TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

What is THAT ... a photo of the recent pipeline leak in Ka that dirtied the trout waters for the next twenty years? And all over dirty oil slug that US citizens have no use for ... we'll refine it and send it to our allies I imagine, then some of them will SELL IT BACK to the USA at an even higher price. The company piping the oil probably won't pay one cent towards the cleanup, either.
That nasty crap shouldn't even be passing through our country.

Naw they just dilute it a tad and sell it to us as diesel fuel
And here in lies the stupidity of trumptards.
“I’m good so why should I bother about the I’ll, weak and sick”
How many dead American families disagree with your clinical assessment.

Quite the mouth on ya.
Simply stated - from my experience - having had Covid twice - and the flu multiple times in the course of me long life - the flu is worse.
Nice virtue signaling on your part though - you’re very good at that like most lefties.
You guys really like to twist what someone says to your own end - hell Ed even edits posts he doesn’t agree with - I find it a great illustration of just how LAME the left is.
Quite the mouth on ya.
Simply stated - from my experience - having had Covid twice - and the flu multiple times in the course of me long life - the flu is worse.
Nice virtue signaling on your part though - you’re very good at that like most lefties.
You guys really like to twist what someone says to your own end - hell Ed even edits posts he doesn’t agree with - I find it a great illustration of just how LAME the left is.
not when it is leaked on the ground destroying crops that you might be wanting to eat.....but then most of those pipelines are not for us anyway.....just a quick way for canada to get their oil to the coast....and paying our oil companies to get it done.............trump corruption at work there

Why don’t you give up petroleum products if ya feel so strongly about it - bet ya don’t - no a whit - nice virtue signaling though 😉
May she Rest in Peace

She was a trailblazer in many ways
Had a fling with Ed Brooke when that was NOT the thing to do - think they were both married at the time too.

News Legend Barbara Walters Recalled for Savage Trump Takedown​

The death of groundbreaking broadcast journalist Barbara Walters has inspired tributes that include the sharing of a ******* 1990 interview with future President Donald Trump.

Walters, the first American woman to work as an evening television news anchor, died at the age of 93 on Friday. Her career in journalism spanned over 60 years and included hosting multiple primetime news shows and specials, as well as hosting the daytime talk show The View, which she also created.

Tributes to Walters poured in on social media shortly after her death was announced on Friday night. Some were accompanied by the video clip of her tense interview with Trump, which featured Walters challenging the future president on his finances after he offered rhetoric that previewed his now-frequent "fake news" claim.

"I've never seen press reporting as I have with regards to me," Trump said during the interview. "I hope the general public understands how inherently dishonest the press in this country is."

Walters quickly responded by offering to "try to clear up some of the things" that he claimed were dishonest, going on to say that Trump was on the "verge of bankruptcy" and had been "bailed out by the banks" despite Trump claiming that bankers had told him that he was "stronger than ever."

"Skating on thin ice and almost drowning, that's a businessman to be admired?" asked Walters.

"You say on the verge of bankruptcy, Barbara, and you talk on the verge, and you listen to what people are saying," Trump shot back, before Walters revealed that she had personally spoken to his banker.

Trump continued to argue that his bankers were saying that he had recently made a "great deal." Walters bluntly responded, "No, they're not."

"Barbara Walters knew Donald Trump was a FRAUD," author Don Winslow commented while sharing the clip to Twitter on Friday.

since the failure of the red wave...he is ****** to suck up to the crazies and put america on the back burner​

House Conservatives Reportedly Urge McCarthy To Form Biden-Focused Investigative Panel—Another Demand As McCarthy Vies For Speaker​

Acoalition of House conservatives are ramping up calls for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to form a new committee to take up the various probes the GOP plans to launch into the Biden Administration next year, Politico reported Friday—the latest possible bargaining chip as McCarthy struggles to earn enough Republican votes to become House speaker.

proving to America they can not govern and have no regards for the country

Conservatives vying to derail Kevin McCarthy's speaker bid may not be able to stop him. But f.orcing multiple votes — the record is 133 — could still make for a historic fight.​

  • Kevin McCarthy is working to clinch the votes needed to become House speaker in 2023.
  • Around a dozen House Republicans currently have issues with giving him the job.
  • Dragging out the process will determine where McCarthy fits in with other contested speakers.
Eight years after abandoning his first speaker bid to sidestep a conservative rebellion, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is vowing to take the GOP leadership fight to the floor this January to finally clinch his dream job

The current parlor game in Washington is trying to figure out how long — Minutes? Days? Weeks? — frustrated Republican hardliners like protest candidate Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona, anti-McCarthy agitator Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, and the half-dozen, concession-seeking conservatives aligned with Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania can keep the gavel out of his hand.

