Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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to you fucking right wingers with an agenda to destroy america.....like i said...look at the lines there

kind of like your school ******* and trying to dictate to mothers about masks and shots.........seems mothers want their children protected.....and again your right wing fantasies are in the minority......

when are you going to learn this country was founded on majority rule.........and yet you think you can overthrow that and put in some kind of dictatorship....where the majority rule does not apply

you fucking right wingers are just following P.utin's blueprint for the destruction of america.....and to fucking stupid to see it...so you and Bozo just keep trying to destroy

Letter: Khrushchev prediction slowly coming true

Oct 09, 2012 · "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." This is a quote attributed to the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Sounds like …

but then you were to busy trying to didge the draft to worry about any of that

You wear insanity well 😁
View attachment 5005746 ... we post cartoons, right! we also post about 80-85% factual news sources, not that you morons ever read them. Trump tells you what to read. As far as WHERE we get our news & info, why not read the source name off the "sources" you idiot!

jojo can't figure out links, but he does post screenshots of websites instead. the only problem is he doesn't understand what they say when they're mostly words. he needs pictures to help him
You wear insanity well 😁
gloating?...in some kind of ignorance?.....tnc...never has had a brain in his head....makes a good scarecrow.......and you your self have admitted Bozo is out there a little.....so what does that leave you with........most of the conversations you have people are making fun of you.....so tell me just what do you have........just you and your stupidity
Disney closed down today $7.36 or 5.58% it’s down to $124.57 hope the dick dribbler’s been loading up on it 😁
cheering the demise of a company because of its support for gays.........you already have racism and biase on your platform and willingness to ******* through the trump virus........what else is there.....just more of your stupidity showing
jojo can't figure out links, but he does post screenshots of websites instead. the only problem is he doesn't understand what they say when they're mostly words. he needs pictures to help him
Remember that time when you were trying to call me dumb by claiming I didn’t know what a “continuation patent” was
but what you were trying to say was a “continuation application” or maybe you meant “continuing patent application“

That was cool.

I didn’t need pictures to help me prove you wrong then. Did I?

good sheep
cheering the demise of a company because of its support for gays.........you already have racism and biase on your platform and willingness to ******* through the trump virus........what else is there.....just more of your stupidity showing

disney is far, far, far from demise.

who do you think has more money to spend on disney vacations? urban gay couples and progressives, or poor rural families without health insurance?

the cause for concern here is a government abusing its power to silence criticism. if they can tax you for saying something they don't like, what's to stop them from sending you to prison for saying something they don't like?
Got absofuckinglutely nothing to do with support for gays - has to do - with sticking it’s nose into a law passed by the democratic process of voting by a state legislature regarding protecting the rights of parents. If you don’t know that you’re stupider than I thought.

Course anyone that calls it the Trump virus is stupid as shite anyways.
Remember that time when you were trying to call me dumb by claiming I didn’t know what a “continuation patent” was
but what you were trying to say was a “continuation application” or maybe you meant “continuing patent application“

did you ever learn what it means? or look up priority dates?

how many patents are you author on, jojo? lmao, you fuckwit
Got absofuckinglutely nothing to do with support for gays - has to do - with sticking it’s nose into a law passed by the democratic process of voting by a state legislature regarding protecting the rights of parents. If you don’t know that you’re stupider than I thought.

so nobody is allowed to criticize a law now?

I mean I grew up learning that free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, and that governments that punish constituents for criticizing them are authoritarian and evil. places like the USSR or North Korea

maybe free speech isn't very important to you though. it's more important to ban first-grade math textbooks because of "critical race theory"
disney is far, far, far from demise.

who do you think has more money to spend on disney vacations? urban gay couples and progressives, or poor rural families without health insurance?

the cause for concern here is a government abusing its power to silence criticism. if they can tax you for saying something they don't like, what's to stop them from sending you to prison for saying something they don't like?

Being that like 70% of the country is pissed at Disney - meself included - it’s a very very bad business plan catering to such minorities - good luck with that Disney.

Wait til 2024 when they try to renew the Mouse’s copyright 😁
so nobody is allowed to criticize a law now?

