TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Sadly not hard to believe. It has become the standard operating practice among a subset of the liberal posters. I've put several of them on ignore so I don't waste a second seeing their posts.
za16 you are an idiot.gif

this from our resident trumptard retard........if only you would put us all on ignore.....but then how would you stalk Mac trying to get into his shorts.........and we all know that for several years now ignore does not ignore....a yellow tabb comes up saying that someone you are ignoring click on it and read what they maybe in your shallow mind you miss that little yellow tab....although just because you are dense does not mean you are blind.....but bottom line is ignore hasn't worked in several years

and i will take a wild guess and say that there are only about 10 actual regular posters in the political threads.....and it runs about 60/40....40 being the if you ignore to only have Mac to stalk.....just like TNC saying one time he had so many ignored....if that was the case he would have no one else to talk to
Eat shite - you know - NOTHING

I was triple vaccinated and wore your stupid do nothing masks - none of it did ANYFUCKINTHING - didn’t infect anyone - stayed home when I felt it come on - still saying I had WORSE bouts with the FLU!!!!!!

ALL you lefties do is act like ya know WTF but you know SHITE - virtue signal ALL over the place though!!!! Lame sumbitch

where is all this hostility coming from?
can't we be friends?

well.....they are earned!.......and like the old saying goes....if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.....

and if you think being called a fool is an insult.....hang around some more it gets better

but it is always strange when someone from another country tries sticking their nose into american politics and get it smacked.....they just can't understand.....but i notice you are so proud of whatever country you are keep it hidden.....strange sense of pride
Im not hiding anything What a strange idea ? I m French !
I ve been honest enough to admit I dont have a perfect knowledge of the situation .
Just said I was surprised by so much hate . You dont like a politician ? Vote against him; and that s it !
yes, fool is an insult, not the worst , but an insult .
It would have ben taken like that in France s old days , and would have justified a duel, Maybe fighting for honour is not understandable TO you?
Any way, I have nothing against Biden or the democrats . But I m a great fan of decency !
I m not certain that FDR, Carter or Clinton would have insulted their oponents !

Newly released tax returns reveal Trump paid more in foreign …

Web1 day ago · AP reported Trump paid $641,931 in federal income taxes in 2015, as he began his campaign for president, but paid just $750 in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, he paid nearly …

Trump Tax Returns Release Reveals 'Rampant …

WebDec 22, 2022 · the returns, released following a late tuesday night vote by members of the house ways and means committee, revealed largely what was already known from a new …

Tax returns show Trump may have sidestepped $10,000 …

Web1 day ago · Donald Trump’s income tax returns for 2015 to 2020 were publicly released on Friday by the House Ways and Means Committee after a lengthy legal battle. The tax

Calls for investigation after Trump tax returns expose …

WebDec 21, 2022 · The tax data showed the Trumps' income fluctuating wildly, rising to as high as $24 million in 2018 after selling properties and investments before falling to $4.4 …

Im not hiding anything What a strange idea ? I m French !
well then....sucka me pierre

I ve been honest enough to admit I dont have a perfect knowledge of the situation .
and yet you jump right up telling us nothing is wrong

Just said I was surprised by so much hate . You dont like a politician ? Vote against him; and that s it !
hate describes american politics right now.............and the ones you want gone seem to be locked in....through more corruption and stupid people.....trumptards would be a good example

yes, fool is an insult, not the worst , but an insult .
like i want to see an insult....stick around.....fool is nothing more than a sign of effection
Omg taxpayers paid to have trumps taxes released. And of course nothing there for libtards to get him on. Bwaaaaaa.

Happy new year.
lol, RhodeHog "duh, Imma know tingies ..." ... stay tuned as its about to get very fun, Knucklehead ... :devilish:


  • RhodeHog Knows Tingies.gif
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‘Ultra-MAGA’ Republican Elise Stefanik Described Trump as a ‘Whack Job’ in Private​

As House GOP conference chair, Rep. Elise Stefanik has been the third-ranking member of the House Republicans since the ouster of Rep. Liz Cheney from the spot. She is also a top Donald Trump Republican, who is even reportedly on his short list for 2024 running mates. But, the New York Times revealed on Saturday, things were not always so.

In an extensive feature article headlined “The Invention of Elise Stefanik,” NYT reporter Nicholas Confessore writes about the GOP leader’s migration from the Paul Ryan moderates to the “ultra-MAGA” hard right.

