Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So what if Trump banged some ****** on Russian business trip? I pissed on a married slut before with no Russian collusion I might add.
Bill was the one flow on Epsteins plane without secret service to the island to ******* ******* girls.
Jones,Willey,Broaddrick,Milwee......all victims we know Bill assaulted or raped.
Millions of people believe Obama was Kenyan born so what? doesn't even matter anymore.
Cruz's ******* was CIA like Bush both from Texas....see the connection. maybe he did spy so what? That's what the CIA does.
What does Trumps tax returns have to do with anything? Id like to see who donated to the Clinton Foundation more personally.
Sessions was on borrowed time come this is a surprise to you? you knew that was coming it wasn't even news.

If you haven't noticed, the left can do no wrong. Anything the left has done, the right has done even worse which somehow justifies the lefts actions.
On the surface you are correct. However if you get involved you would know that the vast majority of school boards are democrats. The board is what controls where the money is spent, they hire democrat and liberal teachers, they cut classes that will actually educate in favor of more social-issues classes. Technological courses are scrapped, and it's not because they can't afford computers. The money that funds schools are based on passing success of the ******* - So, if you are a Superintendent and you face de-funding because most of your ******* are failing, what are you going to do? You pass them anyways just to hold your funding. YOU might be about the *******, but the board isn't. Just like everything else, its all about the money and the democrats are no exception.

