TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

'They don't hold anybody accountable': One-time GOP strategist aghast at party's total lack of standards​

On MSNBC Wednesday, former George W. Bush strategist Matthew Dowd scorched the Republican Party for refusing to make their scandal-plagued members take responsibility for their actions.

This comes after reporting that House Republican leadership are avoiding any public discussion of the controversy around Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY) fabricating large parts of his life story for his campaign — even as they privately admit Santos' lies are "problematic."

"What does it say about the Republican Party that this is where it is right now?" asked anchor Jonathan Capehart. "That there's a person who's running for Speaker who is so desperate to become Speaker that you've got a QAnon-supported extremist who is saying everyone must vote for him, and meanwhile he's staying silent on a guy who's been revealed to have lied repeatedly about his own background, staying silent on all of this, all in the hopes of securing the magical 218."

"Well, I think what we've seen and as everybody I know on this panel has watched is they don't hold anybody accountable," said Dowd. "And they watched Donald Trump, according to The Washington Post, lie some 30,000 times, never held him accountable in the course of that. In the end it's all about power in this."

Judge says Trump may have been urging supporters to 'do something more' than protest on Jan. 6​

WASHINGTON — A federal judge indicated Wednesday that then-President Donald Trump's remarks on Jan. 6 telling a crowd to "fight like hell" before the Capitol attack could have signaled to his supporters that he wanted them "to do something more" than just protest.

In a court order for the case against Jan. 6 defendant Alexander Sheppard, U.S. District Court Judge John Bates ruled that Sheppard could not raise the "public authority" defense at trial after his lawyer argued Trump had authorized his client's actions at the Capitol that day.

Bates, who was appointed to the court by former President George W. Bush, rejected that argument, ruling that "President Trump neither stated nor implied that entering the restricted area of the Capitol grounds and the Capitol building or impeding the certification of the electoral vote was lawful," and therefore a public authority defense was not viable.

"These words only encourage those at the rally to march to the Capitol — nothing more — and do not address legality at all. But, although his express words only mention walking down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, one might conclude that the context implies that he was urging protestors to do something more— perhaps to enter the Capitol building and stop the certification," Bates wrote.

In a footnote, Bates noted that his ruling was not out of step with the Jan. 6 committee's final report, which concluded that Trump acted "corruptly" because he knew stopping the certification was unlawful.
People lie.
Democrats have lied.
but republicans are purposely setting a framework of dishonesty to attain power at any cost.
It started with that fat Fk trump and everything that came out of his mouth … stolen election
And this set up the structure and gave a gigantic wink and nod to other potential candidates to lie about everything and by the time the voters find out … fk em too late .
thr new republicans lack class, grace and tact.
Remember the presidential contest of John McCain vs Obama? Some lunatic got up and called Obama a Muslim who wasn’t born here and McCain took her mic and said “ no mam you are wrong , he’s a nice guy and a friend of mine with different political beliefs “

What happened to the republicans with a moral compass?
Oh, RepTards are very committed to their own special compass ... it's called "Personal Greed". :devilish:


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The left lost the popular vote by 5 million votes in the midterms - does that tell you anything.
Oh, buttdlurp - hanging on by a tattered thread as RepTards try restricting and suppressing voting in every state. Even so, had their asses kicked around the block in the Midterms despite the "duh, Big Wred Wave is comin' jes wait". Now, the US Party Commitment numbers that you are too dumb and/or too lazy to research are as follows:

Current US Party Commitment
* Democrats - 49% and growing, larger than any time since 2012.
* ReThuglicans - 40% and losing commitment, now at 5% lost in the last 6 years.
* Independent and No Current Commitment - 11% ... a RepTard lost hope.

Now, a big bend over and kiss your TrumpTard asses goodbye, because you won't see them again anytime soon. Lol ... :devilish:


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Course I guess there’s some that don’t and wanna spoil it for the rest of us - o well - much like in life.
Oh buttdlurp, what are you blubbering about now? The Mod Squad looking to take down your obsolete thread, where RepTards haven't added a crumb of valuable information, data, or a helpful thought in 16 months? Incessant insults and lies from the Tard Party is going to get you tossed.

That's how it goes or perhaps, RepTards can try growing a brain, spine, loyalty and some morals. Lol .. :devilish:


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The left lost the popular vote by 5 million votes in the midterms - does that tell you anything.
3 million votes, actually, but who's counting, right. That's not the whole story, either ....

