Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The California State Teachers Retirement System’s $100k pension club has nearly doubled since 2012, according to watchdog group Transparent California. Last year, 13,527 CalSTRS retirees received pensions in excess of $100,000, up 87 percent since 2012. This includes seven retirees who have received pensions of $300,000 or more, all of whom are from Orange County or Los Angeles County. Topping the list statewide is former Orange County Superintendent of Schools William Habermehl, who is collecting a pension of $369,831. Unsurprisingly, the district with the greatest number of $100,000-plus pensions is Los Angeles Unified, which has 1,370 retirees receiving a $100,000-plus pension from CalSTRS, a 63 percent increase from 2012. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the three largest CalSTRS pensions went to retired Orange County education employees. In addition to Habermehl, Richard Bray, former superintendent of the Tustin Unified School District, and Edward Hernandez, former chancellor of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, receive pensions in excess of $320,000 a year. Among local school districts, Garden Grove Unified leads the county with 178 $100k club CalSTRS pensioners, followed by Saddleback Valley Unified’s 141, Santa Ana Unified’s 136 and Capistrano Unified’s 103. All have seen their $100k CalSTRS pension club more than double since 2012. Among community college districts, the Coast Community College District leads the county with 129 $100k club retirees. This is not sustainable. According to the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, from 2013-14 to 2020-21, California school districts will see contributions to CalSTRS rise from just under $2.1 billion to nearly $6.6 billion a year. Over that same time period, school districts will also see contributions to CalPERS rise from $993 million to $2.867 billion. School districts will be spending a combined $6 billion more in 2020-21 toward pensions alone than they were in 2013-14. However you look at it, that means less money for education. This will continue to pressure school districts throughout the state to look for any opportunity to support tax hikes under the banner of more money for education. Whenever there are new tax proposals “to fund education,” taxpayers should be mindful of the reality that what this increasingly means is paying for unsustainable pensions.
And that complete dumb ass Gavin Newsome is going to run California deeper into the ground than the liberals (super majority) already have. 203 more days until I leave this communist state.
LOL< you shouldn't make gifs of yourself. ;)

I understand what your are saying Mac, I really do - but you are forgetting we are not in a perfect world. In a perfect world without corruption, that might be how it would work. Once the schools in my area get their "cut" it is the board that divvies it up among it's own school. If they decide not to pay the heat or get the boiler fixed, then so be it. All the area school districts around me are democrat controlled. And judging how the democrats run cities, Chicago, Detroit, LA, California (ok not a city but still) Then you get a pretty good idea what our schools look like.

The largest complaint I hear from my clients - No skilled labor, and no desire to work coming out of high School. Most ******* can't do math without pulling out their smart phone, they can't read a tape measure, and they can't figure something as simple as sales tax on the game they want to buy. But you better bet your ass they can tell you all about Martian Luther King Jr.

When I was younger, companies didn't want to higher anyone older than 50. Now, that is all they want to higher, at 45+ because they are the only ones than know anything. But of course that's Republicans fault too I guess.

Just why is it that all these Democratic problem with schools and etc seem to be confined to your area where you know it to be true....and yet no one else seems to have that....just a little odd wouldn't you think....always it's where I live.....you need to move maybe?

now I'm sure since I made that statement a few of your right wingers will suddenly also recall it in their area
Just why is it that all these Democratic problem with schools and etc seem to be confined to your area where you know it to be true....and yet no one else seems to have that....just a little odd wouldn't you think....always it's where I live.....you need to move maybe?

now I'm sure since I made that statement a few of your right wingers will suddenly also recall it in their area

Because you fail to open your eyes. In your view Democrats can do no wrong. Just a few post ago you were complaining about the national average education of this country to be ranked 50 in the world! - And now you want to try and make the claim that the only failing schools are in my area? LOL - wow, OK. Think about it.
Because you fail to open your eyes. In your view Democrats can do no wrong. Just a few post ago you were complaining about the national average education of this country to be ranked 50 in the world! - And now you want to try and make the claim that the only failing schools are in my area? LOL - wow, OK. Think about it.

here we go again....no one else sees what you do...and it's because we fail to open our eyes....you wouldn't be trying to pound that republican sand in our ass would you?
of course you would!....you are such a trumpie the whole world is wrong and you are the only one who sees the "right"
here we go again....no one else sees what you do...and it's because we fail to open our eyes....you wouldn't be trying to pound that republican sand in our ass would you?
of course you would!....you are such a trumpie the whole world is wrong and you are the only one who sees the "right"

All you do is try to claim superiority, I never said that - stop assuming bullshit and start listening - you don't have to take my word for it - look into your own school system. You are such a hypocrite - YOU have been bitching about the school system and now I agree they are fucked up you suddenly flip and say everything is OK and I'm just imagining it LOL, you really take the cake.

It's not just the democrats I blame, it's the failings of both parties. BUT, truth be told, most failing schools are intercity and we all know who controls the majority of the inner cities - right?

You can start here, https://jessicaautumn.com/public-schools-are-failing/
Pay particular attention to number 3 and number 9, I really don't agree with number 6.

