TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

It has been some time since I have responded though that was when the thread got to 1100 posts, if I recall that correctly! Along with starting my post, I would like to thank @subhub174014 for the welcome back and @blkdlaur (which I was surprised by the welcome gesture and appreciate)! I wanted to state this though before the New Year arrives which is to graciously thank my young people for coming out to vote! Young people, especially young women, were the individuals that stopped the so-called "red wave" from coming! The three things that motivated young people to come in droves were 1) abortion rights 2) climate change and 3) gun violence! The two generations that helped tremendously along with myself were the Millennials and Gen Z voters! Now, being that I am an Independent, my preference is the party that does those three things which are 1) protecting women's rights, which is abortion 2) Climate change which is very important along with 3) Gun violence! So, of course, young voters will prefer the Democratic Party because they flow more to our preferences! Plus, my young people were instrumental in getting Raphael Warnock re-elected in my home state, which I am very excited about! It was a very fun night, in my home city, when that happened! I especially have a news article that shows the importance of how young voters affected the election, which put a big smile on my face!!

Oh yes, before I depart because I am helping the Fulton County district attorney in an importance case, I would like to state that my home state is actually a Purple state! And, I know so many people on the outside looking in still feel that my home state is Red fail to really know what is going on in my home state especially the media! Now, the Republicans did win the Governor's race as well as the LG, Secretary of State, and the Attorney General races, but, not very many realize how quickly the demographics are changing though! When you have two Republican counties in my home state that voted Republican years ago that ARE NOW voting Democratic, that is huge! Of course, there are some big Republican counties in my home state but there is only two and then you have the rural counties! But, here is the key though, my home state has numerous counties that are Democratic and each county is huge especially the biggest county in the entire city of Atlanta, which is predominantly Black, which is Fulton County where Fani Willis resides! It is truly a blessing to work on her team! And, I also have to thank Stacy Abrams for constructing an effective ground team that will be here, in my home state, for years to come, and also the groups New Project Georgia and Black Voters Matter branch in my home state! Well, my departing time is here, so have to concentrate my time on helping Ms. Willis!!

Nice to hear from you again - don’t stay a stranger.
Oh buttdlurp, what are you blubbering about now? The Mod Squad looking to take down your obsolete thread, where RepTards haven't added a crumb of valuable information, data, or a helpful thought in 16 months? Incessant insults and lies from the Tard Party is going to get you tossed.

That's how it goes or perhaps, RepTards can try growing a brain, spine, loyalty and some morals. Lol .. :devilish:

Says the Queen/King of incessant insults - the hypocrisy the hypocrisy the hypocrisy !!!!!
I speak for only myself, here, but my "invectives" come from the frustration and loathsomeness of not seeing the primary culprits (Trump & his administration) being tried in a court of law. Yeah, a few important heads will eventually roll out of all that's happened, but its taken way too long to happen as far as I'm concerned. Trump & many of his butt sniffing staff should already be shining seats in federal prisons. And they aren't.
If the federal government isn't going to do their duty, they should turn Trump over to the states of Georgia & NY to be tried of crimes.

Justification for yer :cold: :cold:💯%
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". The recent "Big Wred Wave" amounting to no more than a trickle, RepTards are turning to a familiar strategy of blaming every ass and lip blister on Democrats. Fuks News and the ultra Right-Wingnut, Laura Ingraham, checked the story coffers, only to try to find another way to slander Democrats. With nothing material to whine and pout about, they turned their attention to Southwest Airlines holiday travel troubles.

Southwest is wonderful American story, building a great business from a single plane to challenging the major Airlines with lower prices and no baggage fees. Unfortunately, less-mature businesses are challenged by manufacturing, technology, staffing and the inability to effectively negotiate with powerful unions. Pair all of this with one of country's worst storms (December 23-26) over a major travel holiday in recent years, and a disaster is at hand.

Now, instead of RepTards banding together to help the situation and Amercian travelers, these asswipes thought it would be a good idea to try to use it to tear down the brilliant Peter Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation. "duh, he dint go to every airport and drive doz peoples to their family's home ... so he is personally liable for all of dis stuff.". Instead, he quickly gathered the facts, met to the Southwest CEO, completed the research and laid down the reimbursement and credit guidelines with the company expediently on December 28th. Since then, the Southwest CEO has apologized to the country and vows to take the necessary steps to compensate travelers and correct the deficiencies. Tough for everyone.

