Mueller looking at NRA now

Can anyone tell me what this piece of crap President said?

got a bad hand with all these horrible trade deals. NAFTA is a disaster. Canada. You know Canada, nice guy, nice guy. Prime minister. Justin. I said, ‘Justin, what’s your problem, Justin?’ (Laughter) So, Canada. O Canada. I love their national anthem. O Canada. I like ours better, however. (Huge Cheers)So. No, Canada’s great, I love Canada. We had a wonderful understanding, you know that story. We hugged. We kissed. Everybody was happy. I made some changes in this ridiculous thing that everyone agreed to sign. I left, everybody was happy. I get on to Air ******* One – he doesn’t understand that Air ******* One has 22 televisions. They have televisions in closets, they have televisions in areas that no place have them. Unlimited budget, Air ******* One, uh? (Cheers) So I get on the plane and I see Justin Trudeau … saying ‘Canada will not be bullied by the United States. I say, ‘What are we doing here?’ The fact is that Canada has a 275% tariff on dairy products, a little thing called dairy products. (Boos). Their lumber is a disaster. With us, I say, ‘Why aren’t we using our own lumber?’ Because now we’re actually allowed to take lumber from our fields and regrow it under our environmental system. In the old days you couldn’t do that. We had to go to other countries. So, lumber is a disaster. Energy is a disaster. And I see Justin saying: ‘We fought World War One together. We fought World War Two together.’ That’s true. We love Canada. But Canada’s charging almost 300% on tariffs on dairy products and many other things. It’s all working out great. It’s allllll working out great. And I said, ‘Look, if you want to do that, we’re going to put a little tariff on your cars.’ You know cars are the biggee. Cars are the biggee. (Extended rant about European Union trade barriers on U.S. automobiles) I want to be able to sell cars in there just as they sell cars in here. It’s all going to work out. It’s all going to work out. The fact is, we were given somewhat of a bad hand because we came in with all these problems. But I’m loving what we’re doing. You people are loving what we’re doing. (Huge Cheers).
Looks like I’m calling myself out as a liar. Didn’t realize there were 10 investigations about the 2012 Benghazi attack. I would want to read each one (1 by the FBI, 1 by the State Department, 2 by the Senate, and 6 by the House) in full but like most Americans I’m not going to bother and trust in the results of them.
Let it be known your 3000 claim is bullshit. Hillary had about 30,000 of her emails deleted claiming they were personal. She said so herself....see below. Her people then used BleachBit to wipe the hard drives to make sure no one could ever recover those deleted emails....You know because everyone uses BleachBit to make sure nobody ever can read about their yoga schedule....right!!!!

The link you provided to the particular section of the FBI report doesn't address how many emails Hillary deleted under the claim of them being least as far as can be seen. The report is heavily redacted for release because of the highly classified information Hillary had stored on the personal server in her house.

If you had instead linked to part 4 of the FBI report (link below), and jumped to pages 39/40, you'd see where the FBI said Hillary's server had around 60,000 emails on it, of which she only turned over 30,490 claiming the rest were personal...(and had to be destroyed via BleachBit to make sure nobody could ever read about her yoga)

Page 40 of part 4 also states that Hillary had attorneys which lacked any security clearance reading her emails which contained classified information up to the Top Secret compartmentalized special access level.

Any one of us who handled highly classified data with such gross negligence would be in the slammer for 10 years:

18 U.S.C. § 793(f)

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Hillary's own words: "In going through the e-mails, there were over 60,000 in total, sent and received. About half were work-related and went to the State Department and about half were personal that were not in any way related to my work. "

From CBS:

The Clinton email probe centered around Clinton's use of a private email server to conduct business while she was secretary of state. The investigation looked into whether those emails were classified, as well as Clinton's deletion of roughly 30,000 emails

So me agreeing that 3000 emails were considered classified is “bullshit”? I agree that the report is heavily redacted to protect the security of our nation but disagree that the 30,000 emails deleted were classified. Sensitive maybe, but not classified.

I think we are all in agreeance that due to the nature of the investigation the attorneys that she chose should have been properly screened, SSBI, and signed that NDA.

