MAGA chick for black men❤️🖤

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Trump wasn't prosecuted for "paying to bury negative stories. He used his own money to pay Stormy hush money which isn't illegal in and of itself. He was prosecuted for false business records he used to hide the payments.

John Edwards on the other hand took almost a million dollars in campaign donations (not his own money like Trump) and used that money to payoff his mistress who he had secretly had a c.hild with. Don't forget while he's having a with this mistress and stealing campaign money to hide the fact...his wife was dying of breast cancer. Real class act! Like Trump, Edwards falsified records to try to hide the money.

The difference is Edwards was a Democrat so he got off scot-free.
lol isn’t it wonderful. Republicans are crap all round then.
“Mr Bragg alleges that Mr Trump falsified the true nature of the payments because those payments were made in support of a crime. While hush-money payments are not by themselves illegal, spending money to help a presidential campaign but not disclosing it violates federal campaign finance law.“
lol isn’t it wonderful. Republicans are crap all round then.
lol, isn't it wonderful how Democrats steal campaign donations and illegally use them to pay off their baby mommas while their wives are dying of cancer and get away with it???

Of course it's the Republicans that are crap though...
No it’s NOT illegal and is done all the time by politicians and even celebrities to hide dirt.

Trump did not incite insurrection - “march peacefully and patriotically to the capital” is NOT inciting insurrection - course most lefties aren’t even aware he said that because it was cut from ALL video during that shame inquisition they had.

Well I guess NOT as ole Debacle Joe had more classified documents and taken illegally as he wasn’t even a president when he scoffed most of them up. Trump however WAS President and was trying to work out with the powers that be what he could keep when they raided him - funny they NEVER raided ole Joe and even called him and gave him a heads up.

More people would respect you if you knew WTF you were talking about 😆
lol I guess he has nothing to worry about then.34 conviction must be fake news in your world huh. Trump still denies screwing a porn star despite phone calls, texts, hush money payments. But you believe him huh ! That’s what you lot do!

Peaceful March ?😂. That caused 30 million dollars worth of damage to the Capitol . 300 trumptards arrested. How many jailed !

🤦🏽 trump was not president when he stole classified documents! Not even close ! Biden self reported.
I know you like Fox News . I can’t use them as a reference since they copped a 778 million collar settlement for lying. Instead please get your appointed reader to read the below link to you.

You might learn something but I highly doubt it
lol isn’t it wonderful. Republicans are crap all round then.
lol, isn't it wonderful how Democrats steal campaign donations and illegally use them to pay off their baby mommas while their wives are dying of cancer and get away with it???

Of course it's the Republicans that are crap though...
lol I guess he has nothing to worry about then.34 conviction must be fake news in your world huh. Trump still denies screwing a porn star despite phone calls, texts, hush money payments. But you believe him huh ! That’s what you lot do!

Peaceful March ?😂. That caused 30 million dollars worth of damage to the Capitol . 300 trumptards arrested. How many jailed !

🤦🏽 trump was not president when he stole classified documents! Not even close ! Biden self reported.
I know you like Fox News . I can’t use them as a reference since they copped a 778 million collar settlement for lying. Instead please get your appointed reader to read the below link to you.

You might learn something but I highly doubt it

Yeah those 34 convictions are total HORSESHITE - complete commie show trial to give people like you the ability to call him a convicted felon - won’t hold up - trial was totally politically motivated and based on nonsense and the contortion of law.

I don’t care who Trump screws - really no a whit. Just like I didn’t care who Slick Willy screwed.

Didn’t say it was peaceful - said Trump told the crowd to “march PEACEFULLY and patriotically to the Capital”. Which he DID !!!!
Think you’re way off on your arrest count there Jane - believe quite a few more than 300.

Yes - yes he was President when he accumulated those papers and almost every president takes documents with them including Clinton and Obama but it’s clear who Dems when in a position of power go after.