Way to go RepTards on another "negative as we can be" swing and a miss ... and by the way, stay the hell off Southwest Airlines. Dopes. :devilish:

“Brilliant Peter Buttigieg” 😆
Yeah the “Brilliant Peter Buttigieg” is almost as brilliant as ole Debacle Joe and Cacklequeen Harris -
ALMOST !!!!!! 😁
Yeah the “Brilliant Peter Buttigieg” is almost as brilliant as ole Debacle Joe and Cacklequeen Harris -
ALMOST !!!!!! 😁
Lol ... ole' buttdlurp back up off the canvas for a moment ... but not for long. "duh, watch Imma stop dat punch with me face ...". Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Going Down Again.gif
    buttdlurp Going Down Again.gif
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G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". Today, we have such a dogpile of RepTard asinine updates, we thought we'll just list them for easy review. Here's the fun "RepTard Gone List"...

* New York RepTard, Santos has graced everyone with a fresh round of new lies ... he's gone.
* New York Elections Commissioner, Schofield added multiple fake ballots ... he's gone.
* Arizona Candidate, Kari Lake wiped out in elections, recount and court room ... she's gone.
* TrumpTard "instupidrection" charges and fraudulent taxes released to the public ... he's gone.
* Over 900 "instupidrectionists", Oaf Keepers, Proud bois, QAsswipes going to prison ... they're gone!
* Michigan Congressman, Upton reports RepTards are in "damn trouble waters" and is resigning ... he's gone.
* Speaker of House, McCarthy on fire without the votes ... he's gone ... uh oh, Liz Cheney, Speaker of the House. How fun!
* Former Chief Strategist, Bannon going to prison .... he's gone.
* Former Chief of Staff, Meadows going to prison .... he's gone.
* Former, Trump Lawyer, Giuliani going to prison ... he's gone.
* Congress Reps Boebert and Greene fighting each other and the whole party ... yah, they are here to stay!

Lol, oh what fun it is .... Happy New Year and enjoy the RepTard Staycations! Dopes. :devilish:


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    RepTards Gone!.gif
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It has been some time since I have responded though that was when the thread got to 1100 posts, if I recall that correctly! Along with starting my post, I would like to thank @subhub174014 for the welcome back and @blkdlaur (which I was surprised by the welcome gesture and appreciate)! I wanted to state this though before the New Year arrives which is to graciously thank my young people for coming out to vote! Young people, especially young women, were the individuals that stopped the so-called "red wave" from coming! The three things that motivated young people to come in droves were 1) abortion rights 2) climate change and 3) gun violence! The two generations that helped tremendously along with myself were the Millennials and Gen Z voters! Now, being that I am an Independent, my preference is the party that does those three things which are 1) protecting women's rights, which is abortion 2) Climate change which is very important along with 3) Gun violence! So, of course, young voters will prefer the Democratic Party because they flow more to our preferences! Plus, my young people were instrumental in getting Raphael Warnock re-elected in my home state, which I am very excited about! It was a very fun night, in my home city, when that happened! I especially have a news article that shows the importance of how young voters affected the election, which put a big smile on my face!!

Oh yes, before I depart because I am helping the Fulton County district attorney in an importance case, I would like to state that my home state is actually a Purple state! And, I know so many people on the outside looking in still feel that my home state is Red fail to really know what is going on in my home state especially the media! Now, the Republicans did win the Governor's race as well as the LG, Secretary of State, and the Attorney General races, but, not very many realize how quickly the demographics are changing though! When you have two Republican counties in my home state that voted Republican years ago that ARE NOW voting Democratic, that is huge! Of course, there are some big Republican counties in my home state but there is only two and then you have the rural counties! But, here is the key though, my home state has numerous counties that are Democratic and each county is huge especially the biggest county in the entire city of Atlanta, which is predominantly Black, which is Fulton County where Fani Willis resides! It is truly a blessing to work on her team! And, I also have to thank Stacy Abrams for constructing an effective ground team that will be here, in my home state, for years to come, and also the groups New Project Georgia and Black Voters Matter branch in my home state! Well, my departing time is here, so have to concentrate my time on helping Ms. Willis!!
does this mean you are back into the fray?......welcome!