Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The attempt at intelligent discourse with a liberal is futile. Buy their talking points or prepare for the invectives to fly - why bother?
Then, answer this ... .WHY do you continue to have talking points with us if we're so frik'n difficult? Could it just possibly be because you conservatives are SO FUCKING DUMB to think you might change someone's mind to your retarded reasoning? Give me a break! Anyone who would look for excuses to verify Chump's daily actions as the Make-Believe President will get no courtesy from me, that's for sure.
I've asked ... yes, ASKED H-H to quit addressing me in this forum. The man has NOTHING TO DO but insult and belittle; you answer the SOB and he comes back again and again ... there is NO END to his continual on-line harassments ... then, I told him to quit addressing me ... now, I simply insult the loser of a man. So, you want my insults to stop? Tell him yourself to quit addressing me OR my insults at him will continue. I can tell you this, blkdlaur ... if you asked ME just once to quit addressing YOU ... I'd do it because you asked me to do it .... H-H does not have that kind of respect ... he'll continue to get insulted SO someone will correspond to the word-Bonehead.jpg.
Then, answer this ... .WHY do you continue to have talking points with us if we're so frik'n difficult? Could it just possibly be because you conservatives are SO FUCKING DUMB to think you might change someone's mind to your retarded reasoning? Give me a break! Anyone who would look for excuses to verify Chump's daily actions as the Make-Believe President will get no courtesy from me, that's for sure.
I've asked ... yes, ASKED H-H to quit addressing me in this forum. The man has NOTHING TO DO but insult and belittle; you answer the SOB and he comes back again and again ... there is NO END to his continual on-line harassments ... then, I told him to quit addressing me ... now, I simply insult the loser of a man. So, you want my insults to stop? Tell him yourself to quit addressing me OR my insults at him will continue. I can tell you this, blkdlaur ... if you asked ME just once to quit addressing YOU ... I'd do it because you asked me to do it .... H-H does not have that kind of respect ... he'll continue to get insulted SO someone will correspond to the View attachment 2239434.
View attachment 2239435

Twas my attempt at it - you see things your way - and I can respect that - others see things their way - however when insults start to fly and it gets personal there’s really no point to continue the discourse - on either side - just sayin :|
Twas my attempt at it - you see things your way - and I can respect that - others see things their way - however when insults start to fly and it gets personal there’s really no point to continue the discourse - on either side - just sayin :|
... but you obviously have no problem with the way the "Make Believe President" insults people day after day after day and those in congress who back the man up in his lies and insults and name callings. Its all about "party" ... period. You folks voted him IN, I'd think it would be your responsibility to control him.
... but you obviously have no problem with the way the "Make Believe President" insults people day after day after day and those in congress who back the man up in his lies and insults and name callings. Its all about "party" ... period. You folks voted him IN, I'd think it would be your responsibility to control him.

You guys have NO sense of humor - ya haveta take Donald Trump with a grain of salt. I like that he says what he’s thinking instead of being a typical politician. He’s in no way make believe - he’s very real. No one can really control him and that’s prolly a good thing. I don’t like it when he insult’s people either - for the most part that is totally counterproductive. Do you really think Hillary would have been better? I liked Bill Clinton he was a damn good President - I coulda cared less about his sex scandals and LOVED his cigar dippings - what a guy - wish I had one o them - but Hillary is NO Slick Willy.
She was a terrible candidate and did a crap job of campaigning. It’s really hard for people like me that think that Trump was the better choice to constantly hear the whining of the left because they put up such a bad choice who pretty much submarined Bernie’s chances and got her ass kicked - and - PLEASE - the popular vote is IRRELEVANT.
You guys have NO sense of humor - ya haveta take Donald Trump with a grain of salt. I like that he says what he’s thinking instead of being a typical politician. He’s in no way make believe - he’s very real. No one can really control him and that’s prolly a good thing. I don’t like it when he insult’s people either - for the most part that is totally counterproductive. Do you really think Hillary would have been better? I liked Bill Clinton he was a damn good President - I coulda cared less about his sex scandals and LOVED his cigar dippings - what a guy - wish I had one o them - but Hillary is NO Slick Willy.
She was a terrible candidate and did a crap job of campaigning. It’s really hard for people like me that think that Trump was the better choice to constantly hear the whining of the left because they put up such a bad choice who pretty much submarined Bernie’s chances and got her ass kicked - and - PLEASE - the popular vote is IRRELEVANT.

