Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Europeans are a funny lot. They talk about the collective power of being a single union. Yet react very much the same way as Trump when an entity wants to break free. Funny how it is that misguided emotional reaction, that Europe has taken from the US, instead of one of the US's more likeable traits. Sad that in the twenty first century ,it is the only common ground between both sides. A sad reflection of US policies, that has finally alienated the American nation in the eyes of the world. Especially to those in Europe.

Europeans like to be treated with respect. After all, they have been showing 'respect' to the US from what was one of the worlds darkest hours. But the funny thing is, the US never were quite on the same page in showing the reciprocal amount of respect to the countries of Europe. The 'we are a world power and you're not, so do as you're told' attitude of the last 72 years since all hostilities ceased, has quite frankly, rubbed Europe through to the bone of indifference. it is that indifference which now governs the leading attitude to how the US is perceived. An indifference that is being ****** even harder to the fore by President Trump.

The average European knows little of the intricacies of American politics, or the sub levels of agreements and trade offs that are the quintessential essence of US politics. To be honest, why would they. The US misuse of the electoral process in the name of its nations people by those who do not have the best interests they are supposed to represent isn't a unique one. In that, every country has those individuals. But what is unique, are the depths of corruption that permutate through every level of US governance. A corruption that the US plays onto the world stage through its 'do as we say' policies.

The treatment by those few who lead the US has, in many an opinion, set back relations with Europe to the level of the 1880's. A level where the word of an American isn't worth the air used to formulate the spoken word. Right now the world is watching with baited breath as Europe slowly weans its self off the US 'hand me downs' of policies and ****** deals. Where Europe rights its self in its global reach in which both commercial and political extensions out grow those of the US. And not before time.

Most Americans start a counter argument by stating 'if it wasn't for the US you all would be speaking German now'. Factually wrong. Historically dis-proven. But then again. Like the words coming out of the White House on a daily basis, If you say the lie long enough people will start to believe it.

Yet the facts cannot be ignored. Europe is slowly learning that the US under Trumps leadership is a poisoned challis. And as of right now, no one within Europe wants anything to do with drinking from that cup of misfortune. To be sure America will tolerated. Some Americans will even be welcome. But right now the US is learning that Europe as a whole doesn't really need the US. The US needs Europe. And Europeans as a whole wonder just exactly when will that particular penny drop. Because as of right now. The US doesn't have that many countries it can call friend.
I keep saying this. Whilst everybody is just arguing over the orange imbecile, the EU is becoming a superstate with attitude and one which is not democratic. The USA is making itself irrelevant whilst Russia is gaining power and influence.
What now you have the Presidents calendar and itinerary?

When you've reached a level of understanding attained by all graduates from Grade 5 grammar school, let me know and I'll try to explain the facts as they are and not as you'd like them to be!
P.S. Graduation from Trump University isn't recognized or acceptable!
(Did I mention you need to upgrade your comprehension and writing in English! You've really bastardized it!)

Only the left would buy into this type of BS.
If this were true, then please explain why other countries have such a huge poverty problem? Might it have anything to do with what the average income is of these other countries??? Ever wonder why these memes don't supply data information - what countries are they comparing the number to? Not to mention what portion of those countries still can't afford it at all. Simply stating that countries pay less does not equal affordability. Inflation and cost of living has a HUGE factor that is conveniently left out of the information.

Lets take Brazil for example, they have a cost of living 40% lower than the US, and a poverty level about half, and their population is about 1 million less.

BUT! the average yearly income for Brazil is only about $3000.00 per year! Of course things are going to cost less and a lot of it is subsidies by the government. For Brazil it is mostly subsidized by its sale of Oil. If everyone were to stop buying oil form Brazil, it would devastate their country.

11,440 reais, when converted to USD is 1 reais = 0.29 usd or $2,974.40 per year average income. But hay - no reason to include ALL the facts - right?

And lets look at World poverty levels, only 26 countries have a lower poverty level than the US. - So what % of that 153 countries that pay less for bread stil cant' afford a loaf of bread. ????

Since Brazil has a lower poverty, lower cost of living, lower rent, and lower prices in general. Maybe we need to set our min wadge equal to that of Brazil, which is about $1.43 per hour.

