Mueller looking at NRA now

You genuinely have nothing to add- sad!

I’ll add this - I feel bad that you Trump haters are so full of anger. Lots of people voted for Trump for change and because they felt he was the better choice over Hillary. The anger and hatred displayed by people like yourself is quite palpable. Your opinion of what I have to add or not is completely irrelevant to me.
I’ll add this - I feel bad that you Trump haters are so full of anger. Lots of people voted for Trump for change and because they felt he was the better choice over Hillary. The anger and hatred displayed by people like yourself is quite palpable. Your opinion of what I have to add or not is completely irrelevant to me.
Like I said - sad!
You’d understand that? Short sentences, not facts. Just like trump .
Obviously walls are not going to stop everyone - no one ever suggested that it would stop 100% of the illegal migration.
Walls have been used since the stone age, they are indeed effective or wall would have been abandon a long time ago.

Using the excuse that people will dig under the wall as a reason not to build one is like not putting a lock on your door because someone could just break a window - why bother right?. Walls would prevent those would be crosser from crossing, just as a lock keeps an honest man honest. But no - it won't stop a criminal.

It is interesting there were less than 10 boarder fences/walls prior 1950's, and has increased to over 60 in 2015, and good read,

In addition to exspanding our border wall where possible I'd like to see drone surveillance in areas not walled and more importantly, expansion of our ports of entry. For someone coming here seeking something better, there is no reason for them to enter illegally.
Just wanted to let it be known that it was about 3000 not 30000+, unless you have a different official report. Including the link to the Clinton E-mail Investigation that was released through the FOIA so that way ya’ll don’t think I’m full of *******. Don’t know about the Benghazi stuffs or who/what “lied to save Obama” I’m curious and don’t specifically know where to look.

Let it be known your 3000 claim is bullshit. Hillary had about 30,000 of her emails deleted claiming they were personal. She said so herself....see below. Her people then used BleachBit to wipe the hard drives to make sure no one could ever recover those deleted emails....You know because everyone uses BleachBit to make sure nobody ever can read about their yoga schedule....right!!!!

The link you provided to the particular section of the FBI report doesn't address how many emails Hillary deleted under the claim of them being least as far as can be seen. The report is heavily redacted for release because of the highly classified information Hillary had stored on the personal server in her house.

If you had instead linked to part 4 of the FBI report (link below), and jumped to pages 39/40, you'd see where the FBI said Hillary's server had around 60,000 emails on it, of which she only turned over 30,490 claiming the rest were personal...(and had to be destroyed via BleachBit to make sure nobody could ever read about her yoga)

Page 40 of part 4 also states that Hillary had attorneys which lacked any security clearance reading her emails which contained classified information up to the Top Secret compartmentalized special access level.

Any one of us who handled highly classified data with such gross negligence would be in the slammer for 10 years:

18 U.S.C. § 793(f)

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Hillary's own words: "In going through the e-mails, there were over 60,000 in total, sent and received. About half were work-related and went to the State Department and about half were personal that were not in any way related to my work. "

From CBS:

The Clinton email probe centered around Clinton's use of a private email server to conduct business while she was secretary of state. The investigation looked into whether those emails were classified, as well as Clinton's deletion of roughly 30,000 emails
Let it be known your 3000 claim is bullshit. Hillary had about 30,000 of her emails deleted claiming they were personal. She said so herself....see below. Her people then used BleachBit to wipe the hard drives to make sure no one could ever recover those deleted emails....You know because everyone uses BleachBit to make sure nobody ever can read about their yoga schedule....right!!!!

The link you provided to the particular section of the FBI report doesn't address how many emails Hillary deleted under the claim of them being least as far as can be seen. The report is heavily redacted for release because of the highly classified information Hillary had stored on the personal server in her house.

If you had instead linked to part 4 of the FBI report (link below), and jumped to pages 39/40, you'd see where the FBI said Hillary's server had around 60,000 emails on it, of which she only turned over 30,490 claiming the rest were personal...(and had to be destroyed via BleachBit to make sure nobody could ever read about her yoga)

Page 40 of part 4 also states that Hillary had attorneys which lacked any security clearance reading her emails which contained classified information up to the Top Secret compartmentalized special access level.

Any one of us who handled highly classified data with such gross negligence would be in the slammer for 10 years:

18 U.S.C. § 793(f)

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Hillary's own words: "In going through the e-mails, there were over 60,000 in total, sent and received. About half were work-related and went to the State Department and about half were personal that were not in any way related to my work. "

From CBS:

The Clinton email probe centered around Clinton's use of a private email server to conduct business while she was secretary of state. The investigation looked into whether those emails were classified, as well as Clinton's deletion of roughly 30,000 emails
Freaking about Ivankas emails... I mean Hillary’s emails.
Meanwhile your president is being investigated for his ties to Russia. Further 36 criminal indictments laid on his administration and you idiots are still talking about emails
So it’s so important why not do it in the two years he had control of both houses. Your choices of answer is
  1. He’s a retard that know nothing
  2. He’s using the wall as a ruse for his base.

