Mueller looking at NRA now

well there trumptard…...again..look at the title of this thread...….and look at the date it was much for you?
and did Mueller fail...I think not!
and the NRA is still under investigation!...maybe not by mueller...but by others....a lot of money gone...and funneled to candidates and etc

mow apparently you are to fucking stupid to pay attention...there is a thread on the wall go there...while you are at it go to hell!...I'm done with you on this thread!
Libtard Ideologue maybe you should look at your posts under this thread title. I was responding to you and your posts about the wall. Opps, Subhub face meet egg.

Yes Mueller utterly failed to prove collusion, obstruction and that the NRA was part of it. If he had, there would’ve been prosecution action immediately by Nan and her commie dem party.

NPC Libtard reporter: Mr. Mueller can you prove these crimes or any crimes by Bad Orange Man?
Mueller: No, but I can’t disprove anything also (wink wink House Dems.)
Sane Americans: So Dems and Mueller just wasted time and Money, again
NPC Libtard like You: Mueller is a Russian Spy, Barr has been corrupted by Bad Orange Man! Ahhhhh Russia!
Dems: No,no Mueller tried he is one of us- Orange Man is just so corrupt. We see crimes and we will grand stand for the media and to fool you. We’ll repeat lies from a made up Clinton Fusion GPS dossier until you give us money and vote us back in so we can speed up the bankruptcy of your *******. And don’t mention our actual crimes and collusion with Ahhh Russia.

I wouldn’t get your NRA revenge hopes up. Only the joke Vox and hard left publications with “unidentifed sourced say” are reporting anything about Mueller and NRA.

So, Wait a legal and registered 147 year old lobbying group, found on a corner stone of ensuring Black Gun rights, was giving money to elected officials. That’s your huge NRA crime? Funneling money to politicians? That is literally the definition of a lobbing group. Damn you NRA! Damn you for doing what you are legally registered to do under the law.

Your TDS fueled libtard delusions strike again.
Actually the us Boarder and Custom agents say the walls work. So do the arrest reports of where walls have been built. Also, if walls don’t work why do rich progressives have them around their houses? And to correct the record the request for the border wall included the budget request for more agents and high tech means of security on the boarder.

However, neither party wanted or wants a wall, hence why Trump can’t get a wall. The owners of the Dems, big business/ Wall Street, and the Dems need cheap labor via criminal aliens and il informed voters to have a chance of staying in power. The Fed Republicans need a red flag to wave and also need to keep big Ag stocked with cheap labor. Oh, don’t forget the il informed libs need cheaper organics at Whole Food so they can fake social climate superiority over their “friends” at lib social whine, oops mean wine parties.

Note, both parties have been fixing or working on a comprehensive boarder Security bills since the 80s. And fixing Social Security since the 30s.

Actually they dont say they work. Walls around a house are different than a wall covering hundreds of miles. To say they work is dishonest. So your example has no relevence.
Libtard Ideologue maybe you should look at your posts under this thread title. I was responding to you and your posts about the wall. Opps, Subhub face meet egg.

Yes Mueller utterly failed to prove collusion, obstruction and that the NRA was part of it. If he had, there would’ve been prosecution action immediately by Nan and her commie dem party.

NPC Libtard reporter: Mr. Mueller can you prove these crimes or any crimes by Bad Orange Man?
Mueller: No, but I can’t disprove anything also (wink wink House Dems.)
Sane Americans: So Dems and Mueller just wasted time and Money, again
NPC Libtard like You: Mueller is a Russian Spy, Barr has been corrupted by Bad Orange Man! Ahhhhh Russia!
Dems: No,no Mueller tried he is one of us- Orange Man is just so corrupt. We see crimes and we will grand stand for the media and to fool you. We’ll repeat lies from a made up Clinton Fusion GPS dossier until you give us money and vote us back in so we can speed up the bankruptcy of your *******. And don’t mention our actual crimes and collusion with Ahhh Russia.

I wouldn’t get your NRA revenge hopes up. Only the joke Vox and hard left publications with “unidentifed sourced say” are reporting anything about Mueller and NRA.

So, Wait a legal and registered 147 year old lobbying group, found on a corner stone of ensuring Black Gun rights, was giving money to elected officials. That’s your huge NRA crime? Funneling money to politicians? That is literally the definition of a lobbing group. Damn you NRA! Damn you for doing what you are legally registered to do under the law.