For someone who is "into politics more than anyone we will ever meet" should know all this and not be putting your trust in out-of-context memes.

none constructive rebuttal in 3...2....1....
Only the left would buy into this type of BS.
If this were true, then please explain why other countries have such a huge poverty problem? Might it have anything to do with what the average income is of these other countries??? Ever wonder why these memes don't supply data information - what countries are they comparing the number to? Not to mention what portion of those countries still can't afford it at all. Simply stating that countries pay less does not equal affordability. Inflation and cost of living has a HUGE factor that is conveniently left out of the information.

Lets take Brazil for example, they have a cost of living 40% lower than the US, and a poverty level about half, and their population is about 1 million less.

BUT! the average yearly income for Brazil is only about $3000.00 per year! Of course things are going to cost less and a lot of it is subsidies by the government. For Brazil it is mostly subsidized by its sale of Oil. If everyone were to stop buying oil form Brazil, it would devastate their country.

11,440 reais, when converted to USD is 1 reais = 0.29 usd or $2,974.40 per year average income. But hay - no reason to include ALL the facts - right?

And lets look at World poverty levels, only 26 countries have a lower poverty level than the US. - So what % of that 153 countries that pay less for bread stil cant' afford a loaf of bread. ????

Since Brazil has a lower poverty, lower cost of living, lower rent, and lower prices in general. Maybe we need to set our min wadge equal to that of Brazil, which is about $1.43 per hour.

For someone who is "into politics more than anyone we will ever meet" should know all this and not be putting your trust in out-of-context memes.

none constructive rebuttal in 3...2....1....

have you given any thought to farm work...…..you sure can spread the *******!
well right now I am re-arranging my sock drawer so don't have time for your trump non-sense
but sometime today I will break down that meme......just to show you how dumb you are...although done that so many times it is boring now
already posted several on the income difference between us and the rest of the world...but I'm sure that didn't slide into that narrow mind you have
have you given any thought to farm work...…..you sure can spread the *******!
well right now I am re-arranging my sock drawer so don't have time for your trump non-sense
but sometime today I will break down that meme......just to show you how dumb you are...although done that so many times it is boring now
already posted several on the income difference between us and the rest of the world...but I'm sure that didn't slide into that narrow mind you have

subhub174014, why not save your breath, time & energy? It's evident that TwoBiFour was struck in the head with
a 6ft long 2X4 and suffers from tunnel vision! This condition is best described via a Medical Definition, I quote:

"Medical Definition of Tunnel vision. Tunnel vision: Loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision. And, by extension, any very narrow point of view. Also called tubular vision."

I'd like to emphasize "You're pushing water uphill trying to reason, or enlighten, someone whose lights are already out!"
subhub174014, why not save your breath, time & energy? It's evident that TwoBiFour was struck in the head with
a 6ft long 2X4 and suffers from tunnel vision! This condition is best described via a Medical Definition, I quote:

"Medical Definition of Tunnel vision. Tunnel vision: Loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision. And, by extension, any very narrow point of view. Also called tubular vision."

I'd like to emphasize "You're pushing water uphill trying to reason, or enlighten, someone whose lights are already out!"

got to agree...he has not in the past shown that he can read and comprehend the facts that go against his inbred republican ideology….
but it is entertaining to show him the error of his ways...even if he will learn nothing from it!
the income difference between us and the rest of the world...

That's exactly my point - to bad you are incapable of correlating the two. The income is different - that is why prices are different - hello???

Moreover - what makes you think the rest of the world should have equal incomes as the US? Only a globalist would think that way. Why not just have one Supreme leader that controls the world, then we can all be equal. You obviously favor equal outcome over equal opportunity.
subhub174014, why not save your breath, time & energy? It's evident that TwoBiFour was struck in the head with
a 6ft long 2X4 and suffers from tunnel vision! This condition is best described via a Medical Definition, I quote:

"Medical Definition of Tunnel vision. Tunnel vision: Loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision. And, by extension, any very narrow point of view. Also called tubular vision."

I'd like to emphasize "You're pushing water uphill trying to reason, or enlighten, someone whose lights are already out!"

And you contributed absolutely 0 to this entire thread. Yours is none other than to provoke and insult. No thoughts or reasoning of your own, probably because you can not formulate a reasonable response. So if all you can do is insult, I suggest you place me on your ignore list and stop referring to me in 3rd person, otherwise come forward with some facts of your own instead of simple miss-guided information and insults.

and the insults will continue in 3....2....1...
Only the left would buy into this type of BS.
If this were true, then please explain why other countries have such a huge poverty problem? Might it have anything to do with what the average income is of these other countries??? Ever wonder why these memes don't supply data information - what countries are they comparing the number to? Not to mention what portion of those countries still can't afford it at all. Simply stating that countries pay less does not equal affordability. Inflation and cost of living has a HUGE factor that is conveniently left out of the information.