Please do us all a favour and read a book
He’s not a billionaire . You obviously don’t know ******* from clay
He is a billionaire. You obviously don’t know ******* from clay

He's a billionaire about 3 times over actually....even according to the liberal leftist CNN:

He is a billionaire. You obviously don’t know ******* from clay

He's a billionaire about 3 times over actually....even according to the liberal leftist CNN:

So CNN is fake news? I’m not sure you can’t have it both ways?
So it’s so important why not do it in the two years he had control of both houses. Your choices of answer is
  1. He’s a retard that know nothing
  2. He’s using the wall as a ruse for his base.
Please do us all a favour and read a book
Please do us all a favor and educate yourself on the US political system...or just go on demonstrating your ignorance.

Trump and many of the republicans tried hard to fund the wall in his first two years. But they only had 51 votes in the Senate. So democraps were able to easily block it with a filibuster. We used to hear Mac on here whining about filibusters on and on....he seems to had conveniently forgotten about them now that his democrap Party of NO is using them regularly to block progress in congress.

Obviously walls are not going to stop everyone - no one ever suggested that it would stop 100% of the illegal migration.
Walls have been used since the stone age, they are indeed effective or wall would have been abandon a long time ago.

Using the excuse that people will dig under the wall as a reason not to build one is like not putting a lock on your door because someone could just break a window - why bother right?. Walls would prevent those would be crosser from crossing, just as a lock keeps an honest man honest. But no - it won't stop a criminal.

It is interesting there were less than 10 boarder fences/walls prior 1950's, and has increased to over 60 in 2015, and good read,

In addition to exspanding our border wall where possible I'd like to see drone surveillance in areas not walled and more importantly, expansion of our ports of entry. For someone coming here seeking something better, there is no reason for them to enter illegally.
just love the last paragraph!!
How about you stupid trump supporters read, to understand that crossings are at one of the lowest levels but let’s spend 25 billion . No wonder he had to declare bankruptcy.

I’d take the five billion just to educate trump supporters to come out from under the bed, vaccinate their ******* and not be afraid of fluoride in the water.
Please do us all a favor and educate yourself on the US political system...or just go on demonstrating your ignorance.

Trump and many of the republicans tried hard to fund the wall in his first two years. But they only had 51 votes in the Senate. So democraps were able to easily block it with a filibuster. We used to hear Mac on here whining about filibusters on and on....he seems to had conveniently forgotten about them now that his democrap Party of NO is using them regularly to block progress in congress.

so he couldn’t even convince all of the Republicans to vote for him... bhhhhaaa
Trump supporters- lol

Trump speech ..,seriously WTF. I laugh but sad!

“I got a bad hand with all these horrible trade deals. NAFTA is a disaster. Canada. You know Canada, nice guy, nice guy. Prime minister. Justin. I said, ‘Justin, what’s your problem, Justin?’ (Laughter) So, Canada. O Canada. I love their national anthem. O Canada. I like ours better, however. (Huge Cheers)So. No, Canada’s great, I love Canada. We had a wonderful understanding, you know that story. We hugged. We kissed. Everybody was happy. I made some changes in this ridiculous thing that everyone agreed to sign. I left, everybody was happy. I get on to Air ******* One – he doesn’t understand that Air ******* One has 22 televisions. They have televisions in closets, they have televisions in areas that no place have them. Unlimited budget, Air ******* One, uh? (Cheers) So I get on the plane and I see Justin Trudeau … saying ‘Canada will not be bullied by the United States. I say, ‘What are we doing here?’ The fact is that Canada has a 275% tariff on dairy products, a little thing called dairy products. (Boos). Their lumber is a disaster. With us, I say, ‘Why aren’t we using our own lumber?’ Because now we’re actually allowed to take lumber from our fields and regrow it under our environmental system. In the old days you couldn’t do that. We had to go to other countries. So, lumber is a disaster. Energy is a disaster. And I see Justin saying: ‘We fought World War One together. We fought World War Two together.’ That’s true. We love Canada. But Canada’s charging almost 300% on tariffs on dairy products and many other things. It’s all working out great. It’s allllll working out great. And I said, ‘Look, if you want to do that, we’re going to put a little tariff on your cars.’ You know cars are the biggee. Cars are the biggee. (Extended rant about European Union trade barriers on U.S. automobiles) I want to be able to sell cars in there just as they sell cars in here. It’s all going to work out. It’s all going to work out. The fact is, we were given somewhat of a bad hand because we came in with all these problems. But I’m loving what we’re doing. You people are loving what we’re doing. (Huge Cheers).”
Either you:

A: Didn't read about that bill
B: Can't comprehend it
C: Don't care and will just blindly attempt to argue something regardless
D: You have worse math skills than Mac (highly unlikely)
I love the pseudo intellectuals that Trump supporters try to portray.
I mean here is a President that is incoherent, know nothing, most of his chief of staffs have been sacked said he is of kindergarten intelligence. ( common theme)
Trump has the temperament of a pre pubescent teen and his supporters..... well they ..., try throw rocks ... lol
it’s so awesome listening to how little they can comprehend of the real world - sad!
I’m not sure you understood why you are not getting a wall. Move on. Aren’t you late for a kkk meeting or perhaps cousin marring cousin ceremony?

