Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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OH say it isn't so!!!
I thought only the USA had a poverty problem - What gives Canada???

About one in five city residents are living in poverty, a figure that jumps to more than 26 per cent for children under age 18, giving Toronto the shameful title of baby poverty capital of Canada.

A household is considered to be living in poverty if their annual income is below Statistics Canada’s low-income measure, after taxes, which in Toronto in 2015 was $18,213 for a single person, $31,301 for a single parent with one baby and $44,266 for a couple with two children.

Poverty level is at $44K for a family of 4 in Canada, but in the US it is only $25,100.00 for a family of 4.
So without investigating why those numbers are so different - should the US increase to $44K or should Canada lower theirs to $25K ??? Or perhaps there are other reason for the gap. $44k is nothing to sneeze at in the US. I raised 2 *******, owned a home and had 2 vehicles on about that much. So if I use the left logic of comparison, I guess Canada's poverty level is way to high.

I mean it seems to be the lefts only concern that we are the same as other countries - the demographics and other facts don't matter as long as the outcome is the same.

Speaking of Which,
It is the lefts view that our constitution is "out dated" but that only seems to apply to the 1st and 2nd amendments. When it comes the 14th amendment the constitution suddenly becomes "off-limits". If the left is so determined that the US be like "everyone else" then we should get rid of Birthright citizenship. The US and Canada are the only developed countries that still have it. Why should we be like everyone else when it comes to poverty and how much a loaf of bread cost, but not this?

Just for the record, I'm in favor of the birthright citizenship, You are native to the land in which you are born and should have citizen rights. However when it comes to the parents not being citizens, then they need to either legally apply for citizenship and stay - or revoke the new born's citizenship and leave. The double standards and hypocrisy of the left is simply mind numbing. Our constitution is fine the way it is, leave it alone and don't cherry pick it.
I understand you cut and paste lies.... sorry fake facts everyday.

hate having to repeat myself so many times..but it comes natural to a braindead trumpie…..facts are not something you people understand.....you won't believe it unless it is pure hot air from the horse' ass!

Like all the things he is doing for the economy!?…….how many factory jobs are leaving the US under your man?...everything he has done for the economy was started and carried over from Obama!

But you just keep sticking your head in your ass....and wait for ….??????ah you wouldn't believe it anyway!
OH say it isn't so!!!
I thought only the USA had a poverty problem - What gives Canada???

Poverty level is at $44K for a family of 4 in Canada, but in the US it is only $25,100.00 for a family of 4.
So without investigating why those numbers are so different - should the US increase to $44K or should Canada lower theirs to $25K ??? Or perhaps there are other reason for the gap. $44k is nothing to sneeze at in the US. I raised 2 *******, owned a home and had 2 vehicles on about that much. So if I use the left logic of comparison, I guess Canada's poverty level is way to high.

I mean it seems to be the lefts only concern that we are the same as other countries - the demographics and other facts don't matter as long as the outcome is the same.

Speaking of Which,
It is the lefts view that our constitution is "out dated" but that only seems to apply to the 1st and 2nd amendments. When it comes the 14th amendment the constitution suddenly becomes "off-limits". If the left is so determined that the US be like "everyone else" then we should get rid of Birthright citizenship. The US and Canada are the only developed countries that still have it. Why should we be like everyone else when it comes to poverty and how much a loaf of bread cost, but not this?

Just for the record, I'm in favor of the birthright citizenship, You are native to the land in which you are born and should have citizen rights. However when it comes to the parents not being citizens, then they need to either legally apply for citizenship and stay - or revoke the new born's citizenship and leave. The double standards and hypocrisy of the left is simply mind numbing. Our constitution is fine the way it is, leave it alone and don't cherry pick it.

you go out of your way to twist the facts to suit your needs don't you?
don't you suppose that is because their living standard is that much better than ours?

you are stuffed full of more ******* than the Christmas goose
More on the boarder and how the left is loosing their minds, Mac you will like this one. Talks about how the left now embraces the Koch Brothers. ;)

The left continues their hyper-boil at the boarder, this video is right, the only thing the news talked about last night was this woman running from the mayhem with her *******. Maybe she should have thought about her ******* before joining in with the mayhem. :devil:

More on the boarder and how the left is loosing their minds, Mac you will like this one. Talks about how the left now embraces the Koch Brothers. ;)
I don't care what the Koch Bros do as long as the Democrats and liberals don't start sucking up to their asses like the Republicans have. I'll continue to say loudly, we need transparency in donations ... do away with Citizens United while you're at it ... if possible. We need politicians to work for the people, not the big money political donors. It'd be nice if Democrats, once they have the trifecta back in 2020, would work to do just that as well as establish term & age limits .... I imagine I can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up first ... no surprises there. But its on MY LIST!
By the way, TwoBi, if the Koch Brothers wish to impress ME ... they can start by removing those toxic waste dumps they planted over the top of the United States largest aquifer in the mid-west.
The left continues their hyper-boil at the boarder, this video is right, the only thing the news talked about last night was this woman running from the mayhem with her *******. Maybe she should have thought about her ******* before joining in with the mayhem. :devil:

more of someone else's opinion...because you either can't put yours into words...or afraid we will shoot the hell out of yours!
more of someone else's opinion...because you either can't put yours into words...or afraid we will shoot the hell out of yours!
Wrong, it's not an opinion, it's fact - those things happened - again open your eyes. At least the video is much more informative than a stupid meme. I don't need to put it into my own words because the video does it for me. The video also provides the source of information - unlike a meme.
By the way, TwoBi, if the Koch Brothers wish to impress ME ... they can start by removing those toxic waste dumps they planted over the top of the United States largest aquifer in the mid-west.