Lets take Brazil for example, they have a cost of living 40% lower than the US, and a poverty level about half, and their population is about 1 million less.

BUT! the average yearly income for Brazil is only about $3000.00 per year! Of course things are going to cost less and a lot of it is subsidies by the government. For Brazil it is mostly subsidized by its sale of Oil. If everyone were to stop buying oil form Brazil, it would devastate their country.

11,440 reais, when converted to USD is 1 reais = 0.29 usd or $2,974.40 per year average income. But hay - no reason to include ALL the facts - right?

And lets look at World poverty levels, only 26 countries have a lower poverty level than the US. - So what % of that 153 countries that pay less for bread stil cant' afford a loaf of bread. ????

Since Brazil has a lower poverty, lower cost of living, lower rent, and lower prices in general. Maybe we need to set our min wadge equal to that of Brazil, which is about $1.43 per hour.

For someone who is "into politics more than anyone we will ever meet" should know all this and not be putting your trust in out-of-context memes.

none constructive rebuttal in 3...2....1....

America Is the Richest, and Most Unequal, Nation | Fortune
In comparison, when the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) examined income inequality, it found that the U.S. has the fourth highest income Gini coefficient—0.40 …

WEF: U.S. Ranks 23rd Out of 30 for Inequality - The Atlantic
The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also one of the most unequal. As a report released today shows, the U.S. ranks 23 out of 30 developed nations in a measure ...


U.N.'s poverty and human rights special rapporteur finds U ...
Philip Alston, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, published a damning report this week on poverty in the United States, condemning President Trump ’s ...

Why the UN is investigating extreme poverty … in America ...
The UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, is a feisty Australian and New York University law professor who has a fearsome track record of holding power to account.

Trump administration claims only 250,000 Americans live in ...
The UN’s numbers come from the official Census definition which has been kept for decades by the US government, defining extreme poverty as having an income lower than half the official poverty ...

Poverty in the U.S by David.I - Letters to the Next ...
You as president should do something about the people with no homes and help those in poverty. Over 564,708 are homeless in U.S. 206,286 are people in families and 358,422 are individual homeless. According to a 2015 published poverty measure by the United States Census Bureau, over 43.1 million people are in poverty in the U.S..

there are a lot more articles on this...but doubt you care!

Inflation and cost of living has a HUGE factor that is conveniently left out of the information.

inflation and cost of living means nothing to those without a home nor any income....you surely are not that dense!

Health care:

How does health spending in the U.S. compare to other ...
In 2016, the US spent about 8.5% of its GDP on health out of public funds –essentially equivalent to the average of the other comparable countries. However, private spending in the U.S. is much higher than any comparable country; 8.8% of GDP in the U.S., compared to 2.7% on average for other nations.

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries ...
Pearson: Spending on almost every area of health care is higher in the United States than in other countries. For example, nearly $900 per person per year goes on administrative costs.

How U.S. Healthcare Costs Compare to Other Countries ...
Health Affairs has projected that between 2015-2025 spending on health care will grow at 5.8% per year. By 2025, it will make up 20.1% of U.S. GDP. By 2025, it will make up 20.1% of U.S. GDP.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other ...
Jun 16, 2014 · Access: Not surprisingly — given the absence of universal coverage — people in the U.S. go without needed health care because of cost more often than people do in the other countries.

United States Comes in Last Again on Health, Compared to ...
It found 43 percent of low-income Americans went without medical care because of costs. In the other countries, these rates ranged from 8 percent in Britain to 31 percent in Switzerland.

again there are a lot of those to look at...but I'm sure you won't!

cost of living:

How Does the U.S. Compare to Other Countries? Not Too Well ...
Charles M. Blow and the New York Times put together this infographic comparing the U.S. to other countries by 9 key metrics: The U.S. comes in at “worst of the worst” in four categories and …

U.S. teen pregnancy rate remains highest in developed ...
Jan 19, 2012 · Teen pregnancy rates in the United States have fallen in recent years, but the country still has a higher rate than any other developed country, according to data released Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Battles over how to best prevent teen pregnancy may be to blame for the continued high rate in the United States.