Thwarting an outright victory on the first ballot would automatically bump McCarthy into the fraternity of House speakers who had more convincing to do in order to sew up their own contested candidacies.

The question is: Can McCarthy barter his way into the ranks of those who won over skeptics after just a couple of retries? Or do his opponents have enough clout to keep McCarthy — and by extension, the general functioning of the House of Representatives — twisting in the wind longer than the two-month wait and 132 rejections that current record holder Rep. Nathaniel Banks endured back in 1855 (he limped through on the 133 ballot).
Had a fling with Ed Brooke when that was NOT the thing to do - think they were both married at the time too.
Really...hadn't heard that. We need photos for this site ;)

For those who don't know, Ed Brooke was the first black person elected by popular vote to the US Senate...and was a Republican.

News Legend Barbara Walters Recalled for Savage Trump Takedown​

The death of groundbreaking broadcast journalist Barbara Walters has inspired tributes that include the sharing of a ******* 1990 interview with future President Donald Trump.

Walters, the first American woman to work as an evening television news anchor, died at the age of 93 on Friday. Her career in journalism spanned over 60 years and included hosting multiple primetime news shows and specials, as well as hosting the daytime talk show The View, which she also created.

Tributes to Walters poured in on social media shortly after her death was announced on Friday night. Some were accompanied by the video clip of her tense interview with Trump, which featured Walters challenging the future president on his finances after he offered rhetoric that previewed his now-frequent "fake news" claim.

"I've never seen press reporting as I have with regards to me," Trump said during the interview. "I hope the general public understands how inherently dishonest the press in this country is."

Walters quickly responded by offering to "try to clear up some of the things" that he claimed were dishonest, going on to say that Trump was on the "verge of bankruptcy" and had been "bailed out by the banks" despite Trump claiming that bankers had told him that he was "stronger than ever."

"Skating on thin ice and almost drowning, that's a businessman to be admired?" asked Walters.

"You say on the verge of bankruptcy, Barbara, and you talk on the verge, and you listen to what people are saying," Trump shot back, before Walters revealed that she had personally spoken to his banker.

Trump continued to argue that his bankers were saying that he had recently made a "great deal." Walters bluntly responded, "No, they're not."

"Barbara Walters knew Donald Trump was a FRAUD," author Don Winslow commented while sharing the clip to Twitter on Friday.

Leave it to lefties to EVEN turn the death of a respected news journalist to trying to trash Trump - it’s them dang :cold: :cold: I b telling ya now.
Last edited:
Really...hadn't heard that. We need photos for this site ;)

For those who don't know, Ed Brooke was the first black person elected by popular vote to the US Senate...and was a Republican.

Yeah it came out in her book - she acknowledged it years later - think it was back in the 70s - Ed was married too - at the time had it been found out woulda ruined both of their careers - what massive balls - quite a lady.
HEY D/D what happened to your kickarse avatar????!!

Thanx for the sore thumb - appreciated - especially LIKE em when what I state is sooooooo obviously TRUE.
Yup - typical lefty - HORSESHITE ☝️

Have had Covid twice - the flu is worse 🤨
Lol, oh buttdurp ... spoken like a true "all about me me me me" selfish RepTard imbecile. Now, McFly ... COVID killed 6.6M people and many of them because of dumbasses like you. You contract CV19 or a variant, likely without a mask and/or vax, then give it to your older neighbor, the lady at the store, your family members who give it to another person that it puts in the ICU or kills them ... or worse yet, they give it to their entire family. "duh, twasn't as bad as the fluuuuu .... butt it's 'bout meeeeee anyways ... always isssssss".