again that is more opinion than fact!
Bill was the one flow on Epsteins plane without secret service to the island to ******* ******* girls. Jones,Willey,Broaddrick,Milwee......all victims we know Bill assaulted or raped.
Millions of people believe Obama was Kenyan born so what? doesn't even matter anymore.
Cruz's ******* was CIA like Bush both from Texas....see the connection. maybe he did spy so what? That's what the CIA does.
What does Trumps tax returns have to do with anything? Id like to see who donated to the Clinton Foundation more personally.
Sessions was on borrowed time come this is a surprise to you? you knew that was coming it wasn't even news.
"doesn't even matter anymore" .... Do you note your own arrogance on this, german? You use past, unproven "events" of Democrats to make your own case, then turn around in the same paragraph regarding Trump's lie of the century of Obama's birthright to say it doesn't matter anymore ... what the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't like the voucher program but the way you explain it sounds like Republicans are trying to help poor low income ******* get a good education but letting them get away from union teachers in lousy schools.
Wow, you surely are detached from the realities of the world, aren't you? OK ... I know what I'm working with, here, so let me paint you the picture. I image coloring books are more your style anyways ...
In order to attend a private school, which is rumored to be a more quality, less crowded, more secure general education for *******, you have to pay between $25-45,000 to attend these schools ... supposedly these schools major in the specific sciences & arts of a ******* interest. The state supported voucher program pays up to 50% or so of these private school's tuitions. For middle & upper income families, this is an awesome deal IF there is a private school NEARBY that meets their scholastic needs. Here's the thing, however, lower income families are only earning $20-30,000 a year to begin with, usually have more than one or two *******, and live IN the inner city of the poorest citizens ... am I painting a pretty picture for you YET? Let me know if I need to S-L-O-W D-O-W-N, ok?​
So, many of the inner schools are already under-funded in NC because the Republicans don't give a rat's ass about poor, minority families. So, these inner schools can't even give the teachers the supplies (books, paper, teraching materials in the quantities to supply their oversized student classes. The Republicans reduced the assistant teacher's jobs over 3-4 years ago, leaving one teacher to control classes with 30-40 *******, often in trailers because the public school systems don't have the money to update their 50+ year old schools, much less build NEW more modern schools. Are you still with me, german? ok ... we proceed ....​
Science classes and libraries are the real jokes ... none of these inner schools can afford computers in quantities so ******* can learn at their own pace on their individual computers ... like having their own books. Co-incidentally, the libraries have fewer and fewer books, so the ******* have NO individual computers (often 2-3 ******* share one computer at a table) and the books in the libraries are books I probably use to read 30-35 years ago ... comprenda'?​
The Republican Voucher Problem: So, you have poor families trying to come up with the funds to supply the remainder of the private school tuitions that the voucher programs don't cover ... the other 50-75% of costs. This coming from the poorest families in the state. So, these poor familes don't send their ******* to the vouchered private schools even if the private schools happen to be closer to home than the public schools, which is rarely the case. So the Republicans accomplish 2 things ... one, they cut down their spending on public schools, and two, they get to cut income taxes (once again through the Robin Hood trickle down economics) "tax cut for everyone" disguise.​
Ok ... I'm sure there is some fogginess in your thinking right now ... but, please tell me how we're helping educate our poor ******* (co-incidentally way more of them than upper middle class *******) in our state? I have a neighbor who's a Principal of a elementary school, I'm taking her supplies all the time to give to the teachers at her school ... from the novelty handouts I have left over in my insurance meetings.​
On the surface you are correct. However if you get involved you would know that the vast majority of school boards are democrats. The board is what controls where the money is spent, they hire democrat and liberal teachers, they cut classes that will actually educate in favor of more social-issues classes. Technological courses are scrapped, and it's not because they can't afford computers. The money that funds schools are based on passing success of the ******* - So, if you are a Superintendent and you face de-funding because most of your ******* are failing, what are you going to do? You pass them anyways just to hold your funding. YOU might be about the *******, but the board isn't. Just like everything else, its all about the money and the democrats are no exception.
And to all that I just say .... BULLSHIIT! It is Republicans in OUR STATE who run the General Assembly ... 100% of it ... they decide what money goes to the public school systems, not local boards of directors. TwoBi ... I live next to a Principal of an elementary school, 3 doors up we have a 6th grade teacher ... I see them often ... I frik'n know what's going on in the local schools, damn it! Blow that smoke of yours up someone else's ass, ok?
On the surface you are correct. However if you get involved you would know that the vast majority of school boards are democrats. The board is what controls where the money is spent, they hire democrat and liberal teachers, they cut classes that will actually educate in favor of more social-issues classes. Technological courses are scrapped, and it's not because they can't afford computers. The money that funds schools are based on passing success of the ******* - So, if you are a Superintendent and you face de-funding because most of your ******* are failing, what are you going to do? You pass them anyways just to hold your funding. YOU might be about the *******, but the board isn't. Just like everything else, its all about the money and the democrats are no exception.
you get it and nailed it exactly
how much of all your stupid comments are similar to trump firing session RIGHT NOW and wanting him gone immediately?
mad about the outcome of the election?
the people spoke...he can rig the national election with Russia's help...but can't rig state and local elections...that's done by the right through voter suppression
didn't they keep the polls open longer in GA to try to help rig it for Abrams? Seems the more time goes by the bigger the margin Kemp gets whoops!
And to all that I just say .... BULLSHIIT! It is Republicans in OUR STATE who run the General Assembly ... 100% of it ... they decide what money goes to the public school systems, not local boards of directors. TwoBi ... I live next to a Principal of an elementary school, 3 doors up we have a 6th grade teacher ... I see them often ... I frik'n know what's going on in the local schools, damn it! Blow that smoke of yours up someone else's ass, ok?
you sit on a school board? living next to anyone is not proof, its hearing what THEY want to tell you..........kinda like democrats and the mainstream media. sorry you have no proof of what goes on.
"doesn't even matter anymore" .... Do you note your own arrogance on this, german? You use past, unproven "events" of Democrats to make your own case, then turn around in the same paragraph regarding Trump's lie of the century of Obama's birthright to say it doesn't matter anymore ... what the fuck is wrong with you?

