MAGA chick for black menβ€οΈπŸ–€

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O Trump’s plan is to Make America Great Again - thought ya knew that - he’s WAY less a politician than Biden and he’s a disruptor - why I like him better. Not a fan of the government just like you !!!!
Ya know I luv ya Cap - good to see ya back - luv being fucked with :}
Let me catch you up ..yo boy mac likes to post pictures of minors on here to get certain topics shut down I think he needs people to rock with him so he can feel better about his actions ..

He used biden and political discussion to mask the fact the he is a sexual predator
He repeatedly made rasict comments to members and myself because we don't agree with him.
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was there ever any doubt?
Mac is the diddy of b2w...he use his connection to the admins to escape punishment the rest of us here would be ban for .
I have listen to this man blame black people because he lives in a crime infested neighborhood in north carolina and not he local officials he elected himself.
Even will openly post pictures of black minors to prove his point because he believes he is above the rules of b2w .

He is a white liberal sexual predatory rasict and another one of b2w favorites who come here not to educate or enlighten but to use black men as his personal butt boys .

Another white boys who is convinced that even on a website about black men and white woman ect. that the world revolve around him and what he believes in ..

His gimmicks is nothing more then intolerant white men who wish to piggyback others cultures movements, just to tell those same groups they are wrong

He is for blm ,but not in his neighborhood.just to cover up his post and remakes by having fourms closed and shut down by posting under age men on a porn site .where we can't have access to communicate on any longer

His only goal at this point is to prove to people that haven't seen his past post is that EVERONE IS LYING ABOUT HIM .
Trump on the OTHER hand was president and entitled to retain documents as did Clinton and Obama and many many other presidents.

Check out the Presidential Records Act
Wow you MAGA sure play victim a lot !
β€œ poor trump wah wah wah Every one is against us. Wah wah”
It not like republicans who worked with trump testified against him and told you trump was a liar
Oh wait that’s exactly what happened

It’s not like trump appointed fbi director allowed the raid to get back classified documents

Pace yourself MAGA losers, much more to come!
Wah wah
Yeah those 34 convictions are total HORSESHITE - complete commie show trial to give people like you the ability to call him a convicted felon - won’t hold up - trial was totally politically motivated and based on nonsense and the contortion of law.

I don’t care who Trump screws - really no a whit. Just like I didn’t care who Slick Willy screwed.

Didn’t say it was peaceful - said Trump told the crowd to β€œmarch PEACEFULLY and patriotically to the Capital”. Which he DID !!!!
Think you’re way off on your arrest count there Jane - believe quite a few more than 300.

Yes - yes he was President when he accumulated those papers and almost every president takes documents with them including Clinton and Obama but it’s clear who Dems when in a position of power go after.

You know nothing - I don’t watch Fox News.
Haven’t since they let Tucker go. If you knew half of what you think you know you might be able to present a cogent argument .
lol you’re quite gullible huh
Have you read the ******* you wrote
β€œWah wah Almost every president takes documents with them wah wah”
I’m embarrassed for you how stupid you remain throughout the availability of so much information on trump crimes.
Just search (or ask someone to show you how to use a computer) difference between Biden vs trump classified documents, then get your 5year old to explain it to you.

Mac is the diddy of b2w...he use his connection to the admins to escape punishment the rest of us here would be ban for .
I have listen to this man blame black people because he lives in a crime infested neighborhood in north carolina and not he local officials he elected himself.
Even will openly post pictures of black minors to prove his point because he believes he is above the rules of b2w .

He is a white liberal sexual predatory rasict and another one of b2w favorites who come here not to educate or enlighten but to use black men as his personal butt boys .

Another white boys who is convinced that even on a website about black men and white woman ect. that the world revolve around him and what he believes in ..

