Mueller looking at NRA now

God these imbeciles are quoting YouTube videos as back up to their arguments , next infowars and Fox news as credible news sources.

I wouldn't say anyone is an imbecile for posting a video because some YouTube videos list their sources. I prefer those because I just like the facts. But that sucks because I'm not really for one party or the other I just want to see this country improve and achieve while I'm still alive.
I'm not really for one party or the other I just want to see this country improve and achieve while I'm still alive.
Well, I am a liberal, but think of myself as a liberal leaning moderate. I certainly believe there is a common sense approach/middle ground to all the issues that the 3rd graders in Washington argue daily about now. I'm about in the middle of the road on every topic, from guns to abortion to taxes to immigration to maintaining world peace. But, its way beyond "issues"; its now on how one party can make the other party look bad so they can maintain control and continue feeding off the taxpayers. If they're one party and the other party said it, regardless of whether there is truth to their subject, that party will try to obstruct and discredit it. No doubt there is currently some "payback" going on in Washington by Democrats with how President Obama was treated, and its well deserved. BUT, there are some issues being argued that neither party wishes the other party to win ... regardless of how RIGHT that party is. But Trump is a terrible president, most of the nation and our allies now agree, and its easy to see why he went bankrupt 4-5 times in his businesses. Maybe he wanted to go bankrupt, afterall, the casino business has long been a lucrative business for money laundering. He simply doesn't understand the difference in public & private sector management. I can now see Trump making a big push to stop the new Democrat Oversight Committee ... they're getting ready to go where the Republicans refused to go, and he's whining loudly about it.
I'm just hoping the women are able to gain control in Washington during MY LIFETIME. Its no doubt the "good ole boys" club has failed our country miserably the past 20-30 years. Its time they be put to pasture or better yet, put "down" like a dog.

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ok and what was the purpose of getting in that old mans face like that if he wasn't wanting to start and I both know if someone did something like that to us ….we would have punched his lights out...but he had the mob behind him...if it wasn't hate what was it?
those red hats say it all....something this pres has pushed since being in office!

I can’t hardly stand to read your garbage anymore. You clearly only push arguments of one side and have no debating skills whatsoever. Then you switch topics faster than a hotwife at a 20 hole gloryhole. It’s not that you don’t ever bring up some good points that can and should be debated it’s that you have no interest in seeing what others have to say. You know why I quit watching CNN a long time ago? I’ll use the catholic ******* at the march as a prime example. CNN spun it out that these racist MAGA wearing hat catholic ******* were harassing and insulting people at a rally. That’s the spin and they used very little video to try to prove that point. THANKS to FOX and infowars the truth came out that the ******* were in fact the VICTIMS and CNN lied to everyone.
Trouble is - liberals don’t really want the truth - they want their left slanted reporting as accommodated by CNN, MSNBC and NBC - strictly playing to the left’s narrative and which they are willing to take as gospel. I watch all the networks to try to gleen some kernel of truth but these days it isn’t easy.
Trouble is - liberals don’t really want the truth - they want their left slanted reporting as accommodated by CNN, MSNBC and NBC - strictly playing to the left’s narrative and which they are willing to take as gospel. I watch all the networks to try to gleen some kernel of truth but these days it isn’t easy.

Your right and it’s turned people to go as extreme a infowars to get the “other side” which I’m by no means saying is truth but it’s at least a different viewpoint
Your right and it’s turned people to go as extreme a infowars to get the “other side” which I’m by no means saying is truth but it’s at least a different viewpoint
Oh you mean “ alternative facts.”
I don’t know why trump supporters are so stupid.
You heard how that ‘f’wit of a President talks about women, you know he lies, you know he lied about stormy Daniels, you know he said creepy ******* about Ivanka, so when 10plus women comes forward about sexual harassment- on the balance of probabilities what do you think happen and who do you believe? - this is just one example.

Here is another- he is a ******* business man. Listen to him speak , look at him, follow his history of deals - he clearly doesn’t know the art of the deal. I wouldn’t go into business with him. So then he shuts down the government in a country where you have 2/3 service economy- do you think he gets it?

Shuts down a country that is majority service economy for a wall...
To stop illegals from killing people - false none of the mass shootings were done by illegals
To stop ******* trade - won’t do so
Wall cost more than 5billion
If the wall was so important why start now? Why not when he had control of both houses? To distract America and divide them whilst he robs the country - true.
This support is an IQ test andhis supporters are failing
Oh you mean “ alternative facts.”
I don’t know why trump supporters are so stupid.
You heard how that ‘f’wit of a President talks about women, you know he lies, you know he lied about stormy Daniels, you know he said creepy ******* about Ivanka, so when 10plus women comes forward about sexual harassment- on the balance of probabilities what do you think happen and who do you believe? - this is just one example.