You can do your own research from there or you can remain blind - your choice. While you are at it, look into community collages and what party is the majority there and how a lot of campuses are shutting down free speech. And look into the collages (and the left) that are now supporting Black only classes - sounds like good'ol segregation to me. In 1960 4 black collage students sat down at a whites only lunch counter and are now revered as "Brave Heroes". If a white student tries to attend one of these "black only" classes he is called a white supremacist. The biggest problem with that scenario - You can't see the hypocrisy.
Question for you Mac, how do you feel about having the Koch Brothers on your side for a change? I know you love them so much. ;)
There open boarder support wouldn't have anything to do with needing cheep labor now would it?
All you do is try to claim superiority, I never said that - stop assuming bullshit and start listening

listening to what...more right wing bullshit and lies!?…you are stuffed with more ******* than the Christmas goose...all right wing bullshit!
you are so twisted you can't open your eyes and see what the facts are...you get a glimpse and automatically assume...when actually knowing very little

YOU have been bitching about the school system and now I agree they are fucked up you suddenly flip and say everything is OK

I do agree the school system HERE is fucked up and in most states any more....funding for education has slipped way down...but if you look at most states budgets it is easy to see why...they are broke...so in most states education takes the hit........but you want to push it on the Dems...because you think that is how it is..here this is a red state and EVERYTHING is controlled by the right!

It's not just the democrats I blame, it's the failings of both parties

Ok I will agree there!

BUT, truth be told, most failing schools are intercity and we all know who controls the majority of the inner cities - right?
wrong...that is another assumption!...mainly because of your dislike for the left...it blinds you to the facts!

You can do your own research from there or you can remain blind - your choice
doubt that I'm blind just because I don't see it your way...I have lived in four states and raised ******* in those states....I don't see it a dem issue like you seem to

the only thing I agree on...….20 years ago we led the world in education...now we are in the 20's last I looked
I come in here now just to see two completely immovable points of view - each trying to sway the other even in some small way - the very definition of insanity occurs. It’s become really quite humorous!
The tribalism in this country now is overwhelming and anyone that reads these posts can clearly see that.
And you stated your schools are doing just fine - put two and two together.

the schools here are a major problem...we are 50th in education and teacher pay...….but that is nothing to do with the dems
again in care your reading/comprehension skills are low...this is a red state

we voted in the lottery a few years ago..so more money go to education...it did.....but they quit paying in what they did before the lottery...now what they used to pay is being paid by the lotto money......Casino's here donate 3 million a year to education......the state again cut what they used to pay...they push home schooling ALOT...…...Last I looked we are in the top 5 for corruption!...This is a red state!
highway funds...where does it go?..all the major highways in this state you pay to drive on
sewer and water...all privately owned...I live in the country...but myself and the other 3 neighbors I have chip in and pay for a street light!
license plates in most states is done at the court house.....not here that is privately owned also

you may have issues in your state...and I really doubt it is a dem's fault when it is mostly handled at the state level and then the city...where they cut to the "lesser" schools...but if you take the time to look...all those school budgets are monitored...and if there is a problem with a certain a school you think the state house doesn't know about it?...guess again
the schools here are a major problem...we are 50th in education and teacher pay...….but that is nothing to do with the dems
again in care your reading/comprehension skills are low...this is a red state

we voted in the lottery a few years ago..so more money go to education...it did.....but they quit paying in what they did before the lottery...now what they used to pay is being paid by the lotto money......Casino's here donate 3 million a year to education......the state again cut what they used to pay...they push home schooling ALOT...…...Last I looked we are in the top 5 for corruption!...This is a red state!
highway funds...where does it go?..all the major highways in this state you pay to drive on
sewer and water...all privately owned...I live in the country...but myself and the other 3 neighbors I have chip in and pay for a street light!
license plates in most states is done at the court house.....not here that is privately owned also

you may have issues in your state...and I really doubt it is a dem's fault when it is mostly handled at the state level and then the city...where they cut to the "lesser" schools...but if you take the time to look...all those school budgets are monitored...and if there is a problem with a certain a school you think the state house doesn't know about it?...guess again

and again...I have lived in 4 different states and in every one of those the school board was voted on by the community....voice your concerns to your neighbors!....and I really doubt it is a dem issue..unless you live in a dem neighborhood...which I doubt...so again I would have to say you are talking out your ass because your mind knows better!

that is a new low for even you....trying to push some right wing conspiracy theory...on a subject apparently you know nothing about!

better luck next time!...as I'm sure as brain dead and forged right wing policies you believ in you will come up with something else
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Question for you Mac, how do you feel about having the Koch Brothers on your side for a change? I know you love them so much. ;)
There open boarder support wouldn't have anything to do with needing cheep labor now would it?
I wouldn't like the Koch Brothers if they were to come hand me a million dollars ... well, maybe I'd like them if they gave me a million, but I wouldn't like them if they handed me a thousand dollars ... hummm .... well, ok, I'd like them a little bit, but definitely not for a hundred dollars, unless they bought my wife and me dinner at the Outback. :unsure:
I don't think anyone wants "open borders, TwoBi ... certainly Trump constantly lies to convince his drones that the Democrats do. If we'd heavily penalize the companies hiring the illegals, many would not come here for work. The problem with our vetting process is that it takes too long and is totally unreliable. Also, we make little effort in helping the Hispanic population become assimilated with American culture & language. I know in NC we don't 'have the indoctrination classes to help them learn & understand our language or processes. Most can not speak a word of English, which makes everything else difficult for them.
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