Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Again, if I was mad enough at someone to "knock their teeth out", as you've said you want to do to HH, I'd be man enough to go all the way to them...
And for the 3rd time, now, show me where in the forums I've said I wanted to knock ANYONE'S teeth out, TnC?
That's one of the BIG problems with you ReTardlicans, you take sentences and totally retwist them to something NOT SAID ... but then, lying is second nature to you folks.
And for the 3rd time, now, show me where in the forums I've said I wanted to knock ANYONE'S teeth out, TnC?
That's one of the BIG problems with you ReTardlicans, you take sentences and totally retwist them to something NOT SAID ... but then, lying is second nature to you folks.
You're a LIAR

Show up in Shelbyville, you chicken asshole, and I'll let you suck it. After you've spit your teeth out, should feel just like a pussy, too.
True and untrue, but interesting read.

you are without a doubt the lowest form of plant life there is......do you know your party has more people serving time for all that than the dems and the independants put together.....we just grope and fuck the secretary........your party heads for the bathrooms
Quite unhinged? Getting worse? Typical leftists?
I'm good with it; you guys can only parrot dead old Rush Limbaugh, Q anon quotes and call them truth and facts and rail against those outside of your bunker mentalities (?) and praise the last poll in Bumfuck, SD. You can only follow the obstructionist leaders of the radical red right who want to go backwards to a bigoted version of America.

Delude yourselves we're "hiding behind screens" but in reality you've blinded yourselves not to see us all around you. Typical rednecks.

Correct me if I’m wrong - PLEASE - but it seems ANY and ALL polls now have your party suckin wind 😁
you must be talking some of your own issues.........you support a racist.....you support a party that does all it can to suppress the vote........you support a party that has done all it can to prevent women from getting needed medical help....creating an issue where in some state we have a higher c.hild death rate than some 3rd world countries.....you support a party that has done all it can to end school lunches.....where 1 in 5 c.hildren in this country go to bed hungry......you support a party that does what it can to prevent any kind of universal health care.......you support a party that likes to create more work and longer hours for less pay......you support a party that just gave a tax break to wealthy americans where we have more billionaires than any other country work .......I could go on and on.......but in general you support a party that does all it can to stop or prevent working america from getting ahead.....in other words you and your party and the horse you rode in on can go screw yourself

you especially talk out of both sides of your ass........you preach religion and yet follow none of the teachings of the bible

And you support the most ginormous DEBACLER of a president that EVER was !!!!!
And for the 3rd time, now, show me where in the forums I've said I wanted to knock ANYONE'S teeth out, TnC?
That's one of the BIG problems with you ReTardlicans, you take sentences and totally retwist them to something NOT SAID ... but then, lying is second nature to you folks.

What a consummate HYPOCRITE - ya said IT!!!!!

HH has posted it innumerable times.

It’s amazing how fulla shite you Dems are - blivet has NOTHING on you 🤨
How are you able to completely ignore the proof In front of you? Are you really that scared of the truth.


a continuation application does not a non existent thing that you cited as a continuation patent while telling me how think I am. You are worst than omeba

When are you going to post the parts of the Florida bill that says it is against gays?

good sheep
no I don't think it's just you. i'm sure the conspiracy theorists also think the "dems in here" are unhinged

when you're completely bonkers, sanity seems unhinged
When are indoctrinated brainwashed and tricked unhinged seems like sanity. I’m sure dems think they sane

havent seen the post with the evidence of the Florida bill hating gays yet, when are you posting all your conspiracy theory proof of it?

good sheep

none of you cons will acknowledge this at all

where is your outrage about your fellow traveller hounding this six-year-old in a bathroom, hypocrites?

go fuck yourselves. hiding behind children so you can abuse them more, shameful. don't even get me started on the abuses to children done by the "Christian" church

Still waiting for the gay hate proof from Florida bill

good sheep
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