We're No. 26! US below average on most health measures
But Americans don’t seem to have too many doctors The U.S. has fewer doctors per capita than most other countries, only 2.5 per 1,000 people, compared to 6.1 per 1,000 in Greece, 5 per 1,000 in …

Countries Compared by Health > Hospital beds > Per 1,000 ...
www.nationmaster.com › … › StatsHealthHospital beds
11 of the top 15 countries by hospital beds > per 1,000 people are European. 12 of the top 16 countries by hospital beds > per 1,000 people are Cold countries'. Japan has ranked in the top 2 for hospital beds > per 1,000 people since 1993. Monaco has had the highest hospital beds > per 1,000 people since 1992.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia
184 rows · Methodology. Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country is expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future.

OECD Better Life Index
In the United States, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 44 049 a year, much higher than the OECD average of USD 30 563 a year, and the highest figure in the OECD. But there is a considerable gap between the richest and poorest – the top 20% of the population earn about eight times as much as the bottom 20%.

How Americans compare with the global middle class | Pew ...
In other words, more than half of Americans who are poor by U.S. government standards would be middle income when compared with the rest of the world. A fair share, however, would be either low income or poor, globally speaking.

Countries Compared by Cost of living > Basic utilities ...
www.nationmaster.com › … › StatsCost of livingBasic utilities
Garbage, water, heating, electricity for 85 sqm apartment DEFINITION: Basic (Electricity, Heating, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment. Based on 0-50 contributions for Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Andorra and 81 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Armenia and 19 more countries and over 100 contributions for Argentina, Australia, Austria and 82 more countries.

naturally the islands pay more for obvious reasons

America Pays More For Internet, Gets Slower Speeds, Than ...
Oct 31, 2014 · The US Internet Corp. gigabit residential service is symmetrical with Google Inc. Fiber offering upload speeds of 1 Gbps and 1,024 Mbps for downloads.

Why the U.S. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and ...
Oct 31, 2014 · American Internet users are also much more likely than those in other countries to pay an additional fee, about $100 a year in many cities, to rent a modem that costs less than $100 in a store.

I think that is more than enough to show that the meme was pretty fucking accurate....even for someone with limited learning abilities should be able to read and understand
That's exactly my point - to bad you are incapable of correlating the two. The income is different - that is why prices are different - hello???

Moreover - what makes you think the rest of the world should have equal incomes as the US? Only a globalist would think that way. Why not just have one Supreme leader that controls the world, then we can all be equal. You obviously favor equal outcome over equal opportunity.

Hello....Hello anyone in there that can read and comprehend the facts?

see above post
And you contributed absolutely 0 to this entire thread. Yours is none other than to provoke and insult. No thoughts or reasoning of your own, probably because you can not formulate a reasonable response. So if all you can do is insult, I suggest you place me on your ignore list and stop referring to me in 3rd person, otherwise come forward with some facts of your own instead of simple miss-guided information and insults.

and the insults will continue in 3....2....1...

LOL! You just verified everything I said!!!!
You have a good day! It appears you're in dire need of one ... or two ... or more!
P.S. BTW ... who started this thread? :bounce:
America Is the Richest, and Most Unequal, Nation | Fortune
In comparison, when the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) examined income inequality, it found that the U.S. has the fourth highest income Gini coefficient—0.40 …

WEF: U.S. Ranks 23rd Out of 30 for Inequality - The Atlantic
The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also one of the most unequal. As a report released today shows, the U.S. ranks 23 out of 30 developed nations in a measure ...


U.N.'s poverty and human rights special rapporteur finds U ...
Philip Alston, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, published a damning report this week on poverty in the United States, condemning President Trump ’s ...

Why the UN is investigating extreme poverty … in America ...
The UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, is a feisty Australian and New York University law professor who has a fearsome track record of holding power to account.

Trump administration claims only 250,000 Americans live in ...
The UN’s numbers come from the official Census definition which has been kept for decades by the US government, defining extreme poverty as having an income lower than half the official poverty ...

Poverty in the U.S by David.I - Letters to the Next ...
You as president should do something about the people with no homes and help those in poverty. Over 564,708 are homeless in U.S. 206,286 are people in families and 358,422 are individual homeless. According to a 2015 published poverty measure by the United States Census Bureau, over 43.1 million people are in poverty in the U.S..

there are a lot more articles on this...but doubt you care!