How else will we whiten our teeth and make our eyes glow???

I just find it funny that the Left has condemned the Koch brothers for years and now that they agree with open borders, the left opens their arms to them. It just really shows the open corruption within our politicians and policies. - any thing to gain the vote - anything to stay in power. I know they speak well, but I simply do not believe that the left has the people in mind any more than the right does.
hate having to repeat myself so many times..but it comes natural to a braindead trumpie…..facts are not something you people understand.....you won't believe it unless it is pure hot air from the horse' ass!

Like all the things he is doing for the economy!?…….how many factory jobs are leaving the US under your man?...everything he has done for the economy was started and carried over from Obama!

But you just keep sticking your head in your ass....and wait for ….??????ah you wouldn't believe it anyway!

The liberal perspective is - when Obama was in office everything that was wrong was George Bush’s fault through 2 terms - now everything that is going right is because of Obama - I do not believe you can have it both ways.
The liberal perspective is - when Obama was in office everything that was wrong was George Bush’s fault through 2 terms - now everything that is going right is because of Obama - I do not believe you can have it both ways.

true you can't....but go back and check what Obama inherited when he took office......a recession....he had to gamble on the bailouts to save the country.....it worked and has been going fine since....and even now still going and trump taking credit for it...when he has done more to destroy it than repair it or make it grow!

Trump says he’s stopping jobs from going abroad. Here’s ...
By comparison, Trump’s deal with Carrier to save about 800 jobs is less than 7 percent of the nearly 12,000 jobs jobs lost or leaving since he took the oath of office. Decades of work disappears

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
All told, in the year since Trump was elected, more than 93,000 jobs have been certified by the Department of Labor as lost to outsourcing or trade competition, slightly higher than the average of ...
The liberal perspective is - when Obama was in office everything that was wrong was George Bush’s fault through 2 terms - now everything that is going right is because of Obama - I do not believe you can have it both ways.

Aside from all of Trumps tweeting and stupid remarks, if Obama was doing the same things as Trump (which he was in some occasions) I guarantee the left would be talking about how great he is and praising his successes.

Instead of a "Border Wall" Obama would call it "Structural Security Border Enforcement"
Instead of a Tax cut Obama would call it "Tax re-assignment Strategy".
Instead of a "Saudi Assassination" Obama would call it "Elimination of Competitive assets for Petroleum Interest"
Instead of "7000 immigrants invading our boarder" Obama would call it "Aggressive relocation and procurement opportunities."
Instead of separation of families, Obama would call it "Substitute Dreamer strategies".
Instead of "Elimination of the Birthright citizenship" Obama would call it "Citizenship Open Enrollment".
Instead of "Russian Scandal", Under Obama it would Be "Improvement of Russian Relation Strategies"
Wrong, it's not an opinion, it's fact - those things happened - again open your eyes. At least the video is much more informative than a stupid meme. I don't need to put it into my own words because the video does it for me. The video also provides the source of information - unlike a meme.

you have posted to many bullshit vids for me to even care about looking at it....you seem to be the only interested in the vids...so open your eyes and read.....no one looks at your stupid vids giving some one else' opinion!
Aside from all of Trumps tweeting and stupid remarks, if Obama was doing the same things as Trump (which he was in some occasions) I guarantee the left would be talking about how great he is and praising his successes.

Instead of a "Border Wall" Obama would call it "Structural Security Border Enforcement"
Instead of a Tax cut Obama would call it "Tax re-assignment Strategy".
Instead of a "Saudi Assassination" Obama would call it "Elimination of Competitive assets for Petroleum Interest"
Instead of "7000 immigrants invading our boarder" Obama would call it "Aggressive relocation and procurement opportunities."
Instead of separation of families, Obama would call it "Substitute Dreamer strategies".
Instead of "Elimination of the Birthright citizenship" Obama would call it "Citizenship Open Enrollment".
Instead of "Russian Scandal", Under Obama it would Be "Improvement of Russian Relation Strategies"

damn you must have been weeks coming up with all that *******......I know you surely didn't come up with it on your own!
Wrong, it's not an opinion, it's fact - those things happened - again open your eyes. At least the video is much more informative than a stupid meme. I don't need to put it into my own words because the video does it for me. The video also provides the source of information - unlike a meme.

You like to proclaim the meme's as false...when several times in the past just to show you I have shown you where they were not false...just irritates you to see someone else state the facts...as for your vids...those are someone else's words...not yours...and the first few I watched were bullshit...have no plans on watching anymore...some of your right wing friends MIGHT..not me!
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