Your TDS fueled libtard delusions strike again.

Roflmao... Listen too you deluded remarks...Typical biased and error shrewn thoughts...
Actually they dont say they work. Walls around a house are different than a wall covering hundreds of miles. To say they work is dishonest. So your example has no relevence.
No, they are not different. The Border Control say they do work, specifically metal slat fence that are used in areas now do work, period. Before and after apprehension rates in those fenced areas have and continue to prove it. Beto even admitted they work on National TV and then, in typical progressive fashion, said they should be torn down because they work so well.

Funny how for decades Dems asked for the same things Trump did and now it is wrongheaded. So you are now saying the Dems aka progressives have been wrong for decades?
Roflmao... Listen too you deluded remarks...Typical biased and error shrewn thoughts...
Which part is deluded? The part about no indictment of the NRA or Trump, not even a recommendation for one in writing by Mueller. Or that the NRA is a lobbing group.
Beto even admitted they work on National TV and then, in typical progressive fashion, said they should be torn down because they work so well.

Funny how for decades Dems asked for the same things Trump did and now it is wrongheaded. So you are now saying the Dems aka progressives have been wrong for decades?

No, they are not different.

Yes they are. For one walls around a home are a SMALL deterent. They are designed to make entry difficult and are NOT impossible to scale or bypass. Add in the cost is minimal when compared to the so called US wall. The normal household walls are backed up with further security measures. Why.BECAUSE THEY CAN BE BYPASSED. Just like the Border wall.

The so called wall from trump is pushed by reprats as a invincible barrier that cannot be penetrated by anyone. That will stop all attempts at illegal entry into the US.

The Border Control say they do work, specifically metal slat fence that are used in areas now do work, period. Before and after apprehension rates in those fenced areas have and continue to prove it.

Sorry but you're talking out your colon. Hubby deals with DHS and Border control for his work. Meets them regular at symposiums conferencies and is in regular touch with many of the US LEA's. Not only for the European sphere but for the America's. And the Border and DHS say they DO NOT WORK AS INTENDED PERIOD!!!.

Also you are confusing apprehension rates with the upgraded surveillence and detection system that were installed as an update to the system. It is THOSE systems which are responsible for the higher detection and detention rates while the actual so called wall accounts for a small amount of detentions.

Or are you now saying the US is lying when they give conferencies and symposiums in which they tell all the international community that the walls are the real reason as to why there are so many tunnels into the US? Or that the real reason is not the upgraded surveillence and detection systems but a few miles of wall or fence where the illegals are simply tunneling under that is responsible for the detention of 'illegals and smugglers'?

apprehension rates in those fenced areas have and continue to prove it.

OK So either Trump is lying or the figures are lying as Trump has repeatidly stated that since he took office apprehension rates are down. So which is it?

Something I find funny is you do love to leave important parts of the information out when commenting. A prime example for the rise in apprehensions isn't to do soley with the wall at all. But the apprehensions being driven up by changes in migrant behavior, as a larger proportion of people who cross the border are giving themselves up to authorities to claim asylum in the United States. Also Northward migration over the past two years has been driven by a number of factors, including violence and economic instability in the Northern Triangle of Central America, composed of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Yet the wall fails to stem the tide.. Wall not working as proven PERIOD!!!!!!


Above is an example of 2 tunnel rats emerging from a tunnel UNDER the so called border wall. The wall has been bypased, hence making the wall TOTALY ineffective as a means of denial or deterent. In 2019 alone some 400 illegals have used tunnels to gain access into the US. So no walls do not work. To say otherwise is a lie as it is false.false.

A border wall is a powerful symbol of exclusion: “We” are going to keep “them” out. And, by doing so, “we” are going to protect our people, our way of life, our society and economy from the threat that “they” represent. It’s a concept that is elegant in its simplicity. It’s the concept that launched the presidential campaign of Donald Trump when he gave a speech lauding the “beautiful southern border wall” he was going to build once in office—thereby stopping *******, terrorists, and undocumented immigrants from entering the country from Mexico. But this is a fantasy.
In the real world, walls don’t actually guarantee “security” in any sense of the word. It is telling that an October 14 New York Times story on the prospect of a U.S.-Mexico border wall found that “the closer you get to the border, the fewer people think that it might work—even among Trump supporters and law enforcement officials.”

The United States is not the only country to embrace the notion of “the wall.” According to a report released on October 5 by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), border walls have become all the rage. There weren’t even five on the planet at the end of World War II; a figure which had risen only to 15 when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 before jumping to nearly 70 today.

