Mueller looking at NRA now

Yeah - and according to you I’m the moron - at least I know how to spell.
Of course you are a moron
You believe a wall would work .
You believe that’s the only way ******* get in the country .
You believe undocumented migrants commit more crimes than Americans.
You believe illegal crossings are at an all time high.
All of the historical data now and prior to Trump being elected says you , Trump and every one of you unread imbeciles are just idiots and wrong, but why rely on facts
Further if it was such a signature promise, the best time for wall negotiations would have been when Republicans had control of both Houses...
But my spelling mistake....
Maybe it could ease your anxiety if we focused on Ivanka’s emails ... sorry I meant Hillary’s emails!!
Geez you’d think you could spell summarize if you were a teacher - you sure as shite are a know - it - all :}
G’day mate
I think the term you are looking for is educated. Some of us aren’t easily fooled. That is what being educated is about.
I’m a guest lecturer for fun, that how I give back .
Yes the Mueller investigation has turned up nothing apart from the highest number of criminal indictments yet. Also 100 international charges .
More Russians assets frozen except one Russian who is closely friends to Poroshenko. All of this plus more from the all your intelligence agencies but Trump know better right ? With what evidence does he base his evidence on? Nothing ! just as he says his very large brain
Seriously debating you is just mind numbing

You need a mind - for it to be numbed - I believe you are lacking one.
Of course you are a moron
You believe a wall would work .
You believe that’s the only way ******* get in the country .
You believe undocumented migrants commit more crimes than Americans.
You believe illegal crossings are at an all time high.
All of the historical data now and prior to Trump being elected says you , Trump and every one of you unread imbeciles are just idiots and wrong, but why rely on facts
Further if it was such a signature promise, the best time for wall negotiations would have been when Republicans had control of both Houses...
But my spelling mistake....
Maybe it could ease your anxiety if we focused on Ivanka’s emails ... sorry I meant Hillary’s emails!!

Only a true moron would try to tell someone what they think - most of what you ascribe to me - in fact - I have not advocated for or professed faith in. I do believe people like you - that think they know it all and what other people think and feel - are in fact the true imbeciles.
Mac like trump he is a pseudo intellectual.
Like Trump offers no real value.
Notice he is unable to articulate his case because like Trump - lacks the understanding of truth and facts.
It’s too easy showing Trump supporters how stupid they are - it’s almost an art form..
Mac like trump he is a pseudo intellectual.
Like Trump offers no real value.
Notice he is unable to articulate his case because like Trump - lacks the understanding of truth and facts.
It’s too easy showing Trump supporters how stupid they are - it’s almost an art form..

The ultimate in self important and self aggrandizing horseshite. Thinking that you know my level of understanding of truth and facts indicates you have a very swollen head. The fact that you think it’s an art form to show people stupid - for any reason - indicates the kind of person you really are - not one that I would care to know or have any kind of discourse with.
Now Mac in reference to #247

No I don’t believe you have called me a liar and I sincerely hope I never have given a reason - to be called one.

To be honest as regards the NRA getting money from Russia - I’m just not sure - am I skeptical of media statements - yes definitely - they have over and over proven themselves totally skewed to the left.

As to the other questions - I still believe innocent til proven quilty - if anything illegal was done - I expect it to be prosecuted and proven. Until that time I intend to reserve judgement.

Did the Russians meddle in the 2016 election?
Of course they did and are laughing like hell at how much bang for the buck they got. Course they’ve been meddling in elections for a long long time. The Democrats grabbed ahold of this time though to justify Hillary’s loss - this is my opinion.

As to calling me a racist - that is usually the left’s last point of attack - if I ever give you a valid reason - feel free to fire away.
The ultimate in self important and self aggrandizing horseshite. Thinking that you know my level of understanding of truth and facts indicates you have a very swollen head. The fact that you think it’s an art form to show people stupid - for any reason - indicates the kind of person you really are - not one that I would care to know or have any kind of discourse with.

Lol I’m happy to be all of the above except being a Trump supporter .
The fact that you support Trump tells me all I need to know of you - shallow, unread, policy free , financial illiterate imbecile.
You can whinge and moan about name calling you want, because you are just like trump- can give it but can’t take it.
Most of you pissant trump supporters love to talk about Benghazi- zero criminals indictments!! Zero!
Ie if I had one’ hamburder ‘and I gave it to a fat president and he ate it I have zero’ hamberders’
That many criminals indictments!
If obama had 36 criminal indictments would you still explain away 36 criminal indictments and the stench of crime that perpetrates all of his business?
Trump opens his trap and it’s like a alphabet soup explosion. Not human being above 6th grade education understands WTF he says.
Get a new village idiot to worship!
Lol I’m happy to be all of the above except being a Trump supporter .
The fact that you support Trump tells me all I need to know of you - shallow, unread, policy free , financial illiterate imbecile.
You can whinge and moan about name calling you want, because you are just like trump- can give it but can’t take it.
Most of you pissant trump supporters love to talk about Benghazi- zero criminals indictments!! Zero!
Ie if I had one’ hamburder ‘and I gave it to a fat president and he ate it I have zero’ hamberders’
That many criminals indictments!
If obama had 36 criminal indictments would you still explain away 36 criminal indictments and the stench of crime that perpetrates all of his business?
Trump opens his trap and it’s like a alphabet soup explosion. Not human being above 6th grade education understands WTF he says.
Get a new village idiot to worship!

Geez ya know - you really don’t sound like any woman I’ve ever known. Rants and name calling like you constantly resort to really are a very masculine trait and also the strategy most liberals have to use because their policies have absofuckinglutely no substance and all they can do is attack attack attack. Have at it mate - if nothing else you’re very entertaining ;}
Geez ya know - you really don’t sound like any woman I’ve ever known. Rants and name calling like you constantly resort to really are a very masculine trait and also the strategy most liberals have to use because their policies have absofuckinglutely no substance and all they can do is attack attack attack. Have at it mate - if nothing else you’re very entertaining ;}
Like I said most trump supporters are surprised that women have an opinion and hate him.
I’m not sure why you are surprised. Trying to regulate my uterus? - probably not a great idea:
I note you run from facts from all other emails. You don’t understand them or just looking for spelling errors?
Geez ya know - you really don’t sound like any woman I’ve ever known. Rants and name calling like you constantly resort to really are a very masculine trait and also the strategy most liberals have to use because their policies have absofuckinglutely no substance and all they can do is attack attack attack. Have at it mate - if nothing else you’re very entertaining ;}

Benghazi, the womsn left those men to dir, a stand down and then they lied to ssve obama...dont medd with that...and if i deleted just one email when told by the law not to let alone 30000+ id be in jail

Just wanted to let it be known that it was about 3000 not 30000+, unless you have a different official report. Including the link to the Clinton E-mail Investigation that was released through the FOIA so that way ya’ll don’t think I’m full of *******. Don’t know about the Benghazi stuffs or who/what “lied to save Obama” I’m curious and don’t specifically know where to look.

God these imbeciles are quoting YouTube videos as back up to their arguments , next infowars and Fox news as credible news sources.