Republicans won the national House popular vote by three percentage points — 51 percent to 48 percent. They still won by two points after adjusting for races in which only one major party was on the ballot. Republicans won the popular vote by a clear margin, even as Democrats gained seats in the Senate and came within thousands of votes of holding the House.​
If the Republicans had run seven points better than Joe Biden’s 2020 showing in every state and district, as they did nationwide they would have picked up 21 seats in the House. They also would have easily won the Senate, flipping Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and holding Pennsylvania. Republicans also won the most votes in Wisconsin, another state President Biden won in 2020. If this were a presidential election, House Republicans would have claimed 297 electoral votes.​
So, what does this all mean? It means there was no Giant RED WAVE and the 3 million difference in total votes meant NOTHING as, except for the Presidency, there is no such thing as a nationwide “popular vote”.​

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You lefties can’t even engage without liberal amounts of invective flowing out of ya. I
I speak for only myself, here, but my "invectives" come from the frustration and loathsomeness of not seeing the primary culprits (Trump & his administration) being tried in a court of law. Yeah, a few important heads will eventually roll out of all that's happened, but its taken way too long to happen as far as I'm concerned. Trump & many of his butt sniffing staff should already be shining seats in federal prisons. And they aren't.
If the federal government isn't going to do their duty, they should turn Trump over to the states of Georgia & NY to be tried of crimes.
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If the federal government isn't going to do their duty, they should turn Trump over to the states of Georgia & NY to be tried of crimes.
The federal government isn't doing anything to prevent Georgia, NY, or any other state from bringing charges. Even if the federal government wanted to, they lack that power. One can be charged and prosecuted at both the federal and state levels for the same crime. Just ask Michael Vick about that. That POS was convicted by both the feds and the state of Virginia for his disgusting illegal dog fighting racket.
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". The recent "Big Wred Wave" amounting to no more than a trickle, RepTards are turning to a familiar strategy of blaming every ass and lip blister on Democrats. Fuks News and the ultra Right-Wingnut, Laura Ingraham, checked the story coffers, only to try to find another way to slander Democrats. With nothing material to whine and pout about, they turned their attention to Southwest Airlines holiday travel troubles.

Southwest is wonderful American story, building a great business from a single plane to challenging the major Airlines with lower prices and no baggage fees. Unfortunately, less-mature businesses are challenged by manufacturing, technology, staffing and the inability to effectively negotiate with powerful unions. Pair all of this with one of country's worst storms (December 23-26) over a major travel holiday in recent years, and a disaster is at hand.

Now, instead of RepTards banding together to help the situation and Amercian travelers, these asswipes thought it would be a good idea to try to use it to tear down the brilliant Peter Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation. "duh, he dint go to every airport and drive doz peoples to their family's home ... so he is personally liable for all of dis stuff.". Instead, he quickly gathered the facts, met to the Southwest CEO, completed the research and laid down the reimbursement and credit guidelines with the company expediently on December 28th. Since then, the Southwest CEO has apologized to the country and vows to take the necessary steps to compensate travelers and correct the deficiencies. Tough for everyone.

Way to go RepTards on another "negative as we can be" swing and a miss ... and by the way, stay the hell off Southwest Airlines. Dopes. :devilish:


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Looks like bringing mods in here to fight your battles for ya is a mistake if ya wanna be able to have political discourse.

I told you....once someone complains and brings them in.....they hang around for a for those that can not take the heat....stay out of the defend tnc all you want but I KNOW he brought them in before

there is not anyone on here a fucking angel....and i can not stand a whiner....not sure who gets the credit here....but be careful what you ask for
The federal government isn't doing anything to prevent Georgia, NY, or any other state from bringing charges. Even if the federal government wanted to, they lack that power. One can be charged and prosecuted at both the federal and state levels for the same crime. Just ask Michael Vick about that. That POS was convicted by both the feds and the state of Virginia for his disgusting illegal dog fighting racket.
official words from the reptard-retard?
G'afternoon Everyone and here is a fun "RepTards in News!" mini update. As it turns out, RepTards have lost in court again and this one is going to sting a little. Abraham Hamadeh longtime Arizona RepTard and major TrumpTard supporter lost the Attorney General seat to Democrat Kris Mayes, not once but twice during a recount. Ole' dishonest Abe decided to sue all voting officials and their families because "duh, de stole it from me ....". Well, as it turns out there was no steal, and Abey lost and now may be saddled with the Mayes legal fees. Every day and other fun RepTard treat!