Either you:

A: Didn't read about that bill
B: Can't comprehend it
C: Don't care and will just blindly attempt to argue something regardless
D: You have worse math skills than Mac (highly unlikely)
Ah yes, good ole argumentum ad hominem. A staple of several liberals on here.
You support trump ! Like seriously!
The only people you can fool is other Trump supporters. Since you are fluent in f’wit maybe break this down for us......this is your president... bhhhhaaa

I got a bad hand with all these horrible trade deals. NAFTA is a disaster. Canada. You know Canada, nice guy, nice guy. Prime minister. Justin. I said, ‘Justin, what’s your problem, Justin?’ (Laughter) So, Canada. O Canada. I love their national anthem. O Canada. I like ours better, however. (Huge Cheers)So. No, Canada’s great, I love Canada. We had a wonderful understanding, you know that story. We hugged. We kissed. Everybody was happy. I made some changes in this ridiculous thing that everyone agreed to sign. I left, everybody was happy. I get on to Air ******* One – he doesn’t understand that Air ******* One has 22 televisions. They have televisions in closets, they have televisions in areas that no place have them. Unlimited budget, Air ******* One, uh? (Cheers) So I get on the plane and I see Justin Trudeau … saying ‘Canada will not be bullied by the United States. I say, ‘What are we doing here?’ The fact is that Canada has a 275% tariff on dairy products, a little thing called dairy products. (Boos). Their lumber is a disaster. With us, I say, ‘Why aren’t we using our own lumber?’ Because now we’re actually allowed to take lumber from our fields and regrow it under our environmental system. In the old days you couldn’t do that. We had to go to other countries. So, lumber is a disaster. Energy is a disaster. And I see Justin saying: ‘We fought World War One together. We fought World War Two together.’ That’s true. We love Canada. But Canada’s charging almost 300% on tariffs on dairy products and many other things. It’s all working out great. It’s allllll working out great. And I said, ‘Look, if you want to do that, we’re going to put a little tariff on your cars.’ You know cars are the biggee. Cars are the biggee. (Extended rant about European Union trade barriers on U.S. automobiles) I want to be able to sell cars in there just as they sell cars in here. It’s all going to work out. It’s all going to work out. The fact is, we were given somewhat of a bad hand because we came in with all these problems. But I’m loving what we’re doing. You people are loving what we’re doing. (Huge Cheers).
You support trump ! Like seriously!
The only people you can fool is other Trump supporters. Since you are fluent in f’wit maybe break this down for us......this is your president... bhhhhaaa

I got a bad hand with all these horrible trade deals. NAFTA is a disaster. Canada. You know Canada, nice guy, nice guy. Prime minister. Justin. I said, ‘Justin, what’s your problem, Justin?’ (Laughter) So, Canada. O Canada. I love their national anthem. O Canada. I like ours better, however. (Huge Cheers)So. No, Canada’s great, I love Canada. We had a wonderful understanding, you know that story. We hugged. We kissed. Everybody was happy. I made some changes in this ridiculous thing that everyone agreed to sign. I left, everybody was happy. I get on to Air ******* One – he doesn’t understand that Air ******* One has 22 televisions. They have televisions in closets, they have televisions in areas that no place have them. Unlimited budget, Air ******* One, uh? (Cheers) So I get on the plane and I see Justin Trudeau … saying ‘Canada will not be bullied by the United States. I say, ‘What are we doing here?’ The fact is that Canada has a 275% tariff on dairy products, a little thing called dairy products. (Boos). Their lumber is a disaster. With us, I say, ‘Why aren’t we using our own lumber?’ Because now we’re actually allowed to take lumber from our fields and regrow it under our environmental system. In the old days you couldn’t do that. We had to go to other countries. So, lumber is a disaster. Energy is a disaster. And I see Justin saying: ‘We fought World War One together. We fought World War Two together.’ That’s true. We love Canada. But Canada’s charging almost 300% on tariffs on dairy products and many other things. It’s all working out great. It’s allllll working out great. And I said, ‘Look, if you want to do that, we’re going to put a little tariff on your cars.’ You know cars are the biggee. Cars are the biggee. (Extended rant about European Union trade barriers on U.S. automobiles) I want to be able to sell cars in there just as they sell cars in here. It’s all going to work out. It’s all going to work out. The fact is, we were given somewhat of a bad hand because we came in with all these problems. But I’m loving what we’re doing. You people are loving what we’re doing. (Huge Cheers).. . .

I’ve seen some self-important blowhards in my day - but none to equal this one - has all the answers - knows everything - everyone that disagrees is some kind of ignorant drooling moron - if you ask me - just a major bore. I agree feeding the troll is a waste of time.
I’ve seen some self-important blowhards in my day - but none to equal this one - has all the answers - knows everything - everyone that disagrees is some kind of ignorant drooling moron - if you ask me - just a major bore. I agree feeding the troll is a waste of time.

Funny ! Kinda didn’t want to answer factual questions- sad!
In the future you can see politicians having to resign when they are found out to have worn a MAGA hat or attended a rally. Kind of how we view the kkk and black face.