I don't have a horse in your race B-U-T I do have a vested interest! The world view, other than the dictators he adores and falls in love with (should I add "regardless of gender"), is that Trump is an unadulterated LIAR! Nothing more! Nothing less! His own interests has absolutely NOTHING to do with the interests and welfare of the United States, it has everything to do with his limitless egotistical, shameless showmanship and need to be admired and, of course, his need to accumulate more and more wealth! The sources of his financial gains matter not! He's proven this time and time again! Perhaps his most recent dealings with the Saudi situation sums it all up perfectly!
Anyway, I wish you all "Happy Thanksgiving!"
I don't have a horse in your race
You guys have NO sense of humor - ya haveta take Donald Trump with a grain of salt. I like that he says what he’s thinking instead of being a typical politician.
Here's a good sample of Trump HUMOR ... this guy is so out of touch with everything! I'm sure the "drones" will say this is fake as well.


The man's a frik'n IDIOT!
Here's a good sample of Trump HUMOR ... this guy is so out of touch with everything! I'm sure the "drones" will say this is fake as well.


The man's a frik'n IDIOT!
Unfortunately I must agree with you, MacNfries, 99.9% of Trump's Minnie Me's will agree that this video is fake!
Unlike, of course, their belief in the video the White House had doctored of Jim Acosta's run-in with Trump!
Well if so - what does that make Hillary - cause that “idiot” kicked her arse !!!

Hey, blkdlaur, you're such an easy sell! By the way, I have a couple of bridges to no-where you might be interested in!
In fact you've already crossed them and you don't even realize it! How unfortunate! When the Trumps get their inevitable up and cummins there are some, like yourself, who'll probably stand behind them even after they're convicted for whatever! Your loyality should be admired but, I assure you, it won't be simply because the street to no-where you're on is a one way street, i.e. Trump's way or the highway!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Hey, blkdlaur, you're such an easy sell! By the way, I have a couple of bridges to no-where you might be interested in!
In fact you've already crossed them and you don't even realize it! How unfortunate! When the Trumps get their inevitable up and cummins there are some, like yourself, who'll probably stand behind them even after they're convicted for whatever! Your loyality should be admired but, I assure you, it won't be simply because the street to no-where you're on is a one way street, i.e. Trump's way or the highway!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Diversion doesn’t help your case - he’s the President - Hillary is not !
So Hillary garners 2.6 million more votes than Mr. Trump and Clinton is "a loser plain and simple"!
Only in America! Go figure! Such logic, or should I say "lack of logic", is laughable!

Popular vote is IRRELEVANT - which I TRIED to point out - but libs don’t want to play by the rules when it doesn’t go their way.
Diversion doesn’t help your case - he’s the President - Hillary is not !
Yes! He is! Isn't he!
And the only President to get away with such abhorrent behaviour in the history of U.S. Presidents!
Soooo sad!
There'll be dancing in the streets all around the U.S. when he and his infamous kindred get their asses kicked out of the Whitehouse! I feel compelled to add, their celebrations will be enjoined globally!
He's a disaster that has happened!
I'm glad to note your comment "Popular vote is IRREVELENT" AND, I assure you, has the rest of the world asking, "What the hell! The majority vote for whom they want but the minority rules?" Whatever happened to the "one man, one vote and majority rules? Don't waste your time explaining, I fully comprehend your outdated system! It's a sad reflection of what democracy should be all about! After all wasn't it Mitt Romney who said, "Corporations are people!", a principal full endorsed by the GOP!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm glad to note your comment "Popular vote is IRREVELENT" AND, I assure you, has the rest of the world asking, "What the hell! The majority vote for whom they want but the minority rules?" Whatever happened to the "one man, one vote and majority rules? Don't waste your time explaining, I fully comprehend your outdated system! It's a sad reflection of what democracy should be all about! After all wasn't it Mitt Romney who said, "Corporations are people!", a principal full endorsed by the GOP!
Happy Thanksgiving!

The rules are the RULES - don’t like them - CHANGE them - or SHUT UP - and play by them - oh wait a minute your a lib - NVM - you don’t want to play by the rules - I forgot !
The rules are the RULES - don’t like them - CHANGE them - or SHUT UP - and play by them - oh wait a minute your a lib - NVM - you don’t want to play by the rules - I forgot !
Buddy boy ... I think you have the parties CONFUSED ... its not Democrats who are suppressing votes, calling on foreign nations & dictators to help interfere with the elections, appointing people to his cabinet who are going to jail faster than he can "restock the pond" with more cronies, who lies 7-8 new lies every day, divides the citizens by RACE, GENDER, and WEALTH ... definitely not the Democrats oh clueless one.
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