Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Just one example of your inflammatory rhetoric. The same with the frequent times you include the derogatory 'little man'.
I was simply saying that none of them would act the way they are acting in person... This is actually well proven, I've been threatened, and called vile names on social media, etc, when chance meetings happen, as they do when dealing with someone local, they always back away and don't act like that in person... Sub, Mac, Ridgely, Ed, and C&J have called me pretty much every vile name in the book, without any reason, if they were face to face with me, it wouldn't happen... It never does when it gets down to "nut-cuttin time"...

So no violence from me, as you now clearly see...
Can’t wait til they try to renew their copyrights in 2024 - looking like the Mouse be up for grabs afore long 😆

wrong again there dimwit......you just keep striking out with that motor mouth you have

Why Disney’s Remakes Don’t Extend Its Copyright​

Disney has been on something of a remake/sequel frenzy as of late. Not only did it just release a live-action remake of Dumbo, but, according to Time Magazine, it has another 11 other sequels or remakes in the works.

While this spate of remakes has been met with a mixed reaction, it’s also become the source of something of a conspiracy theory. If you’ve been on Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere on social media, you’ve likely seen memes like this one.

This is a similar beat that you can find on Twitter, Facebook and on virtually all social media.

The problem is that it’s completely untrue.

The release of a brand-new Dumbo film does absolutely nothing to impact the copyright term on the original 1941 film. Under the current law, that film is scheduled to enter the public domain on January 1, 2037. That’s on January 1st the year following 95 years after its publication.

The remake doesn’t change that nor does it matter if Disney rereleases the film or releases an updated version of the original. That term remains the same.

For proof of this, you can look to a wide variety of public domain works and how they’re used in our society.

Copyright Protects Works, Not Ideas​

The reason for this is that copyright affixes to a “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression.” In short, it applies to works and specifically precludes ideas, procedures, concepts, etc.

A new work can’t extend the copyright on an old work. If it did, Disney and other rightsholders would be constantly modifying and re-releasing new works based upon old ones to extend the clock. While it might seem like we’re in remake/remix/sequel hell, there would be much, much more of it if that were true.

While there have been some releases motivated by extending copyright, they’ve been about the individual works themselves. For example, in 2013 Bob Dylan’s label released a limited 50th Anniversary Collection so that the unreleased tracks would be counted as published, meaning they would be granted a longer copyright term in the European Union.

There’s simply no case where a new work extends the copyright on an old one.

What this means is that, barring a change in the law, on January 1, 2037 you’ll be able to make copies, distribute, sell, or create derivative works based on the original Dumbo.

What you won’t be able to do is anything that exclusive to the new film. Any new character elements introduced will not be usable and you will not be able to make copies of it (outside the boundaries of fair use) without a license.

However, this doesn’t mean that copyright didn’t motivate the decision to do a remake in 2019.

First, with the work expiring in less than 20 years, Disney is running out of opportunities to use their exclusivity on the property. Especially if they want to do sequels or incorporate it in some kind of larger universe.

Second, there’s little doubt that Disney hoped that this version of the film would become the definitive version and that people who see it as the real one, a replacement for the 1941 film. That clearly hasn’t happened, but if it had, Disney might have been able to do something similar to Universal and find a new way to control the future of Dumbo the character even after the source material lapses.

However, that’s not the same as renewing or extending the copyright on the original work. That’s creating a new work with a new copyright term that is so popular it makes people forget about the original.

Judging from the reviews, that didn’t happen in this case. However, it doesn’t mean Disney, and other rightsholders, won’t try the same approach. Most likely, as more and more works march closer to the public domain, this is something we’ll be seeing a lot more of.

Bottom Line​

Copyright and its term are affixed to a work, not an idea, a property or a series. You can’t extend the copyright of a previous work by publishing a new one, you just create a new work with a new term.

