Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You like to proclaim the meme's as false...when several times in the past just to show you I have shown you where they were not false...just irritates you to see someone else state the facts...as for your vids...those are someone else's words...not yours...and the first few I watched were bullshit...have no plans on watching anymore...some of your right wing friends MIGHT..not me!

Never said they were false - I said they are out of context. Anything can be made to sound bad, or in favor of - when no data or source is given. Memes simply rely on you to agree with no thought of your own - whithout knowing all the facts. But the bigger question is why you are getting so bent about the videos. Don't like them, don't watch them. No big deal, I could care less.
I just find it funny that the Left has condemned the Koch brothers for years and now that they agree with open borders, the left opens their arms to them. It just really shows the open corruption within our politicians and policies. - any thing to gain the vote - anything to stay in power. I know they speak well, but I simply do not believe that the left has the people in mind any more than the right does.
I don't recall any politician saying they want "open borders" ... Democrats want to make it easier to enter our country, but "open" ... can't say I recall anyone saying that. Maybe the Koch Bros like the more relaxed, express approval approach. At any rate, when it comes down to really enforcing the laws, by penalizing those who offer employment to undocumented workers, neither side do it. And which democrats do you say are getting cozy with the Koch Brothers?
And which democrats do you say are getting cozy with the Koch Brothers?

Don't know the individuals, but the Kock brothers has been giving money to the DNC for a few years now.
These articles are from 2014

Bottom line the brothers want cheep labor and they are now buying off the Democrats to help them do it. The DNC might not have openly stated they want open boarders yet - but if you follow the money trial I'm betting it's not long that they do, or at least fight against any type of immigration reform. Several Democrats do however support getting rid of ICE, replacing them with Nannies instead of law enforcement, which will leave our borders even more vulnerable. Just look at the 7000 at our boarder now and the disrespect they show our countries laws and process.
Don't know the individuals, but the Kock brothers has been giving money to the DNC for a few years now.
These articles are from 2014

Bottom line the brothers want cheep labor and they are now buying off the Democrats to help them do it. The DNC might not have openly stated they want open boarders yet - but if you follow the money trial I'm betting it's not long that they do, or at least fight against any type of immigration reform. Several Democrats do however support getting rid of ICE, replacing them with Nannies instead of law enforcement, which will leave our borders even more vulnerable. Just look at the 7000 at our boarder now and the disrespect they show our countries laws and process.

wrong again
just like with trump before he became asshole n chief......they donate to both parties to cover their ass...just a write off anyway
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wrong again
just like with trump before he became asshole n chief......they donate to both parties to cover their ass...just a write off anyway

4 links showing they give money to the DNC, how is it wrong? Never said they don't give money to the GOP.
I think you need to take a break for a while - those memes must have broke something.
Never said they were false - I said they are out of context. Anything can be made to sound bad, or in favor of - when no data or source is given. Memes simply rely on you to agree with no thought of your own - whithout knowing all the facts. But the bigger question is why you are getting so bent about the videos. Don't like them, don't watch them. No big deal, I could care less.

again wrong!!!!!!
Most are very factual...you just don't agree with them..so it irritates you....but for the most part are pretty factual.....just like a picture...just takes a second to look at and either agree with or don't....in the past you have questioned a few...and I provided links showing they were factual

I am not bent about the vids...you got bent saying it was accurate...I just stated that I had watched the first few you posted and they were nothing more than some whacko expressing HIS opinion...so I don't bother with them anymore...thought I stated that pretty clear
4 links showing they give money to the DNC, how is it wrong? Never said they don't give money to the GOP.
I think you need to take a break for a while - those memes must have broke something.

read again......comprehension problems?....I said they give to both parties.....not just the DNC

and as for the rest of your statement...WRONG....just your opinion...want me to explain opinions?

note: haven't posted meme's for a while now...just the one on America going to pot!

BUT if you want some I have plenty!....have so many now have a hard time finding the one I am looking for
and that is not counting that thread I started last year with who knows how many on it!
Here is a meme for you Sub,

you have posted to many bullshit vids for me to even care about looking at it....you seem to be the only interested in the vids...so open your eyes and read.....no one looks at your stupid vids giving some one else' opinion!

Wrong - I watch em - and they ROCK hard!!!
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