His gimmicks is nothing more then intolerant white men who wish to piggyback others cultures movements, just to tell those same groups they are wrong

He is for blm ,but not in his neighborhood.just to cover up his post and remakes by having fourms closed and shut down by posting under age men on a porn site .where we can't have access to communicate on any longer

His only goal at this point is to prove to people that haven't seen his past post is that EVERONE IS LYING ABOUT HIM .
Oooo I think someone’s got a crush
Yes i would ..why would you vote for a government that you believe is corrupt?

If both side belive the government is corrupt
Why have a civil war ? Wouldn't you want a revolution instead?

To sit here and believe only half of the government is corrupt is completely non sense..

Stop defending politicians,it's been us against them for a long time now .they are winning especially when you vote for them and have to come online and defend the stupid ish they do .

That's why you sound like a commie and a nazi at one time .

It's completely dumb to tell people that their moral beliefs in democratic/republican is also stupid.

The reason why most people vote for a party has nothing to do with politics. And alot to do with traditional value. Of course you not going to change anyone mind .

Most my brothers out here already can't vote ..I ask whitey how is voting a black man's issue, and he name a blk man who a politician 🀣🀣🀣
That’s nonsense and being a victim
To not vote means someone else controls you.
Yeah those 34 convictions are total HORSESHITE - complete commie show trial to give people like you the ability to call him a convicted felon - won’t hold up - trial was totally politically motivated and based on nonsense and the contortion of law.

I don’t care who Trump screws - really no a whit. Just like I didn’t care who Slick Willy screwed.

Didn’t say it was peaceful - said Trump told the crowd to β€œmarch PEACEFULLY and patriotically to the Capital”. Which he DID !!!!
Think you’re way off on your arrest count there Jane - believe quite a few more than 300.

Yes - yes he was President when he accumulated those papers and almost every president takes documents with them including Clinton and Obama but it’s clear who Dems when in a position of power go after.

You know nothing - I don’t watch Fox News.
Haven’t since they let Tucker go. If you knew half of what you think you know you might be able to present a cogent argument .
Peaceful March
Come on !
Are you that dumb ?
Wow you MAGA sure play victim a lot !
β€œ poor trump wah wah wah Every one is against us. Wah wah”
It not like republicans who worked with trump testified against him and told you trump was a liar
Oh wait that’s exactly what happened

It’s not like trump appointed fbi director allowed the raid to get back classified documents

Pace yourself MAGA losers, much more to come!
Wah wah

Ya don’t have to play victim if you ARE a victim ;}

The Lawfare persecuting Trump proves who the victim of a corrupt DOJ is.
Biden did not self report his crimes to the justice department. His attorneys found the first batch of top secret compartmentalized documents which had been illegally kept and moved at least twice. Biden's administration tried to quietly sweep this under the rug with the national archives. It was the national archive's inspector general (a congressionally created oversight position) is who reported the crimes to the DOJ.

Meanwhile the Biden administration tried desperately to keep this out of the public's knowledge. They only admitted to it after CBS broke the story.

At least per Pervy Joe, he kept his illegally retained top secret files with "my Corvette is in a locked garage. It's not like it's sitting out in the street"
25% correct πŸ₯‰
lol you’re quite gullible huh
Have you read the ******* you wrote
β€œWah wah Almost every president takes documents with them wah wah”
I’m embarrassed for you how stupid you remain throughout the availability of so much information on trump crimes.
Just search (or ask someone to show you how to use a computer) difference between Biden vs trump classified documents, then get your 5year old to explain it to you.

I’m more aware than you apparently - BIDEN stole classified documents both when he was a senator and a VP and had absofuckinglutely no valid reason to have them - then can’t apparently be prosecuted for it cause of the doofus defense πŸ˜‰

Trump on the other hand WAS a president and had reason to have them - if it ever gets adjudicated we’ll see if there is a crime. Biden most DEFINITELY committed crimes stealing classified documents when he wasn’t entitled to them at ALL !!!!!
Wah wah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Corrupt DOJ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Stolen election πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Reported and testified against by republicans
Blkdlaur wah wah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Victim much

Jane you crack me up - keep up the good work - now that Cap has got more serious we need the comic relief πŸ˜ƒ
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