In other words........others may try to copy Disney works....but the originals....stay Disney.....Mickey moose....or funcky Duck....or anything similar.....is not the original
You're a LIAR. You really should try politics given how easily the lies flow out of you.
When you can produce the wording that says I threatened to knock your teeth out how about just STFU, you fatass loser.
Nope, never did say that. I simply invited you to Shelbyville, KY because you keep dogging me & following me around in this website adding your sarcastic comments to my posts. You're the one that could be banned for harassment for the past few years. If you'd just leave me alone, it would never have come to my invitation to Shelbyville.
Why can't you expend your energy walking on a treadmill or abstaining from those twinkies ... give your pancreas a break. I bet you breathe heavy just walking to the refrigerator for another soda, don't you? Your A1C is probably 12-15 isn't it?
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There are 2 sexes ( male and female ) only 2 real genders (male and female) Why would any intelligent, moral parent want the Lies behind the LGBTQ club taught to children in schools? Being a LGBTQ is a free choice not a natural biological fact. Cuckolding isn't natural, it is a man made sexual desire, is it moral, should we demand special rights different then 99% of the 8 plus billion other human beings? Should we demand that cuckolding be taught to our children in school? Most people hide their acts in this lifestyle from children. These are legitimate questions that should be answered. The use of Common Sense is a great measuring tool to know right from wrong.

The world today is following this path to Distruction.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” ("Aleister Crowley Quotes.") are the infamous words of Aleister Crowley, a Satanist and a man who called himself “the Beast”.
I was simply saying that none of them would act the way they are acting in person... This is actually well proven, I've been threatened, and called vile names on social media, etc, when chance meetings happen, as they do when dealing with someone local, they always back away and don't act like that in person... Sub, Mac, Ridgely, Ed, and C&J have called me pretty much every vile name in the book, without any reason, if they were face to face with me, it wouldn't happen... It never does when it gets down to "nut-cuttin time"...

So no violence from me, as you now clearly see...
A couple of things...
I'm going to start with your last line; I said before you use inflammatory rhetoric, and your 'explanation' doesn't change that. But more significant to me kindly do not tell me what I see, I'll assess what I see for myself.

"I understand why you and people like sub act the way you do here, you're safe behind your screens, so you can act like idiots here with no fear of repercussions... Typical leftists."

This is your post: with (I think) the exclusion of Stanley, everyone here insults and jabs everyone else, and that includes you. I know I'm not an idiot and I know I'm not a typical leftist, and my views are not thoughts I couldn't or wouldn't say in public or to your or anybody else's face.

But in here, everything is personal. One's view is the person and the person is the view. I've put on ignore a couple of participants and did say before at some point I'll drop this altogether. I would've been gone already except for you and one other assuming people left because you 'won' some argument.
Yup - just googled it - da Mouse’s copyright will expire on Jan. 1, 2024 - how much ya wanna bet they don’t get a renewal ???? 😁
Unfortunately my bet is many Congressmen will get large contributions from Disney and there will magically be an extension of the copyright term (or "copywrite" term for some of the poorly edjumacated on here..)
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When you can produce the wording that says I threatened to knock your teeth out how about just STFU, you fatass loser.
Nope, never did say that.
BULLSHIT LIAR You clearly implied you'd knock my teeth out. You've also stated we could be targets for mini-gunning. You're just a petulant wittle boi who can't admit when he's wrong.

You could pull up those big boi panties and just admit what is obvious....or you could just go play with your "friends" in the bisexual section of the site. If we want to hear from you, we'll post a picture of a penis to attract you back.
A couple of things...
I'm going to start with your last line; I said before you use inflammatory rhetoric, and your 'explanation' doesn't change that. But more significant to me kindly do not tell me what I see, I'll assess what I see for myself.

"I understand why you and people like sub act the way you do here, you're safe behind your screens, so you can act like idiots here with no fear of repercussions... Typical leftists."

This is your post: with (I think) the exclusion of Stanley, everyone here insults and jabs everyone else, and that includes you. I know I'm not an idiot and I know I'm not a typical leftist, and my views are not thoughts I couldn't or wouldn't say in public or to your or anybody else's face.

But in here, everything is personal. One's view is the person and the person is the view. I've put on ignore a couple of participants and did say before at some point I'll drop this altogether. I would've been gone already except for you and one other assuming people left because you 'won' some argument.
I understand what you're saying, but I will point out that anything I've said as far as insults have been in response to someone who's incapable of being reasonable... Take C&J, or sub, or Mac... There are others, but they use terms like "tard", or call me "tard and cuck"... Their posts are nothing more than insults and name calling without anything, and I mean ANYTHING informative in their posts.

And MY posts are inflammatory? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't wash.
I understand why you and people like sub act the way you do here, you're safe behind your screens, so you can act like idiots here with no fear of repercussions... Typical leftists.
lol, "duh, nofing in the ole noggin so Imma twry dis ... no fear typical leftists ... yah, that'll get'em gud." Moose-Zoo Loser. :devilish:


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