the mighty Mississip outta MOST Dems - especially the ones remaining in here.
No you aren't. Sometimes you might have a good point, but your diarrhea of the mouth always buries it in your bullshit. As the only regular participant to give a ******* about the daily if not hourly Disney stock price, your efforts to provoke are embarrassingly feeble.

I use Disney stock as a very visible signal of America’s disdain with Dems and their perpetual HORSESHITE.

O by the by it closed at 121 and change 😁
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