Mueller looking at NRA now

Ah we got to the racist element fairly quickly.
You’re entitled to your opinions - not saying that you are not - I just don’t happen to share them. There was a time - not too long ago when people supported the president and hoped for his success - but the left right from the start has tried to pull this one down with the eager help of the biased media. Obama weaponized most of the Federal government while in office - most obviously the IRS but also the FBI - DOJ - and other agencies. If you want to believe all the shite being flung - be my guest - I’ll wait to see what shakes out. It is clear however, to anyone that wants to see it, that the FBI was totally corrupted and biased in it’s investigation of Hillary and then used the team that let her off the hook to go after Trump. It just amazes me how angry and hateful supporters of the left have become and blind to what they do not want to see.
Not unusual for Trump supporters to dodge the question or miss the point...
I guess Trump despite his lifetime or ripping people off and lying ... all of a sudden is the messiah of truth, and everyone else is lying...please you are only fooling yourself and other trump supporters.
Not unusual for Trump supporters to dodge the question or miss the point...
I guess Trump despite his lifetime or ripping people off and lying ... all of a sudden is the messiah of truth, and everyone else is lying...please you are only fooling yourself and other trump supporters.

Not fooling anyone - just waiting to see what the truth is - not putting my faith in a very biased media.
Wrong. Israel doesn't just rely on walls... Yet more mis-information from you.

Israel uses Earth banks, barriers an in some parts a wall, all of which have state of the art electronics in surveillance camera's, infra red, and motion detectors UGS, patrols, drones, towers. Yet people are still able to get in...Do you know how????????..... By digging under. And you say the walls work.

Actually the us Boarder and Custom agents say the walls work. So do the arrest reports of where walls have been built. Also, if walls don’t work why do rich progressives have them around their houses? And to correct the record the request for the border wall included the budget request for more agents and high tech means of security on the boarder.

However, neither party wanted or wants a wall, hence why Trump can’t get a wall. The owners of the Dems, big business/ Wall Street, and the Dems need cheap labor via criminal aliens and il informed voters to have a chance of staying in power. The Fed Republicans need a red flag to wave and also need to keep big Ag stocked with cheap labor. Oh, don’t forget the il informed libs need cheaper organics at Whole Food so they can fake social climate superiority over their “friends” at lib social whine, oops mean wine parties.

Note, both parties have been fixing or working on a comprehensive boarder Security bills since the 80s. And fixing Social Security since the 30s.
So do the arrest reports of where walls have been built. Also, if walls don’t work why do rich progressives have them around their houses?

I assume you have a source or is this just your speculation? do know the majority of illegals and ******* and etc all come through border entry points...…..and as for the Dems using them for cheap labor....wrong and crop owners and usually biz people use them for the cheap about how many just got arrested a few months ago in Fl. all working for a good sized biz....the right wants to do nothing about them because they know that biz needs them!

and as for your wall around houses......there is an old saying on that...… a lock stops the curious...NOTHING stops a thief!

Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air
Sep 02, 2015 · "Almost 40 percent of all (undocumented) immigrants come by plane and they overstay their visas." — Jorge Ramos on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 in an interview on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News

Most immigrants who enter the country do so legally ...
May 24, 2019 · The latest federal data, compiled by President Trump's own Department of Homeland Security, indicates that most immigrants who enter the country do

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. | Pew ...
    1. There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2016, representing 3.3% of the …
    2. The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants declined since 2007, but the total from other …
    3. The U.S. civilian workforce includes 7.8 million unauthorized immigrants, representing a decline …
    4. Six states account for 58% of unauthorized immigrants: California, Texas, Florida, New York, New …
  • See all full list on
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Thank you for sharing cherry pick data from the progressive WaPo and 2016 data for the Pew story. But your data does not counter the request from the US Customs and Boarder Agent Union, the actual US experts on border control. Oh and their hard data saying walls equal less crossings.

Also your data is bad on attempts. Last month and YTD all time high apprehensions by Border Control, per the US order Control, who say they catch 1 in 3 without walls.

Also, isn’t WaPo owned by extreme leftist progressive Jeff Bezos? Also, weren’t they exposed for taking money to publish stories for progressive causes as legit news stories?
Homeland Security raids a Florida business and arrests 28 ...
The Department of Homeland Security detained and administratively arrested 28 illegal immigrants in Fort Pierce on Wednesday at a tent rental company, ... bus in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and ...

20 illegal aliens arrested at Memphis logistics company ...
Sep 05, 2018 · 20 immigrants arrested at Memphis logistics company indicted on federal charges Daniel ... 20 illegal aliens arrested at Memphis logistics company indicted on federal charges ... prosecutors announced criminal indictments Wednesday for document fraud against 20 alleged unauthorized immigrants arrested at a Memphis logistics company last month.
Thank you for sharing cherry pick data from the progressive WaPo and 2016 data for the Pew story. But your data does not counter the request from the US Customs and Boarder Agent Union, the actual US experts on border control. Oh and their hard data saying walls equal less crossings.