Inflation and cost of living has a HUGE factor that is conveniently left out of the information.

inflation and cost of living means nothing to those without a home nor any income....you surely are not that dense!

Health care:

How does health spending in the U.S. compare to other ...
In 2016, the US spent about 8.5% of its GDP on health out of public funds –essentially equivalent to the average of the other comparable countries. However, private spending in the U.S. is much higher than any comparable country; 8.8% of GDP in the U.S., compared to 2.7% on average for other nations.

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries ...
Pearson: Spending on almost every area of health care is higher in the United States than in other countries. For example, nearly $900 per person per year goes on administrative costs.

How U.S. Healthcare Costs Compare to Other Countries ...
Health Affairs has projected that between 2015-2025 spending on health care will grow at 5.8% per year. By 2025, it will make up 20.1% of U.S. GDP. By 2025, it will make up 20.1% of U.S. GDP.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other ...
Jun 16, 2014 · Access: Not surprisingly — given the absence of universal coverage — people in the U.S. go without needed health care because of cost more often than people do in the other countries.

United States Comes in Last Again on Health, Compared to ...
It found 43 percent of low-income Americans went without medical care because of costs. In the other countries, these rates ranged from 8 percent in Britain to 31 percent in Switzerland.

again there are a lot of those to look at...but I'm sure you won't!

cost of living:

How Does the U.S. Compare to Other Countries? Not Too Well ...
Charles M. Blow and the New York Times put together this infographic comparing the U.S. to other countries by 9 key metrics: The U.S. comes in at “worst of the worst” in four categories and …

U.S. teen pregnancy rate remains highest in developed ...
Jan 19, 2012 · Teen pregnancy rates in the United States have fallen in recent years, but the country still has a higher rate than any other developed country, according to data released Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Battles over how to best prevent teen pregnancy may be to blame for the continued high rate in the United States.

We're No. 26! US below average on most health measures
But Americans don’t seem to have too many doctors The U.S. has fewer doctors per capita than most other countries, only 2.5 per 1,000 people, compared to 6.1 per 1,000 in Greece, 5 per 1,000 in …

Countries Compared by Health > Hospital beds > Per 1,000 ...
www.nationmaster.com › … › StatsHealthHospital beds
11 of the top 15 countries by hospital beds > per 1,000 people are European. 12 of the top 16 countries by hospital beds > per 1,000 people are Cold countries'. Japan has ranked in the top 2 for hospital beds > per 1,000 people since 1993. Monaco has had the highest hospital beds > per 1,000 people since 1992.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia
184 rows · Methodology. Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country is expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future.

OECD Better Life Index
In the United States, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 44 049 a year, much higher than the OECD average of USD 30 563 a year, and the highest figure in the OECD. But there is a considerable gap between the richest and poorest – the top 20% of the population earn about eight times as much as the bottom 20%.

How Americans compare with the global middle class | Pew ...
In other words, more than half of Americans who are poor by U.S. government standards would be middle income when compared with the rest of the world. A fair share, however, would be either low income or poor, globally speaking.

Countries Compared by Cost of living > Basic utilities ...
www.nationmaster.com › … › StatsCost of livingBasic utilities
Garbage, water, heating, electricity for 85 sqm apartment DEFINITION: Basic (Electricity, Heating, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment. Based on 0-50 contributions for Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Andorra and 81 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Armenia and 19 more countries and over 100 contributions for Argentina, Australia, Austria and 82 more countries.

naturally the islands pay more for obvious reasons

America Pays More For Internet, Gets Slower Speeds, Than ...
Oct 31, 2014 · The US Internet Corp. gigabit residential service is symmetrical with Google Inc. Fiber offering upload speeds of 1 Gbps and 1,024 Mbps for downloads.

Why the U.S. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and ...
Oct 31, 2014 · American Internet users are also much more likely than those in other countries to pay an additional fee, about $100 a year in many cities, to rent a modem that costs less than $100 in a store.

I think that is more than enough to show that the meme was pretty fucking accurate....even for someone with limited learning abilities should be able to read and understand

OK, now show me WHY this is. That is the whole argument. The reasons WHY prices are different is VERY IMPORTANT to making an educated assessment of what is going on. I know it is easy just say "Trumps fault!!" and you lefties swallow it hard, but that is not always the case.

