Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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thanks...hope you had a nice thanksgiving also

even though your man will end pleasant thanksgivings for a lot of people
had to throw that in!

Ya know - all politicians basically suck !!!
Trump is not really a politician and I like that about him - I don’t believe Russia had anything to do with him being elected - it had way more to do with people wanting a change - Mueller is close to being done and then we’ll see. I respect your passion but I suspect the best position would b somewhere in the middle.
Ya know - all politicians basically suck !!!
Trump is not really a politician and I like that about him - I don’t believe Russia had anything to do with him being elected - it had way more to do with people wanting a change - Mueller is close to being done and then we’ll see. I respect your passion but I suspect the best position would b somewhere in the middle.

ok...I will agree all politicians suck

trump is not a politician...you are right...he is a crook!...strictly in it for the money....Egypt being a good example...he can not do what is right and condemn the prince....he has a Hotel there that would suddenly lose a lot of money!...that is just one example...and for him there are many!
the cost to the taxpayers on every one of his "golf" outings...a lot of the laws and etc he passes...most of which benefit him!

we will never know and it's impossible to ever know how they DID effect the election...through facebook and phoney propaganda that a lot of people believed...like the Pizza House in NY city....and what about all the money the "donated" to different Orgs to help trump..like the NRA...and few other organizations supporting Trump....and all these Russian real estate developers donating to a lot of people like McConnell and Cruz and etc...…..also we know they "attempted" to alter election results in some areas.....do you think Our gov is going to admit they got into that and changed anything?...NO...if they do it would sour the voting process for many....and ALWAYS cast a doubt on further elections! Plus how stupid it would make us look that they were able to do it to begin with!

People did want change....that is where American GREED came in.....Obama brought us back from the brink of disaster and pushed the econoy forward to what it was and it's still going with Trump taking credit for some of it.....but for a lot of people...even though Obama basically saved the country......their personal wealth didn't increase!...that plain old American greed..what can you do for ME!

even without Mueller ever finishing anything...we all know he is guilty of obstruction....far more than Nixon ever was....he has a Sat night massacre only in slow motion!....and then the taxes...if the right had pushed for them...like any president in the past...we would have known a lot more...why is the right trying to cover for him?...he is no different than any other president!

My passion?...I think he is a crook that is milking the country...destroying us around the world with his arrogance...and maybe even helping mom Russia some by creating discord among the free world!
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ok...I will agree all politicians suck

trump is not a politician...you are right...he is a crook!...strictly in it for the money....Egypt being a good example...he can not do what is right and condemn the prince....he has a Hotel there that would suddenly lose a lot of money!...that is just one example...and for him there are many!
the cost to the taxpayers on every one of his "golf" outings...a lot of the laws and etc he passes...most of which benefit him!

we will never know and it's impossible to ever know how they DID effect the election...through facebook and phoney propaganda that a lot of people believed...like the Pizza House in NY city....and what about all the money the "donated" to different Orgs to help trump..like the NRA...and few other organizations supporting Trump....and all these Russian real estate developers donating to a lot of people like McConnell and Cruz and etc...…..also we know they "attempted" to alter election results in some areas.....do you think Our gov is going to admit they got into that and changed anything?...NO...if they do it would sour the voting process for many....and ALWAYS cast a doubt on further elections! Plus how stupid it would make us look that they were able to do it to begin with!

People did want change....that is where American GREED came in.....Obama brought us back from the brink of disaster and pushed the econoy forward to what it was and it's still going with Trump taking credit for some of it.....but for a lot of people...even though Obama basically saved the country......their personal wealth didn't increase!...that plain old American greed..what can you do for ME!

even without Mueller ever finishing anything...we all know he is guilty of obstruction....far more than Nixon ever was....he has a Sat night massacre only in slow motion!....and then the taxes...if the right had pushed for them...like any president in the past...we would have known a lot more...why is the right trying to cover for him?...he is no different than any other president!

My passion?...I think he is a crook that is milking the country...destroying us around the world with his arrogance...and maybe even helping mom Russia some by creating discord among the free world!