However, these walls do not live up to the hype. Even the storied Great Wall of China was not actually a single wall built at a single point in time, nor did it “work” in terms of keeping out the Mongols. Today, border walls are being built to stop people in poor countries from migrating without permission to wealthier countries. They are built to prevent refugees from Syria and Iraq from reaching Europe. And they are built to keep out ISIS terrorists.

Border walls are not particularly effective in doing any of this. In fact, if the U.S. experiment with a Mexican border wall is any indication, the Hungarians and the British may be disappointed. The New York Times story notes that in Nogales—where fencing was built at a cost of $4 million per mile and supplemented with cameras, vibration sensors, drones, and Blackhawk helicopters—******* traffickers and undocumented immigrants still make it through.

MPI points to three main reasons for the relative ineffectiveness of border walls.
  1. Undocumented immigrants and smugglers simply go around the most heavily guarded sections of border wall to those that are not well guarded. The obvious solution would seem to be heavily guarding a wall that covers the full length of the border, but this is easier said than done. Building and guarding a wall along all 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border—which includes deserts, mountains, and canyons—would be a monumental undertaking.
  2. As smugglers have demonstrated repeatedly, contraband goods or undocumented immigrants can be smuggled through ports of entry (hidden in vehicles) or under parts of the wall (through tunnels).
  3. Walls have no bearing on the sizable share of immigrants who come to the United States on valid visas and then over-stay when those visas expire.
Walls may be symbolically imposing, but they don’t get to the root of the problem. A wall doesn’t put a stop to the gang warfare and extrajudicial killings that drive Central American refugees to the United States. Nor does a wall correct for the global inequalities and differences in opportunity which motivate a migrant from Mexico to search for available jobs in the United States that cannot be reached under exiting legal limits on immigration. Walls make a political statement, but they don’t actually solve anything.

Far more effective than walls are targeted enforcement efforts and rational immigration policies. If smugglers are evading border controls, then focus on disrupting the smuggling organizations rather than detaining the undocumented immigrants they exploit. If labor demand in some sector of the economy exceeds the limits on visas for that sort of labor, then raise the limits. The demand for unauthorized labor would largely evaporate. Measures such as these yield tangible results and get to the heart of the matter in ways than walls cannot.
Photo by Wonderlane.

Immigration Impact is a project of the American Immigration Council.

Walls have NEVER worked at any time in history. From Babylonian times, to Berlin Israel, e.c.t e.c.t to the walls of today No wall has ever been successful. EVER! They've NEVER worked. NEVER have worked .

Beto on tv means nothing in context to the walls and how they work. Beto NEVER said they worked. He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border. And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk. Also, he suggested to people that they get in line at a port of entry and not try to break the law by entering illegally.

Funny how for decades Dems asked for the same things Trump did and now it is wrongheaded. So you are now saying the Dems aka progressives have been wrong for decades?

It doesn't matter which party you are from. WALLS DO NOT WORK,Thats a historical fact, a complete fact and always will be even in todays world.

So you reprats are wrong as the dems are when they suggested it. The quicker you two realise this fact the better everyone will be.
Beto even admitted they work on National TV and then, in typical progressive fashion, said they should be torn down because they work so well.

Funny how for decades Dems asked for the same things Trump did and now it is wrongheaded. So you are now saying the Dems aka progressives have been wrong for decades?


Yes they are. For one walls around a home are a SMALL deterent. They are designed to make entry difficult and are NOT impossible to scale or bypass. Add in the cost is minimal when compared to the so called US wall. The normal household walls are backed up with further security measures. Why.BECAUSE THEY CAN BE BYPASSED. Just like the Border wall.

The so called wall from trump is pushed by reprats as a invincible barrier that cannot be penetrated by anyone. That will stop all attempts at illegal entry into the US.

Sorry but you're talking out your colon. Hubby deals with DHS and Border control for his work. Meets them regular at symposiums conferencies and is in regular touch with many of the US LEA's. Not only for the European sphere but for the America's. And the Border and DHS say they DO NOT WORK AS INTENDED PERIOD!!!.

Also you are confusing apprehension rates with the upgraded surveillence and detection system that were installed as an update to the system. It is THOSE systems which are responsible for the higher detection and detention rates while the actual so called wall accounts for a small amount of detentions.

