Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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My wife and I have been in Europe and the Far East this past six (6) weeks, however we didn't miss the TV coverage of the U.S. election coverage and returns! I hope, against all odds perhaps, that the majority of readers of this thread will accept what I am about to write for what it says and not as biased hyperbole political nonsense. I should point out for those who may not know, I didn't have a horse in this race, nor a vote! I do have a grave concern however for what's going on in U.S. Politics and where it's leading, in fact has led, the good name and reputation of the United States! I am also concerned, more specifically, about the effects current actions by Mr. Trump has on my own country, ie, and not to the exclusion of other interests and the world! Also, just to preempt those who would say, "We couldn't care less about what the rest of the world thinks about us!", I say, "Go live in your own dark world where you'll live alone! Good luck! You'll be in dire need of it eventually!" Anyway.....

Prior to the U.S. elections We factually met with several hundreds of people in places like England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France and Italy. Almost without exception, the first subject bought up, and biggest hope expressed, concerned the elections! Their hope was for the defeat of Donald Trump, not the GOP party, but Trump! While the vast majority fully comprehended the U.S. political system, a select few were not so well informed other than they didn't like "Trump" for what he has done, doing, and/or, might do! Without exception however, it was an unanimous belief that not only did they distrust Trump, they distrusted the U.S. and thought substantially less of the country than they did prior to Trump arriving on the scene! We were in the Far East on Election Day but the number of emails I got from my Europen friends about the election outcome were numerous. These emails show a clear view that no one way fully happy with the outcome. Their biggest disappointment was that the opposition didn't gain control of both the Congress and Senate! There was however a sense of relief that now there will be at least some potential control on an otherwise uncontrollable President!

In the Far East, those with whom we met and dealt with, without exception, expressed the same feelings and concern as their European counterparts with one notable and significant difference! This difference was their concern with the North Korean/Trump "LoveFest!" The don't trust Trump and their level of trust in their "one time trustworthy biggest allies" is at an all time, if not alarming, low!

Well, these are the facts as I have personally experienced them, unfortunately, if not undoubtably, there'll be the Kellyann "alternative facts" type that will refute, I trust that my unabridged nonpartisan comments will give most, if not all, a small window on just how the real world sees the current U.S. situation and its politics!
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I really gave you too much credit. Your going to use a meme (again) with spouse abusing, ******* addict, alcoholic to try to make a point. You really are the stupid ding bat.

see previous post again...it fits!
and as far as that goes stupid is posting statements WITHOUT checking the facts...just shooting off your mouth like you consistently do....why should I waste my time trying to correct an imbecile to stupid to facts check anything!
being wrong is one thing.....but posting facts you hear from fox news is just blatant stupidity!
My wife and I have been in Europe and the Far East this past six (6) weeks, however we didn't miss the TV coverage of the U.S. election coverage and returns! I hope, against all odds perhaps, that the majority of readers of this thread will accept what I am about to write for what it says and not as biased hyperbole political nonsense. I should point out for those who may not know, I didn't have a horse in this race, nor a vote! I do have a grave concern however for what's going on in U.S. Politics and where it's leading, in fact has led, the good name and reputation of the United States! I am also concerned, more specifically, about the effects current actions by Mr. Trump has on my own country, ie, and not to the exclusion of other interests and the world! Also, just to preempt those who would say, "We couldn't care less about what the rest of the world thinks about us!", I say, "Go live in your own dark world where you'll live alone! Good luck! You'll be in dire need of it eventually!" Anyway.....

Prior to the U.S. elections We factually met with several hundreds of people in places like England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France and Italy. Almost without exception, the first subject bought up, and biggest hope expressed, concerned the elections! Their hope was for the defeat of Donald Trump, not the GOP party, but Trump! While the vast majority fully comprehended the U.S. political system, a select few were not so well informed other than they didn't like "Trump" for what he has done, doing, and/or, might do! Without exception however, it was an unanimous belief that not only did they distrust Trump, they distrusted the U.S. and thought substantially less of the country than they did prior to Trump arriving on the scene! We were in the Far East on Election Day but the number of emails I got from my Europen friends about the election outcome were numerous. These emails show a clear view that no one way fully happy with the outcome. Their biggest disappointment was that the opposition didn't gain control of both the Congress and Senate! There was however a sense of relief that now there will be at least some potential control on an otherwise uncontrollable President!

In the Far East, those with whom we met and dealt with, without exception, expressed the same feelings and concern as their European counterparts with one notable and significant difference! This difference was their concern with the North Korean/Trump "LoveFest!" The don't trust Trump and their level of trust in their "one time trustworthy biggest allies" is at an all time, if not alarming, low!

Well, these are the facts as I have personally experienced them, unfortunately, if not undoubtably, there'll be the Kellyann "alternative facts" type that will refute, I trust that my unabridged nonpartisan comments will give most, if not all, a small window on just how the real world sees the current U.S. situation and its politics!