I have to disagree with you, those in the military have the potential of being fined, incarcerated, and still have to face a UCMJ. Or at least that’s what we are told every year.
So me agreeing that 3000 emails were considered classified is “bullshit”? I agree that the report is heavily redacted to protect the security of our nation but disagree that the 30,000 emails deleted were classified. Sensitive maybe, but not classified.
You didn't claim 3000 emails were classified, nor did anyone claim the 30000 emails were classified. You replied to Ryango when he said 30000 emails were deleted:
and if i deleted just one email when told by the law not to let alone 30000+ id be in jail
You then said it was 3000, not 30000:
Just wanted to let it be known that it was about 3000 not 30000+
I have to disagree with you, those in the military have the potential of being fined, incarcerated, and still have to face a UCMJ. Or at least that’s what we are told every year.
What exactly are you disagreeing with? Military fine/incarceration/justice is irrelevant as Hillary wasn't in the military. She was entrusted with highly classified information and is subject to fine and imprisonment for her handling of such under 18 U.S.C. § 793(f)
You didn't claim 3000 emails were classified, nor did anyone claim the 30000 emails were classified. You replied to Ryango when he said 30000 emails were deleted:

You then said it was 3000, not 30000:

What exactly are you disagreeing with? Military fine/incarceration/justice is irrelevant as Hillary wasn't in the military. She was entrusted with highly classified information and is subject to fine and imprisonment for her handling of such under 18 U.S.C. § 793(f)

Well I could definitely admit that I was wrong since I thought he was implying that the 30,000+ emails were classified. When reading the outcome of the unclassified investigation they determined that 3000 emails were classified.

What I’m trying to say is that there is a difference in how military and civilians are handled when mishandling classified information. The reference is to the “any one of us” as long as you consider the members of our military are one of us. So, I’m disagreeing that everyone will be incarcerated for 10 years. If a member of the military were to do the same thing then they would face the UCMJ then once processed out still have the potential of being charged the federal courts.
Well I could definitely admit that I was wrong since I thought he was implying that the 30,000+ emails were classified. When reading the outcome of the unclassified investigation they determined that 3000 emails were classified.

What I’m trying to say is that there is a difference in how military and civilians are handled when mishandling classified information. The reference is to the “any one of us” as long as you consider the members of our military are one of us. So, I’m disagreeing that everyone will be incarcerated for 10 years. If a member of the military were to do the same thing then they would face the UCMJ then once processed out still have the potential of being charged the federal courts.
MO you can’t reason with Trump supporters. They’re not all there
Benghazi investigation stretched 4 years = zero indictments

Hillary’s emails stretched 2 years = zero indictments

Mueller investigation 18 months = 34 indictments.

Cohen jailed , named Trump as a co conspirator
But Hillary’s emails... wahhhhh
Military fine/incarceration/justice is irrelevant as Hillary wasn't in the military. She was entrusted with highly classified information and is subject to fine and imprisonment for her handling of such under 18 U.S.C. § 793(f)
So you don't see a problem in Trump actually sharing highly classified information with Russians, huh? Trump's are FACT, he admitted to them. Even gave the location of our SEAL teams. No telling what Trump has shared with MrPutin behind his closed door meetings. Even his own cabinet doesnt' know. Hillary's e-mails weren't intentionally (if at all) given to adversarial countries.
So, I got a great idea for you, H-H ... why don't YOU go and originate your own thread on some political topic and people can contribute YOUR thread? Sound good? It would be a bit different than your usual of just waiting on a forum contributor to misquote so you can put your vile smell of knowledge and sarcasm to it.
Oh, and I almost forgot something ....

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Well I could definitely admit that I was wrong since I thought he was implying that the 30,000+ emails were classified. When reading the outcome of the unclassified investigation they determined that 3000 emails were classified.
Mo ... listen up, Hoping Hubby is a very lonely, old married man in a failing business. Spends his time reading a well written paragraph then being a jerk commenting that a coma is in the wrong place or a word misspelled.
Give him the finger and move on ... doesn't matter what is said, he will insist on the last word to anything you say to him because he has NOTHING to do. Don't honor him with a response. Mac
So you don't see a problem in Trump actually sharing highly classified information with Russians, huh?
This is your usual strawman argument bullshit. I made no such statement about Trump sharing classified information. Neither you nor I actually know what Trump shared. You imagine and argue like he gave them the keys to the kingdom, but there is no public proof of what details he actually provided. The report that initiated this claim cited unnamed sources of course. The only people other than Trump who were actually in the meeting and have spoken about it on the record are Tillerson, Powell and McMaster who all said the report was false. But of course the useful idiots can always be kept stirred up by anonymous sources reporting the sky is falling.