Or are you now saying the US is lying when they give conferencies and symposiums in which they tell all the international community that the walls are the real reason as to why there are so many tunnels into the US? Or that the real reason is not the upgraded surveillence and detection systems but a few miles of wall or fence where the illegals are simply tunneling under that is responsible for the detention of 'illegals and smugglers'?

OK So either Trump is lying or the figures are lying as Trump has repeatidly stated that since he took office apprehension rates are down. So which is it?

Something I find funny is you do love to leave important parts of the information out when commenting. A prime example for the rise in apprehensions isn't to do soley with the wall at all. But the apprehensions being driven up by changes in migrant behavior, as a larger proportion of people who cross the border are giving themselves up to authorities to claim asylum in the United States. Also Northward migration over the past two years has been driven by a number of factors, including violence and economic instability in the Northern Triangle of Central America, composed of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Yet the wall fails to stem the tide.. Wall not working as proven PERIOD!!!!!!

View attachment 2636287

Above is an example of 2 tunnel rats emerging from a tunnel UNDER the so called border wall. The wall has been bypased, hence making the wall TOTALY ineffective as a means of denial or deterent. In 2019 alone some 400 illegals have used tunnels to gain access into the US. So no walls do not work. To say otherwise is a lie as it is false.false.

Walls have NEVER worked at any time in history. From Babylonian times, to Berlin Israel, e.c.t e.c.t to the walls of today No wall has ever been successful. EVER! They've NEVER worked. NEVER have worked .

Beto on tv means nothing in context to the walls and how they work. Beto NEVER said they worked. He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border. And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk. Also, he suggested to people that they get in line at a port of entry and not try to break the law by entering illegally.

It doesn't matter which party you are from. WALLS DO NOT WORK,Thats a historical fact, a complete fact and always will be even in todays world.

So you reprats are wrong as the dems are when they suggested it. The quicker you two realise this fact the better everyone will be.

Counter Points

1- Only people saying, “trump is pushed by reprats as a invincible barrier” is you and your ilk. That is your attempt at a strawman.

2- The Trump requested budget wants increase Border Agents, technology detection tools and training along with a border wall. Another attempt by you to create a strawmen. Also, the wall is part political rhetoric and part action item. Mostly it is to have the dem/progressives, like you, to put yourself on record for supporting criminal illegal aliens over tax payers. And you walked right into it.

3- So you are arguing, that because some cartels and human traffickers spend months and $10,000s of dollars digging tunnels all fences are not effective. The Berlin wall cut escapes by 95%. Oh and your picture, you did notice the Tunnel Rats came up between 2 fences on camera. – Epic Fail by them and you.

4- I will trade the annual $9 billion to $12 billion criminal aliens cost US tax payers pay each year for $5 billion for Agents and Border Metal Slat Fences any day. I would rather cut aid and comfort but that would blow your minds.

5- I quote you, “It doesn't matter which party you are from. WALLS DO NOT WORK,Thats a historical fact, a complete fact and always will be even in todays world.” If that is true then what about the Great Wall of China? Every fort in history? Every Castle still standing today? Why do they build walls and fence around every Military Base, Fed Reserve, and Top Secret instillation? What is your standard for wall success 100%. If that is your standard I bet you are historical fact of being a complete failure. Nothing is a 100% Again every tool to stop the invasion.

6- Another strawman- exact quote from you-“OK So either Trump is lying or the figures are lying as Trump has repeatidly stated that since he took office apprehension rates are down. So which is it?” “Something I find funny is you do love to leave important parts of the information out when commenting. A prime example for the rise in apprehensions isn't to do solely with the wall at all. But the apprehensions being driven up by changes in migrant behavior, as a larger proportion of people who cross the border are giving themselves up to authorities to claim asylum in the United States.”

I said in specific areas where fences have gone up apprehensions have gone down in that specific area. Real simple logic, even for you and subhub, no fence annual apprehensions are x. Fence goes up and apprehension in that specific newly fenced area next year down by 95% to 98%- Your weak ass argument- "Oh it is the high tech surveillance and asylum (which has been around for years) not the brand new 20 foot fence in that specific area. You know fences don't work. Oh and so and so is an expert so there is my argument from authority." Fist Bump, ass kiss subhub, we rock."

