TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Isn't it time for you to have SEX with your right hand today ... I heard your left hand has rejected you. Go jerk off someplace in a corner.
Now Now...that is very rude. Maybe you should report yourself for rudeness to FunnyBunny. I've heard rudeness gets people banned.

Of course if you honored your bets, you wouldn't even be here anymore to spew your rude comments.
Yes. I was just there. It's actually under the Starbucks on Avenue I. Met that one from the TLC show.
We all was there bro ..wide spread fraud's the democratic illuminate. We all know it other each other ..😂😂😂😂 I just face time Kennedy because he still live and on our side 😅😂😅
How’s your stolen election coming along?
you fkers are so stupid!
We found out trump lied about a stolen election, incited a mob to storm Capitol Hill ,raised 250 million and it vanished , stole classified documents (to which he said he had no more but his lawyers found more and turned them over.
And now his tax returns show there is a massive chance he didn’t donate his salary

you fkers are dumb
Why are you deflecting from the topic of McCain which you brought up? Oh yeah, democrat....deny, deflect, denigrate.
Now Now...that is very rude. Maybe you should report yourself for rudeness to FunnyBunny. I've heard rudeness gets people banned.
So you're another Con ignoring your own yard?
What are you smoking dipshit? Blumenthal aka Da Nang Richard has been the Senator from Connecticut for a decade...and just won reelection in the Democrat Party of Liars.

The Democrat party of habitual LIARS has even given Blumenthal some interesting committee assignments...I mean who better than a person who lied about their military service to select for service on:

Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Committee on Armed Services
Committee on the Judiciary
This is more than a lie, it's libel. Also rude insults to Democrats.
Do yall not know how to read tweets? now guys it again ..
This is a tweet from Richard Blumenthal to a guy name Mathias...WTF is HH arguing about in the first place😂😂😂

Bro ..yall need to get real about all this ban wagon conspiracy..that yall just jump to argue with people about simply because you feel a certain type of way but can't prove it
he is just HH he really thinks everyone else is a dummy
The DumAsCrap Party Of NO. We had a term limit amendment vote in the House in 1995....where 83% of Republicans voted for term limits and 81% of DumAsCraps voted NO.

Bubba Clinton could likely have pushed some of his party and gotten us those few extra votes we needed to pass it, but Bubba was more interested in Monica's Oval Orifice.
I see Dems as a bigger threat to our freedoms - most of em are crazy -
pretty well illustrated in here.
Oh, buttdlurp - you can't see anything and what does seep into the old' cranium, you can't understand. G'damn dumbasses still believing, supporting and servicing TrumpTard and RepTards. F*ckin' sick. Be embarrassed already ... we damn sure are about you. Fake Ir-wish Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Completely Lost.gif
    buttdlurp Completely Lost.gif
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I can tell you what I love.
None of it. It's a system.
So let's talk about what works. Or why term limits don't work.

You take away the choice of the people because a certain year, lawmakers decided to make term limits- people aren't smart enough to chose anymore- is what you're saying.

Term limits ******* the institutional knowledge. Why do you need it? Just look at the member that are 3 terms or less on each side. Unless they are extreme and unlikable, you can't name them. So you'll have even more yelping for attention more MTGs and AOCs.

Political Parties will be making the choice a lot more. I can explain later if you want but it will take more than two sentences.

A much better way to curb the recidivism in Congress, and the only way, is Campaign Finance Reform.

Limit budgets for campaigns. If you can legally limit how much they spend that leads to:
- less time fundraising while in office
- even races between candidates
- easy to keep up with who gives what.
For example, it should ten times the family poverty level threshold. So in Michigan that would be $350,000 for the House. and about $1 million for the senate.

Besides limiting what a candidate can spend, you have eliminate the PACs, and third party groups directly advertising for a candidate.
- more start up candidates get crushed by these PACs than anything else. Why? Because the devil you know...
I've run a couple of them and its a great way to tip the money scales for more ads, social media presence, mail,etc

Reverse Citizens United! Corporations are not people. Their employees max out in giving and then the business max out. Corporate dollars are the biggest evil in campaigns and elections.
Make it illegal. They can lobby the members of congress after they are in office. Let's see how much time they get when they are not financing the campaigns.

This will put candidates on an even ground. It's will cut down on the noise. And. give the people a chance to hear from the candidates. That will be better than any term limits.

Sounds good to me - should work on lobbyists next and people in political positions becoming lobbyists - bastards all get fat on us.
what do you want to bet he stays and all is forgotten
Wait wait
.did he say it's rare that we caught politicians in lies
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

This is also a part of the democratic illuminate. Clearly we move at a different speed of time then the rest of the world🤦🏾😂
Because Trump is a threat to America.
Do you understand yet? !!!!
Do you see that he is a liar?
Why steal 220,000 pages of classified documents?
I mean come on! You are still crying about Hillary and trump is literally caught lying to you lot multiple times

So you’re saying the Dems can do whatever they think is necessary - for the greater good.
America is NOT supposed to work that way.
Sounds good to me - should work on lobbyists next and people in political positions becoming lobbyists - bastards all get fat on us.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

Lmfao yeah sure ...tell it to big pharma the nra and private prison industry lmfao ...damn bro you suck at being woke💯

All I hear is you vote for people who support things you are against but support and they are the liars but you still vote for then even when you know they are cons

We mentioned after all of your comments and complain and the irs being weponize against JUST YOU REALIZE THAT IS WAS A CON TO PROTECT RICH PEOPLE ...YEAH I DONT BELIVE YA
Now the FBI is influencing elections for the Dems - all that shite is coming out now through the Twitter drops Elon Musk is providing.
Lol, he can't read, but Twit-ler and Fuks News are goofball buttdlurp's "go to sources" for quality information. What a joke. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp dunno kow nuttin'.gif
    buttdlurp dunno kow nuttin'.gif
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So you’re saying the Dems can do whatever they think is necessary - for the greater good.
America is NOT supposed to work that way.
Lmfao ..yes and the monster are due on Mable street ..smh
What’s wrong with America now :{
Easy I mean it's not hard to figure out . We been trying to tell you but you don't listen