Wow, you surely are detached from the realities of the world, aren't you? OK ... I know what I'm working with, here, so let me paint you the picture. I image coloring books are more your style anyways ...
In order to attend a private school, which is rumored to be a more quality, less crowded, more secure general education for *******, you have to pay between $25-45,000 to attend these schools ... supposedly these schools major in the specific sciences & arts of a ******* interest. The state supported voucher program pays up to 50% or so of these private school's tuitions. For middle & upper income families, this is an awesome deal IF there is a private school NEARBY that meets their scholastic needs. Here's the thing, however, lower income families are only earning $20-30,000 a year to begin with, usually have more than one or two *******, and live IN the inner city of the poorest citizens ... am I painting a pretty picture for you YET? Let me know if I need to S-L-O-W D-O-W-N, ok?​
So, many of the inner schools are already under-funded in NC because the Republicans don't give a rat's ass about poor, minority families. So, these inner schools can't even give the teachers the supplies (books, paper, teraching materials in the quantities to supply their oversized student classes. The Republicans reduced the assistant teacher's jobs over 3-4 years ago, leaving one teacher to control classes with 30-40 *******, often in trailers because the public school systems don't have the money to update their 50+ year old schools, much less build NEW more modern schools. Are you still with me, german? ok ... we proceed ....​
Science classes and libraries are the real jokes ... none of these inner schools can afford computers in quantities so ******* can learn at their own pace on their individual computers ... like having their own books. Co-incidentally, the libraries have fewer and fewer books, so the ******* have NO individual computers (often 2-3 ******* share one computer at a table) and the books in the libraries are books I probably use to read 30-35 years ago ... comprenda'?​
The Republican Voucher Problem: So, you have poor families trying to come up with the funds to supply the remainder of the private school tuitions that the voucher programs don't cover ... the other 50-75% of costs. This coming from the poorest families in the state. So, these poor familes don't send their ******* to the vouchered private schools even if the private schools happen to be closer to home than the public schools, which is rarely the case. So the Republicans accomplish 2 things ... one, they cut down their spending on public schools, and two, they get to cut income taxes (once again through the Robin Hood trickle down economics) "tax cut for everyone" disguise.​
Ok ... I'm sure there is some fogginess in your thinking right now ... but, please tell me how we're helping educate our poor ******* (co-incidentally way more of them than upper middle class *******) in our state? I have a neighbor who's a Principal of a elementary school, I'm taking her supplies all the time to give to the teachers at her school ... from the novelty handouts I have left over in my insurance meetings.​
I hate to break it to you but the birthers came out in 2008.........LONG before Trump.
My ******* goes to a private school its nowhere near 25k a year. I know because I write the check.
so you are telling me because a book is 30 years old its no good? since when do you need a computer to learn? whats wrong with paper, pencil, books, and a blackboard? oh that's right the democrats (public schools) don't want to teach
cursive writing must be to hard. these teachers, faculty, democrats don't give a rats ass about education they just want to squander tax payer money on pay raises that's all.
Sorry if the vouchers aren't enough for the poor ******* you go to public schools. that's what everyone pays taxes for. well that and to get teachers (union mobs) to vote democrat and keep ruining the education system.
And to all that I just say .... BULLSHIIT! It is Republicans in OUR STATE who run the General Assembly ... 100% of it ... they decide what money goes to the public school systems, not local boards of directors. TwoBi ... I live next to a Principal of an elementary school, 3 doors up we have a 6th grade teacher ... I see them often ... I frik'n know what's going on in the local schools, damn it! Blow that smoke of yours up someone else's ass, ok?

mac what I think we are dealing with here is B2W's version of dumb and dumber...but then they seem to be a product of some kind of republican education system not one known to most people
For middle & upper income families, this is an awesome deal

Spoiler alert - middle class and upper class probably won't qualify for a state voucher - Varies state to state but it's based on income. Upper class defiantly won't get a 50% voucher, where as a someone at poverty level will most likely get a 100% voucher.

"The programs in Milwaukee and Cleveland are directed at students who come from low-income families. The mean family income for voucher students in Milwaukee between 1990 and 1994 was $11,300. In Cleveland, students who received vouchers in 1998 came from families with average incomes of $15,800. Students who are eligible for the Florida program must be enrolled in a "failing" school as designated by the state."
Haven't posted on here in a while as been having some great sex and fun away from the chuckle brothers. Only thing changed here is Dumb, Dumber and their gang seem to be getting more intellectual and intelligence deficient with each post. Could be Faux news syndrome or Trumpbullshititous. Hard to tell.

Well done Dems, at least now you're in a position to stop the Republicans and Trump from taking the US even further down into the mire...

LOL< you shouldn't make gifs of yourself. ;)

I understand what your are saying Mac, I really do - but you are forgetting we are not in a perfect world. In a perfect world without corruption, that might be how it would work. Once the schools in my area get their "cut" it is the board that divvies it up among it's own school. If they decide not to pay the heat or get the boiler fixed, then so be it. All the area school districts around me are democrat controlled. And judging how the democrats run cities, Chicago, Detroit, LA, California (ok not a city but still) Then you get a pretty good idea what our schools look like.

The largest complaint I hear from my clients - No skilled labor, and no desire to work coming out of high School. Most ******* can't do math without pulling out their smart phone, they can't read a tape measure, and they can't figure something as simple as sales tax on the game they want to buy. But you better bet your ass they can tell you all about Martian Luther King Jr.

When I was younger, companies didn't want to higher anyone older than 50. Now, that is all they want to higher, at 45+ because they are the only ones than know anything. But of course that's Republicans fault too I guess.
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