7- Again I quote you, “For one walls around a home are a SMALL deterent. They are designed to make entry difficult and are NOT impossible to scale or bypass

So you do understand the basic concept of walls. So you are just arguing because you are an ideologue with TDS. If the Fencing deters 80% to 90% of criminal alien crossing that is well worth it in savings on aid and comfort cost to criminal aliens.
Beto even admitted they work on National TV and then, in typical progressive fashion, said they should be torn down because they work so well.

Funny how for decades Dems asked for the same things Trump did and now it is wrongheaded. So you are now saying the Dems aka progressives have been wrong for decades?


Yes they are. For one walls around a home are a SMALL deterent. They are designed to make entry difficult and are NOT impossible to scale or bypass. Add in the cost is minimal when compared to the so called US wall. The normal household walls are backed up with further security measures. Why.BECAUSE THEY CAN BE BYPASSED. Just like the Border wall.

The so called wall from trump is pushed by reprats as a invincible barrier that cannot be penetrated by anyone. That will stop all attempts at illegal entry into the US.

Sorry but you're talking out your colon. Hubby deals with DHS and Border control for his work. Meets them regular at symposiums conferencies and is in regular touch with many of the US LEA's. Not only for the European sphere but for the America's. And the Border and DHS say they DO NOT WORK AS INTENDED PERIOD!!!.

Also you are confusing apprehension rates with the upgraded surveillence and detection system that were installed as an update to the system. It is THOSE systems which are responsible for the higher detection and detention rates while the actual so called wall accounts for a small amount of detentions.

Or are you now saying the US is lying when they give conferencies and symposiums in which they tell all the international community that the walls are the real reason as to why there are so many tunnels into the US? Or that the real reason is not the upgraded surveillence and detection systems but a few miles of wall or fence where the illegals are simply tunneling under that is responsible for the detention of 'illegals and smugglers'?

OK So either Trump is lying or the figures are lying as Trump has repeatidly stated that since he took office apprehension rates are down. So which is it?

Something I find funny is you do love to leave important parts of the information out when commenting. A prime example for the rise in apprehensions isn't to do soley with the wall at all. But the apprehensions being driven up by changes in migrant behavior, as a larger proportion of people who cross the border are giving themselves up to authorities to claim asylum in the United States. Also Northward migration over the past two years has been driven by a number of factors, including violence and economic instability in the Northern Triangle of Central America, composed of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Yet the wall fails to stem the tide.. Wall not working as proven PERIOD!!!!!!

View attachment 2636287

Above is an example of 2 tunnel rats emerging from a tunnel UNDER the so called border wall. The wall has been bypased, hence making the wall TOTALY ineffective as a means of denial or deterent. In 2019 alone some 400 illegals have used tunnels to gain access into the US. So no walls do not work. To say otherwise is a lie as it is false.false.

Walls have NEVER worked at any time in history. From Babylonian times, to Berlin Israel, e.c.t e.c.t to the walls of today No wall has ever been successful. EVER! They've NEVER worked. NEVER have worked .

Beto on tv means nothing in context to the walls and how they work. Beto NEVER said they worked. He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border. And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk. Also, he suggested to people that they get in line at a port of entry and not try to break the law by entering illegally.

It doesn't matter which party you are from. WALLS DO NOT WORK,Thats a historical fact, a complete fact and always will be even in todays world.

So you reprats are wrong as the dems are when they suggested it. The quicker you two realise this fact the better everyone will be.

Oh this is gold

Your stated opinion of what Beto Said- Your words in his mouth so to say:

"Beto on tv means nothing in context to the walls and how they work. Beto NEVER said they worked. He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border. And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk. Also, he suggested to people that they get in line at a port of entry and not try to break the law by entering illegally."

Freudian Slip
1) You say he said walls don’t work then you say he said they do work
2) I quote from above-‘
He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border
’- That would be walls working and backs the Trump stance. Oooops on you.
3) And I quote you, "And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk"

FYI it was an interview.

And now back to the NRA
Freudian Slip
1) You say he said walls don’t work then you say he said they do work
2) I quote from above-‘
He in fact suggested that immigrants who try coming to America (illegally) will have to go around the wall, possibly to remote locations, to get across the border
’- That would be walls working and backs the Trump stance. Oooops on you.
3) And I quote you, "And by conclusion walls do work according to people who listened to his talk"

FYI it was an interview.

ROFLMAO@ your ineptitude at counter pointing.