I mean I grew up learning that free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, and that governments that punish constituents for criticizing them are authoritarian and evil. places like the USSR or North Korea

maybe free speech isn't very important to you though. it's more important to ban first-grade math textbooks because of "critical race theory"

Simple - ya wanna go to war with a state legislature that has granted you favorable status - don’t be surprised if that favorable treatment goes away.
Being that like 70% of the country is pissed at Disney - meself included - it’s a very very bad business plan catering to such minorities - good luck with that Disney.
that's not true at all

if it were true, disney's revenue would be dropping like a rock, and they'd go under. that would be the free market.

what we're talking about now though, is whether you think it's OK for governments to punish free speech criticizing them

remember, Disney didn't march on the Florida state house and break windows or threaten to hang legislators. they made a press release. DeSantis is openly punishing them for their civil free speech

you OK with that?

Wait til 2024 when they try to renew the Mouse’s copyright 😁
oh ok, you are ok with it

I want all you cons to remember what hypocrites you are on free speech.
Simple - ya wanna go to war with a state legislature that has granted you favorable status - don’t be surprised if that favorable treatment goes away.

they criticized a bill up for debate

how can you defend this? unless you just really fucking hate gay people. ironically, since you are not straight -- you are on this website which is dedicated to black dick
cheering the demise of a company because of its support for gays.........you already have racism and biase on your platform and willingness to ******* through the trump virus........what else is there.....just more of your stupidity showing

When did Disney show support for gays? Are you confusing that with them showing support for people who want to groom K-3 ******* by teaching them about sex and sexual orientation?

That is for their parents to do if they see fit at that time.
Teachers have no business talking to anyone’s ******* about sex, especially without the parents permission. Or the parent even knowing about it.

I think you said you have *******, is that what you would of wanted for your 1st grader? Have adults talking to them about sex?

Is that what you are referring to? The bill desantis signed?

If so, here’s the bill. Please show us where it even mentions the word gay.

that's not true at all

if it were true, disney's revenue would be dropping like a rock, and they'd go under. that would be the free market.

what we're talking about now though, is whether you think it's OK for governments to punish free speech criticizing them

remember, Disney didn't march on the Florida state house and break windows or threaten to hang legislators. they made a press release. DeSantis is openly punishing them for their civil free speech

you OK with that?

oh ok, you are ok with it

I want all you cons to remember what hypocrites you are on free speech.

Nah you guys are the hypocrites - hell your scared shiteless of Elon Musk gaining complete control of Twitter so he can re-establish free speech on that platform.
Nah you guys are the hypocrites - hell your scared shiteless of Elon Musk gaining complete control of Twitter so he can re-establish free speech on that platform.

I don't use twitter. hardly anyone uses twitter. I don't give a ******* if elon buys twitter and runs it into the ground, it's a garbage website

but the fact remains that Twitter is a private company.

Twitter does not have a police *******. Twitter does not have the national guard ready to take orders from it. Twitter cannot tax you, or revoke your business license.

The first amendment applies to the state, because the state has disproportionate power. The bill of rights wasn't written to limit Twitter's power, it was written to limit the government's power.

the fact that you're ok with the state shutting down free speech around a bill that the governor really likes makes you an authoritarian hypocrite.

this is the exact ******* the cons were twisting their panties about a couple years ago with "THE IRS IS AFTER CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZATIONS!!11!!", except this time it's actually real, it's out in the open, and you're all applauding it.
disney is far, far, far from demise.

who do you think has more money to spend on disney vacations? urban gay couples and progressives, or poor rural families without health insurance?

the cause for concern here is a government abusing its power to silence criticism. if they can tax you for saying something they don't like, what's to stop them from sending you to prison for saying something they don't like?

I agree....it is all about the government wanting to silence them.....and yes i know Disney has more money than they can spend....so DeSantis going nowhere but keeping his name in the paper for the extremists.....these guys here just trying to make something of nothing.....something the right does alot of....look at Bozo's posts a good example
that's not true at all

if it were true, disney's revenue would be dropping like a rock, and they'd go under. that would be the free market.

what we're talking about now though, is whether you think it's OK for governments to punish free speech criticizing them

remember, Disney didn't march on the Florida state house and break windows or threaten to hang legislators. they made a press release. DeSantis is openly punishing them for their civil free speech

you OK with that?

oh ok, you are ok with it

I want all you cons to remember what hypocrites you are on free speech.

I sold me Disney a shade below 142 it’s now at 124.57 - tried to warn peeps in here. You know how much stock value they have lost - hell 5.58% just today - give it time - they’re gonna feel the wrath of America - people have HAD it with people fucking with their *******. They’re now on the bad side of the state of Florida and in 2024 when their copyrights are up for renewal - LOOKOUT. Lots of people - such as meself have cancelled Disney subscriptions and plenty have cancelled trips to their parks - it’s only gonna get worse for them if they continue on their current course.
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