Lets take the last statement in your meme - Bread. 156 countries pay less for bread.
Things you need to know before you can say it is a fair comparison.
Is the bread the same as one would buy here?
Is the loaf the same size?
Is it manufacture the same, is it imported or locally made?
Is it per slice, per loaf? i.e. is the comparison of the bread the same for all countries?

There is a host of reason the bread might be cheaper elsewhere than here - but none of that matters to you. Huff post says it is because of Trump and the GOP so you swallow hook line and sinker.

Also, why are you posting how people still can't afford health care? are you suggesting that the ACA is another failed Democrat policy?
You just are proving my points every day. Go ahead and post more articles claiming the rise of poverty - further strengthening my argument that socialist programs fail.
Last edited:
P.S. BTW ... who started this thread? :bounce:

Yeah, you started it with a huge paragraph of how we should hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Claiming that you don't want insults - then insult anyone that is not in agreement with you. - lol iconic. No real substance, or topic of discussion, just spilling your feelings and knee jerk reactions.

Yeah you really have a good grasp on reality.
Last edited:
Yeah, you started it with a huge paragraph of how we should hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Claiming that you don't want insults - then insult anyone that is not in agreement with you. - lol iconic. No real substance, or topic of discussion, just spilling your feelings and knee jerk reactions.

Yeah you really have a good grasp on reality.

What’s iconic is your total lack of understanding of what you read! I’ll not be responding to any more of your nonsense!
Au revoir!
Yeah, you started it with a huge paragraph of how we should hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Claiming that you don't want insults - then insult anyone that is not in agreement with you. - lol iconic. No real substance, or topic of discussion, just spilling your feelings and knee jerk reactions.

Yeah you really have a good grasp on reality.

Now hold on here...just a little melodramatic wouldn't you say?
no real substance....you referring to HH?
as for substance or topic of discussion......this is his thread!...he started it

we all get a little over the top on occasion....been known to do that myself a time or two
If you wish me to not comment on your posts, then don't post such idiotic statements as "Trump is trying to do away with the 14th amendment by executive order".....
Here ya go 'dickwad' ... I know you only respond to fragments of sentences; had you read a further post addressed to TwoBi you would have seen where I said CHANGE ... and you probably did, but prefer to ridicule rather than discuss. I know that makes NO DIFFERENCE to your pea brain; you're simply looking for more sarcasm to sling. "Change By Executive Order" is a fact.


opps ... almost forgot ...

Here ya go 'dickwad' ... I know you only respond to fragments of sentences; had you read a further post addressed to TwoBi you would have seen where I said CHANGE ... and you probably did, but prefer to ridicule rather than discuss. I know that makes NO DIFFERENCE to your pea brain; you're simply looking for more sarcasm to sling. "Change By Executive Order" is a fact.


opps ... almost forgot ...

View attachment 2246490
If you'd bother to read and comprehend, you'd know I didn't "respond to fragments of sentences" I responded to the entirety of your post 2925. Note my response in post 2936 wasn't an idiotic one liner like your "Trump wants to do away with the 14th amendment" BS. It contained several paragraphs with detailed explanations of the citizenship aspect of the 14th amendment with multiple levels of proof that it does not and did not grant birthright citizenship....very much unlike your link to a 3 year old opinion piece by a former HuffPo liberal "reporter". I attempted to dumb the explanation down to a level where a common layman could understand....obviously you didn't
If you'd bother to read and comprehend, you'd know I didn't "respond to fragments of sentences" I responded to the entirety of your post 2925. Note my response in post 2936 wasn't an idiotic one liner like your "Trump wants to do away with the 14th amendment" BS. It contained several paragraphs with detailed explanations of the citizenship aspect of the 14th amendment with multiple levels of proof that it does not and did not grant birthright citizenship....very much unlike your link to a 3 year old opinion piece by a former HuffPo liberal "reporter". I attempted to dumb the explanation down to a level where a common layman could understand....obviously you didn't

I try to never take sides on anything...BUT...HH if you would take the time to reflect on some of the rash statements you have made...that have been wrong....you would see Mac is right...you really are a dickwad!

Now if that makes you a dickwad….what does that make 2bi?
dickwad2...or dickwadette?
Now hold on here...just a little melodramatic wouldn't you say?
no real substance....you referring to HH?
as for substance or topic of discussion......this is his thread!...he started it

we all get a little over the top on occasion....been known to do that myself a time or two

GOOD ONE !!!!! Almost wizzed meself :|
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