1-2 -3. I said he didn't say they worked which is true. People would walk around the walls MEANING THE WALL DIDNT FULFILL ITS PURPOSE. But nice try at twisting a fact to suit your agenda. Try reading comprehension instead of replying at what you THINK i wrote and not what I wrote. You see by walking around the wall the wall offered NO DETTERENT OF DEFENCE... Again nice try COMPLETE FAIL by yourself. ! Add in the fact that others stated they thought he meant the wall when Beto never stated that. FYI the interview extract is the actual qoute I supplied...Do keep up
And now back to the NRA

Counter Points

1- Only people saying, “trump is pushed by reprats as a invincible barrier” is you and your ilk. That is your attempt at a strawman.
Wrong again. Its backed up by articles with Trumps own statements... Or are you now claiming he's lying or he didn't mention those claims?
You have backed NOTHING you have stated with a single piece of evidence. Just your OPINION. Which to be quite frank is worthless after you opening your comments with a lie. So once again backed up by Trumps own statements saying exactly that the wall would be invincable barrier to illegals. ******* he is even on video at his rallies stating on tape that a wall will stop ALL IMMIGRATION. So no its no strawman but a documented FACT from Trumps own mouth. Nice try though

2- The Trump requested budget wants increase Border Agents, technology detection tools and training along with a border wall. Another attempt by you to create a strawmen. Also, the wall is part political rhetoric and part action item. Mostly it is to have the dem/progressives, like you, to put yourself on record for supporting criminal illegal aliens over tax payers. And you walked right into it.

So you have basicaly stated that Trump lied about the wall and his intentions LOLOL you reprats are comedy gold with your BS. How do you do it with such a straight face?...Ohh I know...Lying with practise. Now as for your rather erratic comment 'Mostly it is to have the dem/progressives, like you, to put yourself on record for supporting criminal illegal aliens over tax payers. And you walked right into it. ' I walked into what> LOLOL some fantasy situation that you think is applicable.

Hubby works in this ******* and works with the US and European countries on these kind of problems. So your inept rhetoric and simple minded its a trap BS doesn;t work. And heres why. Show me where I have supported criminals and illegals. NOWHERE. You can't say I have said anything of the sort. Yet another LIE from you. Because you have just confirmed that Trump Lied or misled once again adding to the 8,500 lies he has told already. And you call yourself a Christian in following a habitual liar!

The US (reprats)and Trumps attitude to the immigration problem is based on a falsehood and lies. So many of them that the situation is worse. So I suggest you stick your 'oh you fell for a trap BS for your ******* as it doesn't work.

3- So you are arguing, that because some cartels and human traffickers spend months and $10,000s of dollars digging tunnels all fences are not effective. The Berlin wall cut escapes by 95%. Oh and your picture, you did notice the Tunnel Rats came up between 2 fences on camera. – Epic Fail by them and you

Actually is doesn't matter if they came out in Boston or NY the fact remains there are over 200 tunnels under the wall. And the two rats DEFEATED the wall to be be there in the first palce. So the only fail is your ineptitude and lack of being able to offer any kind of rebuttle. Keep trying though Also the two rats were NOT inbetween the walls but on the US side of the wall where they were arrested. But you knew that but went bullshitting to save face..Go on admit it as itts clear as daylight.

The Berlin wall stopped 95% but let 5% still defeat the wall... LOL You walked right into proving my very point about the wall not working.. If its 1% or 99% that got through THE WALL FAILED. Or are you too abtuse to see? I'll spell it out for you.


4- I will trade the annual $9 billion to $12 billion criminal aliens cost US tax payers pay each year for $5 billion for Agents and Border Metal Slat Fences any day. I would rather cut aid and comfort but that would blow your minds.

Naw it wouldn't. The best way to improve security and surveillance etc is through training and investment. But you all end up paying more taxes...NOT ME.. So you're out of pockcket even more...NOT ME. Also five billion to include a wall which fails in its purpose to halt or detter any criminal r alien!!! You realsie how stupid you have just made yourself?..Course you don't because you have no argument..

5- I quote you, “It doesn't matter which party you are from. WALLS DO NOT WORK,Thats a historical fact, a complete fact and always will be even in todays world.” If that is true then what about the Great Wall of China? Every fort in history? Every Castle still standing today? Why do they build walls and fence around every Military Base, Fed Reserve, and Top Secret instillation? What is your standard for wall success 100%. If that is your standard I bet you are historical fact of being a complete failure. Nothing is a 100% Again every tool to stop the invasion.

