TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Wait richard Blumenthal haven't been in office since 2011🤦🏾😏😂 wtf dude lol
It doesn't matter to HopingHubby, he likes to butt his nose into any conversation and relive nostalgic events as current to make a point. He only lives in the past! Its why his wife left his sorry ass and why their dog followed her out the door.
He's just another irritation to this thread, never does anything but sarcasm & following me around the boards.
It doesn't matter to HopingHubby, he likes to butt his nose into any conversation and relive nostalgic events as current to make a point. He only lives in the past! Its why his wife left his sorry ass and why their dog followed her out the door.
He's just another irritation to this thread, never does anything but sarcasm & following me around the boards.
Blumenthal has been IN the office of Senate ever since 2011. But this is another fine example of typical behavior. One Democrat lies and another comes to back him up on the lie.
I think Sub’s philosophy is mostly correct - the system is against us and for them - hard to effect change - because they don’t wanna change and we are really impotent to do anything cause all they do is lie to us - Ed seems to luv the system flawed as it obviously is. There should be a way to eject scum buckets like Santos.
I can tell you what I love.
None of it. It's a system.
So let's talk about what works. Or why term limits don't work.

You take away the choice of the people because a certain year, lawmakers decided to make term limits- people aren't smart enough to chose anymore- is what you're saying.

Term limits ******* the institutional knowledge. Why do you need it? Just look at the member that are 3 terms or less on each side. Unless they are extreme and unlikable, you can't name them. So you'll have even more yelping for attention more MTGs and AOCs.

Political Parties will be making the choice a lot more. I can explain later if you want but it will take more than two sentences.

A much better way to curb the recidivism in Congress, and the only way, is Campaign Finance Reform.

Limit budgets for campaigns. If you can legally limit how much they spend that leads to:
- less time fundraising while in office
- even races between candidates
- easy to keep up with who gives what.
For example, it should ten times the family poverty level threshold. So in Michigan that would be $350,000 for the House. and about $1 million for the senate.

Besides limiting what a candidate can spend, you have eliminate the PACs, and third party groups directly advertising for a candidate.
- more start up candidates get crushed by these PACs than anything else. Why? Because the devil you know...
I've run a couple of them and its a great way to tip the money scales for more ads, social media presence, mail,etc

Reverse Citizens United! Corporations are not people. Their employees max out in giving and then the business max out. Corporate dollars are the biggest evil in campaigns and elections.
Make it illegal. They can lobby the members of congress after they are in office. Let's see how much time they get when they are not financing the campaigns.

This will put candidates on an even ground. It's will cut down on the noise. And. give the people a chance to hear from the candidates. That will be better than any term limits.
And then Democrats promptly called McCain racist for referring to Obozo as "that one".

What happened to the republicans democrats with a moral compass?
How’s your stolen election coming along?
you fkers are so stupid!
We found out trump lied about a stolen election, incited a mob to storm Capitol Hill ,raised 250 million and it vanished , stole classified documents (to which he said he had no more but his lawyers found more and turned them over.
And now his tax returns show there is a massive chance he didn’t donate his salary

you fkers are dumb
Blumenthal has been IN the office of Senate ever since 2011. But this is another fine example of typical behavior. One Democrat lies and another comes to back him up on the lie.
Blumenthal served in the Marines during Vietnam.
He did not go to Vietnam.
He did serve during Vietnam, not in Vietnam.

As a Senator, he's been a good friend and policymaker, and friend of the military and veterans. So, now controversy.

You're "hoping" Cons take you on your word, and not actually use their brains. But, when do they ever do?
Stop it ...bro let's be honest the next believable con artists yall dick riding to the top yall throw the word "blatantly" around like yall this is actually new information...the truth is you simply didn't want to believe it until the media and George Santos came clean after the coast was clear ..which proves that he knew he could play the gop lmfao..
FYI just because it more clear that the gop is liar doesn't make that a entire government problem AND SURE AS HELL DONT MAKE YOU WOKE ALL OF A SUDDEN.all I hear is the same tune that you been screaming ITS EVERYONE ELSE FAULT THAT WE VOTE FOR PEOPLE WHO TUCK THIER TAILS ..

Me WOKE ???????!!

You SERIOUSLY NEED HELP if you think I want anyfuckinthing to do with wokeness !!!!!
How’s your stolen election coming along?
you fkers are so stupid!
We found out trump lied about a stolen election, incited a mob to storm Capitol Hill ,raised 250 million and it vanished , stole classified documents (to which he said he had no more but his lawyers found more and turned them over.
And now his tax returns show there is a massive chance he didn’t donate his salary

you fkers are dumb

Yeah and Sub still believes the Russians helped Trump whip Hill-a-beans arse - quess all that HORSESHITE doesn’t matter though - even though Hillary initiated it all and had the FBI spying on him during the campaign.
Yeah and Sub still believes the Russians helped Trump whip Hill-a-beans arse - quess all that HORSESHITE doesn’t matter though - even though Hillary initiated it all and had the FBI spying on him during the campaign.
Because Trump is a threat to America.
Do you understand yet? !!!!
Do you see that he is a liar?
Why steal 220,000 pages of classified documents?
I mean come on! You are still crying about Hillary and trump is literally caught lying to you lot multiple times
Of course they don't, and you know that, but then there ya go "again" with more of that "embellishment" to what you post. Seems to be a common thing with conservatives since they have so little to cheer about these days.