Well I don’t think it’s as bad a picture as you are painting - however our political system is most assuredly broken - and the division between the right and the left has never been so profound. The corruption in government is out of control and in the end - supporting the right or the left seems like the same result - the people getting the short end of the stick.
Well I don’t think it’s as bad a picture as you are painting - however our political system is most assuredly broken - and the division between the right and the left has never been so profound. The corruption in government is out of control and in the end - supporting the right or the left seems like the same result - the people getting the short end of the stick.

well let's see here....the right is going out of their way to suppress the vote...to hold onto power....and the gerrymandering to prevent the other side from having any say in the vote....you got foreign powers now donating all kinds of money and swaying the vote...a new supreme court justice that thinks foreign gov should be allowed to donate any amount of money...look at what all Russia bought last time...and it was in favor of trump...so naturally he is not going to do anything to prevent any more of that....BUT all of a sudden China is taking out full page adds against trump and his Tarriffs and trump not liking that...so what does he do to counter that...gives the farmers all kinds of money...when we are broke!

yes the division between the haves and have not is at an all time high...why is that?...…..the right just keeps taking from the have nots to give to those that have...making it worse!

yes corruption at an all time high...and Russia is taking advantage of that knowing we are for sale and politicians are for sale to the highest bidder!

and the country loses out in the end...….but the haves don't seem to care.....they can send the have nots to war to fight for them!
just like the south did so many years ago....less than 2% of the south owned slaves and yet they managed to convince all those people to fight and die for them....the American public is stupid and gullible...always has been

good example being Ten.....when Blackburn was in congress she talked to her people about the ACA...they told her to leave it alone...she didn't and voted against it...…..pissed off a lot of people...….and now here she is/was running for senate...and they voted her in....no memory!
It’s clear you and I see things differently - but that’s ok - curious how you feel about immigration though - it pisses me off 7,000 people expect to come into this country and take advantage of our ridiculous policies regarding entry and circumvent the legal immigration process - whatta ya think regarding that ?
It’s clear you and I see things differently - but that’s ok - curious how you feel about immigration though - it pisses me off 7,000 people expect to come into this country and take advantage of our ridiculous policies regarding entry and circumvent the legal immigration process - whatta ya think regarding that ?

I'm not for it either....although some are legitament people seeking asylum...something we have done since this country was formed...need to separate them one way or another...….as for the rest...they wouldn't come here if someone wasn't giving them a job!
we have laws for that....ever see them enforced......of course not...these poor biz people need the cheap labor to fuck the rest of the working population into low wages!
It’s clear you and I see things differently - but that’s ok - curious how you feel about immigration though - it pisses me off 7,000 people expect to come into this country and take advantage of our ridiculous policies regarding entry and circumvent the legal immigration process - whatta ya think regarding that ?

and as much explaining as I have done....and you still see things differently?

Damn I gave it my best shot....with no four letter words!
the only thing I can think of....you need counseling…..
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I'm not for it either....although some are legitament people seeking asylum...something we have done since this country was formed...need to separate them one way or another...….as for the rest...they wouldn't come here if someone wasn't giving them a job!
we have laws for that....ever see them enforced......of course not...these poor biz people need the cheap labor to fuck the rest of the working population into low wages!

Merit to what you say - I agree
Seems neither the right nor the left want to change it either !!!
and as much explaining as I have done....and you still see things differently?

Damn I gave it my best shot....with no four letter words!
the only thing I can think of....you need counseling…..

Well - from my point of view - tis you that needs the counciling - but think of how boring it would b if we agreed on everything ;}
Well - from my point of view - tis you that needs the counciling - but think of how boring it would b if we agreed on everything ;}

ME need counseling?
why I attend every one of the Democratic conventions...….that should say a lot!

all seriousness aside....I doubt you will ever meet someone more into politics than I am!
This thread is hilarious. The are one or two trumpies on here who are in so much denial that they are simply putting their fingers in their ears, scrunching their eyes shut and going 'nanananananana! Can't hear!'

Fucking hilarious that you can't see that your president is dragging your great country down.
To the rest of you who know: good luck; keep fighting the ignorance. Hopefully sense will prevail.
England is a country of sense? Its on its way to being a 3rd world country.
"How many times has Trump played golf as President of the United States? Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 166 times since becoming President, and that's as of Nov. 24, 2018.
What now you have the Presidents calendar and itinerary?
I've asked ... yes, ASKED H-H to quit addressing me in this forum. The man has NOTHING TO DO but insult and belittle; you answer the SOB and he comes back again and again ... there is NO END to his continual on-line harassments ... then, I told him to quit addressing me ... now, I simply insult the loser of a man. So, you want my insults to stop? Tell him yourself to quit addressing me OR my insults at him will continue.
Of course I've told you on several occasions you are wasting your keystrokes trying to order my around. I'm sure it would be just wonderful if you were free to post your BS on here and not have anyone call you out on it. The simple fact is if you post something that is full of bullshit....don't be surprised when it gets called out as bullshit. You're free to sling all the childish insults you wish. I couldn't care less. They simply further demonstrate the depth of your petulance.

If you wish me to not comment on your posts, then don't post such idiotic statements as "Trump is trying to do away with the 14th amendment by executive order".....or call me a "shit4brains" in a post where you screw up 7th grade math ;)
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