Here is another- he is a ******* business man. Listen to him speak , look at him, follow his history of deals - he clearly doesn’t know the art of the deal. I wouldn’t go into business with him. So then he shuts down the government in a country where you have 2/3 service economy- do you think he gets it?

Shuts down a country that is majority service economy for a wall...
To stop illegals from killing people - false none of the mass shootings were done by illegals
To stop ******* trade - won’t do so
Wall cost more than 5billion
If the wall was so important why start now? Why not when he had control of both houses? To distract America and divide them whilst he robs the country - true.
This support is an IQ test andhis supporters are failing

Walls do work ask Israel and immoral Pelosi she has a huge wall around her house! Are those what you consider “alternative facts”?

And he is a billionaire from business you are not but keep hating. Bye falecia!
I can’t hardly stand to read your garbage anymore. You clearly only push arguments of one side and have no debating skills whatsoever. Then you switch topics faster than a hotwife at a 20 hole gloryhole. It’s not that you don’t ever bring up some good points that can and should be debated it’s that you have no interest in seeing what others have to say. You know why I quit watching CNN a long time ago? I’ll use the catholic ******* at the march as a prime example. CNN spun it out that these racist MAGA wearing hat catholic ******* were harassing and insulting people at a rally. That’s the spin and they used very little video to try to prove that point. THANKS to FOX and infowars the truth came out that the ******* were in fact the VICTIMS and CNN lied to everyone.

Fox and info wars LOL. Two of the biggest lying networks and disgraced LIARS on any social media outlet!

Good luck pushing those as reliable sources..
Walls do work ask Israel:

Wrong. Israel doesn't just rely on walls... Yet more mis-information from you.

Israel uses Earth banks, barriers an in some parts a wall, all of which have state of the art electronics in surveillance camera's, infra red, and motion detectors UGS, patrols, drones, towers. Yet people are still able to get in...Do you know how????????..... By digging under. And you say the walls work.
Walls do work ask Israel and immoral Pelosi she has a huge wall around her house! Are those what you consider “alternative facts”?

And he is a billionaire from business you are not but keep hating. Bye falecia!
Yes but no.
  1. He’s not a billionaire . You obviously don’t know ******* from clay
  2. His dad gave him a 400 Million dollar loan and he has lost most of it . He is a scam artist
  3. Do you understand ROI? You pay 25B to save 20-100 ppl ? Or do you tackle your gun issue that is killing 40,000 ppl a year.

Oh and just a side note. It was Saudis who crashed into trade centre and who did trump sell weapons to... so much for taking American’s side
"He trusts Fox News" ..... "So does the President"
....View attachment 2417919........................View attachment 2417918
Imagine relying on infowars as a source of you information and then telling everyone you do! This is how stupid trump supporters are!
They lack such basic reasoning skills..
Infowars who purported that parkland victims were actors . Imagine doing that to *******!
If you go back historically no one other than Hitler’s very own Gobles did this with propaganda.
...... until Trump! Don't forget Trump's first wife said he kept a copy of Hitler's speeches at his bedside. (fact)

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Oh you mean “ alternative facts.”
I don’t know why trump supporters are so stupid.
You heard how that ‘f’wit of a President talks about women, you know he lies, you know he lied about stormy Daniels, you know he said creepy ******* about Ivanka, so when 10plus women comes forward about sexual harassment- on the balance of probabilities what do you think happen and who do you believe? - this is just one example.

Here is another- he is a ******* business man. Listen to him speak , look at him, follow his history of deals - he clearly doesn’t know the art of the deal. I wouldn’t go into business with him. So then he shuts down the government in a country where you have 2/3 service economy- do you think he gets it?

Shuts down a country that is majority service economy for a wall...
To stop illegals from killing people - false none of the mass shootings were done by illegals
To stop ******* trade - won’t do so
Wall cost more than 5billion
If the wall was so important why start now? Why not when he had control of both houses? To distract America and divide them whilst he robs the country - true.
This support is an IQ test andhis supporters are failing

Must be nice to be omniscient while all that fail to agree with your view are - stupid - imbeciles - and morons. Still believe though that those that hurl invectives are the ones that are weak of mind.
Must be nice to be omniscient while all that fail to agree with your view are - stupid - imbeciles - and morons. Still believe though that those that hurl invectives are the ones that are weak of mind.
I just can’t get over this guy. So ironic that trump supporters think liberals are less educated than them.
It just staggers me with all that the piece of crap has subjected America and the rest of the world to , the village still cheers this idiot.
I know ! I know! .... but Hillary’s emails .
Must be nice to be omniscient while all that fail to agree with your view are - stupid - imbeciles - and morons. Still believe though that those that hurl invectives are the ones that are weak of mind.
You genuinely have nothing to add- sad!