Politicians are mostly fulla shite - if ya think they’re not your :cold::cold: are affecting your ability to reason.
Because Trump is a threat to America.
Do you understand yet? !!!!
Do you see that he is a liar?
Why steal 220,000 pages of classified documents?
I mean come on! You are still crying about Hillary and trump is literally caught lying to you lot multiple times

I see Dems as a bigger threat to our freedoms - most of em are crazy -
pretty well illustrated in here.
The DumAsCrap Party Of NO. We had a term limit amendment vote in the House in 1995....where 83% of Republicans voted for term limits and 81% of DumAsCraps voted NO.
So, you get a super majority and can't keep your members in line and what to blame Democrats for not enacting YOUR Contract on America?
Always forgetting to tell the rest of the story.

Bubba Clinton could likely have pushed some of his party and gotten us those few extra votes we needed to pass it, but Bubba was more interested in Monica's Oval Orifice.
Yes, sure. Bill Clinton should have pushed his people to support Newt Gingrich and the Republicans Contract on America when they had a majority in the House and the Senate. The Republicans did just enough to say they did something. They didn't want it, couldn't live with it and let it die.

There was more discussion from that Republican failed 1995 bill:
Term limits would result in undesirable transfers of power to unelected bureaucrats and lobbyists
Under term limits, congressional staffers and corporate and
foreign lobbyists would play a far more significant role.
Inexperienced Members would also be susceptible to the
manipulation and influence of the more experienced Executive
Branch. As the League of Women Voters has testified:

Term limits would weaken the legislative branch of
government--and strengthen an already powerful
Presidency, upsetting the constitutional balance of
powers. Congress must be able to form its own judgments
on national issues, to come to consensus independently
of the executive branch's policies, if necessary. A
Congress of amateurs, however, would by its very nature
be more pliable and deferential--and the institution
would be robbed of its historic role of restraining the
power of the Executive, who controls the entire federal
bureaucracy. As a result, the branch of government
closest to the people would become a less effective
advocate for its constituents.15
Former Constitution Subcommittee Chair Don Edwards has written
that term limits ``would establish a Congress of lame ducks, rich
people who could afford to spend a few years away from their life's
work, corporation executives sent by their employers for business
purposes, and men and women with a single passionately held goal.''
Letter to New York Times

\11\ Id. at 146 (statement of Becky Cain, President, League of
Women Voters of the United States).

A term-limited environment is also more likely to
discourage ordinary Americans from running for Congress, since
most individuals are less likely to jeopardize their careers to
run for elective office for only a few terms.12 As
political scientist Morris Fiorina has observed, ``[a]mateur
political settings advantage the independently wealthy,
professionals with private practices, independent business
people, and others with similar financial and career
flexibility.'' 13 Similarly, Syracuse University Professor
Linda Fowler has concluded that patterns of recruitment and
****** retirements under term limits will increase the
influence of special interests in the legislature.14

\10\ Thomas E. Mann, ``Congressional Term Limits: A Bad Idea Whose
time Should Never Come'', The Politics of Law and Term Limits, Cato
Institute, 1994, cited in, Term Limits for Members of the U.S. House
and Senate, Hearings Before the Subcomm. on the Constitution of the
Comm. on the Judiciary, 104th Cong., 1st Sess. 119-120 (1995)
[hereinafter, 1995 House Judiciary Hearings].

As Judicial Committee Chairman Hyde (Republican) so eloquently pointed out
during last Congress' floor debate:
t is a little amusing to see the stickers that have
been worn by so many of my colleagues. It says ``term
limits, yes.'' It does not say ``term limits now.''
* *
* I am [also] remind of the famous prayer of Saint
Augustine who said, ``Dear God, make me pure, but not
now.'' 7
Term limits provide an excuse for failure to act on campaign finance

Not only are term limits themselves a dangerous proposal,
they offer the opponents of real and meaningful campaign
finance reform an easy excuse for inaction. Fred Werthheimer,
President of Common Cause, identified this fundamental

We recognize that there is widespread popular support
for term limits and that it stems in part from the view
that Members of Congress have become remote from
average citizens, dependent on and obligated to special
interests and their political money and locked into
office by a campaign finance system that provides
extraordinary and unfair financial advantages for
incumbents over their challengers. We believe that the
way to address these underlying problems, however, is
through fundamental political reform that curbs the
undue influence of campaign contributions over
government decisions, creates the opportunity for
challengers to run competitive campaigns against
incumbents and makes Members of Congress accountable to
their constituents, not to monied interests.20
Me WOKE ???????!!

You SERIOUSLY NEED HELP if you think I want anyfuckinthing to do with wokeness !!!!!
Now the FBI is influencing elections for the Dems - all that shite is coming out now through the Twitter drops Elon Musk is providing.
🤦🏾 lol yeah ok don't promote wokeness ...
Lmfao yeah let me guess ,you never read what elon uncover did you ?...clearly yall want the hunter biden nudes that the white house ask tweeter to take down lmfao 😅😂😅😂 trying to see if hunter balls are blue huh?
😅😂😂😅🤦🏾 elon played yall its a pattern If you haven't noticed
Yeah and Sub still believes the Russians helped Trump whip Hill-a-beans arse - quess all that HORSESHITE doesn’t matter though - even though Hillary initiated it all and had the FBI spying on him during the campaign.
Well, Putin, the FBI, American think tanks, American Intelligence Agencies and the Republican led Senate, disagree with you.
Because Trump is a threat to America.
Do you understand yet? !!!!
Do you see that he is a liar?
Why steal 220,000 pages of classified documents?
I mean come on! You are still crying about Hillary and trump is literally caught lying to you lot multiple times