Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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certainly Trump constantly lies to convince his drones that the Democrats do
notice for 2 weeks prior to election it is all he talked about every city and stop....election over...not a peep!
it's like that caravan disappeared...although last I read they was wanting Mexico to bus them to the US boarder

talk about brainwashing...people like 2bi buy into all that fear mongering *******!
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suppose old Trumpie is having a meltdown about now...and it's effecting his followers
getting hit on his acting AG not congressional appointed so has no power
Conway's bub on him pretty good
Michelle Obama nailed him pretty good
looking bad right now in the stormy daniels case
and NY about to nail him on campaign finance....

if he is looking for sympathy it is somewhere between ******* and syphilis in the dictionary

question is...how many foreign countries will he piss off while he is gone...taking out his frustration on everyone and anyone
'have the indoctrination classes to help them learn & understand our language or processes.

I seem to remember doing so was deemed "racist". The push for a National language is always blocked by the ACLU.

It was only about 10 years ago companies in my area would get raided and fined for having undocumented workers. Now nothing. No raids, no penalties. But yes, the Companies that hire them is a big part of the problem. Maybe the companies that hire them need to sponsor them for citizenship, pay the file fees, and send them to ethics and English class. It would probably be cheaper than trying to catch and penalize corps.

Besides, the Koch Brothers help keep Nova on PBS, so there's that.
The push for a National language is always blocked by the ACLU.

damn...there you go again....!
they made some raids in texas a few months ago...but the raids have slowed...….trump doesn't want to hurt his biz buddies I guess
said it many times before they wouldn't come if there wasn't work here!
we have all kinds of laws on the books to stop them from coming or at least discourage it....but we never enforce those laws...now we want to build a wall....serving what purpose?....tunnels are the thing now....you might SLOW DOWN a few but not going to stop them

corps hiring them and paying for education...you know that will never happen

besides look at the man himself...just a few months ago he filed for more non American workers...said he couldn't find any willing to work for what he wanted to pay....well DUH....pay more so people can live on the wages he pays!

what's that saying don't do as I do ...do as I say!

The ACLU, which is part of a group opposed to establishing a national official language, has published a paper detailing reasons that such a move should be opposed.

I will be damned...I tried to look national language proposals and got nothing on it

Mmmm have to give you that one
although what does that have to do with immigration?....although most other laws there once was a rule you had to be able to speak a certain amount of English ….not enforced anymore either I'm guessing
funny in Fla they suppress the vote...rig the election..more than once.....and still lose and cry foul!
I agree FL does suppress the vote. Brenda Snipes is doing a wonderful job in Broward County right about now. She cant even tell how many ballots are left. She 'found' 78k votes lol.
She has an impeccable track record, I mean in 2016 she was busted for throwing votes out. Oh yeah did I mention shes a democrat?
Hey so what matters more to you a republic or a democracy? And before you answer look up the definition to each, understand them, and give me your answers I want to know from this group who knows what this country was founded under and what mainstream/ the illuminated ones are shoving down our throats. Then look up when things started changing and why. This very simple path will lead you down a rabbit hole so deep, life in existence will change in a blink of an eye and if you think we’re “magikly” placed on this world for no reason what so ever and have no meaning in life it’s ok, it’s not your fault you’ve been conditioned to think like this since you were a baby. Just come to realization with one-self and live life selflessly. Not selfishly, but selflessly when someone would rather give then receive and life will become if meaningful again. But don’t expect the same in return, everyone must change not just me nor you nor you but us as a whole. Anyways. Later
I seem to remember doing so was deemed "racist". The push for a National language is always blocked by the ACLU.
If my memory is correct, that wasn't the ISSUE ... the issue was requiring all Hispanics to speak & learn ONLY in English. A lot of Hispanics come to the US not knowing English and have NO DESIRE to learn English, thus crippling the economy as it makes allowances for their language disabilities. I believe the idea is to get them to a functional level where they can exceed menial labor jobs and actually contribute to the tax system of the country. Much of their income NOW isn't even applied to the tax system as they work a lot of cash/check jobs and never pay taxes.
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Hey so what matters more to you a republic or a democracy? And before you answer look up the definition to each, understand them, and give me your answers I want to know from this group who knows what this country was founded under and what mainstream/ the illuminated ones are shoving down our throats.
Oh boy ... a newbie is going to try to edjumacate us, here!
well it didn't take the chump long....already started an argument with the French leader.....over the French saying the eu and French should form their own army.....can't blame them there...the US is now an unreliable ally!
I agree FL does suppress the vote. Brenda Snipes is doing a wonderful job in Broward County right about now. She cant even tell how many ballots are left. She 'found' 78k votes lol.
She has an impeccable track record, I mean in 2016 she was busted for throwing votes out. Oh yeah did I mention shes a democrat?

no the can not tell how many ballots are left....all the mail -ins are still being counted!
or the news doesn't matter to you?
Just want your man no matter what

and who GAVE the presidency to bush?
and how many votes have they thrown out for one reason or another.....
you are just so full of *******
first you said your man had won...when the votes are not even all in yet...that's the way of the right
go ahead and support your alligator!

your man passes a law that people drawing welfare and etc have mandatory ******* testing...….who owns the biggest ******* testing comp in the state?
you guessed it YOUR MAN!