“I am Ultra-Maga, I’m proud of it,” Stefanik said in May of this year. Confessore describes it as “one of the most brazen political transformations of the Trump era.”

The NYT article goes back to Stefanik’s earlier days, pinpointing the 2018 midterms as the corner turn for the New York Republican.

“(A)s her third term unfolded, according to current or former friends and advisers, it was becoming painfully clear that she was the future of a Republican Party that no longer existed,” writes Confessore. “The party was now firmly controlled by Donald J. Trump, a populist president she didn’t like or respect…”

As it turns out, more than not respecting him, she had some very negative comments about him, which the Times reveals included calling him a “whack job” in a message “obtained” by the paper.
? well then....sucka me pierre

How very elegant .. Can t you wtite a post without a rude word ? Where have you been raised ?.. But you re degrading yourself . Good bye, maybe some of your endless writing against Trump, are interesting, but you do not deserve someone normal reads them .
and yet you jump right up telling us nothing is wrong

hate describes american politics right now.............and the ones you want gone seem to be locked in....through more corruption and stupid people.....trumptards would be a good example

like i want to see an insult....stick around.....fool is nothing more than a sign of effection
seems to me you popped in once before....said about the same thing.....and left the same way........see you in a few....

"and yet you jump right up telling us nothing is wrong"....your words....

I never said anything wasn't wrong.......understandable how you like do not pay attention......I said there was something wrong with you admitting you know very little about it.....and yet offering your opinion
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Always surprised to see so much hate against Donal Trump; and ; which is worse; against those who support him ( meaning not far from Half the USA voters )
I m not american, but I do not think this predident, although he s rude and unplesant; has been that bad for the country !
Well, your profile doesn't say much if anything about you so it's hard to tell why you lack the in-depth knowledge of the past 7 years with Donald Trump in the political ring. What country you're from, what type of government you live under, etc.

Ronald Reagan & Donald Trump shared a type of charisma that made certain people like him and others think they were buffoons. Trump possessed a lot of corrupt history easily identifying him as a critical narcissistic individual. I can assure you that way, way less than half the citizens of this country support him or even like him.

Trump's 2021 coup attempt at destroying our democracy and his many comments basically admitting to it put him in a total new level of our past presidents ... he'll historically go down in US history as the most corrupt & treasonous president. Not even a close match. Maybe that's what he wanted, to be noticed as doing something outlandish. He held a special interest in dictators and one-person power.

You'd do yourself best to read up on the man who's been married 3-times, had numerous adulterous affairs, claimed bankruptcy many times, notoriously cheated and took advantage of the average worker & citizen before talking favorably about him. Trump has regularly tossed his supporters under the bus when it's convenient for him.
Well, your profile doesn't say much if anything about you so it's hard to tell why you lack the in-depth knowledge of the past 7 years with Donald Trump in the political ring. What country you're from, what type of government you live under, etc.

Ronald Reagan & Donald Trump shared a type of charisma that made certain people like him and others think they were buffoons. Trump possessed a lot of corrupt history easily identifying him as a critical narcissistic individual. I can assure you that way, way less than half the citizens of this country support him or even like him.

Trump's 2021 coup attempt at destroying our democracy and his many comments basically admitting to it put him in a total new level of our past presidents ... he'll historically go down in US history as the most corrupt & treasonous president. Not even a close match. Maybe that's what he wanted, to be noticed as doing something outlandish. He held a special interest in dictators and one-person power.

You'd do yourself best to read up on the man who's been married 3-times, had numerous adulterous affairs, claimed bankruptcy many times, notoriously cheated and took advantage of the average worker & citizen before talking favorably about him. Trump has regularly tossed his supporters under the bus when it's convenient for him.
At last, someone who has an opinion and does nt insult those who dont think like him .
Thanks for that ! ( eventhough it should be normal, but I noticed it s not normal here )
As I answered to one of your friends, I m French, and as I tried to say, I m neither pro nor anti Trump Jusrt someone wanting to understand, but the hate against Trum supporters is so obvious and embarassing, that he almost seems nice, and no doubt he is n t .
World is not that simple, and you and your friends should try to understand why so many of your fellow citize,ns voted for him; wirhout calling them dumbs, morons, and so on
Says the guy who got conned by a guy who he knows lied and cheated on all three wives was telling him the truth.
Stolen election?🤣🤡

Again the discussion was in my mind comparing the Flu to Covid - if you’re a lefty apparently everything is about Trump - kinda sad really.