Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I understand what you're saying, but I will point out that anything I've said as far as insults have been in response to someone who's incapable of being reasonable... Take C&J, or sub, or Mac... There are others, but they use terms like "tard", or call me "tard and cuck"... Their posts are nothing more than insults and name calling without anything, and I mean ANYTHING informative in their posts.

And MY posts are inflammatory? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't wash.
TnC the basic truth, your use of common sense, your lack of foolish thoughts and your ability to question and define false propaganda in your posts do not qualify as inflammatory: tending to excite anger, disorder, or tumult : or rhetoric that can be very negative, where people say ‘empty rhetoric’ or ‘harsh rhetoric.’
TnC the basic truth, your use of common sense, your lack of foolish thoughts and your ability to question and define false propaganda in your posts do not qualify as inflammatory: tending to excite anger, disorder, or tumult : or rhetoric that can be very negative, where people say ‘empty rhetoric’ or ‘harsh rhetoric.’
Thanks, Stanley! I just try to make genuine observations, honestly, when they start using profanity and name calling, not only does it diminish their position, but it invalidates their entire point.
BULLSHIT LIAR You clearly implied you'd knock my teeth out. You've also stated we could be targets for mini-gunning. You're just a petulant wittle boi who can't admit when he's wrong.
Thank you H-H for finally ADMITTING that I did not SAY I'd knock your teeth out, fatboi. Implications, if that's how you took it, don't count for *******, you old fool. Ask any lawyer, fuck nuts.
You really should seek out some psychological help, H-H.
And AGAIN, show me where I stated "you could be targets for mini-gunning"? gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif That was a frik'n CARTOON, you lazy, high carbs eating piece of crap. What's your ******* pressure readings .... 200 over 120?
That is soooooo funny; stretching it just a bit, aren't you h-h?
Now, what IS ILLEGAL is your constant STALKING me through this website to add your insults to my posts to others as you did just today, AGAIN. And I';ve asked you a hundred times or more to QUIT STALKING ME!


hoping hubby finally admits he's been lying about my stating I would knock his teeth out.
pic_LiarLiarPantsOnFire.jpg..... I'm in your HEAD deep, H-H .... I mean deeeeeeeeeeeeep!
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Thank you H-H for finally ADMITTING that I did not SAY I'd knock your teeth out, fatboi. Implications, if that's how you took it, don't count for *******,
I've stated you "implied" you would knock my teeth many times. Below is just one example of me stating that all the way back in November. You really should try to read and comprehend rather than just blather your insults about.
Use the word "fighting" no...but you implied you'd knock my teeth out and you've openly stated half the conservative posters on here need to be shot. You demonstrate the mentality of a 3rd grade playground bully.

As for your mini-gunning statements....
And AGAIN, show me where I stated "you could be targets for mini-gunning"?
Here is just one place where you said myself and half the conservative posters should be shot:
Frik'n traitor is what you are, along with half the other conservative posters.
People ought to be taken out and SHOT.

And here is where after questioning whether we in your eyes were seditionists, domestic terrorists, nazis, or just mini-gun targets for you.
With your waffling around so, it is a challenge to keep up with whether we're seditionists, domestic terrorists, nazis, or just mini-gun targets for you.
YOU replied:
One can be ALL OF THOSE at the same time, I'd think,

Now, what IS ILLEGAL is your constant STALKING me through this website to add your insults to my posts to others as you did just today,
State for the record, the specific statute you claim I am violating or admit you are lying yet again.

This is an open forum. If you make a post, I or anyone else has the right to comment on it. I comment on people spewing bullshit and lies. If I comment on quite a few of your posts...whelp...
Hmmmmmmmm Disney set a 52 week low today at 119.70 - wunda why 😉

It’s vacillating in the 120 range now - where it closes will tell the tale
Here's another of our Village Idiots, buttdload, "duh, just wreally luv a day when someone loses, is gettin' raped, beaten, stolen from or cheated ... cuz Imma loser all the time and it makes me feel gud." Dope. :devilish:

And now back to our regularly scheduled program, "RepTards in the News!". Today in Floriduh, leader of Neanderthals, Governor DuhSantis, is taking his fight to the "land that Children everywhere in the world love", Disney's Magic Kingdom. We had to only ask the Governor one question before everyone in the room threw-up lunch, but at least he was succinct. "Just like the slaughter in Ukraine, we're here to conquer the land of that mean Mickey and Minnie, every gay person will be punished, and we are not done with arresting teachers that don't point out every kindergarten baby that show even the slightest gay tendency.", proudly exclaimed DuhSantis. "We the RepTards of Floriduh have spoken!". There you have it folks and be sure to book your vacations else where for the foreseeable future. Asswipes. :devilish:


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It's still all about the money

Conservatives under pressure over donor linked to a Russian oligarch sanctioned by the UK, US and EU​

  • A major Conservative donor was the director of a company secretly owned by a sanctioned oligarch, the BBC reported.
  • Lubov Chernukhin has given £1.94 million to the Conservatives since 2007.
  • Labour say the revelations "raise further serious questions" about her donations.
Labour is heaping fresh pressure on the Conservatives, after it emerged that a major party donor was the director of a firm secretly owned by a Russian oligarch described as being in Putin's "inner circle".
I understand what you're saying, but I will point out that anything I've said as far as insults have been in response to someone who's incapable of being reasonable... Take C&J, or sub, or Mac... There are others, but they use terms like "tard", or call me "tard and cuck"... Their posts are nothing more than insults and name calling without anything, and I mean ANYTHING informative in their posts.

And MY posts are inflammatory? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't wash.
you are insulting our intelligence now with your lies
BULLSHIT LIAR You clearly implied you'd knock my teeth out. You've also stated we could be targets for mini-gunning. You're just a petulant wittle boi who can't admit when he's wrong.

You could pull up those big boi panties and just admit what is obvious....or you could just go play with your "friends" in the bisexual section of the site. If we want to hear from you, we'll post a picture of a penis to attract you back.
what is your point....being gay you could then gummy them
Unfortunately my bet is many Congressmen will get large contributions from Disney and there will magically be an extension of the copyright term (or "copywrite" term for some of the poorly edjumacated on here..)
the law would have to changed.....but as popular as Disnet is....it could happen......it would hurt the feelings of a bunch of right wing whacko's,,,,,but again they are in the minority
There are 2 sexes ( male and female ) only 2 real genders (male and female) Why would any intelligent, moral parent want the Lies behind the LGBTQ club taught to children in schools? Being a LGBTQ is a free choice not a natural biological fact. Cuckolding isn't natural, it is a man made sexual desire, is it moral, should we demand special rights different then 99% of the 8 plus billion other human beings? Should we demand that cuckolding be taught to our children in school? Most people hide their acts in this lifestyle from children. These are legitimate questions that should be answered. The use of Common Sense is a great measuring tool to know right from wrong.

The world today is following this path to Distruction.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” ("Aleister Crowley Quotes.") are the infamous words of Aleister Crowley, a Satanist and a man who called himself “the Beast”.
words of wisdom from someone who openly admits he supports a known party of perverts
Yeah - I know this - all the Republicans that will control the house in 2024 have said they will no longer renew the Mouse’s copyright 😃
.they do talk alot of *******.... but rarely follow up on any of it.... look at McCarthy's words on trump..... ask him to resign?.... funny.... and on Biden... start impeachment proceeding once they are all sworn in...... I hope they keep up their rhetoric...... got to help the Dems

History is on the side of the republicans taking back the house..... but not really a shoe in..... after all..... all they have done is offer destruction talk as usual..... nothing to help the country.... but then they never have done anything to help the country.
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