Also your data is bad on attempts. Last month and YTD all time high apprehensions by Border Control, per the US order Control, who say they catch 1 in 3 without walls.

Also, isn’t WaPo owned by extreme leftist progressive Jeff Bezos? Also, weren’t they exposed for taking money to publish stories for progressive causes as legit news stories?
Correction the data is from the US Border control, not order control.
Thank you for sharing cherry pick data from the progressive WaPo and 2016 data for the Pew story. But your data does not counter the request from the US Customs and Boarder Agent Union, the actual US experts on border control. Oh and their hard data saying walls equal less crossings.

Also your data is bad on attempts. Last month and YTD all time high apprehensions by Border Control, per the US order Control, who say they catch 1 in 3 without walls.

Also, isn’t WaPo owned by extreme leftist progressive Jeff Bezos? Also, weren’t they exposed for taking money to publish stories for progressive causes as legit news stories?

again...a link?
Homeland Security raids a Florida business and arrests 28 ...
The Department of Homeland Security detained and administratively arrested 28 illegal immigrants in Fort Pierce on Wednesday at a tent rental company, ... bus in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and ...

20 illegal aliens arrested at Memphis logistics company ...
Sep 05, 2018 · 20 immigrants arrested at Memphis logistics company indicted on federal charges Daniel ... 20 illegal aliens arrested at Memphis logistics company indicted on federal charges ... prosecutors announced criminal indictments Wednesday for document fraud against 20 alleged unauthorized immigrants arrested at a Memphis logistics company last month.
A recent study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), found that the United States remits approximately $150 billion to other countries each year. In stark contrast, the U.S. receives only $6.6 billion from other countries, leading to a total “remittance deficit” of nearly $145 billion annually.

Illegal immigrants do not qualify for Obamacare but under federal law, hospitals and clinics are required to provide urgent medical care without regard to legal status. Pregnant women are entitled to prenatal and postpartum care under the Women, Infants and Children program. ******* delivery costs are paid for by Medicaid. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a federal-state immigrant insurance program cost $2 billion a year in emergency treatment, not including the $1.24 billion in ******* delivery expenses.

GAO found that: (1) illegal aliens in the United States generate more in costs than revenues to federal, state, and local governments combined; (2) estimates of the national net cost of illegal aliens vary greatly, ranging from $2 billion to $19 billion.
and according to most "screeners" ******* come into the us through a body orfice
Now you are just being trite and extremely banal. The vast majority of ******* come through in cargo avenues like false bottom Tracker Trailers. Often with humans. On one hand, Criminal Alien crossings are about Human trafficking, slavey, baby sexual exploitation and female *******/ sexual exploitation. Why don’t you want to protect women and children by stopping illegal crossings? You monster.

On the other, and not at all mutual exclusive, progressive demographic re-engineering of the US electorate for cheap labor and more il informed socialist leaning easy manipulated progressive ideologues. And in the case of Bill C. Hillary and their friends to go to ******* island for sexual exploitation and juvenile *******.
again...a link?

And then there is this inconvenient truth for your argument.

The fact is most of you oppose the wall because your thought masters tell you to.
A Recent study by Grab...a group set up to get illegal aliens has found that some are not even from planet earth...but were seen by navy pilots......the rest came in through Fl and calif...but all had cards from trump resorts....some were seen Gathering Radishes And Beans for farmers....the farmer was warned and told to stop hiring them

and as for *******......the next time someone hands you some "coke" and tells you to eat *******...they are being sincere and factual!
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And then there is this inconvenient truth for your argument.

The fact is most of you oppose the wall because your thought masters tell you to.

wrong the funding?...let the dog sniffers and high tech equipment just go to hell.....we have a wall....don't suppose you have ever heard of a ladder.....and something a lot more common now...a tunnel

And then there is this inconvenient truth for your argument.

The fact is most of you oppose the wall because your thought masters tell you to.

your support for trump is admirable......but like most trumpies has no foresight
wrong the funding?...let the dog sniffers and high tech equipment just go to hell.....we have a wall....don't suppose you have ever heard of a ladder.....and something a lot more common now...a tunnel
wrong the funding?...let the dog sniffers and high tech equipment just go to hell.....we have a wall....don't suppose you have ever heard of a ladder.....and something a lot more common now...a tunnel
So cute. Once counter you go straight to attempts at juvenile and snarky comments. You should read the actual budget from Trump and what he requested. I believe he asked for agents, border wall, and high tech Items. You know the same stuff Dems asked for up until Trump asked for it.
your support for trump is admirable......but like most trumpies has no foresight
And again, you got called on your weak argument and now your Hypocricy , TDS and ‘Orange Man Bad’ myopathy is showing.

The Border Control Agents are saying walls, especial the Metal slat fences, are needed and this cut right through your argument so you tact to condescending obfuscation.