I do know he is hurting us around the world and will take years to build up that trust again and the right doesn't seem to care one way or the other....you used to see all kinds of "photo-ops" of politicians in one country or another doing what they do best (spend tax payer money to travel)….but you notice since trump took office never see those anymore!...maybe they aren't as welcome as they used to be?
I do know he is hurting us around the world and will take years to build up that trust again and the right doesn't seem to care one way or the other....you used to see all kinds of "photo-ops" of politicians in one country or another doing what they do best (spend tax payer money to travel)….but you notice since trump took office never see those anymore!...maybe they aren't as welcome as they used to be?
subhub174014, your comments says it all! The last sentenance of your post, unfortunately, summarizes things in the fewest words. Likewise, again most unfortunately, your closing remarks should not be restricted to politians. You'd be amazed how often we were asked by complete strangers "Are you Americans?", and when we replied in the negative how their approach and overall demure immediately changed for the better. Very sad but absolutely true!
Europeans are a funny lot. They talk about the collective power of being a single union. Yet react very much the same way as Trump when an entity wants to break free. Funny how it is that misguided emotional reaction, that Europe has taken from the US, instead of one of the US's more likeable traits. Sad that in the twenty first century ,it is the only common ground between both sides. A sad reflection of US policies, that has finally alienated the American nation in the eyes of the world. Especially to those in Europe.

Europeans like to be treated with respect. After all, they have been showing 'respect' to the US from what was one of the worlds darkest hours. But the funny thing is, the US never were quite on the same page in showing the reciprocal amount of respect to the countries of Europe. The 'we are a world power and you're not, so do as you're told' attitude of the last 72 years since all hostilities ceased, has quite frankly, rubbed Europe through to the bone of indifference. it is that indifference which now governs the leading attitude to how the US is perceived. An indifference that is being ****** even harder to the fore by President Trump.

The average European knows little of the intricacies of American politics, or the sub levels of agreements and trade offs that are the quintessential essence of US politics. To be honest, why would they. The US misuse of the electoral process in the name of its nations people by those who do not have the best interests they are supposed to represent isn't a unique one. In that, every country has those individuals. But what is unique, are the depths of corruption that permutate through every level of US governance. A corruption that the US plays onto the world stage through its 'do as we say' policies.

The treatment by those few who lead the US has, in many an opinion, set back relations with Europe to the level of the 1880's. A level where the word of an American isn't worth the air used to formulate the spoken word. Right now the world is watching with baited breath as Europe slowly weans its self off the US 'hand me downs' of policies and ****** deals. Where Europe rights its self in its global reach in which both commercial and political extensions out grow those of the US. And not before time.

Most Americans start a counter argument by stating 'if it wasn't for the US you all would be speaking German now'. Factually wrong. Historically dis-proven. But then again. Like the words coming out of the White House on a daily basis, If you say the lie long enough people will start to believe it.

Yet the facts cannot be ignored. Europe is slowly learning that the US under Trumps leadership is a poisoned challis. And as of right now, no one within Europe wants anything to do with drinking from that cup of misfortune. To be sure America will tolerated. Some Americans will even be welcome. But right now the US is learning that Europe as a whole doesn't really need the US. The US needs Europe. And Europeans as a whole wonder just exactly when will that particular penny drop. Because as of right now. The US doesn't have that many countries it can call friend.
Mac ...don't you have any sway in Ten at all?
your salesmanship doesn't take you into that territory?

I can Not believe blackburn made it...even with all the support trump gave her
when she was in congress and they were voting on the ACA she put out a thing on facebook asking how she should handle ACA
the majority of the responses told her to leave it alone!
she voted against the ACA
but guess they have no memory there...they now have put her in the Senate....to be a trump puppet!
Yes Walt Disney's cartoon caricature of a duck really does sum up the republican party and the moron in chief in the White house.

Half of this country voted for the current President - when you insult him by calling him a moron - you insult them - I’ve noticed what you liberals do BEST - is insult and call names - soooooo childish REALLY - too bad that seems to be your strong suit.
Half of this country voted for the current President - when you insult him by calling him a moron - you insult them - I’ve noticed what you liberals do BEST - is insult and call names - soooooo childish REALLY - too bad that seems to be your strong suit.

LOl Yes they are morons. As the events from the WH have proven. I can see you're a confused little soul. Also read your own comments about insulting people. But then again you reps really are the worst kind of hypocrite!.

I love your attempt at an insult by calling me a liberal. Sorry to burst your love-in with your asinine thinking process but liberalism isn't even close to what I support. But hey I can see what you tried to do there and think. Don't do it again ,you're not very good at it.

Stay triggered, stay confused. And remember. When history condemns you for your ill thought out choice for president, will you blame the democrats again?...Course you will, its what you do best. Its all you've got!
Don’t you libs ever get tired of proving my point ???

You don't need Libs to prove your point, you got your Whitehouse Asshole proving it for you!
Here's a today's News Headline proving this point! (If you can comprehend the facts that is!)
(never mind .... I did make a promise not to insult, didn't I)
Happy Thanksgiving! (Even you!)

The 547 People, Places and Things Donald
Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Don’t you libs ever get tired of proving my point ???
I'm just curious as to what you think of Trump's desire to change our 14th Amendment by executive order? Do you think he should have that right, and if so, why?
Trump's ******* did exactly the same thing with her private e-mail account as did Hillary Clinton. Trump disagreed?
Is there ANYTHING the President could do that his drones would finally say "Trump is wrong?" What do you think it is? Trump, himself, said he could shoot & ******* someone in public and get away with it ... do you agree?
Its now knowned that the Saudi prince ordered the assassination of Khosogghi. Trump says he doesn't care if they did, he'll still side with Saudi Arabia ......
I'm just wondering if there is a common "POINT" where both anti-Trumpers (being someone like myself) and Trump drones can agree that Trump has gone too far on something.
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