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signs law requiring welfare ...
Jun 01, 2011 · Republican Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill on Tuesday that requires benefit recipients to undergo ******* testing. If Floridians want welfare, they better make sure they are *******-free.

Gov. Rick Scott May Personally Benefit From New Law That ...
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) signed “a landmark Medicaid overhaul” yesterday that will put “hundreds of thousands of low-income and elderly Floridians into managed-care plans.”

get your head out of your ass...we need to clean up the country not help the chump put more alligators in!
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Up to 5 years and $50,000 fine on each of the campaign fraud charges...pretty much a done deal!

AND we haven't even heard from Mueller yet!

nor some of the court cases chump is fighting to block

like his making money off the office for one

corruption at the highest level all supported by the right
stupidity and greed taking this country down!
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no the can not tell how many ballots are left....all the mail -ins are still being counted!
or the news doesn't matter to you?
Just want your man no matter what

and who GAVE the presidency to bush?
and how many votes have they thrown out for one reason or another.....
you are just so full of *******
first you said your man had won...when the votes are not even all in yet...that's the way of the right
go ahead and support your alligator!

your man passes a law that people drawing welfare and etc have mandatory ******* testing...….who owns the biggest ******* testing comp in the state?
you guessed it YOUR MAN!

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signs law requiring welfare ...
Jun 01, 2011 · Republican Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill on Tuesday that requires benefit recipients to undergo ******* testing. If Floridians want welfare, they better make sure they are *******-free.

Gov. Rick Scott May Personally Benefit From New Law That ...
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) signed “a landmark Medicaid overhaul” yesterday that will put “hundreds of thousands of low-income and elderly Floridians into managed-care plans.”

get your head out of your ass...we need to clean up the country not help the chump put more alligators in!
please I can show countless ******* addicts on welfare, stamps, and metro housing. I wish Ohio was half as smart as Florida in that area. tax payer benefits are traded, sold, taken advantage by 'poor' crack heads and ******* dealers every day. I say if your on any assistance you should be ******* tested yearly at least. If ANY controlled substance show up you loose ALL benefits for 6 months till another test is done. fail it again and the cycle keeps repeating.
please I can show countless ******* addicts on welfare, stamps, and metro housing. I wish Ohio was half as smart as Florida in that area. tax payer benefits are traded, sold, taken advantage by 'poor' crack heads and ******* dealers every day. I say if your on any assistance you should be ******* tested yearly at least. If ANY controlled substance show up you loose ALL benefits for 6 months till another test is done. fail it again and the cycle keeps repeating.

right...and everyone on welfare drives a cadilac…..

the height of stupidity!

well hell lets add college students to that
and while we are at it...I think every store should have the right to pat down customers on the way out
traffic offenders......should have to undergo sometype of testing
all sports players should have to go through a weekly test
we should have the right to monitor all politician's bank accounts
the IRS should be allowed to do an in depth audit of everyone's taxes who makes over a certain amount

and aw hell just because rights mean nothing anymore...lets cut the tongue out of everyone who doesn't speak english

as usual you missed the point on ******* testing....and if you had checked you would know it was taken to court and they don't do it anymore

BUT the whole reason for the testing?????? Scott owns one of the 2 companies in Fla that do it
that's why trump supports him...he is as corrupt as the chump himself!

perverts and alligators...that's what trump and the right support anymore
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right...and everyone on welfare drives a cadilac…..

the height of stupidity!

well hell lets add college students to that
and while we are at it...I think every store should have the right to pat down customers on the way out
traffic offenders......should have to undergo sometype of testing
all sports players should have to go through a weekly test
we should have the right to monitor all politician's bank accounts
the IRS should be allowed to do an in depth audit of everyone's taxes who makes over a certain amount

and aw hell just because rights mean nothing anymore...lets cut the tongue out of everyone who doesn't speak english

as usual you missed the point on ******* testing....and if you had checked you would know it was taken to court and they don't do it anymore

BUT the whole reason for the testing?????? Scott owns one of the 2 companies in Fla that do it
that's why trump supports him...he is as corrupt as the chump himself!

perverts and alligators...that's what trump and the right support anymore
none of those get free handouts from working people without repayment for being a bum, lazy, or going through a hard time.
none of those get free handouts from working people without repayment for being a bum, lazy, or going through a hard time.

Bums are lazy...but don't draw anything from the gov..they live that way by choice and live on handouts and etc...some might sleep at a shelter
most just where ever is convenient...they chose that lifestyle...and want it!

Lazy...yes I suppose...when you work and DO NOT get paid more than what the gov pays on welfare why work?....and there are plenty of jobs out there right now.....but if you check the facts those jobs do not pay *******!...and matter of fact if you take the time to check....the majority of the middle class right now is supplementing their income on a credit card....since trump took the lid off the banks they are just handing out those cards....how long before they can't make that credit card payment?....and if enough of them can't make that credit card payment....what are the banks going to do..all that money lent out and not coming back....they will want another bail out from the taxpayers again...like last time....bottom line..increase the wages so people can live on what they make

going through a hard time...yes and that is exactly why it was created!
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