You know nothing - I don’t watch Fox News.
Haven’t since they let Tucker go. If you knew half of what you think you know you might be able to present a cogent argument .
Biden self reported
Biden did not self report his crimes to the justice department. His attorneys found the first batch of top secret compartmentalized documents which had been illegally kept and moved at least twice. Biden's administration tried to quietly sweep this under the rug with the national archives. It was the national archive's inspector general (a congressionally created oversight position) is who reported the crimes to the DOJ.

Meanwhile the Biden administration tried desperately to keep this out of the public's knowledge. They only admitted to it after CBS broke the story.

At least per Pervy Joe, he kept his illegally retained top secret files with "my Corvette is in a locked garage. It's not like it's sitting out in the street"
Trump on the OTHER hand was president and entitled to retain documents as did Clinton and Obama and many many other presidents.

Check out the Presidential Records Act
So Biden clearly was a long time classified material thief....back when he knew what he was doing. Unlike now when as the special counsel put it: "Biden would likely present himself to a jury ... as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" with "diminished faculties in advancing age"
Yeah he’s too big a DOOFUS to prosecute but not a big enough DOOFUS to not be President 😆

Hard to believe the country we live in now - hardly recognizable anymore - everything is upside down.
Maybe Biden is coining a new legal term...the Doofus Defense Or as Johnnie Cochran would say: Since his brain split, you must acquit!
You would say that, wouldn't ya? LOL
Yes i would ..why would you vote for a government that you believe is corrupt?

If both side belive the government is corrupt
Why have a civil war ? Wouldn't you want a revolution instead?

To sit here and believe only half of the government is corrupt is completely non sense..

Stop defending politicians,it's been us against them for a long time now .they are winning especially when you vote for them and have to come online and defend the stupid ish they do .

That's why you sound like a commie and a nazi at one time .

It's completely dumb to tell people that their moral beliefs in democratic/republican is also stupid.

The reason why most people vote for a party has nothing to do with politics. And alot to do with traditional value. Of course you not going to change anyone mind .

Most my brothers out here already can't vote ..I ask whitey how is voting a black man's issue, and he name a blk man who a politician 🤣🤣🤣
I find it incomprehensible that Dems fail to see Debacle Joe’s obvious deterioration :|
Hey buddy ...just wondering..(because you are my favorite person to fuck with) what's trumps plan again? Of course you have had plenty of time now ...right?


I mean at least biden has infrastructure.
Smh .

Tyson back out ..McGregor back out ...I hoping the 2024 debate will be the best fight of the year ..not going to lie ..I want to see a old man swing on somebody. He don't have to connect I just want to see both their old butt up there thinking they can still fight lol
Yes i would ..why would you vote for a government that you believe is corrupt?

If both side belive the government is corrupt
Why have a civil war ? Wouldn't you want a revolution instead?

To sit here and believe only half of the government is corrupt is completely non sense..

Stop defending politicians,it's been us against them for a long time now .they are winning especially when you vote for them and have to come online and defend the stupid ish they do .

That's why you sound like a commie and a nazi at one time .

It's completely dumb to tell people that their moral beliefs in democratic/republican is also stupid.

The reason why most people vote for a party has nothing to do with politics. And alot to do with traditional value. Of course you not going to change anyone mind .

Most my brothers out here already can't vote ..I ask whitey how is voting a black man's issue, and he name a blk man who a politician 🤣🤣🤣

Geez Cap - that’s the most sense I think you’ve ever made 👍👍
Hey buddy ...just wondering..(because you are my favorite person to fuck with) what's trumps plan again? Of course you have had plenty of time now ...right?


I mean at least biden has infrastructure.
Smh .

Tyson back out ..McGregor back out ...I hoping the 2024 debate will be the best fight of the year ..not going to lie ..I want to see a old man swing on somebody. He don't have to connect I just want to see both their old butt up there thinking they can still fight lol

Ya know I luv ya Cap - good to see ya back - luv being fucked with :}
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