Don't you American do history at school? The wall was breached many times after it was built. ******* Manchu simply walked through it when invading.
'why do they build walls and fence around every Military Base, Fed Reserve, and Top Secret instillation? '

LOL Really. Is that the best answer you have? I'll give you a security and defensive perimeter 101 to help your confusion. Wall, fences are a deterrent. They are not fool proof or 100% secure. They are used in combination with other stratergies and methods to either detter, or arrest the speed of advancement of an entity gaining access to a said location. Any top secret location won't just have a wall or fence. If you think that then you have serious thinking problems. Fences and walls are designed to slow down or offer a detterent, to have aphysical barrier which should give a reaction or response unit time to be on situ to either nueterlise or take command of the situation. BUT. THEY ARE NEVER A SINGLE OPTION.

6- Another strawman- exact quote from you-“OK So either Trump is lying or the figures are lying as Trump has repeatidly stated that since he took office apprehension rates are down. So which is it?” “Something I find funny is you do love to leave important parts of the information out when commenting. A prime example for the rise in apprehensions isn't to do solely with the wall at all. But the apprehensions being driven up by changes in migrant behavior, as a larger proportion of people who cross the border are giving themselves up to authorities to claim asylum in the United States.”

I said in specific areas where fences have gone up apprehensions have gone down in that specific area. Real simple logic, even for you and subhub, no fence annual apprehensions are x. Fence goes up and apprehension in that specific newly fenced area next year down by 95% to 98%- Your weak ass argument- "Oh it is the high tech surveillance and asylum (which has been around for years) not the brand new 20 foot fence in that specific area. You know fences don't work. Oh and so and so is an expert so there is my argument from authority." Fist Bump, ass kiss subhub, we rock."

Once again Trump has recently stated live on that HE is responsible for the drop in apprehensions. Thats a matter of public record...Or are you now saying you lack the simplest research skill? Even in specific areas TRUMP is claiming HE is responsible for the drop in the figures...AGAIN. PUBLIC RECORDS. SO No unlike you I am using PUBLIC US RECORDS for TRUMPS CLAIMS... Where as you are blowing smoke out your ass. But thank you for confirming both you and Trump are lying and Bullshitting.

'Your weak ass argument' WRONG AGAIN. the facts were taken FROM US PUBLIC RECORDS... So its not my words or facts BUT YOUR OWN RECORDS The only thing that is weak is your rebuttle skills and logic, lack of research prowess and the fact you blow smoke out your ass rather than actual facts.

As for the so and so. I would trust someone with over 35 years in the business over a reprat who hasn't a single clue to what he is posting. Someone who is in regular contact with the very authorities you make claims about, someone who was involved heavily in the Muslim immigration problem and is frequently asked for his expertise.. Exactly what expertise do you get...Ohh wait Republican bullshit and faux news repreats.

- Again I quote you, “For one walls around a home are a SMALL deterent. They are designed to make entry difficult and are NOT impossible to scale or bypass”

So you do understand the basic concept of walls. So you are just arguing because you are an ideologue with TDS. If the Fencing deters 80% to 90% of criminal alien crossing that is well worth it in savings on aid and comfort cost to criminal aliens.

LOL wow you seriously have no conception of facts and points of fact. The wall isn't stopping 80 90% , if it did then the apprehension figures wouldn't be on the rise... So you have basicaly confirmed by statement that the wall isn't and doesn't work. As for your insult... Seeing as NOTHING you wrote is a fact or based in fact then you are the last one to talk. But you go off and talk about your little NRA because you clearly have NO IDEA or COMPREHENSION of anything to do with border security & control with immigration.

Now move along baby the adults want to talk!
FYI, this was an exercise in laying bare your hubristic hypocrisy and your blindness. You and DaphneD performed exactly as I wanted.
you really are one stupid *******!
we just go by the facts...….you are the one to proud to admit you are like to throw the 10dollars words out like you are trying to impress us....but your ignorance on everything else has already shown us an education does not make you smart
I gave you some key words and you go to great lengths, including hypocrisy and snap assumptions, to try to defended your ego and biases at all cost. All you have is propaganda, repeating talking points and insults. Your argument is superficial and redundant.
I gave you some key words and you go to great lengths, including hypocrisy and snap assumptions, to try to defended your ego and biases at all cost. All you have is propaganda, repeating talking points and insults. Your argument is superficial and redundant.
talk about redundant....your repeating...nothing is really repugnant