We've also been over this umpteen times but you continue to not grok the fact that as president he is THE authority on what is or is not classified and who can have access too it. Every single other person who has access to classified information has that as a delegation of authority from the President.
Hillary's e-mails weren't intentionally (if at all) given to adversarial countries.
Not that we know of...but she did intentionally place thousands of emails with classified information in them on a insecure personal computer in her house. The FBI said there were clearly attempts to hack that server and they could not prove they were not successful. The FBI also stated she provided classified emails including Top Secret Special Access information to people without any security clearance in order to review them for the subpoena.
So, I got a great idea for you, H-H ... why don't YOU go and originate your own thread on some political topic and people can contribute YOUR thread? Sound good? It would be a bit different than your usual of just waiting on a forum contributor to misquote so you can put your vile smell of knowledge and sarcasm to it.
So I got a great idea. Why don't you stop trying to tell me what to do. As I've told you before I couldn't care less about your orders. You're currently number 6.02E23 on my don't give a fuck what you wish list. So don't waste your breath Amedeo.
Mo ... listen up, Hoping Hubby is a very lonely, old married man in a failing business.
Again with the childish claims about my marriage and business of which you have zero knowledge...really??? How sad
or a word misspelled
I generally comment on substantive issues and provide actual facts which prove the was the case with the email exchange with Mo that you jumped into.

I will admit to at least one case of hammering you on a misspelled word. The time you tried to insult Trump supporters saying they were "less intelligent than an omeba"...while showing you can't spell amoeba.....that was PRICELESS!!!
Anyone who still idolizes and supports Trump at this point is a complete FOOL or less intelligent than an omeba.
Okay, now this discussion is going somewhere. The United States and all of its agencies use Executive Order 13526 lays out the way of classification, declassification, and handling of national security information. The president is not the sole authority to classify information for example Vice President and a couple others can. Not going to lie, I thought that our president was going to publish an Executive Order to supersede the current one to take necessary measures to prevent another security incident from occurring like we saw with Snowden and Hilary.

I think we would have to request a FOIA in a couple of years because right now the report is “sanitized” to UNCLASS. As more classified information becomes unclassified I think we will see something a little bit different.
Okay, now this discussion is going somewhere. The United States and all of its agencies use Executive Order 13526 lays out the way of classification, declassification, and handling of national security information. The president is not the sole authority to classify information for example Vice President and a couple others can. Not going to lie, I thought that our president was going to publish an Executive Order to supersede the current one to take necessary measures to prevent another security incident from occurring like we saw with Snowden and Hilary.
As I stated before, the President is THE ultimate authority on what is classified and who can have access to it. Hundreds of government officials have original classification authority because they have been delegated that authority down from the President or someone the President has authorized to further delegate original classification authority. The Executive Order you cite is the current delegation of authority document. Many Presidents have issued new Executive Orders slightly redefining the delegation of original classification authority. GW did, Bubba BlowJobs From Interns did, Reagan did, etc. Of recent Presidents, only GHW and Trump have not.

As the President, Trump's authority "trumps" all of those officials he has delegated classification authority down to. So if he decides a piece of information is or is not classified at a given level or if he decides a given person should or should not have access to a piece of classified information, then that is the case and any subordinate's previous decision is overruled.

It is pertinent to the topic that Hillary as an Agency Head had original classification authority delegated to her and therefore would have received annual training on appropriate classification of information. She has no excuse for allowing such highly classified documents to be stored on her home server.
Neither you nor I actually know what Trump shared.
Why does it not surprise me ....

Of course we DON'T KNOW what he shared with Russia behind closed doors the three times when only Russian interpreters there. His own staff has no idea what he shared with them. And this is a man who averages 7 lies a day, has over 3,000 lawsuits, cheated on three wives, lied to his voter base, lied to America about his superb Trump Healthcare Plan, lied about revealing his tax returns, lied about wanting to meet with Mueller, lied about Obama's birthright for how many years? ...2420450

Not that we know of ... she did intentionally place thousands of emails with classified information in them on a insecure personal computer in her house. The FBI said there were clearly attempts to hack that server and they could not prove they were not successful. The FBI also stated she provided classified emails including Top Secret Special Access information to people without any security clearance in order to review them for the subpoena.
Thank you for confirming my statement. That's RIGHT, we don't know. 2420448
But then again, that's ALL you liberal haters GOT, isn't it? If you didn't have Hillary Clinton to go to ... what would you idiots talk about, I wonder?
How many of his staff use personal computers to do their work?
You know what, you deserve another INSULT ....

I don’t think conservatives or centrists hate liberals at all - you just amuse us with YOUR hate - anger - insults - and of course name calling - not to even mention your blind faith in the totally left leaning and completely biased Main Street Media :}
Thanks Mac for posting the Hill article which showed exactly what I said. Unproven press claims of Trump revealing classified information to Russia based solely on anonymous sources while the only person they name other than Trump who actually was there and publicly commented says it is bullshit. (of course that's buried well down in the article past where most useful idiots will read)...guessing you missed that part...

The Seal team report has also been widely debunked as overblown bullshit. Jesus H Christ, the press pool report went so far as to not just have pictures but actually name Seal team members and the French press showed similar pictures of the seals.