Now our selfish ignoramus, try to shut off the stench draining from under your nose and go lay down somewhere. Dope. :devilish:


  • Rotten Mouth buttdlurp.gif
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O and when I said it - I thought Trump was back - now - don’t know where the f he be - know this - he taint in prison or jail - like all ya Dems want him to be

GOOD enough for me 😝
Of course it is ... just a RepTard mental midget that everything is "good enough for meeeee as long as Imma scamming sumebody." Dope. :devilish:


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    buttdlurp Mental Midget.gif
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Why don’t you give up petroleum products if ya feel so strongly about it - bet ya don’t - no a whit - nice virtue signaling though 😉
just against the pipeline ....... the pipeline does not benefit the US one bit

it is just the canadian big oil...putting some money in a few US p[ocket books......why don't you pay more attention to it....instead of HH spouting his unknowing and misleading b.ullshit

Building the Keystone pipeline and opening up the Tar Sands will negatively impact national and local economies: Burning the recoverable tar sands oil will increase the earth’s temperature by a minimum of 2 degree Celsius, which NYU Law School’s Environmental Law Center estimates could permanently cut the US GDP by 2.5%.

5 Reasons Why the Keystone Pipeline is Bad for the Economy…

Why the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline doesn't provide …

WebSep 22, 2011 · The United States can further reduce oil use by over 4 million barrels a day by 2025 through fuel economy for heavy trucks, improvements to air travel, and building …

Pipelines - Earthworks

High-profile recent pipeline spills that damaged river ecosystems and drinking water include those in the Yellowstone River, the Susquehanna River, and the Kalamazoo River. Most pipelines are buried, but a wide buffer of land is required for pipeline maintenance that disturbs the soil and destroys trees, vegetation, and wildlife habitat.

Pipelines Ruin Farmland Across the Country | NRDC

WebNov 27, 2017 · According to the article, pipeline construction on farmland in Illinois caused subsoil compaction that “is heavily affecting natural soil drainage.” The Chairman of the McClean County Soil Board,...

Pipelines keep robbing the land long after the bulldozers …

WebJan 07, 2022 · In 2017, a family sued DAPL for failing to restore the land how it was before construction and failure to compensate them for damages to their 800-acre farm. In 2021, …

Canadian Oil Sands Production Finds a New Outlet to the U.S. Gulf Coast

The pipeline marks a significant shift for the Canadian petroleum industry, allowing Canada’s oil sands producers to export a record amount of crude to overseas markets.

Canadian crude is a lower grade petroleum than the lighter Bakken shale, being similar to Venezuelan crude, whose production has significantly slipped in recent years.
Lol, oh buttdurp ... spoken like a true "all about me me me me" selfish RepTard imbecile. Now, McFly ... COVID killed 6.6M people and many of them because of dumbasses like you. You contract CV19 or a variant, likely without a mask and/or vax, then give it to your older neighbor, the lady at the store, your family members who give it to another person that it puts in the ICU or kills them ... or worse yet, they give it to their entire family. "duh, twasn't as bad as the fluuuuu .... butt it's 'bout meeeeee anyways ... always isssssss".

Now our selfish ignoramus, try to shut off the stench draining from under your nose and go lay down somewhere. Dope. :devilish:

Eat shite - you know - NOTHING

I was triple vaccinated and wore your stupid do nothing masks - none of it did ANYFUCKINTHING - didn’t infect anyone - stayed home when I felt it come on - still saying I had WORSE bouts with the FLU!!!!!!

ALL you lefties do is act like ya know WTF but you know SHITE - virtue signal ALL over the place though!!!! Lame sumbitch
Quite the mouth on ya.
Simply stated - from my experience - having had Covid twice - and the flu multiple times in the course of me long life - the flu is worse.
Nice virtue signaling on your part though - you’re very good at that like most lefties.
You guys really like to twist what someone says to your own end - hell Ed even edits posts he doesn’t agree with - I find it a great illustration of just how LAME the left is.
You are demonstrating exactly what I and the left claim
You take your situation , extrapolate it and claim everyone should be like you.
you ignore the science , the research and the experts to listen to an orange loser and when it contradicts your stupid assessment- everyone is corrupt - the science, the fbi, the media, judges, even republicans who are trying to sound the alarm,
That’s why no sane person takes you lot seriously and why you are the minority