Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I could be wrong here but
Gov scott suing Broward county for counting votes after the deadline...….does that mean that if your vote wasn't counted before the deadline your vote doesn't count?
isn't that voter suppression?
just my view of things
notice for 2 weeks prior to election it is all he talked about every city and stop....election over...not a peep!
it's like that caravan disappeared...although last I read they was wanting Mexico to bus them to the US boarder

talk about brainwashing...people like 2bi buy into all that fear mongering *******!
Where is the caravan?
Bums are lazy...but don't draw anything from the gov..they live that way by choice and live on handouts and etc...some might sleep at a shelter
most just where ever is convenient...they chose that lifestyle...and want it!

Lazy...yes I suppose...when you work and DO NOT get paid more than what the gov pays on welfare why work?....and there are plenty of jobs out there right now.....but if you check the facts those jobs do not pay *******!...and matter of fact if you take the time to check....the majority of the middle class right now is supplementing their income on a credit card....since trump took the lid off the banks they are just handing out those cards....how long before they can't make that credit card payment?....and if enough of them can't make that credit card payment....what are the banks going to do..all that money lent out and not coming back....they will want another bail out from the taxpayers again...like last time....bottom line..increase the wages so people can live on what they make

going through a hard time...yes and that is exactly why it was created!
lol Trump took the lid off the banks and they are just handing out credit cards? hmmmm ok. Obama gave the banks billions of dollars (middle class taxpayers money) and they paid themselves millions in bonuses. We didn't forget about that did we?
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lol Trump took the lid off the banks and they are just handing out credit cards? hmmmm ok. Obama gave the banks billions of dollars (middle class taxpayers money) and they paid themselves millions in bonuses. We didn't forget about that did we?

Obama gave the bailout to save the country....the banks and wall street took the money to help with bailout and then gave the rest to execs for bonus's....he gave the money to bail out Freddie mac and a few others that had just gave out so many bad loans they were going under and reposseing houses and etc...he can not tell them how to use the money on the bailout BUT he then created laws to prevent them from doing it again......trump took those lids off to help the banks make those bad loans again....and if you check..alot of the middle class is living off their credit cards right now because the banks are just giving out that money again...but how long before the middle class can not pay those cards off?
right back where we started with us bailing them out again!

you don't pay a lot of attention as to what is going on do you......just want to preach your right wing bullshit...and have no idea what you are talking about
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Obama gave the bailout to save the country....


well go ahead...make fun of Obama trying to repair the mess the right created!

but if you want to look it up you will see the left has been bailing out problems the right has created for the last 50 years

painful hearing someone say that isn't it?
destroys that little bubble you live in

I just happen to have an article on it...full of links.....
but I have posted it a couple of times......you either didn't read.....or want to forget...or have a problem with your reading and comprehension skills
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subhub, your tenacity is unmeasurable. The ******* went wrong for Trump in Arizona, didn't it. Ran Repub Flake off, only to get a Democrat to replace him .... lol ... but the BEST is yet to come in 2020 when the Senate goes down.
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subhub, your tenacity is unchallenged. The ******* went wrong for Trump in Arizona, didn't it. Ran Repub Freck off, only to get a Democrat to replace him .... lol ... but the BEST is yet to come in 2020 when the Senate goes down.

He made fun of and in his usual manner screwed Flake out of office....now he has a DEM how fitting
and flake was going to run for pres AGAINST trump...but his vote on Kav took care of that

would so like to see 2 dems make it in Fla.....but just like last time......they control EVERYTHING

Ga still has a chance....

the surprise to me is Steve king in Iowa...even though that is a strong republican area..(farmers)….he lost support from his sponsors over his white supremist comments...the republican newspaper there was supporting the democrat...…..even some in congress were talking bad about him and wanting to show NO support for him...and he got re-elected...go figure

and Romney made it....getting rid of that asshole Hatch!...…..talks about how he is a anti-trump republican......well lets see how that goes....if he doesn't let his battleship mouth overload his tugboat ass....he might stir some *******!
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Next election might be even more fun...
will collins make it...whom ever runs against her has a nice war chest
Grassley had a little trouble last time...….will he be in trouble.....The farmers will support him..maybe….but the rest of the state won't and didn't care for him last time
not sure if mcConnelle is up next time or not...but he had a serious scare last time...not popular..can he pull another one off?
love to see a bunch of the "lifer" republicans out of there....really like to see graham go...but that just won't happen
Obama gave the bailout to save the country....the banks and wall street took the money to help with bailout and then gave the rest to execs for bonus's....he gave the money to bail out Freddie mac and a few others that had just gave out so many bad loans they were going under and reposseing houses and etc...he can not tell them how to use the money on the bailout BUT he then created laws to prevent them from doing it again......trump took those lids off to help the banks make those bad loans again....and if you check..alot of the middle class is living off their credit cards right now because the banks are just giving out that money again...but how long before the middle class can not pay those cards off?
right back where we started with us bailing them out again!

you don't pay a lot of attention as to what is going on do you......just want to preach your right wing bullshit...and have no idea what you are talking about
what was the billions Obama gave to Iran? was that to save Iran? or is it right wing bullshit he funded terrorism with that?
what was the billions Obama gave to Iran? was that to save Iran? or is it right wing bullshit he funded terrorism with that?

again just talking *******...
Obama gave them NOTHING!
the money they got was their own money we had froze here when we put the sanctions on them....and more was given to them when they purchased a bunch of Military hardware from us and we kept because of a change in leadership (terrorism) over there

Fact-check: Handel claims Obama flew $2 billion to Iran ...
Claim: "Nearly $2 billion in cash was flown over to Iran, money that the Obama administration has admitted is being used for terrorists and to support further activities there."

next time instead of just shooting your mouth and showing your stupidity.....use your search engine!
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Did you read that fact check? Because, despite the favorable source, I don't think the conclusions supports our argument as much as you think it does.

Seeing nothing has really changed in the fantasy world of internet cutting and pasting, I'll go back to ignoring the vast majority in this thread.
again just talking *******...
Obama gave them NOTHING!
the money they got was their own money we had froze here when we put the sanctions on them....and more was given to them when they purchased a bunch of Military hardware from us and we kept because of a change in leadership (terrorism) over there

Fact-check: Handel claims Obama flew $2 billion to Iran ...
Claim: "Nearly $2 billion in cash was flown over to Iran, money that the Obama administration has admitted is being used for terrorists and to support further activities there."
View attachment 2220631

next time instead of just shooting your mouth and showing your stupidity.....use your search engine!
ok so Obama made it possible for them to fund terrorism by making sure they go 2 billion in cash. ok got it know.
ok so Obama made it possible for them to fund terrorism by making sure they go 2 billion in cash. ok got it know.

wrong there ding bat!
he just gave them their money back...some money they had here that we froze...other they had bought arms from us and when they turned terrorists we kept the money and didn't finish the deal...and about a million and a half no one seems to know for sure what it was for...but compared to the rest..just chump change...…..it was all given as per part of the nuke deal....he can't control how they spend it...which is what trump is trying to do now...but isn't stopping anything!
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