But I'm sure your rose colored Obummer glasses do a fine job of filtering out the fact your links are biased bullshit.

Why does it not surprise me....oh yeah, because we've seen your inability to see through your blind hatred time and when you frantically posted claiming Trump was "handing $110 billion of tax payer money, in an arms deal, with the Arabs." when the article clearly said just the opposite.....Trump had sealed a deal where the Arabs were going to buy $110 billion in US arms.

Wait....Russia! Russia! Russia!

As for Hillary, sure we don't know that Russia managed to hack her homebrew mail server, but we certainly do know she was in gross violation of federal law regarding her handling of classified information for which most people would spend 10 years in the slammer. Nice job trying to deflect away from that!
Nice job trying to deflect away from that!
Trump, himself, admitted to giving the classified material to the Russians. That's not hearsay!
And did I say anything about a Seal Team on a covert operation? Nooooooooooooo!
Wait, I found your problem ....
As far as trying to deflect away from Hillary ... now why would I care, NOW about Hillary? She's not even in politics anymore. Even though she beat the cheating, commie President Bozo the Clown by 3 million or so votes ... you RETHUGLICANS are the ones that NEED Hillary Clinton!
....... Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi !
I hear that Republicans have a NEW mascot ... 2420725
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Thought I’d share this Mac

When you believe one man above Science, above our Intelligence agencies, above former CIA directors and retired generals and revered journalists—when you believe that one man above even your own eyes and ears—you are fully indoctrinated.

This hasn’t happened by accident, but by sickening design. Cult leaders prey upon emotionally vulnerable people, leveraging their loneliness, their disenfranchisement, their disconnection. They bombard their targets with a steady stream of misinformation, incendiary rhetoric, and chaotic prophecy—and into the swirling confusion created inside their heads, they come promising safety and security, while having no concern for them at all. They start a fire—and rush in with a bucket of water.
I don’t think conservatives or centrists hate liberals at all - you just amuse us with YOUR hate - anger - insults - and of course name calling - not to even mention your blind faith in the totally left leaning and completely biased Main Street Media :}

Who is talking about left leaning media?
Fox News are laying into trump estimating his stupid wall cost five times!
Where is your promised better health care?
What about the most staff turnover or criminal indictments of any administration?
Not saying trump is a racist But the racists love him?
Most of the people who work with him says he is deranged! Lol
What about the fact that he is genuinely incoherent?
What about the continuation of lies. This asshole lies about things that shouldn’t matter.
Or do you just love that he hates a race that make you feel superior?
Or perhaps his extent of knowledge parallels yours so you like that
Who is talking about left leaning media?
Fox News are laying into trump estimating his stupid wall cost five times!
Where is your promised better health care?
What about the most staff turnover or criminal indictments of any administration?
Not saying trump is a racist But the racists love him?
Most of the people who work with him says he is deranged! Lol
What about the fact that he is genuinely incoherent?
What about the continuation of lies. This asshole lies about things that shouldn’t matter.
Or do you just love that he hates a race that make you feel superior?
Or perhaps his extent of knowledge parallels yours so you like that

Ah we got to the racist element fairly quickly.
You’re entitled to your opinions - not saying that you are not - I just don’t happen to share them. There was a time - not too long ago when people supported the president and hoped for his success - but the left right from the start has tried to pull this one down with the eager help of the biased media. Obama weaponized most of the Federal government while in office - most obviously the IRS but also the FBI - DOJ - and other agencies. If you want to believe all the shite being flung - be my guest - I’ll wait to see what shakes out. It is clear however, to anyone that wants to see it, that the FBI was totally corrupted and biased in it’s investigation of Hillary and then used the team that let her off the hook to go after Trump. It just amazes me how angry and hateful supporters of the left have become and blind to what they do not want to see.
And did I say anything about a Seal Team on a covert operation? Nooooooooooooo!
And did I say anything about a Seal Team on a covert operation? Nooooooooooooo!

The articles I linked to talked about covert operation since that was part of the original "anonymous sources" liberal media hit piece, but I didn't mention that since your Hill article didn't either. The links I provided also talk about facts like the pool press revealing Seal team names and posting the same kind of photos Trump did. Which is what I commented on. They also point out that the DOD routinely publishes unredacted photos of SOF members. But you'd have to have the intellect to read past the headline to have caught that.

Of course as usual you fall back on piss poor attempts at strawman arguments since you can't argue the facts of what I said.
As far as trying to deflect away from Hillary
I didn't say you deflected away from Hillary. You didn't. You deflected away from the federal laws we KNOW she violated to "well we don't know that anyone actually hacked her email" Nice try..hmmm compounding of logical're bringing this to a whole new level.