Just another "priceless outcome" and a warm round of applause for RepTards everywhere. lol ... :devilish:


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Ah yes, the last bastion of the democrats...try to silence others when you lose the debate.
Lol, floppin' flytrap just drooling away ... "duh, doz Democrats lost dat kickball game in the 4th grade ... 1973 I tink and they still haven't left dis thread wike de promised ... in writing ... well, not wreally but Imm gonna say so ... I tink de didn't get a medal wike de said." Dope. :devilish:


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'Eyebrow raising': former prosecutor slams Lindsey Graham for allegedly urging lawyer to find dead voters​

On CNN Thursday, former federal prosecutor Harry Litman criticized Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for allegedly asking Donald Trump's lawyers to find five examples of dead people voting, to give the campaign the pretext necessary to challenge the election results.

The new allegations come from transcripts of the testimony of Trump attorney and former One America News anchor Christina Bobb, who told House January 6 Committee investigators of the exchange.

"What stands out to you from all of this?" asked anchor Sara Sidner.

"I'm just rushing through it like everyone else, but the dialogue ... with Lindsey Graham, I thought was really eyebrow-raising," said Litman. "Find me five votes. That's not someone who wants to figure out the overall state of play, someone who wants to figure out the truth and then be a warrior. It's a little reminiscent of Trump saying to Georgia, I just need [11,780] votes."

Graham, like Trump, was "plying the Big Lie, whether or not it's there," said Litman. "That's one."

"And then second, we have a Team Trump here and that means glossing down the page and there's a lot of, I don't really recall, I don't recall, I don't recall," added Litman. "We'll see if they are called into the grand jury by the Department of Justice, and if that serves to sharpen their memories."

Arizona recount shows Democrat Kris Mayes beat Republican Abe Hamadeh​

Democrat Kris Mayes is the winner of Arizona's attorney general race, a state judge announced Thursday.

Mayes defeated Republican Abe Hamadeh by 280 votes after a mandatory recount was triggered due to how close they were separated after the initial tally in November, when Mayes led by roughly 500 votes out of 2.5 million cast.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason unveiled the results of the recount in a hearing on Thursday.

MORE: After beating election deniers, bipartisan group of secretaries of state talk democracy
Mayes' lead from November was nearly halved in the recount. The results showed she had 1,254,809 votes to Hamadeh’s 1,254,529 votes.

Mayes' victory is another win for Democrats this midterm cycle against candidates who endorsed former President Donald Trump's election denialism. In Arizona, a traditionally red state, Democrats defeated GOP election deniers in races for Senate, governor, secretary of state and now attorney general.

"I will say once again that I'm thankful to everyone who took their time to vote, and democracy is truly a team sport," Mayes said after the results were announced. "I'm thankful for my campaign, transition and legal teams. I'm excited to get to work as your next Attorney General and vow to be your Lawyer for the People. Onward..."

Arizona recount shows Democrat Kris Mayes beat Republican Abe Hamadeh​

Democrat Kris Mayes is the winner of Arizona's attorney general race, a state judge announced Thursday.

Mayes defeated Republican Abe Hamadeh by 280 votes after a mandatory recount was triggered due to how close they were separated after the initial tally in November, when Mayes led by roughly 500 votes out of 2.5 million cast.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason unveiled the results of the recount in a hearing on Thursday.

MORE: After beating election deniers, bipartisan group of secretaries of state talk democracy
Mayes' lead from November was nearly halved in the recount. The results showed she had 1,254,809 votes to Hamadeh’s 1,254,529 votes.

Mayes' victory is another win for Democrats this midterm cycle against candidates who endorsed former President Donald Trump's election denialism. In Arizona, a traditionally red state, Democrats defeated GOP election deniers in races for Senate, governor, secretary of state and now attorney general.

"I will say once again that I'm thankful to everyone who took their time to vote, and democracy is truly a team sport," Mayes said after the results were announced. "I'm thankful for my campaign, transition and legal teams. I'm excited to get to work as your next Attorney General and vow to be your Lawyer for the People. Onward..."
Thanks for this.
red wave?🤣